Fortnite Terms

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Side or area of build that is harder to grab to reset an edit, due to more open space and less materialized build real estate. To LEFT CORNER- make sure greys are on left side

R.E.G.Block (1/3rd Surprise)

Standing 1/3rd from front of box will disable an opponent from being able to R.E.G. You will automatically be phasing at this point (they can't edit) so make sure to shoot first, Front foot on metal bolt, half broken wood stick, dark brown wood, or before small wooden gap


Wall off one's sides when tunneling/and or changing layer to prevent damage and move quickly.

Circle movement

360 (or reverse) mouse movement to keep momentum when building and/or moving character

This is Free

No pressure, clear rotate, easy picks, free loot, simple move, etc. Won't cost us, no loss, possible gain


No-Edit-Left-Open Resetting all edits during build practice to ensure clean builds

Shoulder Socket

Shoulder pop out method for ramp rotates

Free layer

Uncontested or barely contested layer to tarp (opponents on this layer are less likely to apply pressure)

A Blast

the initial pop of white/illumination once a build is placed or edited

Reverse Key

top double ramp reverse into same layer up playback/spazz

My Classics

"Safety" Door at back of box (stoic belief, there's always a door), Phase box jumps, Tracing, Golden Edit exploits

Box Move Direction

All box moves work in any direction because point of view stays the same/is locked

Uncrouch ADS shot

Good for peeks


Open diagonal tunnel method with no edits needed. Can run in full sprint, need to look side to side and carry over in specific way. Good alternative to straight tunnel, magic tunnel/landing layer combos Essentially bizzle tunnel without jumps Hold floor during straight down floor transition, toss walls hard to sides


Quick double wall stationary playback

MatSwap Break

Switching mats while breaking/taking/replacing something

Phase Secret

When stable phasing, you may only move parallel with the base of the structure to stay in the phase. Either strafing left and right, or up and down. It can only be both with a small amount of leeway. IE floors can be forward back, ramps can be left right

Grab Edit

1. Look where a build has the most real estate to be able to select it for edit or 2.Press or re-press certain build bind in order to be able to edit/re-edit a piece


3 Raised Cone edit, ideal for defending two walls at once

Landing Layer

A layer a player lands on which will need to have its sides walled off/sideblocked/ squared off/ thwifo'd/ etc. before continuing in order to stay safe. Useful when tunneling after quickly changing position. IE rotating top ramp of double ramp into a tunnel or doing a dash into a tunnel. Can turn a dangerous rotation move into a highly effective and technical one


A player who barely builds/edits in a fight and/or uncomfortable in a box. Typically doesn't think about strategy/game sense, rotations, temporary loot or high ground advantage, proper storm tanking, how to low ground peek, and/or the meta advantage of patience. Bots don't have strong muscle memory or think about their controls often

Sideblock Tunnel/Straight Tunnel

A straight open tunnel with no walls in between, except to block off routinely. This tunnel focuses on just walling off your sides and covering your head/protecting feet Phantom wall during straight down floor transition, look up hard with floors


Add jumps to tunnels for vision, speed, or fluidity. Side to side for Straight tuns, 360 for Runtunn/bizzle tunnel Or Add 360 to build placement, edit placement, edit reset, or setup for a play IE reverse ramp in box placement, REG 360 edit combo, floor edit side jumps, cherry resets in tunns, etc.

Right Hand peek

Advantageous angle in which one may scope with less exposure and has wider field of view. (Peaking with cover on left, not right which has more fov) A good early game tactic Can be left side cover for whatever setting youre looking at, not just sittin in box

Pressure height

Apply pressure to team on height to take their position on rotation or prevent them from advancing/cuck.

