Full Length #3

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Which of the following functions is LEAST regulated by a structure within the brain? A. involuntary breathing B. reflexive motor responses C. the vestibular sense D. blood pressure

B. reflexive motor responses ex: Reflexes are unconscious responses which are automatic and do not require action in the brain

***In which of the following would one most reasonably expect to find this passage? A. a graduate sociology thesis B. the editorial page of a scholarly journal C. a chapter in a history D. a speech on U.S. foreign policy

B. the editorial page of a scholarly journal ex: one would expect an essay such as this one, with a firm opinion as well as abstract ideas and high-level vocabulary to be published in an scholarly journal

Which of the following is correctly arranged in order of increasing melting point? A. water, glucose, urea B. glucose, urea, water C. lactose, glucose, urea D. urea, glucose, lactose

D. urea, glucose, lactose ex: urea has the lowest molecular weight, and thus a melting point. glucose has an intermediate molecular weight, an lactose, a disaccharide, has the highest molecular weight, and thus the highest melting point


section 1


section 2


section 3


section 4

RONIN and HCFC1 could interact in all of the following ways EXCEPT through: A. hydrophobic interactions B. peptide bonds C. hydrogen bonds D. disulfide bonds

B. peptide bonds ex: RONIN and HCFC1 are two separate proteins. Peptide bonds occur btwn individual amino acids in the primary protein sequence, not between different proteins

A woman with homozygous RONIN mutations has a child with a man with an HCFC1 A115V mutation. What is the % chance of having a male child with a form of cblC? A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 100%

A. 0% ex: All male children will receive one normal X-chromosome and one mutated copy of RONIN from the mother, and a Y-chromosome and one normal copy of RONIN from the father. Thus , male children will not inherit the HCFC1 A115V mutation and will never have two copies of a mutated RONIN gene. Since cblC is a recessive disease, no male children will have cblC

Frictional heating is a concern for the engineers of replacement joints. While testing a new hip implant, researchers record a temperature of 60°C. Interested in the effect of heat on the autoionization of the surrounding water, they measure Kw and find that it has increased from its value at standard conditions. Which of the following could be the value of Kw obtained during this test? A. 10^-13 B. 10^-14 C. 10^-15 D. 10^-16

A. 10^-13 ex: the Kw of water under standard conditions is 10^-14. 10^-13 is greater than 10^-14 and represents a potential value for increased Kw of water

the pKa of a weak acid in solution is 5.4. If the ratio of the concentration of the weak acid to its conjugate base 10:1, what is the pH of the solution? A. 4.4 B. 5.4 C. 6.4 D. 7.4

A. 4.4 ex: using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation --> pH = pKa + log([A-]/[HA]) = 5.4 + log(1/10) = 4.4

The figure below shows an arm holding a mass (5 kg). The bicep attaches 3.5 cm away from the joint (x), and the mass is 35 cm from the joint (d). How much work is done by the bicep raising the mass 10 cm (h)? A. 5 joules B. 50 joules C. 500 joules D. 5000 joules

A. 5 Joules ex: the work required to raise the ball is equal to the change in potenital energy of the ball. therefore, ^PE - PEf - PE0 = mghf = mghi = mg(^h) = (5 kg)(10 m/s^2)(0.1m) = 5 J

The graph below shows the relationship between O2 consumption and total aveolar ventilation (the rate at which air reaches the alveoli) during exercise. Based on the graph, what can reasonably be concluded about the net effect of exercise on arterial Po2? A. Po2 remains the same because ventilation increases as metabolism increases B. Po2 increases markedly because ventilation increases as metabolism decreases C. Po2 decreases because oxygen consumption increases D. Po2 decreases markedly because ventilation and consumption both increase

A. Po2 remains the same because ventilation increases as metabolism increases ex: Arterial Po2 is the partial pressure of O2 in the arteries. The graph shows that ventilation increases in accordance with oxygen consumption, indicating that the Po2 will remain constant despite increased metabolic demand

***The discussion of the Hohenzollerns (para 5) assumes which of the following? A. The political challenges faced by the rulers of Austria-Hungary around 1848 resembled those faced by Nicholas around 1917 B. Like Nicholas, the Hohenzollern rulers perceived themselves as having both a historical and a divine mandate C. In historical analysis, "modernity" and "Europeanness" can be treated as interchangable terms D. Nicholas should have implemented the same policy reforms as those previously adopted by rulers in Austria Hungary

A. The political challenges faced by the rulers of Austria-Hungary around 1848 resembled those faced by Nicholas around 1917 ex: if their circumstances had not been similar, the comparison between the Hohenzollerns's actions and those of Nicholas could not have been made

Which of the following circumstances is most likely to result in prolonged cognitive dissonance? A. a divorced and lonely man is told by family members that there is "someone for everyone." B. a meat-eater decides to avoid eating meat for a finite time period C. a person believing a falsehood is conclusively proven incorrect D. after innumerable failed submissions, an artist's work is accepted by an art gallery

A. a divorced and lonely man is told by family members that there is "someone for everyone." ex: A clash of beliefs, in this case that the divorced man is alone and lonely and perhaps believing that he will always be, conflicts with being told that there is someone for everyone, and creates cognitive dissonance.

Which of the following functional group sis present in the AA metabolite shown in Fig 1? A. a ketone B. an ether C. an aldehyde D. an ester

A. a ketone ex: a ketone is a carbonyl with two R-groups attached to the carbon. this is observed in the cyclic portion of the AA metabolite in fig 1

***Supplementation of folic acid is shown to reduce neural tube defects in the general population. From this information, it can be concluded that folic acid is most likely involved in: A. a signal pathway vital to induction in the ectoderm B. a nerve transmission pathway in the fetus C. hematopoiesis D. maintenance of a patent ductus venosus

A. a signal pathway vital to induction in the ectoderm ex: the neural tube is derived from the ectoderm. therefore, bc folic acid is involved in neural tube development, it would be expected that folic acid is important for proper ectoderm, formation

Which of the following describes the functional group that is produced when a primary alcohol is reacted with pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC)? A. aldehyde B. ketone C. carboxylic acid D. acyl halide

A. aldehyde ex: PCC is a weak oxidizing agent that will oxidize a primary alcohol to an aldehyde

If a mutation on a. tRNA-encoding gene of the mtDNA disrupts the function of the gene product, there is an increased risk of error with: A. all 13 of the polypeptides encoded within the mtDNA B. all 3,000 proteins within the mitochondria C. all mRNA molecules present in the mitochondria D. only the tRNA molecule coded for by the mutated gene

A. all 13 of the polypeptides encoded within the mtDNA ex: mitochondrial DNA is transcribed and translated in mitochondria. the tRNA that is produced from mitochondrial DNA helps with the translation of proteins that are coded by mitochondrial DNA. therefore, if one of the genes for mitochondrial tRNA is mutated and nonfunctional, no mRNA transcribed from mitochondrial DNA will be properly translated into proteins

Based on the information presented in the passage, which of the following molecules would be the best candidate for a competitive inhibitor of sperm-egg interaction in mice? A. an oligosaccharide with N-acetyl glucosaminyl residues B. an oligosaccharide with a galactosyl residues C. an antibody to Sp56 D. an allosteric regulator of B-galactosyltransferase

A. an oligosaccharide with N-acetyl glucosaminyl residues ex: the experimental data suggest that the egg-sperm binding capacity is decreased specifically in B-strain mice, but not in the a-strain mice. the B-strain mice have a mutation in B-galactosyltransferase, which according to hypothesis 2 is on the surface of sperm and interacts with N-acetyl-glucosaminy; (GlnNAc) residues on the egg. therefore, a saccharide that looks like GlcNAc would bind B-galactosyltransferase, blocking GlcNAc on the egg preventing egg-sperm binding

The primary purpose of the passage is to: A. articulate and defend a contractarian view of justice B. propose a radical solution to contemporary social problems C. compare the utilitarian and contactarian therories of justice D. examine advantages and disadvantages of Rawl's theory

A. articulate and defend a contractarian view of justice ex: the majority of the passage discusses the contractarian view and concludes that it is "an abstract model that is intuitively satisfactory and a machinery for making ethical decisions"

Which of the following is the most likely mechanism for how pancreatic cancer facilitates MAPK inhibitor resistance? A. cancer cells adapt by upregulating compensatory adjacent signaling pathways B. cancer cells mutate their KRAS gene again to evade inhibitor binding C. cancer cells develop a mutation in a downstream effector protein that stops MAPK signaling D. cancer cells recruit extracellular proteins to the surface receptors to block inhibitor binding

A. cancer cells adapt by upregulating compensatory adjacent signaling pathways ex: According to the passage, PI3K signaling is upregulated to compensate for the inhibition of MAPK signaling

Thiamine, shown below, is a critical element in a number of enzymatic reactions. Thiamine is a(n): A. coenzyme B. amino acid C. catalyst D. nucleotide

A. coenzyme ex: Thiamine is an organic, non-protein compound that acts as a coenzyme

Which experimental approach can be used to analyze the resistance of pancreatic cancer cell lines after initial treatment? A. comparing cell proliferation rates between untreated KRAS mutant cells and treated KRAS mutant cells at 14 and 70 days B. comparing cell proliferation rates between untreated KRAS wild-type cells and treated KRAS mutant cells at 14 and 70 days C. comparing cell proliferation rates between untreated normal human pancreas cells and treated KRAS mutant cells at 14 and 70 days D. comparing cell proliferation rates between untreated normal human pancreas cells and treated KRAS wild-type cells at 14 and 70 days

A. comparing cell proliferation rates between untreated KRAS mutant cells and treated KRAS mutant cells at 14 and 70 days ex: Comparing KRAS mutant cells both before and after treatment at different time points is necessary to determine resistance. If the cell line becomes resistant over time, proliferation will be increased in the 70-day measurement

***Which of the following therapies would most likely be successful in overcoming an infection caused by a persistent virus? A. deliver RNA complementary to the viral mRNA into all infected cells so that the RNA base pairs with the mRNA, thereby preventing translation B. stimulate the B-cells of infected patients to proliferate into antibody-secreting cells so that these antibody-secreting cells so that these antibodies attack the viral antigens C. administer a broad spectrum antibiotic so that viral particles are neutralized D. inject infected patients with healthy killer T cells so that immunosuppressive strains of the virus cannot deplete the immune system of these cells

A. deliver RNA complementary to the viral mRNA into all infected cells so that the RNA base pairs with the mRNA, thereby preventing translation ex: providing complementary RNA will create double-stranded RNA sequences that will prevent the translation of viral RNAs.this will inhibit viral functions, including propagation and immune evasion, and will allow the patient to overcome the viral infection

After using the Sanger (chain-termination) method for DNA sequencing, a researcher utilizes gel electrophoresis and obtains a single dark band. which of the following sources of error is most likely? A. dideoxynucleotides were omitted from the reaction mixture B. the DNA was denatured into single strands using heat C. deoxynucleuotides were present in excess D. the primer annealed to the template strand in numerous places

A. dideoxynucleotides were omitted from the reaction mixture ex: omitting dideoxynucleotides, and thus preventing chain termination, results in the entire sequence being copied every time. this creates a single dark band instead of the multiple shorter bands normally seen in Sanger sequencing

Vision is essential to balance and coordination. Which of the following areas of the nervous system is LEAST involved in balance and coordination? A. frontal lobe of the cerebrum B. cerebellum C. occipital lobe D. vestibular system

A. frontal lobe of the cerebrum ex: The frontal lobe is responsible for executive functions, impulse control, long-term planning and decision-making, speech production, and voluntary motor movements. However, it is not responsible for balance and coordination.

According to the passage and Table 1, when the gravity cell functions, the copper electrode will: A. gain mass B. release Cu2+ ions into the solution C. be plated with Zn (s) D. be the site of oxidation

A. gain mass ex: since reduction occurs at the cathode, metal cations are electroplated onto the cathode in their reduced, elemental form. this, in turn, increased the mass of the cathode

Mitochondria within neurons facilitate the metabolism of neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and GABA. In the liver, mitochondria facilitate the production of ketone bodies and bile acids. In the absence of any mutations, it can be assumed that both cell types: A. have mtDNA that encode the same enzymes B. have different gene sequences within their mtDNA C. have nuclear DNA that produces the same complement of enzymes D. have different gene sequences within their nuclear DNA

A. have mtDNA that encode the same enzymes ex: mitochondrial DNA is the same in every cell in a person, barring mutation. therefore, despite the differences in function in mitochondria between liver cells and neurons, the mitochondrial DNA will still have the same sequences and thus code for the same enzymes

Prior to assimilation, ethnic groups migrating from a less industrialized culture to a more industrialized culture generally compare to their new culture in which of the following ways? A. higher fertility, higher morality B. higher fertility, lower mortality C. lower fertility, higher mortality D. lower fertility, lower mortality

A. higher fertility, higher morality ex: Before assimilating, immigrating ethnic groups will compare a move from a less industrialized to a more industrialized country in terms of larger families and shorter life spans

The environment of the AA binding site in cytochrome is most likely: A. hydrophobic B. hydrophilic C. negatively-charged D. positively-charged

A. hydrophobic ex: the long aliphatic carbon chain of AA is hydrophobic, so the binding site in the cytochrome must also be hydrophobic

Based on the passage, the levels of miR-144 and miR-451a are most likely downregulated in HCC cells due to: A. inhibition of transcription B. a gene mutation C. loss of an enhancer D. increased proteasomal degradation

A. inhibition of transcription ex: HCC cells show increased DNA methylation of the promoter of miR-144 and miR0451a which is an indication of decreased gene transcription

***Suppose researchers found an 1841 manuscript, written by abolitionists as an anti-slavery message, and intended to be performed as musical theater on Mississippi River steamboats. What effect would this discovery have on conclusions drawn in the passage? A. it would strengthen the author's contention that the musical comedy of 1880s London was only one of many roots of later American musical theater B. It would strengthen the author's contention that political issues underlay musicals prior to the 1880s C. It would weaken the author's contention that genre amalgams necessitated a new language of classification D. it would weaken the author's contention that twentieth century musicals often dealt with political and social issues

A. it would strengthen the author's contention that the musical comedy of 1880s London was only one of many roots of later American musical theater ex: The discovery of an American manuscript that predated the 1880s London musical comedy, but that also bore striking similarities to the twentieth-century American musical, would directly strengthen the author's contention that many diverse styles and themes have contributed to American musical theater

The transmembrane helix of an RTK is most likely to contain a high proportion of which type of amino acid residue? A. nonpolar B. polar uncharged C. positively charged D. negatively charged

A. nonpolar ex: Transmembrane proteins cross a phospholipid bilayer. In order to cross a phospholipid membrane, nonpolar hydrophobic residues are required

***Researchers want to study the 14C that has been incorporated into the polysaccharides but not the monosaccharides, polypeptides, or nucleotides of some sample tissue. What experimental procedure would ensure they collect as much starting material as possible? A. only isolate species that contain a number of carbohydrate-to-carbohydrate glycosidic bonds B. only isolate species that contain multiple 5- or 6-carbon rings C. only isolate species that contain alcohol functional groups D. only isolate species that contain branched chains

A. only isolate species that contain a number of carbohydrate-to-carbohydrate glycosidic bonds ex: carbohydrate-to-carbohydrate glycosidic bonds connect monosaccharides in a polysaccharides, so they could be used to isolate polysaccharides

An individual with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is more likely than the average person to also show signs of: A. periods of apathy followed by manic episodes B. consistent periods of apathy that are resistant to treatment C. outbursts of extreme anger without a clear trigger D. hesitance to complete daily activities for fear of judgement

A. periods of apathy followed by manic episodes ex: Periods of apathy followed by periods of mania are symptoms of bipolar disorder, which the author states correlate strongly with Cluster B personality disorders. Cluster B disorders include Narcissistic Personality Disorder

The author most likely mentions "the veil of ignorance" (second para) in order to: A. provide context for a scenario B. suggest a negative attitude C. argue against a philosophy D. demonstrate the use of metaphorical language

A. provide context for a scenario ex: this phrase introduces the framework under which contractarians would make decisions to ensure the greatest liberty for all

Assume that a population is accurately modeled by the game described in the passage, which of the following obervations would be most supported by Table 1? A. smaller values of C should be associated with larger equilibrium ratios of Aggressors to Avoiders B. Larger values of C should be associated with larger equilibrium ratios of Aggressors to Avoiders C. smaller values of C should be associated with smaller equilibrium ratios of Aggressors to Avoiders D. the value of C and V should not bear any relationship to the equilibrium ratios of Aggressors to Avoiders

A. smaller values of C should be associated with larger equilibrium ratios of Aggressors to Avoiders ex: A small cost C would be advantageous to Aggressors. Therefore, the proportion of Aggressors would be expected to increase

***Sucrose does NOT produce a positive test when treated with Benedict's solution because: A. the carbonyl functionalities of both subunits are involved in the formation of glycosidic linkage B. it undergoes mutarotation C. the molecule is not oriented correctly for a reaction to occur D. disaccharides do not posses free hemiacetal or hemiketal groups

A. the carbonyl functionalities of both subunits are involved in the formation of glycosidic linkage ex: the passage states that Benedict's solution tests for the presence of aliphatic aldehydes, which are aldehydes in a linear, rather than cyclic, state. In carbohydrates, the potential hemiacetal available for linearization and reduction is the anomeric carbon. However, in sucrose the anomeric carbons of both monomers (glucose and fructose) form the glycosidic bond and cannot linearize to yield a positive Benedict's test

The study results indicate that a large number of participants perceived a clear difference between: A. the friendliness and sociability of the individual B. the successfulness in the underweight and normal BMI categories C. the successfulness and sociability of the individual D. their own BMI scores and the BMI scores of the photographed subjects

A. the friendliness and sociability of the individual ex: para 3 states, "all participant groups rated overweight and obese individuals as more friendly...and some participants [did] not pick anyone to socialize with who was in a BMI category higher than themselves." This indicates that despite participants rating high BMI individuals as friendly, they prefered not to socialize with them. Thus, there was a clear difference between perceived friendliness and sociability of the individual.

In the experiment, what would happen if only part of the reaction mixture was transferred to the volumetric flask? A. the observed rotation would decrease and the specific rotation would remain the same B. the observed rotation and the specific rotation would both decrease C. the observed rotation and the specific rotation would both increase D. the observed rotation would increase and the specific rotation would remain the same

A. the observed rotation would decrease and the specific rotation would remain the same ex: specific rotation is constant for a given molecule at any given temperature, solvent, and wavelength of light. in contrast, observed rotation is dependent on the concentration of the solution and the distance that light travels through the solution. if only part of the reaction mixture is transferred to the volumetric flask, the overall concentration will be decreased, resulting in decreased observed rotation, but the specific rotation will remain the same

The use of pBAD to deliver a specific gene into Y. pestis is an example of: A. transformation B. transduction C. conjugation D. translocation

A. transformation ex: According to para 5, Xcc was delivered via the pBAD plasmid, which was incorporated into the cell using electroporation. This is an example of transformation, which is the direct uptake of genetic material by the bacterium from its surroundings through the cell membrane

***When action potential induces muscle contraction, which of the following occurs? A. Ca2+ is released into the cytosol; Ca2+ binds to tropomyosin B. Ca2+ is released into the cytosol; Ca2+ binds to troponin complex C. Ca2+ is pumped into the sarcoplasmic reticulum; Ca2+ binds to tropomyosin D. Ca2+ is pumped into the sarcoplasmic reticulum; Ca2+ binds to troposin complex

B. Ca2+ is released into the cytosol; Ca2+ binds to troponin complex ex: actions potentials release Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum which then binds the troponin complex and moves tropomyosin, exposing the actin filaments to allow myosin and actin interaction and muscle contraction

***Assume that there have been several scholarly reports about the social activism of Maud Gonne. What additional finding would be necessary for the primary perception of her as Yeast's muse to be viable? A. Yeast's own political views mirrored those of Gonne B. Despite recognizing her achievements, the reports make a point of emphasizing Gonne's relationship with Yeats C. She was unsuccessful in her support of Irish freedom and women's rights D. Gonne became the symbol of women's intellectual acuity

B. Despite recognizing her achievements, the reports make a point of emphasizing Gonne's relationship with Yeats ex: if the report emphasized Gonne as muse, not as an activist, this would add information needed to further highlight her characterization of relationship to Yeasts as his muse

When the phrase "The rest is detail," Bark seems to imply that: A. Wilson, like Nicholas, also ignored the demands of the time B. Woodrow Wilson's policies similarly reflected a strong commitment to traditional beliefs C. The compassionate perception of biography ignores the details of leadership D. historians judge their subjects based on the details of how and why they acted as they did

B. Woodrow Wilson's policies similarly reflected a strong commitment to traditional beliefs ex: "The rest is detail" suggests that the important point was a shared commitment to traditional ideas, and that it was only an accident of history that Wilson was successful and Nicholas not.

Based on information provided in the passage, which of following elements is LEAST reactive? A. Na B. Zr C. Cl D. Cu

B. Zr ex: zirconium is in the same group as titanium and is found immediately below it on the periodic table, indicating that it likely shares titanium's lack of reactivity

Based on the discussion of emotion detection in the first paragraph, which of the following occurrences is most probable? A. a person unfamiliar with two parties in a conversation picks up on body language of one party that the distracted other party does not B. a person unfamiliar with two parties braces him or herself for an altercation between the two only to see the two parties begin laughing at each other C. a person familiar with another individual is taken aback when the normally calm individual lashes out over a misunderstanding D. a person familiar with another individual effectively predicts how the individual will act when placed in a specific social predicament

B. a person unfamiliar with two parties braces him or herself for an altercation between the two only to see the two parties begin laughing at each other ex: Someone unfamiliar with others in a situation in which they are all together is unlikely to be able to correctly interpret the others' behavior

pBAD w/o Xcc was used in each of the experimental conditions shown in Fig 4 to: A. act as a positive control B. acts as a negative control C. confer antibiotic resistance D. activate transcription of Xcc

B. acts as a negative control ex: A negative control is a group in an experiment that does not receive treatment, and therefore should not show a particular change during the experiment. This matches the use of empty pBAD plasmid to ensure that is does cause any change on its own.

Which of the following is NOT a primary appraisal of a stressor? A. a student fails a test but thinks that it is irrelevant because his professor will eliminate the lowest grade of the semester B. an environmental activist feels that the consequences of climate change are beyond anyone's ability to control C. an employee is excited to take on the challenge of assuming managerial responsibilities D. a homeowner believes that a lack of funds to fix a leaky pipe will cause damage that will be more expensive to fix later

B. an environmental activist feels that the consequences of climate change are beyond anyone's ability to control ex: Since the activist answers the question of "do I (or others) have the resources to cope with this event?" in this scenario, this is an example of secondary, not primary, appraisal

Which finding, when combined with the information in the passage, would most likely support the conclusion that immune cell infiltration of tumors is mediated by miR-144 and miR-451 a? A. normal liver tissue has detectable levels of miR-144 and miR-451a, as well as other miRNAs transcribed from the same gene locus B. application of antagonists to pro-inflammatory cytokines that are upregulated by miR-144 and miR-451a induces an increase in tumor growth rate C. other miRNAs transcribed from the same gene locus as miR-144 and miR-451 a upregulate other pro-inflammatory cytokines D. patients with decreased immune activity show higher miR-144 and miR-451 a levels in tumor cells

B. application of antagonists to pro-inflammatory cytokines that are upregulated by miR-144 and miR-451a induces an increase in tumor growth rate ex: Immune cell infiltration is correlated with smaller tumors. If antagonists to miRNA-upregulated cytokines increase tumor growth, the idea that these miRNAs mediate immune cell infiltration via these cytokines is supported

Which of the following glial cells acts to prevent infection of the brain by inhibiting pathogens from entering the brain? A. microglia B. astrocytes C. ependymal cells D. oligodendrocytes

B. astrocytes ex: astrocytes form the blood-brain-barrier, which inhibits pathogens from entering the brain

Which of the following pH values is likely to favor the form of the alanine molecule shown in the passage? A. 3.0 B. 7.0 C. 9.0 D. it cannot be determined

C. 9.0 ex:

Researchers studied individuals diagnosed with a personality disorder and a control group to determine the degree to which their opinion and a control group to determine the degree to which their opinion on a topic change when presented with factual evidence. Based on the passage, participants who were diagnosed with a personality disorder would be more likely than the average person to: A. be swayed by the evidence put forth if it stimulated hyperactivity in their frontal lobe B. be unmoved by the evidence put forth if it contradicted their worldview C. be swayed by the evidence put firth if it stimulated hyperactivity in their occipital lobe D. entertain the evidence put forth even if it contradicted their worldview

B. be unmoved by the evidence put forth if it contradicted their worldview ex: Given that individuals suffering from personality disorders engage in "chronic, pervasive, and maladaptive patterns of thinking" it is likely that factual evidence would do little to change their worldview

Respondents who answered that women were angry due to a belief that women are unjustly treated in both social and professional situations are most clearly expressing: A. symbolic interactionism B. conflict theory C. social constructionism D. game theory

B. conflict theory ex: anger stemming from real or perceived inequality is a characteristic of conflict theory

In a solubility experiment, solutes X and Y are introduced into a subject's bloodstream. The solubility product constants of X and of Y are both determined to be greater than their solubility product constants at standard conditions. What is the most likely explanation for this? A. common ion effect B. effect of temperature C. effect of blood pH D. effect of saturation levels of plasma

B. effect of temperature ex: the solubility product constant (Ksp) like any equilibrium constant can change with changing temperature

***Based on the passage, which of the following enzymes would be activated in patients with Type II diabetes that have inadequate incretin levels? A. glycogen synthase B. glycogen phosphorylase C. glucokinase D. glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase

B. glycogen phosphorylase ex: patients with Type II diabetes have lower insulin and higher glucagon levels. glucagon promotes the breakdown of glycogen stores. the rate-limiting enzyme in glycogenesis is glycogen phosphorylase

When the arterial pressure of the specimen in Fig. 2 is increased, the scale measures an increase in specimen weight. Which of the following statements correctly explains this observation? The increase in arterial pressure: A. increased the oncotic pressure of the blood causing fluid to enter the tissue B. increased the hydrostatic pressure of the blood causing fluid to leave blood vessels C. decreased the oncotic pressure of the blood causing fluid to enter the tissue D. decreased the hydrostatic pressure of the blood causing fluid to leave blood vessels

B. increased the hydrostatic pressure of the blood causing fluid to leave blood vessels ex: increased arterial pressure will cause increased blood flow to the organ and increased fluid flow from blood to extracellular spaces within the organ, which will in turn gain mass

Based on the information in the passage, which of the following therapies can be used to treat Type II diabetes? A(n): A. GIP receptor antagonist B. inhibitor of DDP 4 C. FFAR3-receptor antagonist D. activator of butyric acid breakdown

B. inhibitor of DDP 4 ex: according to para 1, DDP-4 is an enzyme that catalyzes the inactivation of GIP and GLP-1. inhibiting DDP-4 will increase levels of GLP-1, which will help to normalize glucose levels in patients with Type II diabetes

In Fig 2, isomers II and III have a different cyclic form than isomers IV and V. This is because, when compared to the nucleophile of reactions IV and V, the nucleophile of reactions IV and V, the nucleophile in the hemiketal reaction that creates II and III from the straight-chain isomer: A. is a substituent on a lower-numbered carbon, and it forms a pyranose B. is a substituent on a lower-numbered carbon, and it forms a furanose C. is a substituent on a higher-numbered carbon, and it forms a pyranose D. is a substituent on a higher-numbered carbon, and it forms a pyranose

B. is a substituent on a lower-numbered carbon, and it forms a furanose ex: furanose rings are five-membered carbohydrate rings, as seen in isomers II and III. as the anomeric carbon is always carbon 1, a smaller, five-membered ring is created by reacting a lower-numbered carbon with the hemiketal

When titanium is used in an artificial hip replacement how does acidosis affect the metal? A. it induces the breakdown of TiCl4 B. it has no large-scale effect on the metal C. it induces the formation of TiO2 D. it induces the formation of TiBr4

B. it has no large-scale effect on the metal ex: according to para 1, titanium is inert, therefore it will not react with the environment in the body, even under acidotic conditions

THE GDP to GTP phosphorylation is catalyzed by which class of enzyme? A. ligase B. kinase C. phosphatase D. topoisomerase

B. kinase ex: kinase transfer phosphate groups to target molecules. In this particular scenario, a phosphate group is added to GDP.

Based on the passage, HCC tumor cells with upregulation of miR-144 and miR-451 a would most likely display a growth rate: A. higher than that in the miR-144 and miR-451 HCC knockout cells B. lower than that in the miR-144 and miR0451a HCC knockout cells C. similar to that in the miR0144 and miR0451a HCC knockout cells D. initially higher, then subsequently lower, than that in the miR-144 and miR-451 a HCC knockout cells

B. lower than that in the miR-144 and miR0451a HCC knockout cells ex: Knockout of miR0144 or miR-451a leads to an increase in tumor growth rate, so cells that overexpress either miRNA would be expected to have a lower tumor growth rate

A 39-year-old woman is diagnosed with otosclerosis, an ear disorder in which excessive bony growth develops around the stapes. As a result of the otosclerosis, the woman has developed a mild to moderate hearing loss. Which part of the woman's ear has been affected? A. outer B. middle C. inner D. cochlea

B. middle ex: Since it is the middle ear which contains the ossicles, and in this case there is excessive bony growth, the middle ear would be the structure most affected.

