FSU ANT2000 Final
Jablonski and Chaplin
- 2 m.y.a. to present: hominin migrations out of Africa begin...the *last migration* was Homo sapiens - Less than 40,000 years ago: modern Homo sapiens arrive at higher latitudes--> fair skin
U. Witwatersrand
- 2016 Time 100 List--> influenced individuals who are changing the world
"Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis)
- 40% of skeleton - 1 meter tall - Short legs; longish arms - Pelvis and knees suggest bipedalism
Why are there so many hominin fossils but so few panin (chimpanzee) fossils?
- Conditions of preservation in the rainforest were not good (chimpanzees) - Humans are water dependent--> died near water sources--> better preservation conditions
*Mutations* in Genetics *(DeVries)*
- Consequences for individuals but not for populations - Cell- ex. *Too many chromosomes* in a gamete such as Down's Syndrome - Molecule- constant introduction of *point mutations*
Anthropology has *4 subfields*
- Cultural Anthropology - Linguistic Anthropology - Archaeology - Biological (physical) anthropology
Hunting by Humans (Leibenberg)
- Use of tools - *Planning, patience over long time periods* - *Pervasive calm* during all phases - Share with other hunters (egalitarian = no formal leaders) - Sexual division of labor - Human hunting is skill intensive - Use a wealth of information to make context-specific decisions - Polytheism
*Franz Boas*
- "Father of American Anthropology" - *Critic of "evolutionism" of Tylor* (and his diea that all cultures progress through similar stages) - *Cultural relativism*- cultures cannot be ranked as higher or lower... all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture - Created the *four-field* organization of American Anthropology
Ecological change--> Broad-spectrum revolution
- *"Broad-spectrum revolution"*- acquiring a greater variety of food resources - Mesolithic micoliths are part of composite tools (bone, antler, woods, etc.)
Science is
- *Generative* - A *procedure* for arriving at conclusions - An established *accumulation* derived from the above procedure
- *debris of mud brick structures build repeatedly in the same location* - Only a small number of tells have been excavated by archaeologists - *"Tell-es-Sultan" (Jericho)*: a tell in the Jordan valley that more than 20 occupation levels were discovered at... evidence of earliest known town at 10,000 BC - Earliest known town - Earliest pottery in this area - Stone wall
- *the study of ancient and recent human past through material remains* - Excavations are slow and meticulous - Have to be careful with record-keeping - Dating is critical = establishes sequences and cultural change--> cultural evolution
Gobekli Tepe
- 200 pillars in about 20 circles... megaliths - Settlements grew around them
Upper Paleolithic transition
- 40,000 years ago- amHs moved into Europe - Blade tools are long and delicate - Spear throwers increase the speed, force, distance, and accuracy for hunting
- A consistent and central aspect of any culture - Foraging (hunters and gatherers), horticulture (plant), pastoral (animal), agriculture (control of nature) - Industrial, Commercial = high levels of efficiency in food production and distribution allow big societies to be a part of a single political unit
Anthropology is...
- A science - A social science - A humanity
- Area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers - *Fertile Crescent* - contrasting environments that were geographically close (*vertical economy*) - Broad-spectrum foragers moved and traded among zones - Large area of Mediterranean climate... diversity of available animal species
Transition to Food Production in the Middle East
- By 7500 BC: *dependence* on domesticates - 7000 BC: irrigation systems using springs in *foothills* - 6000 BC: irrigation systems in dry *lowland* - 5500 BC: first cities and *states* - formal, central government
Key Attributes of Primary States in the Middle East
- Development of predictive sciences (arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy) - Art - Long distance and foreign trade
Benefits of Food Production
- Discoveries and inventions... brainpower is shared - Trade
Homo naledi
- Homo features: tool-using thumbs, long legs with knees together, arched feet - Australopithecine features: climbing, outward flared pelvis, curved finger bones
Pastoralism (only grass)
- Humans survive in grass only environments by herding animals that are able to turn cellulose into meat, milk, etc. - *Nomadism* = the entire group moves with the herd through the year... trade for crops - *Transhumance* = part of the group moves with the heard but most stay in the home village
Consequences of Moving from Food Collection to Food Production
- Increasing mental/cultural complexity and social stratification - Food producers work more hours than foragers
"Ardi" (Ardipithecus ramidus)
- Middle Awash, Ethiopia - 4.4 m.y.a., woodland habitat - Long arms, large hands--> suspensory - Bipedalism - Opposable big toe--> could not walk for long distance
Mesolithic (chipped)--> Neolithic (polished)
- Neolithic = grinding and polishing of stone tools - Dependence on food production... farming and herding (*Neolithic Revolution*) - Domesticates spread across Eurasia as similar climate in the same latitude allowed similar plants and animals to thrive
Osbidian Trade Routes (osbidian = trade)
- Osbidian = volcanic glass... used for tools and ornaments - Turkey
New World Food Production
- Squash and gourds (Ecuador) - Maize (South West Mexico) - Maize, beans, squash, turkey, dogs (Mesoamerica) - Llama = only large animal domesticates (South America)
Uruk period (6000-5200 BC)
- Sumer (Southern Mesopotamia) - First writing in cuneiform begins 5600 BC - Temples - Ubaid communities spread along the Euphrates river (irrigation) - River as a source of travel and trade... linking people over a large distance - Ubaid pottery: advanced chiefdom to early state diffused rapidly over a large area (6000-4300 BC)
Walter Sutton (1902, 1903)
Mendel's genes reside on the *chromosomes* found in the nucleus of the cell
Watson and Crick
Natural objects (plants/animals) that were used by humans
Non-portable indicators of human activity (structures)
Portion of the DNA unwinds and one strand is used to produce *mRNA*
A hominin is a member of the ___ ___
Tribe Hominini
less common but which still occurs repeatedly
Phenotype vs. genotype
visible in the organism vs. present but nor observable
Halafian pottery
widely distributed but not common = luxury item (7500-6000 BC)
objects that people have made, used, or modified
Middle East showed the earliest evidence of the ___ ___ and the ride of state level society
"urban revolution"
- Mary Leaky discovered footprints in ground - Volcanic ash + rain = preserved footprints - Footprints indicate modern bipedalism - Differences: 1 Toes are longer than normal 2 Slightly divergent big toe
- more than one form of a gene - *Dominant* allele vs. *recessive* allele (an allele is not always expressed yet continues to exist) - Observable traits are produced by invisible "hereditary factors" that are paired in organisms but which segregate during the production of gametes
- the production of gametes (mature sex cells) from immature sex cells 1 Double-stranded chromosomes line up as homologous pairs 2 Division 1: homologous pairs separate 3 Division 2: double-stranded chromosomes become single-stranded (gametes)
Margaret Mead
*BOOK*: Coming of Age in Samoa
Derek Freeman
*BOOK*: The Fateful Hoaxing of Margaret Mead
- *Control of nature* - *Irrigation* = control of water - *Terracing* = control of topography - *Domesticated animals* = control of animals - Social stratification is extreme (different classes/ranks)
General A.L.H.F. Pitt-Rivers
- Believed museums would teach people that "evolution, not revolution, was nature's way" - Donated artifacts to Oxford University--> displayed collection by function/form/type (not age or origin)
Pre-Cambrain Eon
4.6 b.y.a to 570 m.y.a.
Humans survived for 99% of their existence by ___
Homo erectus or Homo egaster?
Homo erectus = Asia + Africa Homo egaster = Africa only
Homozygous vs. heterozygous
alleles of the same gene are identical vs. alleles of the same gene are different
no formal government and no way of enforcing political decisions; "village head" leads by example and persuasion
occurs in most or all members of one age or sex class
Neanderthals had ___ hair and ___ skin (MRC1 gene for melanocortin)
*red* hair and *fair* skin
Epochs of the Cenozic
- *Paleocene: Plesiadapiformes* do not have primate adaptations of the eyes and hands (but do have flexible wrists and ankles)
- An explanation for the origin of organisms - *Change in series*
Pre-Darwin: Progress in Biological Science
- Anatomy (Andreas Vesalius) - Taxonomy (Carolus Linnaeus) - Natural History (Comte de Buffon) - *Paleontology (Georges Cuvier)* - *Transmutation (Jean Baptiste Lamarck)*
Band and Tribe vs. Chiefdom and State
- Band/Tribe are more egalitarian - Chiefdom/State have differences in power and wealth of individuals; classes, centralized rule
Political Organization (exercise of power)
- Elman Service: identified types of political organization - Band - Tribe - Chiefdom - State
The Geological Time Scale
- Eons--> Eras--> Periods--> Epochs
- Evolution in an age of genetic information - Darwin was interested in inheritance but had no knowledge of it --> Gregor Mendel's model of inheritance (1866) explained one source of variation - *Mendelism* and modern genetic showed how inheritance worked and how variation was continuously generated - *Neo-Darwinism* (a.k.a. the synthetic theory of evolution) 1. *BOOK*: Evolution: the Modern Synthesis- J. Huxley (theoretical biology) 2. *E Mayr- systematics* 3 *GG Simpson- paleontology* 4 *L. Stebbins- botany*
- Eyes close together in a complete bony socket - Fused frontal bone (forehead) and fused mandible - Humans ARE anthropoids
Sahelanthropus tchadensis (found by Michael Brunet in TM-266 site)
- Flat (non-projecting) face - Massive brow ridge (male?) - Smaller canines and no canine-cutting complex - Back of skull and muscle-attachment areas look ape-like - Central foramen magnum suggests bipedalism
What is a hominoid?
- Forearms are adapted for suspension and have a versatile range of motion - Rotator shoulder joint allows for *360 rotation* of arm - Fully extendable elbow - Broad, flat, short torso, and no external tail - 5 cusps of the lower molar form a Y-shaped pattern = *Y-5 molar* - adapted for *suspension/suspensory locomotion* (derived trait)
Tipping Points of Cultural Change
- From foraging to food production--> The Neolithic Revolution - From small-scale societies to large-scale societies--> the Urban Revolution
New Behaviors
- Games with rules, dances, and chants - Language to discuss events of the past - Magical thinking - A sense of how humans "ought" to behave--> knowing right from wrong - Humans can synchronize behavior in group performance
Genetics = study of genes
- Gene = unit of inheritance - Genetics = the study of inheritance - Genetics - levels of analysis 1 Population 2 Organism 3 Cell 4 Molecule - Experiments on 29,000 Pisum savitum = *Discrete inheritance*
Suborder Strepsirhini
- Grooming claw on the second digit of the foot - Slit-like nostrils directed laterally
What is a tarsier
- Haplorrhine - Bony eye socket - Dry nose with simple nostrils
Trobriand Islanders (think of cultural behavior, culture change, cultural evolution)
- New kinds of behavior appear in human groups - Prestige leaders - Synthesizing old and new - Culture change--> cultural evolution (*"ratchet effect"*) - Human cultures are possible because of ultrasociality (enhanced flow of information)
Science is a procedure
- Observation, data collection via explicit techniques - Generalization, tentative explanation (hypothesis) - Testing (verification) - Rejecting or tentatively accepting the hypothesis - All "conclusions" are subject to continuing challenge... conclusions can be *"falsified" (Karl Popper)*
Major events in the history of life
- Origin of the universe (13.75 b.y.a.) - Origin of the solar system (5 b.y.a.) - Origin of the earth (4.6 b.y.a)
Major Epochs
- Paleocene - Eocene - Miocene - Pliocene - Pleistocene - Holocene
The Evolution of Evolution
- Pre-Darwin - Darwin - Post-Darwin
What is a *primate*?
- Primates are an order of mammals - *Eye-hand coordination* - Eyes face forward (emphasis on vision, NOT smell) - Stereoscopic vision/color vision - Grasping hands and feel with touch receptors - Nails instead of claws - Large brains
Mousterian tools
- Quick to make from a prepared core - Chemical analysis of bone suggests dependence on meat
"Cradle of Humankind"
- World Heritage Site, UNESCO 1999 - Rising Star Discoveries (South Africa): 1. 1 ,550 specimens of bones and teeth 2. Derived traits: feet, legs, long thumbs, small teeth (similar to modern humans) 3. Primitive traits: brain size, curved finger bones - Dinaledi Chamber (DH-1) 1. Difficult to reach chamber (30 meters below ground) 2. No sediment, *no bones from other species* 3. Lee Berger has proposed that the purposeful disposal of dead led to this collection of naledi-only bones
- a single central authority - codified laws - classes with sharp class lines
- restored when sperm and egg fuse to form a fertilized egg - Organisms carry 2 alleles for each trait; gametes carry 1 allele
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Eras
570 m.y.a. to present
Neanderthal genome is ___ identical to moderns
Ribosomes translate info on mRNA into a *chain of amino acids*
a visual image of all the chromosomes in a cell of that organism
egalitarian (power differences are small... no distinctive political organization or formal law)
"Central dogma"
gene --> protein --> trait
The more similar the amino acid sequence of a protein the more ___ two species shared a common ancestor
Slash and Burn Cultivation (mostly practiced in the tropics)
- High temperate and high rainfall = soils are not fertile - Burn land = ashes add minerals to the soil, but only for a few years. Cultivation site must be rotated - Crops are intermixed
Primitive vs. Derived Traits
- *Primitive* = same as ancestor - *Derived* = different from ancestor (ex. Having nails and not claws)
Researchers found ___ ___ ___ that would have affected proteins in which Neanderthals had the ancestral state and modern humans had a newer, derived state.