Stable Phase

Being partially in a build in which one can still shoot and move left and right, but can't edit the phase piece or jump without forfeiting the phase


Break down opponent and build out far, or hide in cone


Break wall or builds obstructing way into or out of a high pressure situation

Edit me/Build Me Out

Build out back or opposite of pressured side to make space

Play Sideways (Spiral)

Build up in a spiral manner

Real Estate

Build(s) at your disposal for rotating, editing and/or staying in. Already materialized and may include prefabs. One should consider how close/far real estate is. IE In reverse stair and window edit. Looking up makes grabbing stair easier since more ramp real estate is higher up/closer to window

Phantom edits/Builds

Builds that haven't been placed. may be pre edited and/or rotated in a manner that ins't their standard form. Can be used to reduce steps in what would be an edit play or build rotate play. Must press edit, scroll reset, and/or rotate to return to normal. May happen by mistake, but can be advantageous and highly unexpected. IE Mongraal thinks different clip

Hyper 90/floor ramp wall placement

Can make 90s faster, help with placement, fun

Play Angles

Change height and distance to find more damage opportunities, implement RHP

MDL (Mouse Down Low)

Comfortable mouse position at base of pad that boosts aim capabilities (tight)

Full Jello

Consistent/nonstop jello moves when building/fighting (in box or out of box)


Doing a tricky Golden Edit (YUU!) into a perfect/ideal right hand peak. IE Golden Edit ramp above, into a crossover, into a right hand peak into an in box (layers away) ramp edit to secure the perfect right hand peak position for you VS opponent


Double jello instant turn around, floor cone climb maneuver

Common Errors

Double jumping for playbacks instead of waiting for hovering floor/2nd phantom to materialize. Not looking down when choosing phase, no running start with stable phase jumpout


Double wall toss build with ramps. Pg style

Tailend edits

Ending or picking/landing in new edits after spinning out


Enter ramp or other build phase at front of box without moving. IE backgrabbing and rotating an overhead ramp when right in front of a wall. Shoulders to brim is good place for starting position

Deep Hyper

Exaggerated hyper

Make Space

Expand from location to give room for movement incase an opponent decides to pressure the current area

Benjy Classic

Fake one pickaxe, hold ramp (bait edit immediately)

Play Zone

Focus on getting to safe zone


Focus on positioning ones self in/on edges of build/box, in order to perform certain edits with precision. IE 45 degree ramp rotates and pyramid breaks

Focus/Look Edge

Focus players with storm on their backs

Left Corner HeSee/ Right Corner YouSee

Force opponent into back left corner of box to take advantage of right hand peak shots (from your point of view, opponent straight in front will be on right side of screen/ boxes are mirrored *Lefty Loosy |Righty tighty| (Good for me bad for you)

Free property/Open land

Free area to increase real estate. May play off of vacant land of opponents or be a clear area. Either way, one may safely expand and/or camp here

Lost Puppy

Get stuck looking at a build piece as if one doesn't know a proper way to edit or break it- Best to avoid Some proper responses include walking it out (editing in a circle), performing a YUU/G.E.R., clearing out box, performing an edit extension/depletion


Get up/ Go to height as fast as possible. Good way to enter a fight. YMCA moves may help

Hyper Gun Swaps

Good way to distinguish hands. cycle through builds with hypers

Lil Edit End

Hitting a series of edits that ends in the last one leaving open a right hand peak IE Editing floors when coming out of a box to safely peak back into it


Hold breaking build

Bugha Toss

Hold wall while doing a hyper backwards ramp placement (360 while placing ramp overhead when looking at back wall)

Hold edit

Holding an edit w/o confirming to reduce risk of damage

Super Bunny

Ideal strafe jump and looking combo (left right, or left left right and vice versa) that allows for continuous jumping without fatigue. Has a certain tempo and looks effortless when performed properly. Needs a lot of left right mouse movement with downward dip inbetween *May be used to dash continuously

Instant box advantage

If opponent doesn't have ramp or cone real estate in their box, one can gain box advantage by TAKING WALL, EDITING IT OPEN, PLACING RAMP/or cone, EDITING RAMP/or cone, switching wall edit and/or taking shots. One can chase an opponent in this manner and keep gaining playable real estate

Playback builds/layer

Jumping up or up and over mid ramp to gain an extra layer without moving forward. Similar to backend side jump, good for creating angles and distance

Edit Lock Cheat

Keeping cursor/interact circle/scope above edit lock prompt can serve as the basis for some jello moves IE, falling backwards through a floor edit on ramp

