Freak the Mighty CH. 10-25 (Words 1-10)
Ruckus - Gram made a ruckus over Grim keeping a gun in the house.
a disturbance or commotion
Fealty - Freak wants Max to pledge his fealty, or loyalty.
Sworn loyalty to a lord
Obligation - Grim feels he has an obligation to protect his family.
a duty or commitment
Gruel - Freak enjoys the cafeteria food, he refers to it as gruel.
a thin liquid food of oatmeal or other meal boiled in milk or water.
Optimum - Freak says that optimum darkness occurs at oh-three-hundred hours.
he most favorable conditions; best
run hurriedly or with short, quick steps
Slight - There was a slight misunderstanding about when the assignment was actually due.
small in degree; inconsiderable.
Parole - Max was concerned that the parole board would let him out of prison.
the release of a prisoner temporarily (for a special purpose) or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior.