Foundations of quality management

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Quality Improvement

the process of breaking through to unprecedented levels of performance

Quality planning

the process of preparing to meet quality goals

Deming Chain Reaction

1. Improve Quality 2. Costs decrease because of less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays and snags, and better use of time and materials 3. Productivity improves 4. Capture the market with better quality and lower price 5. Stay in business 6. Provide jobs and more jobs

Crosby Philosophy

"Quality is free" "...It's not a gift, but it is free. What costs money are the unquality things-- all the actions that involve not doing jobs right the first time." Zero defects

Leaders in the Quality Revolution

-W. Edwards Deming -Joseph M. Juran -Philip B. Crosby -Armand V. Feigenbaum -Kaoru Ishikawa -Gemchi tagouchi

Deming's 14 points

1. Create & publish a company mission statement & commit to it 2. Learn the new philosophy 3. Understand the purpose of inspection 4. End business practices driven by price alone 5. Constantly improve system of production and service 6. Institute training 7. Teach & institute leadership 8. Drive out fear & create trust 9. Optimize team and individual efforts 10. Eliminate exhortations for work force 11. Eliminate numerical quotas and M.B.O. Focus on improvement 12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship 13. Encourage education and self-improvement 14. Take action to accomplish the transformation

Results of Juran's Leadership

1. Directing quality from a senior level 2. training quality principles to management within the hierarchy 3.Striving to improve quality 4.Reporting progress 5.Involving the workforce with quality 6. revising reward and recognition

What is quality related to?

1. Product performance 2.freedom from project deficiencies

Breakthrough Sequence

1. Proof of need 2. Project Identification 3. Organization of the breakthrough 4. Diagnostic Journey 5. Holding the gains

A.V. Feigenbaum

1. Quality Leadership- Maintain constant focus and lead quality effort 2.Modern quality technology- Integrated approach. All workers at every level must continue to evaluate and implement new techniques 3. organizational commitment - continuous training and motivation

Variation and statistical thinking

1. all work occurs in a system of interconnected processes 2. variation exists at all processes 3.understanding and reducing variation

ISO 9000:2000

A set of quality standards created by the International Organization for Standardization and revised in 2000 highlights all quality principles

Absolutes of Quality Management

Crosby 14 point system four principles 1.Quality is achieved through conformance standards. 2.Quality through prevention of defects is better and more cost effective- then quality through inspection. 3. Zero defects is the quality performance standard. It is possible when higher performance standards are implemented. 4. Quality is measured by the price of nonconformance; costs to increase quality should be assumed in organizations finance. No such thing as Economics of quality, do it right the first time

Deming's Red Bead Experiment

Box has red and white beads (80% of beads are white, 20% of beads are red) Customer will only accept white beads Worker scoops 50 beads with a paddle Inspector counts and records # of acceptable beads Management reacts at the end of each day

Kaoru Ishikawa

Cause-and-effect diagram Quality circles Recognized the internal customer developed "fishbone diagram" Quality begins with the customer

Theory of Knowledge

Concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, its bases, and general reliability of claims to knowledge knowledge isn't possible without theory and understanding statistical models (regression)

Quality Management principles

Customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process approach, system approach, continuous improvement, factual approach to decision making, mutually beneficial supplier relationships

understand variation

Example:airline on time arrivals

Types of variation

Natural variation (due to common causes) Natural part of the process Special (assignable) causes of variation Use of control charts to identify variation

Appreciation for a system

Parts of a system must work together

Quality Management techniques

Plan work activities, Collect data, analyze results, monitor progress, statistics, and solve problems

Juran Philosophy

Quality trilogy: 1. Quality planning 2.Quality control 3.Quality improvement


Set of functions or activities within an organization

Deming Philosophy

The Deming philosophy focuses on continual improvements in product and service quality by reducing uncertainty and variability in design, manufacturing, and service processes, driven by the leadership of top management.

Quality Control

The process of meeting quality goals during operations

System of Profound Knowledge

This outlines Dr. W. Edwards Deming's philosophy based on the view that all elements of an organization should work in concert together as an interdependent system. The four elements lay out a framework for managers to reduce costs while increasing quality, customer loyalty, worker satisfaction and, ultimately, profitability. 1. Appreciation for a System 2. Knowledge of Variation 3. Theory of Knowledge 4. Psychology of Change

Res bead experiment lessons

Variation exists in systems Variation in colors, and from day to day, came entirely from the process Numerical goals are often meaningless Management is responsible for the system

Problem Created by variation

Variation increases unpredictability Variation reduces capacity utilization Variation contributes to a "bullwhip" effect Variation makes it difficult to find root causes Variation makes it difficult to detect potential problems early


loss function concepts Robust design concepts

14 Points (concept)

represented radical departure from management and thinking practice 60's and 70's manufacturing was driven by quotas believed companies could not prosper with this type of management

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