Look for picks

Look for people in undesirable locations/positions

Back Grab/Up grab (Back Bend)

Looking up and back to grab and perform an edit, necessary in certain scenarios (Reversing ramp you placed above you in box- at front or back, Quickly breaking ramp overhead when taking walls)


Lowground jumpback floor-wall-floor shot. Allows for jump peeks without changing level

Magic Tunnel

Maneuver in which player will side block both sides (stsrting in either direction, before spinning 180 degrees to thwifo/protect head and fill in build holes, leading into another 180 rotation to secure the player may move forward and/or land in a straight/sideblock tunnel. Best to perform on landing layer or when transitioning layer/going up or down

Pivotal moment

Moment when player can take control of server, regardless of how game was going previously, loot conditions, etc.

Break Left/Right

Move/change direction when tarping

Cycle edits

New opportunities arise when double jelloing edits with 360 hand whips (not spins)

REG-Loss/REG-Gain (Box Advantage/Disadvantage)

Once an opponent gets real estate in your box, you are at a disadvantage and vice versa. If opponent is a slow editor, you can likely break their real estate and replace. But if opponent is quick, you must get out. Up, down, sideways, or forward through opponents box are all viable options in certain scenarios. You can't stay in a box in which an opponent has real estate and also has/has placed trap(s). If opponent is slow and doesn't use traps, it may be possible to challenge even when they have real estate in your box. You must focus on shots/positioning in this case. REG-Loss does not mean the fight is lost or death is inevitable

Height Fight

People fighting for height- can focus and/or try to take height, or tarp safely


Performing a Golden Rule Edit that results in an unexpected change in one's position or point of view and/or field of view. IE tricky top ramp or cone edits where it seems one has no ability to have performed said edit If the edit's questionable but works for YUU!

Ramp off

Place a ramp in opponents direction to reduce visibility and gun spamming. This can prevent bullets from slipping through builds. If ramping off an extra box, going up or down a box can be very advantageous and promote safety

Daniel's Dilemma

Placing too early, Selecting too late for proper movement/placement. Kill the dilemma to kill the farce


Playing closest to opponent to keep pressure off of others

Pressure Low

Pressure team below to rotate so they don't lazer you when you rotate


Pretend drawing/sketching on your left click button what you want to do and/or select, using your pointer finger, which is also used to click after or during your tracing

The Entourage/The Jackson

Ramp cover/new box- wall side edit- go through to create new box + window peek to peek covered opponent


Real estate for Jello (blue squares/unselected/not greyside)


Returning back to 360 start point at end of rotation to perform a second simultaneously.

Exaggers Rule

Returning to standard mouse position after long.full mousepad rotational move will allow for corrections near the moves end. IE 720s and 900s

Perfect Reset

Scrolling reset (SWdown) right before selecting edit. Occurs in interim between grabbing edit and selecting new one. all about angle (must reset as soon as edit is pressed at best location (most real estate). (Press edit and reset near-simultaneously) Good for jello practice. IE top corner of 4 square bottom open edit to 6square top open edit (4 sqbottom greyside, 6sq top greyside)

2nd Height

Second to highground team (below). Most likely to be targeted and pressured

White Out

Selecting edit tiles to white out/open. IE white out feet to drop through layer. Coincides with Greyside. Whiteouts on ramps are opposite of whiteouts on floors and cones

Mirror Rule

Since boxes mirror, when goin into another box through edit and turning around, the edit will be on the opposite side as it was when compared to the box you were in. It doesn't matter what direction you turn and look at it or try to grab it, it'll be in the same place, the opposite of where it was previously. Greysides and jelled sides switch If a side is open/grey, same side will be to close/real estate to grab edit

Square Rule

Since every build piece has the same perimeter sizing, every piece has equal potential to become a box. Fortnite maps/islands can be broken down into x amount of possible boxes (where x is a random variable depending on overall size) This means typically anywhere you can build, you can turn it into a box, if it's cutoff by a hill or something, additional box pieces will connect same way/distance/with same perimeter/base so going up or down a layer may provide a full box