- *78 sequence differences* - Due to new alleles that emerged after the evolutionary spirit
Neanderthal Genome Project
- *BOOK*: "A Draft Sequence of the Neanderthal Genome" Richard E. Green- 60% of a male Neanderthal's genome - *BOOK*: "The Complete Genome Sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains" Prufer- 2010 discovery of a toe bone of female Neanderthal provided *the complete genome*
The Scientific Revolution
- *BOOK*: Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution - Toby E. Huff - A dramatic change in the understanding of the natural world occurred in Europe - "infectious curiosity" and accumulation of "intellectual capital" - 1543: *Nicolaus Copernius* (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) - 1687: *Isaac Newton* (Principia- laws of motion, gravitation)
Origins of Science
- *BOOK*: The Origin of Science- Louis Leibenberg - Human hunting is skill intensive. They covered a very large spatial area --> Ache men v. Chimpanzees
Methods of Food Acquisition
- *Collected*: Fruit, leaves, flowers, and other easily collected resources - *Extracted*: resources embedded in protective context (roots, nuts, seeds) - *Hunted*: Vertebrate meat - Over time, humans have shifted to dependence on calorie dense, skill-intensive food resources (hunted is most popular food acquisition for human; collected for chimpanzees)
Village Life
- *Horticulture* = growing plant food (yams) using labor-intensive techniques that require everyone to work - Food production (cultivation) using a digging stick, hoe, and other hand tools - *Surplus* can be accumulated--> social stratification begins - *Agriculture* = food production with high-yield technology such as irrigation and animal-assisted plowing - Permanent shelters--> villages (sedentary) - Leaders
Mendel's "Laws" (confirm unit of inheritance is *discrete and stable*)
- *Law of Segregation*: paired hereditary units segregate during production of gametes - *Law of Independent Assortment*: paired units for distinctive traits assort independent of each other
Ape field research
- *Loius Leakey* obtained research funding from the National Geographic Society for *Jane Goodall* - Leakey was interested in using information from wild apes to reconstruct the behavior of human ancestors - Two distantly-related descendants sharing one behavior = behavior present in *Last Common Ancestor (LCA)* - 39 behaviors of chimpanzees are cultural behaviors - Tai forest shows *greater variety of cultural behavior* than any other study site
WT-15000 (Nariokotome Boy)
- 1.6 m.y.a. - 90% complete skeleton - 1st evidence of dramatic brain size expansion and brain/body ratios that deviate from ape pattern - Modern body proportions (long legs, shorter arms, and narrow torso) - *Short gut* - Smaller birth canals suggests infants have an increased dependence of their caretakers - Bipedal running - Ancestor: *Homo naledi*
Neanderthal DNA
- 1997 Svante Paabo: mtDNA from arm bone in Feldhofer cave - mtDNA of Neanderthal is 4x the distance from modern Homo sapiens as Europeans from New Guineans - 2006 Svante Paabo: 38k *fossil nuclear DNA* from *Vindija* (Croatia) - Y-Chromosome (nDNA) - 2006 Edward Rubin: no hybridization
*Homo neanderthalensis*
- 80+ sites in Europe, Israel, and West Asia - Homogeneous population with identifiable traits, limited time span and limited geographic distribution - Distinctive and consistent physical traits: 1. Large cranial capacity, distinctive cranial features 2. Dentition- front teeth show extreme wear and taurodontism; retromolar space 3. Post-cranial skeleton is short and indicates massive muscles - New kinds of behavior: 1. Stone tools used during hunting required close contact wi/ prey 2. Burial of the dead w/ ceremonial objects indicates symbolic capacity 3. Care of sick and aged indicates new social capacity - La Chapelle aux Saints - Large eyes--> large visual area
*Sir Edward Burnett Tylor*
- A founder of *social anthropology* - "Anthropology: An introduction to the study of man and civilization" *first anthropology textbook* - *First professor of anthropology* at Oxford University
- A group behavior --> acquired by learning - Cumulative --> *cultural evolution* - *Intergenerational* (passed from one generation to the next; occurs during childhood)
The Human Genome Project
- A multi-year effort to find all the genes that code for all the traits found in humans - A *genome* is an organism's complete set of DNA
Symbolism (Sally McBearty and Alison Brooks)
- A representation that can only be understood through a social convention or rule created by people - First appearance of symbolic representation in Europe = amHs (40-45 kya) - Earlier evidence in Africa --> Blombiois Cave, South Africa - Block of ochre w/ incised marks at 71,000 years old - *Pinnacle Point*, South Africa: 1. Systematically harvesting *shellfish* from the coast 2. Presence of *ochre* 3. Small *blade tools*
DNA is a long series of *nucleotides* (made of base, sugar, phosphate; constituent units of DNA)
- Bases form the rungs of a "ladder" - Sugar/phosphate molecules form the "rails" - Molecules replicate and continuously produce new DNA - The code for producing all the proteins of an organism can be found in the DNA of that organism
3.3 Million year old tools (Kenya)
- Bigger and heavier than Oldowan tools - Fossil animal bones with cutmarks found at Dikkika are 3.4 million years old - Supports the idea that an early hominin used stone tools for cutting before the appearance of Homo
Selam "Little Lucy"
- Discovered by Zeresenay Alemseged in Ethiopia - Found the *oldest and most complete fossil child* (3.31-3.35 m.y.a.) - Long, gorilla-like arms--> climbing and suspension - Knee articulations suggests bipedalism - A. afarensis was both terrestrial and arboreal
What is a mammal?
