FTCE Exceptional Education K-12- Competency 1

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Multiple Disabilities

Combination of disabilities that are so severe the student cannot benefit from programs that are designed for just one disability.

Speech/Language Impairment

Communication disorders that affect student education performance.

Normed Referenced Tests

Compare test scores of students from a certain age group.

Program Modifications

Consist of changes made to the general education experience that will benefit educational progress of a particular student with disabilities.

Supports for School Personel

Consist of training material and resources available to teachers.

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Provides children with disabilities education that is appropriate and at no cost. Provides same education as peers without disabilities.

Council for Exceptional Children

Provides information pertaining to education of students with disabilities, special education legislation, advocacy, careers,and professional development.

The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

Provides the full text of IDEA and information about the law and other legislation that relate to students with disabilities about characteristics and management of specific disabilities and about research based practices.

Emotional Disturbance

Refers to a condition that reflects one of the following characteristics over an extended period of time. 1. An inability to learn that cannot be attributed to other factors. 2. An inability to build/sustain personal relationships. 3. Feelings/behaviors that are inappropriate. 4. Unhappiness/depression 5. Tendency to develop physical symptoms/fears related to school or personal problems.


Refers to extreme hearing impairment that effects student educational performance.

The assessment team will

Review referral Review background information Develop evaluation plan indicating what types of assessments/tests will be used Share plan with parents and obtain consent Administer assessment/test Evaluate results Determine if student has disability Determine special education/services needed Generate report Meet with parents to determine eligibility

IEP Meeting

School staff must take responsibility for planning first meeting to create IEP and following meetings. Must review IEP once a year and whenever school/parent request.

Related Services

Services students with disabilities need to benefit from special education.


Simultaneous visual and hearing impairments that are so sever, students do not benefit from programs designed for only deaf or blind.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Student Educational Experience must be similar to children without disabilities.

SETT Framework

Students Environment Tasks and Tools (SETT) are four areas of inquiry that guide teams seeking to identify supports and services for students with disabilities.

Vocational Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act forbid

discrimination against people with disabilities.

Intelligence Disorder

is a significant limitation in intellectual functioning.


is present in someone who exhibits inattention, excessive activity or impulsive.


is provided to parents who have complaints/cannot agree with IEP team.

Childcare Services Program

is responsible for administration of childcare licensing and training in Florida

Itinerant Teachers

travel between two or more school sites to provide services to students.

Procedural Safeguards

A set of rules and procedures designed to protects the rights and interests of parents and their children. Parents must receive notice in advance of any evaluation, services, or activities with the child. Parental consent is required prior to any action with the child.

Family Resource Specialist

A source for families served through the local Early Steps and is a community link to support family centered efforts and activities.

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

-Between the ages of 3-21 each student with a disability must have an IEP. -Written document created by team -Educational objectives described must be aligned with state curriculum standards. -At age 16, IEP must include student goals after graduation and services needed.

Transition Services include

-Help with identifying and applying to college or vocational school -Seeking employment -Finding a place to live

Test/Assessment Criteria for Evaluation

-Must not be racially/culturally biased -Must be administered in native language -Must be technically sound -Must be administered by a trained individual

Due Process

-Occurs after mediation is unsuccessful -The rights and responsibilities that IDEA gives to parents, children, schools. -Parents may disagree with assessment team to whether their child has a disability, nature of the disability, disagree with school placement of child. -Allows parents to bring their complaints in front of an impartial, experienced individual.

Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)

-Prior to age 3, each child that shows a sign of having a disability. or developmental delay must have an IFSP. -Focuses on family and natural environment. -Document that includes information on child's current level of functioning. Statement of goals and how they will be met. -Describes services that will be provided by representatives of one or more agencies to the family.

IEP Content

-Summary of child's current level of functioning and educational performance. -Scores on tests and assignments -Statement of annual goals:must be measurable and something the child can accomplish -Short term objectives: must be measurable and relate towards annual goals. -List of services needed to reach goals -Description for timing a special education/related services. Indicate when services begin, frequency, and duration. -Explanation concerning extent of participation with non-disabled children. -Statement of child's participation in standardized tests. -Description of how progress will be monitored.

IDEA Key Information

-The Federal government provides funding for special education -States must conduct Child Find activities that identify and evaluate children with disabilities. -Children are evaluated at no cost. -Parents must be involved and provide consent. -Parents/Prof. may request evaluation.


Changes that are made in how students with disabilities access information and demonstrate performance.

Response Accommodation

Changes the format in which students respond to classroom tasks such as assignments and tests.

IDEA was Introduced in


IDEA was updated in

1997 and 2004

Manifestation Determination Meeting

A meeting to determine whether a student's misbehavior is result of their disability.

Setting Accommodation

Changes to the location/condition of educational environment.

Attends to students with Autism

ASD specialist, behavior specialist, and paraprofessional

Scheduling Accommodation

Changes to the timing and scheduling of classroom tasks such as activities and tests.

Presentation Accommodations

Changes to the way information is presented in the classroom.