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes share many characteristics. Which of the following is NOT found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? A. a cell wall B. nucleolus C. DNA polymerase D. ribosomes

B. nucleolus ex: the nucleolus is not a membrane-bound organelle, but it is contained within the nucleus of a cell- something that a prokaryotic cell does not have

In the first stage of the Hershey-Chase experiment, bacteria were infected by phages with radioactively labeled 35S. In the second stage, phage DNA was labeled with 32P prior to infection. Both mixtures were subsequently centrifuged. Which of the following observations helped identify the genetic material or viruses? A. the radioactivity was found with the cellular components in the first stage B. the radio activity was found with the cellular components in the second stage C. the radioactivity was found in the supernatant in the first stage D. the radio activity was found in the supernatant in the second stage

B. the radio activity was found with the cellular components in the second stage ex: phoshphorus is not found in amino acids but is a major part of DNA. therfeore, radioactive 32P would label DNA. seeing radioactive 32P in the second stage in the cellular component, or the component of the tube that contains the bacterial cells would suggest the viruses infected the bacteria with DNA in order to pass on their hereditary material for the creation of new viruses within the bacteria host. this observation would imply that DNA carries hereditary information, rather than protein. indeed in the Hershey-Chase experiment, it was found that viral DNA, NOT protein, is injected into bacteria

In order to better understand the function of the ossicles, a scientist removes both the tympanic membrane and ossicles from the ear of a rodent , thus allowing sound waves to directly impact the oval window. how will the rodent's hearing be affected? A. the rodent will be more sensitive to nearby sounds but less sensitive to sounds that are further away B. the rodent will be less sensitive to nearby sounds as well as those further away C. the rodent will be more sensitive to nearby sounds as well as those further away D. the rodent will be more sensitive to nearby sounds as well as those further away

B. the rodent will be less sensitive to nearby sounds as well as those further away ex: without the tympanic membrane and ossicles, the ear will not be able to overcome impedance mismatch, and incoming sound energy will be "vastly attenuated" as described in the passage, making the ear less sensitive to all sounds

Which of the following statements, if true, would most challenge the argument set forth by William James as described in the passage? A. children's concepts of right and wrong can be altered by exposure to some computer games B. theories that separate consciousness and material objects are simpler than those that do not C. so-called "conscious" perceptions can be correlated with particular patterns of neuronal firing within the brain D. actions cannot be separated form the objects they involve

B. theories that separate consciousness and material objects are simpler than those that do not ex: the primary benefit of James' theory as described as its "efficiency:, so if other theories were simpler (more efficient), it would weaken his argument

Based on the passage, the net cell potential of the gravity cell is closest to which of the following? A. -1.98 V B. 0.36 V C. 1.1 V D. 1.56 V

C. 1.1 V ex: the reduction potential for the copper cathode, 0.34 V, minus the reduction potential for the zinc anode, -0.76, yields an overall cell potential of 1.1 V

Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive condition where the blood cannot clot properly. If a woman who is a carrier for hemophilia a marries a man who does not have the disease, what is the probability their first daughter will be a carrier? A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75%

C. 50% ex: an unaffected male can only pass on a non-mutated X-chromosome. Bc the mother has a 50/50 chance of passing on her mutated gene to any of her children, male or female, there is a 50% chance a daughter will be a carrier

***Which conclusion can be drawn from the data presented in Fig 4? A. YopH/M can be expressed in the abscence of T3SS B. Xcc affects the expression of Yops in wild-type Y. pestis C. A functional T3SS is required for the expression of Yops and Xcc D. Yops expression is greater in the ^yopN strain compared to wild type Y. pestis

C. A functional T3SS is required for the expression of Yops and Xcc ex: According to Fig 4, no Xcc or Yops expression was detected in a ^yscC mutant (non-functional T3SS) compared to the wild-type control. As such, T3SS is required for the expression of both Xcc and Yops

Which of the following would most likely be first affected in the cells of an organism infected by a persistent virus? A. lipid biosynthesis B. glucose degradation C. ADH synthesis D. ribosome synthesis

C. ADH synthesis ex: the passage states that persistent viruses do not affect housekeeping genes-genes common to basic cell functions and survival. thus it is a likely target to be affected by a persistent virus

A neutralizing antibody against which target would most likely produce effects similar to those produced by miR-144 overexpression? A. pro-inflammatory cytokines B. RNA polymerase II C. HGF D. miR-451 a

C. HGF ex: an increase in miR-144 leads to a decrease in HGF protein levels. A neutralizing antibody to HGF would mimic the decrease in HGF production seen with miR-144 overexpression

Some scientist dispute the role of genetics in the determination of conflict style and instead argue that conflict style is established through observational learning. Which of the following results would best support this hypothesis? A. individuals born to Aggressors and raised in isolation sometimes become Aggressors and sometimes Avoiders B. Individuals born to Aggressors and raised in isolation can spontaneously change strategy in the wild C. Individuals born to Aggressors but raised by Avoider foster parents always adopt the Avoider strategy D. Individuals born to Aggressors but raised by Avoider foster parents always adopt the Aggressor strategy

C. Individuals born to Aggressors but raised by Avoider foster parents always adopt the Avoider strategy ex: The fact that individuals with Aggressor genetics who become Avoiders when raised by Avoiders strongly suggests these individuals learned through observational learning

Which of the following amino acids would exhibit the strongest interaction with the stationary phase of a cation exchange column at a pH of 7? A. Asp B. Cys C. Lys D. Phe

C. Lys ex: cations exhibit the strongest interaction with the stationary phase of a cation exchange column, and lysine, which has a basic side chain, carries a net positive charge at pH 7, and will be a cation

Based on information in the passage, which of the following hypotheses is most supported if the scientists find that Cys81 is not palmitoylated? A. PAT requires ATP to function B. CD20 does not interact with PAT C. PAT performs post-translational modifications on proteins only in the cytosol D. the pH outside the cell is too low for PAT to function

C. PAT performs post-translational modifications on proteins only in the cytosol ex: based on Fig 3, Cys81 is located in extracellular space, while other cysteine residues are intracellular. therefore, PAT functioning cytosolically can explain why only Cys81 is not palmitoylated

Which of the following atoms is formed as a results of the radioactive decay described in the passage? A. At B. Cs C. Te D. Xe

C. Te ex: 125I decays by B+ decay, then gamma decay, so 125I loses one proton and forms one neutron, forming 125Te

Researchers wishing to investigate the correlation between poverty and mortality rate for pancreatic cancer would most likely use which of the following designs? A. a cross-sectional study B. a qualitative study C. a case-control study D. a controlled experiment

C. a case-control study ex: an observation al study designed to determine if there is a correlation between a particular exposure (poverty in this case) and an outcome (pancreatic cancer mortality) is called a case-control study.