Stay Ahead

Stay ahead of zone/rotation

Play Off Ground

Stay in box above risky ground level

Full Tunn

Straight tunnel with walls in between (box by box) Done with wall edit in full sprint. Requires strong whip for last/closest wall- which can be left open to transition into a different tunnel method. Leave wall open on whatever side you're editing


Switch edits around while editing a second piece in order to get best position to break second build or make a play with it. IE switching wall edit and raising cone corner closer to open wall edit in order to break


Switching half Ramp ( or other builds) side in order to avoid repetitious wall peaks, or alter opponent's position


Synchronized edits without delay or interruption

Real Estate Gamble (R.E.G.)

Taking and/or editing wall in order to gain real estate in opponents box or on/around opponent. The original goal. Ironically not much of a gamble when you know the odds.



Play Edge

Tarp Edge zone to have distance and view other tarps

Ramp 2-3 (4 Corner Secret)

The second and third tile selected to edit will provide the backboard/support for 4 square full ramp edits. This is the straight side/edge of a ramp that spirals up

Golden Edit Rule

There's no need to worry about left clicking to select edit from the start of the proper tile if you can accomplish the edit by left clicking and selecting at the prime real estate and then focus on your proper tile drag. IE 4 square ramp edit in opponents box or ramp above you, Back Bend in Reverse/half ramp to reverse full) People may see your pencil and that builds are out, but they can't see that you've selected! Its important to note that it's unnecessary to reset edit when using this method. There exists a *Golden Click time" that allows you to best select your edit if performed at the right time/ in the right space/place (should be open space or a different build that can't effect edit/ blocks interference) (The click is a left click)

Hyper Tunn Drops

Throwing a hyper when making last box in a tunnel in order to perform a smooth floor or ramp floor drop/reset/catch, Good for gettin last wall placement in open tunns

WALK (it out)

To avoid lost puppying by editing in a circle IE (Ramp rotates every 45 degrees while above) Simple with bot walk (tapping w)


Top greyside 3 edit (six jelled squares)

Jump phase/dash

Used to boost movement/speed. Can be used to quickly exit a box

Head Level Prime

When view of whats above, below, left and right all equate. May help with jello IE cone floor fall through reset with catch

Kyle Escape

When you desperately need to get away. Rapid edit resets down then back up and over, or down then to a new location and back. Knowing the easy small drop location you came from. Many variations

Where zone plays

Which direction zone is now moving. IE zone plays Southeast- a player should always be aware of the direction.

Cap look

Whip mouse all the way up or down to look in order to raise a moves possibility of completion/success

Whites Switch

Whiting out floor or ramp in front of you, before whiting out floor below you to drop. Best with floor. A good way to peak safely when looking for opponents (that may be on whites in terms of health) or to drop down and avoid something unexpected Named after double flash of white light flashed during process (two blasts)

2D Game

Width across screen makes for best viewing, easier edit grabs (more surface area), better shots/aim. Easier to hit someone in front, than to hit top of head when looking down

Inventory Drop

X (second edit keybind)

Fave Peek


180 Juice

YMCA mouse motion to do proper 180 turn in box/when building

Boxin circle/ Ringbox

YMCA to create a full box instantly in front. Ideal for trapping or making another box you don't want to fully step into Best chance at capture

Cool Rat Principle

You can magic tunnel to straight tunn, runtunn, or fulltunn from any position or build maneuver IE 90's, side jumps, etc.


Your Master Circle Arch. Allows you to perform a series of moves due to the strong downward dipping nature and spin. Perfect for walkin 90's, reg 90's runtunns, hyper tunns, and etc. Previously Woah There are a few variations..

Inventory Split

Z (rotate keybind)

Plays Back

Zone plays backwards- can use same rat/path. Different than playback move, but still revolves around taking advantage of directions

Lil Boxing End

after boxing circle, there's always something you can grab on to


bottom low greyside 4 square edit Helps with memory, helps you sleep


look hard up to the side quick before doing a side jump in order to stall and check if an edit is necessary.

9-oh combo

right double 90, instant playback, left double 90

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