- Homeothermy (fur) - Reproduction (internal gestation, lactation, extended parental care) - *Mastication* (chewing) - *Heterodonty* (4 different types of teeth: incisors, canines, pre-molars, molars
*Anatomically modern Homo sapiens (amHs)*
- Left Africa as recently as 60,000 years ago - Only hominin alive today... replacement of all resident hominins by amHs
Evolution of Human Skin Coloration
- Light (australopiths)--> Darl (Homo sapiens) - 6 m.y.a.: After the split from chimpanzees, early hominin ancestors retained the long hair and fair skins we see in modern chimpanzees - 4.5-2 m.y.a.: hominins move onto the savannah - Deal with heat through evaporative cooling (sweat glands increase, hair is not protective) - Excessive sun on hairless skin--> *dark skin color* to prevent *folate photolysis*
Australopithecus afarensis is a hominin species with many fossils and decades of analysis
- Major sites are *Hadar* (Ethiopia) and *Laetoli* (Tanzania) - Extreme sexual dimorphism - Physical traits: 1 Bipedalism 2 Smallish brain (a primitive trait) 3 Smallish canines; thick enamle... hominin traits
While Neanderthals hunted big game in Europe...
- Mega droughts in Africa reduced the population of modern humans to a very small number - "genetic bottleneck"- all contemporary modern humans are 99.9% similar
TM-266 site (Toros Menalla, Djurab Desert)
- Michael Brunet - Ahounta Djimdourmalbaye (2001) - Discovery of hominin cranium, jaw fragments, teeth
Catarrhine (Old World Monkey) vs. Platyrrhini (New World Monkey)
- Old World monkeys and hominoids both have a catarrhine nose - *Old World Monkeys teeth = (2 premolars)* - *New World Monkeys teeth = (3 premolars)*
Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)
- Oldowan tools: earliest stone tool tradition -1.8 m.y.a. at Olduvai but 2.5 m.y.a. elsewhere - Stone in not native to Olduvai = carried into the gorge - Oldowan--> Acheulian tools (Homo erectus ergaster)--> reliance on meat - Acheulian tools are found in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East but not NOT east Asia - *BOOK*: "Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human" Richard Wrangham--> Mastery of fire
- Striding *bipedalism*, which emerged earlier than the other traits unique to humans and frees the hands - Versatility of hands - Brain size/power (3x bigger than primates, 6-7 times bigger than other mammals) - In rhesus monkeys, the *big toe has the most motor cortex control of any digit*. Humans use the thumb - Humans DO NOT have a *canine-cutting complex*. Most non-human primates do - Humans and chimpanzees had a common ancestor according to molecular evidence
Denisovans (Siberia)
- Variant in the EPAS1 gene allows Tibetans to *thrive in the oxygen this air* on the Himalayan plain...a variant derived from *Denisovans*
Darwin (1809-1882)
- Voyage on *Beagle* (1831-1836) - Charles Lyell (1797-1875) *Principles of Geology* (1830)- "uniformitarianism" - Galapagos Islands - "transmutation of species" (evolution) - 1838 read Malthus "Essay"-inspired Darwin to conceive that competition for limited resources exists for all species-didn't publish his idea until 1859 - *BOOK*: On the Origins of Species (1859) - *Natural law*: a natural process is responsible for the "good-fit" seen between an organism and its environment - Comparative anatomy - *BOOK*: The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871)- sexual selection - *BOOK*: The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals (1872)- behavior evolves
kin-based groupings are still important but wealth and power differences are now more obvious; position of chief is often hereditary