Later analyses revealed that measured of family functioning generally increased with a mother's age. The trend continued until late adulthood, after which a gradual decline was observed. Which of the following statements best explains this observation? A. a mother's family functioning peaks at the same time as her fluid intelligence B. young adults are less likely to have achieved the "universal human ethics" stage of postcoventional morality which is strongly associated with parenting ability C. a mother's crystallized intelligence is an important factor in family functioning D. the transition to the postconventional stage of reasoning in middle adulthood results in the mother developing a more rational approach to parenting

C. a mother's crystallized intelligence is an important factor in family functioning ex: If the measures of family functioning generally increased with a mother's age, this would indicate that her crystallized intelligence, which improves with age, is a factor in family functioning

Participants in the study described in the passage agreed to have their weights recorded and compared to the nutritionist's assessment of their diets. The mean weight was found to be 185 pounds, with a standard deviation of 9 pounds. If the data in the sample followed a normal distribution, which of the following statements would be most accurate? A. approximately 25% of the sample weighed between 176 and 194 pounds B. approximately 99% of the sample weighed between 168 and 203 pounds C. approximately 34% of the sample weighed between 176 and 185 pounds D. approximately 95% of the sample weighed less than 200 pounds

C. approximately 34% of the sample weighed between 176 and 185 pounds ex: in a normal distribution, about 34% of the sample will be one standard deviation below the mean, which corresponds to weights between 176 and 185

Which amino acid residue is involved in the bond that joins the two heavy chains in an immunoglobin molecule? A. valine B. isoleucine C. cysteine D. tyrosine

C. cysteine ex: cysteine molecules have sulfhydryl side chains that can form the disulfide bonds btwn immunoglobin heavy chains

Tge GTP use by tubulin could come directly from the products of: A. glycolysis B. the pentose phosphate pathway C. the citric acid cycle D. oxidative phosphorylation

C. the citric acid cycle ex: the citric acid cycle can produce GTP when succinyl-CoA synthetase turns succinyl-CoA into succinate CAC produces NADH, FADH2, and either GTP or ATP. humans hvae two isoforms of succinyl CoA synthease, which converts succinyl CoA into succinate. one isoform produces ATP, while the other isoform , which is found in the liver and kidneys, produces GTP. glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and oxidative phosphorylation do not produce GTP

information from the passage and the graph below provide the most support for which of the following statements? A. human hearing has a relative minimum sensitivity around 2000 Hz, near the first resonant frequency of the auditory canal B. human hearing has a relative maximum sensitivity around 2000 Hz, near the first resonant frequency of the auditory canal C. human hearing has a relative maximum sensitivity around 3500 Hz, near the first resonant frequency of the auditory canal D. human hearing has a relative minimum sensitivity around 3500 Hz, near the first resonant frequency of the auditory canal

C. human hearing has a relative maximum sensitivity around 3500 Hz, near the first resonant frequency of the auditory canal ex: the graph shows a relative minimum for the threshold of human hearing near 3500 Hz (lower threshold means better hearing). in addition, the values for the speed of sound and length of the auditory canal imply a first harmonic frequency at 3400 Hz

**When using the term "minor foibles" (para 2), the author seems to mean: A. actions with no adverse results B. beliefs about oneself proven to be untrue C. inconsequential negative aspects of oneself D. mildly dangerous thoughts

C. inconsequential negative aspects of oneself ex: the author uses "minor foibles" to refer to belief which are harmless and therefore inconsequential, even if they are negative

***Which of the following assumptions are the critics of James most likely making when raising their "objections" (para 5) A. james' account of one substance is a less efficient way of explaining actions than dualism B. dualist are correct in declaring soul and matter two distinct substances C. it is possible for two phenomena to be of qualitatively different types D. no other objections have been made which significantly challenge james' theory

C. it is possible for two phenomena to be of qualitatively different types ex: the critics contend that "there is the possibility that the interaction of two different objects may in and of themselves create something new and entirely different." this presupposes separate objects, not one real substance

Suppose that researchers found that subjects can alter the amount of time it takes to scan images based on the instructions they are given. What is the relevance of this finding for the author's conclusions? A. it strengthens them, as subjects are scanning as they normally do in non-laboratory situations B. it contradicts them, since subjects do not have control over the rate which they scan C. it undermines them, because subjects might simply be scanning as they believe they should D. it supports them, because scanning times vary across individuals

C. it undermines them, because subjects might simply be scanning as they believe they should ex: it subjects change their responses based on what they think "should" happen, then the results of the experiment would be called into question

Suppose that studies today indicate that women prefer to read crime novels that feature women detective. What is the relevance of this finding to an opinion expressed in the passage? A. it would strengthen the argument about the depiction of "real women" B. it would weaken the identification of women with mythic heroines C. it would support Berger's belief that society makes women "voyeurs by proxy" D. it would strengthen the need for a "new language" to describe the reality of women

C. it would support Berger's belief that society makes women "voyeurs by proxy" ex: a woman observing, or in this case reading about another woman is someone who is both "the surveyor and surveyed"; a "voyeur by proxy" (para 6)

***Which of the following is a method of replication for epithelial cells? A. fertilization B. meiosis C. mitosis D. gastrulation

C. mitosis ex: somatic cells, which make up all cells that are not part of the germline, replicate through mitosis. mitosis creates two identical daughter cells

Which of the following enzymes is most likely to be involved in the cleavage of the NPTH motif? A. kinase B. exonuclease C. protease D. endonuclease

C. protease ex: proteases catalyzes proteolysis. para 2 states that Xc undergoes autoproteolytic cleavage at the NPTH motif, which fits the role of these enzymes

Anti-vinculin antibodies were used in the experiments shown in Fig 1B and 2A because: A. both MMACHC and vinculin are important markers of proper HCFC1-RONIN complex function in gene regulation B. vinculin acts as a negative control to show that RONIN in wild-type cells is more active than RONIN expressed in mutated cells C. relative levels of proteins btwn experimental groups would be otherwise impossible to compare D. it demonstrates that vinculin is expressed equally in both wild-type and mutant cells, which confirms the cells are functioning normally

C. relative levels of proteins btwn experimental groups would be otherwise impossible to compare ex: In western blots, the level of specific proteins need to be compared to an invariant loading control, such as vinculin. This makes sure that the different lanes were equally loaded.

A quiet, reserved young woman prefers spending time by herself or with small groups of people, and considers herself an introvert. Which of the following concepts is best exemplified by this? A. self-esteem B. self-concept C. self-schema D. self-efficacy

C. self-schema ex: A young woman believing she is an introvert based on certain qualities is an example of a self-schema

If a-galactosyl residues were essential for sperm-egg attachment then one would expect: A. strain a males to be infertile B. strain B males to be infertile C. strain a females to be infertile D. strain B females to be infertile

C. strain a females to be infertile ex: according to hypothesis 1, a-galactosyl residues are present on the surface of the egg and are necessary for sperm-egg binding to occur. therefore, if a-galactosyl residues were essential for sperm-egg attachment, then eggs from strain a mice would be unable to bind sperm, and strain a females would be infertile

Which of the following facts presented in the passage supports the claim that elderly people can reduce the effects of episodic memory loss? A. semantic memory does not necessarily decline with age B. researchers have concluded that only one major type of memory declines with age C. taking notes can put memories in retrievable semantic memory D. amnesiacs tend to retain implicit memories

C. taking notes can put memories in retrievable semantic memory ex: para 4 states that storing memories in semantic memory can reduce the effects of episodic memory loss

Which of the following enzymes is required for both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis? A. pyruvate dehydrogenase B. pyruvate carboxylase C. phosphofructokinase-1 D. triose phosphase isomerase

D. triose phosphase isomerase ex: trisose phosphate isomerase is shared btwn glycolysis and gluconeogenesis its the only enzyme that catalyzes both the forward and reverse reactions in these metabolic pathways

The same researcher is attempting to verify that the vector he has developed is indeed a persistent virus. He obtains several cell cultures of different types and coats them with a solution containing his vector. After multiple cycles of cell division, intracellular viral DNA is still present but no cell death is noted. What conclusion can the researcher reach? A. the new vector is a persistent virus B. the new vector is a persistent virus or a virus in the lysogenic phase C. the new vector is a persistent virus, a slow virus, or a virus in the lysogenic phase D. the new vector is not a persistent virus

C. the new vector is a persistent virus, a slow virus, or a virus in the lysogenic phase ex: we are not given specific information about the novel vector other than its persistence intraceullularly across multiple cell divisions without causing cell death. this is consistent with the given information on persistent virus but is also consistent with other viruses such as slow viruses or viruses in the lysogenic phase. thus a broad description of the vector is appropriate and additional studies are warranted