IDEA requires parents be given an explanation of of procedural safeguards when

Children are evaluated Invited to IEP meetings When parents file a complaint When parents request procedural safeguards

Traumatic Brain Injury

Acquired injury to the brain that undermines student educational performance. May have impairments in physical, emotional, cognitive, behavior, depending on nature of disability.

Learning Centers

Allows students to work in groups or alone as they engage in activities without assistance of the classroom teacher. Students are more actively engaged in learning, increase proficiency skills, apply knowledge and skills to real life situations.

Hearing Impairment

An impairment in hearing that undermines the students educational performance, but not severe enough to be classified as deafness. Classified only after corrections are unsuccessful.

IEP Meetings

At least once a year annual goals are reviewed in IEP. 3 year evaluation is performed where students are reassessed to determine if needs have changed. Quarterly evaluation is a formal communication of student's learning progress.

Eligibility for Special Education

Based on results of evaluation conducted by assessment team. Children who are considered eligible are reevaluated every three years. A child is eligible for special education when evaluation team concludes the child has 1 of 13 types of disabilities and their educational performance is affected by the disability.


Developmental disability that is detectable before age 3. Affects communication, social interaction, and learning. May show language delays, unusual speech patterns, aversion to eye contact and touch, repetitive behavior, resistance to change and daily routines.

Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program

Enacted in 2004 Designed to prepare 4 year old children for Kindergarten

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Ensures privacy of educational records Parents must be informed of this requirement and give consent for information to be shared. Parents have access to all information Contents of IEP are kept confidential except when school staff needs to be aware of contents


Prior to referral for evaluation the following must take place: -Two or more conferences pertaining to the student -Review of anecdotal records -Screen for sensory deficits -Review educational records -Review attendance records -Implement two or more general interventions along with pre and post intervention measures to evaluate effectiveness -If team indicates that general education interventions are not successful, special education referral is developed.

Specific Learning Disability

Problems with ability to comprehend or produce information.

Exception to IDEA statewide testing requirement includes a small number of students who take the

Florida Alternate Assessment

Supports for infants and toddlers

From birth to 3yrs of age, IDEA requires early intervention services be provided in natural settings such as the home or child care center.

Intellectual Disability

General Intelligence ability that is significantly below average combined with limitations in adaptive behavior.

Other Health Impairments

Health issues affecting strength, energy, alertness that affects student educational performance.

Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

IDEA defines infants and toddlers with disabilities as children from birth-3yrs who are experiencing developmental delays in cognitive, physical, social, emotional, communicative, or adaptive development. Also includes children birth-3yrs who have a condition that is highly likely to produce delays.

Children with an IEP must attend

IEP Transition Meetings

Within 30 days of determining a child is eligible for special education an

IEP team meets to create an IEP.

Emotional Disorder

Includes social, behavioral, and academic challenges.

IDEA 2004 and NCLB include provisions for increasing ___________________ of students with disabilties


No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

Increases accountability of schools academic progress of students with disabilities.

Age of Majority

Is the age when a person becomes a legal adult, 18. A year before 18, IEP must indicate that the student has been informed of the rights that will transfer to them at the age of majority.

Uncharacteristic pattern of language development signals a

Language Disorder

The U.S. Department of Education

Maintains a website exclusively devoted to IDEA

Curriculum Based Assessment

Measures student level of achievement as it relates to what is taught in classroom. Results guide instruction. It is an accurate indicator of student access to general education curriculum.

Orthopedic Impairment

Musculo-skeletal problems that influence student education performance.

School Readiness Program

Offers financial assistance for childcare through a variety of services.

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services

Offers programs, resources, and services that promote inclusion, equality, and opportunities.

Transition IEPs

Once the child is 14, IEP must indicate what courses the child must take to meet post-graduate goals Once the child is 16, IEP must indicate transition services needed, address who outside of the school will support transition.

IEP Team includes

Parents Special Ed. Professional Child's general education teacher LEA representative who is knowledgeable about resources A professional to explain test results Anyone that the school/parents feel would help Child


Parents/School Professional request child to be evaluated. Parental consent is required Purpose of evaluation is to determine eligibility for special education. IDEA requires a team approach. Must be planned and carried out by an assessment team consisting of one professional qualified to conduct individual, diagnostic assessments of children and general education teacher, and parents.


Practice of educating students with disabilities in the general education classroom.

Transition Planning: The Free and Appropriate Education requirement of IDEA was extended in 2004 to include:

Preparation of educational training, employment opportunities, and independent living. -Intended to help prepare students with disabilities for life beyond school. -IEP team is required to take responsibility for planning transition services.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act is the federal law that governs education of children with disabilities.

American Educational Research Association

The largest scientific and professional organization that supports research pertaining to children with disabilities.

Criterion Referenced Testing

Uses an objective standard or achievement level by performing tasks at various levels of difficulty.

After Early Steps Program

VPK would be the next step

Visual Impairment

Visual problems that influence student educational performance only after corrections have been attempted.

Individual Education Services

are provided for school aged children

Vocational Services

are provided in secondary educational settings

Hospital Homebound Services

are provided in the home for students who cannot attend school for medical reasons

Supplemental aids and services

services students need to participate in general education.

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