What fraction of 125I decays in 180 days? A. 1/8 B. 1/3 C. 2/3 D. 7/8

D. 7/8 ex: since the half-life of 125I is 60, after 180 days (3 half-lives), the fraction that decays is: 1 - (1/2)^3 = 7/8

***Regarding the causes of the collapse of czarism in 1917, does the author explain the statement that Nicholas "at best did nothing to alleviate, and at worst he intensified them"? A. Yes, the author provides several comparative illustrations of cases in which collapse was averted or forestalled B. No, the author fails to acknowledge the depth of the reluctance with which monarchists in other nations confronted modernity C. Yes, by referring to the "prevalent view," Bark details Nicholas's faults D. No, the claim is attributed to "worthwhile sources" but is not elaborated on

D. No, the claim is attributed to "worthwhile sources" but is not elaborated on ex: the author would have needed to provide examples or further explanation of what Nicholas may have done to intensify the collapse, or how we failed to alleviate it, since there is no such elaboration is provided D is correct

Which conclusion about the data in Fig 1 is valid? A. PI3K inhibitor is selective for cell lines that have a KRAS mutation B. MEK inhibitor is selective for cell lines that lack a KRAS mutation C. PI3K and MEK inhibitors have an additive effect against anti-tumor activity in KRAS mutant but not KRAS wild-type cell lines D. PI3K and MEK inhibitors have an additive effect against antitumor activity regardless of KRAS status

D. PI3K and MEK inhibitors have an additive effect against antitumor activity regardless of KRAS status ex: Fig 1 shows that adding both PI3K and MEK inhibitors resulted in a greater decrease in the %of cell viability in both cell lines, suggesting they have an additive effect against antitumor activity regardless of KRAS status

When faced with a predator, sometimes individuals in a group of Thompson's gazelles will, instead of running away, engage in stotting: leaping into the air with all four feet simultaneously in front of the predator. Stotting is LEAST likely to be: A. an honest, costly signal of fitness to predators B. a fitness display for potential mates C. an altruistic alarm signal for the other members of the group D. a maladaptive conditioned response to negative punishment

D. a maladaptive conditioned response to negative punishment ex: Negative punishment would decrease a behavior. Therefore, stotting is not likely to be the result of a negative punishment

***How would the author most likely respond to a theater critic who wrote of the musical Hamilton: "This show never really decides what it wants to be. Its a confused mashup on hip hop, R&B, and traditional Broadway" A. mashups of musical styles are integral to the creation of hip hop B. the inclusion of political themes in a musical necessities hybridization of genres C. the musical genres included in historical plays should derive from the time periods represented D. a mixture of musical styles and themes can be a source of artistic strength

D. a mixture of musical styles and themes can be a source of artistic strength ex: the idea that a mixture of styles and themes is one of the most artistically interesting things about musicals over the last 100 years is one of the principle themes of the passage

***Which of the following statements gives the most fundamental reason why continuous use of A19912 would decrease its effectiveness? A. over time, A19912 will permanently modify the active site of AChE B. above a certain ACh concentration, the body will break it down C. a permanently low concentration of ACh will downregulate the ACh receptors D. a permanently high concentration of ACh will desensitize ACh receptors

D. a permanently high concentration of ACh will desensitize ACh receptors ex: a permanently high concentration of ACh would lead to a desensitization of ACh receptors to ACh. which would decreased the effectiveness of A19912

Which of the following scenarios is LEAST consistent with the traditional behaviorist view of operant conditioning? A. an individual plays a slot machine in Las Vegas and notices that there are small occasional payouts B. a student stops asking questions in class after the teacher berated him for asking questions C. a fruit picker gets paid per bushel of apples collected instead of receiving an hourly wage D. after paying into social security throughout their career, an individual retires and begins to receive social security benefits at age 65

D. after paying into social security throughout their career, an individual retires and begins to receive social security benefits at age 65 ex: In paying into the social security system, there is no behavior being modified as a result of any reward or punishment.

Which of the following molecules does NOT contain an aromatic heterocycle? A. histidine B. thymine C. adenine D. tyrosine

D. tyrosine ex: the sidechain of tyrosine is a phenol, and whole the ring is aromatic, it is not heterocyclic since it is composed solely of carbons

Which of the following is a true statement about phospholipids and triglycerides? A. all triglycerides, but not all phospholipids, have saturated fatty acid tails B. all phospholipids but not all triglycerides, have three ester moieties C. all phospholipids, but not all triglycerides, have three sp2 - hybridized carbons D. all triglycerides, but not all phospholipids, have a glycerol backbone

D. all triglycerides, but not all phospholipids, have a glycerol backbone ex: triglycerides are made of a glycerol backbone attached via ester bonds to three fatty acids. phospholipids CAN have glycerol as a backbone, but can have many other types of backbones too

A connection between which two amino acids is severed when the Xc domain undergoes cleavage? A. asparagine and phenylalanine B. arginine and proline C. arginine and phenylalanine D. asparagine and proline

D. asparagine and proline ex: Based on Fig 1, the cleavage in Xc occurs btwn N and P amino acids, which corresponds to asparagine and proline, respectively

Polypeptides that are necessary for oxidative phosphorylation but not coded for within the mtDNA most likely: A. perform their cellular respiration duties outside of the mitochondria B. translocate from the nucleus to the mitochondria within a vesicle C. contain a large proportion of hydrophobic R groups in order to cross plasma membrane D. contain a signal sequence recognized by a receptor on the outer surface of the mitochondria

D. contain a signal sequence recognized by a receptor on the outer surface of the mitochondria ex: oxidative phosphorylation occurs in mitochondria. if the proteins are not made in the mitochondria, they must somehow get into the mitochondria from the cytoplasm, such as through a peptide sequence that is recognized by the mitochondria for entry

Curve C on the graph below represents the normal oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve at 38 celcius and physiological pH (7.4) Which curve most likely corresponds to the hemoglobin dissociation curve for a patient suffering from acidemia (low blood pH) A. curve A B. curve B C. curve C D. curve D

D. curve D ex: In acidic conditions, the oH decreases. As pH decreases the hemoglobin affinity for oxygen decreases, which would show up as a right shift of the normal oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, as is presented in curve D

A therapist uses the emotion-coaching technique to aid a depressed patient in improving emotional awareness. Which of the following perspectives best describes this therapist's treatment paradigm? A. freudian B. trait C. behavioral D. humanist

D. humanist ex: in humanistic coaching, the therapist would create an atmosphere of empathy and acceptance to help the client understand his feelings

If the study were to further divide the results so that the gender of the participants is known, what effect would that have on the study? A. it would reduce the conclusiveness of the results B. it would dilute the representativeness of the results C. it would add a second independent variable D. it would add a third independent variable

D. it would add a third independent variable ex: Since there are already two variables, the introduction of gender would be the third one

For which of the following enzymes is flavin mononucleotide LEAST likely to be a cofactor? A. cytochrome c reductase B. dihydroorotate dehydrogenase C. cyclopentanone monooxygenase D. methionine adenosyltransferase

D. methionine adenosyltransferase ex: FMN, a cofactor for oxidative enzymes, is likely to be a cofactor for an enzyme that is an oxidoreductase. Methionine adenosyltransferase is not associated with a redox reaction, so FMN is least likely to be cofactor of menthionine adenosyltransferase

***By stating "all was right with the world" (3rd para), the author implies that: A. no dissenting philosophies were followed by great masses B. although global society was at complete peace, some dissension existed C. societal leaders correctly viewed western society as properly structured D. neoconservatives were naive in believing a utopian society existed

D. neoconservatives were naive in believing a utopian society existed ex: The author states that even in the late 1800s religion was being undermined, "high culture was rotten with decadence inspired by the Maquis de Sade" and American education was "on the road to ruin." (para 3) these are definitely not hallmarks of a utopian society

During the dipeptide synthesis described in the passage, is the formation of leucine-leucine dipeptides a concern? A. yes, because the carbonyl carbon of leucine is also susceptible to electrophilic attack B. yes, because the phenylacetyl protector of alanine increases the energy of activation C. no, because the amine group of leucine is sterically hindered by its isobutyl side chain D. no, because the carboxyl group of alanine is activated before reacting with leucine

D. no, because the carboxyl group of alanine is activated before reacting with leucine ex: the condensation reaction btwn two leucine residues is not a concern bc the carboxyl group of alanine is selectively activated before reacting with leucine

***A battery similar to that in Fig 1, is used by a student to power an electrophoresis apparatus. Will the student require an addition of a salt bridge to the gravity cell for electrophoresis to work? A. yes; all galvanic cells require a salt bridge to function B. yes; gravity cells have positive ^G0 values C. no; none of the galvanic cells require a salt bridge to function D. no; ion exchange can occur directly through the liquid-liquid boundary

D. no; ion exchange can occur directly through the liquid-liquid boundary ex: thw two liquid layers within the cell are in direct contact woth each other and share a common sulfate ion, SO4^2- (aq), which can move freely btwn the two layers to prevent the build-up of a charge differential. this performs the same function as a salt bridge

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system characterized by the demyelination of nerve cells. What myelin-forming cells does MS most likely damage? A. astrocytes B. microglia C. schwann cells D. oligodendrocytes

D. oligodendrocytes ex: oligodendrocytles are glial cells that myelinate neurons in the brain and spinal cord, and would be targeted by MS

During the experiment in Study 1, it was observed that several students began to reprimand each other for inappropriate talking, and as a result, instances of inappropriate talking decreased substantially. Which concept best describes this phenomenon? A. obedience B. social facilitation C. social loafing D. peer pressure

D. peer pressure ex: The students are each others' peers. When classmates start reprimanding other students, and these students subsequently decrease their behavior, they are responding to peer pressure.

Assume the gravity cell depicted in the passage is used by a student to power a simple circuit containing a lightbulb with an internal resistance of 2 ohms. a student can most effectively increase the current passing through this circuit by doing which of the following? A. using a longer electrical wire B. adding another 2-ohm lightbulb in series with the first lightbulb C. decreasing the concentrations of Cu2+ (aq) and Zn2+ (aq) D. replacing the lightbulb with one that has a resistance of 1.0 ohm

D. replacing the lightbulb with one that has a resistance of 1.0 ohm ex: using a 1.0 ohm lightbulb will decrease the total resistance in the circuit. according to ohm's law, current and resistance are inversely proportional to each other. this lower resistance will result in a larger current

What do the data in Fig 2 show? A. D. vulgaris biofilms adhered to metal electrodes considerably decreased MIC B. D. vulgaris biofilms adhered to metal electrodes considerably increased MIC C. riboflavin considerably decreased the electroactivity of D. vulgaris biofil adhered to metal electrodes D. riboflavin considerably increased the electroactivity of D. vulgaris biofilm adhered to metal electrodes

D. riboflavin considerably increased the electroactivity of D. vulgaris biofilm adhered to metal electrodes ex: Fig 2 shows that riboflavin increased the electroactivity of D. vulgaris biofilm

An individual who identifies herself as being a moderate supporter of a political movement is presented with a number of articles, some of which provide views that support the movement and some of which describe dissenting views. Which of the following is the most likely result? A. the individual changes her position to oppose the movement B. the individual changes her position to that of neutrality C. the individual's position remains unchanged D. the individual increases her support of the movement

D. the individual increases her support of the movement ex: Information confirming a moderate belief would, in the presence of belief perseverance, increase the person's support for it

***In her poem "Tirade for the Mimic Muse", Eavan Boland dramatizes a confrontation between a female muse and herself as the poet. Which passage assertion would this new information support? A. that patriarchy excludes real women B. that poets use the technique of personification C. the value of a "double discourse" D. the intent to present the reality of Irish womanhood

D. the intent to present the reality of Irish womanhood ex: the attempt to portray the reality of womanhood is exactly what Boland is doing in her poetry, which would include "Tirade for the Mimic Muse"

Suppose a researcher uses a balance scale to conduct an IGCP measurement on gut tissue. Which of the following must be true if the balance is level? A. the arterial pressure is greater than the venous pressure B. the arterial pressure is equal to the venous pressure C. the mass of the gut tissue is equal to mass m D. the net torque on the beam is zero

D. the net torque on the beam is zero ex: if the net torque on the balance is zero, there will be no net acceleration of the balance

If animals in particular population, over time, learned to recognize potential rivals as Avoiders or Aggressors from a distance, which statement is best supported by the model described in the passage? A. the payoff for an Avoider facing an Aggressor would increase B. the payoff for an Aggressor facing an Avoider would increase C. the payoffs for an Aggressor facing another Aggressor and an Aggressor facing an Avoider would both decrease D. the payoffs for an Avoider facing another Avoider and an Avoider facing an Aggressor would both remain unchanged

D. the payoffs for an Avoider facing another Avoider and an Avoider facing an Aggressor would both remain unchanged ex: There is n evidence that being able to immediately identify an Aggressive or an Avoider competitor would change the payoff outcomes for Avoiders

**By using the term "artificial" in describing the. relationship between complex mathematical and spatial aptitudes, the author seems to be implying that: A. shepard and metzler developed the concept of complex mathematical aptitude for the purpose of their own scientific inquiry B. the scientific community may have believed too strongly in a link between these aptitudes, which has since been debunked C. Kosslyn's work was based on an unproven relationship and therefore ought to be discredited D. the scientists who established this relationship failed to consider alternative links that may hold importance

D. the scientists who established this relationship failed to consider alternative links that may hold importance ex: according to the relevant text in para 4, there seems to be an additional independent variable that was not initially considered

Adolescents raised by emotionally disapproving parents are more likely to find themselves institutionalized or in trouble with the law. Based on the passage, which of the following is the most reasonable hypothesis for an explanation for this tendency? A. strong negative emotions can lead to poor decision making, as both are processed in the parietal cortex B. adolescents in general are more impulsive and are less able to fully understand the consequences of their actions C. emotionally disapproving parents are aloof and less involved with the moral development of their children D. these adolescents bottle up their negative emotions, leading to later outbursts

D. these adolescents bottle up their negative emotions, leading to later outbursts ex: If a child is not allowed to express emotions, they are not given the opportunity to learn how to regulate them, thus could become explosive in certain situations, with ensuing negative results.

Medium-chain saturated fatty acids (8-10 carbons) can also be produced by a small alteration to the biosynthetic pathway shown in Fig 1. Which of the following is the most likely change that permits the production of medium-chain saturated fatty acids? A. malonyl-ACP is replaced with acetyl-ACP B. an inhibitor specific to enzyme catalyzing step d is introduced C. production of malonyl-CoA is downregulated D. thioesterase specificity is modified

D. thioesterase specificity is modified ex: a change in thioesterase specificity could results in it interacting with fatty acids of shorter length and terminating the elongation cycle at 8-10 carbons

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author's argument in the first paragraph? A. the "confessed witches were burned at the stake by townspeople B. a significant percentage of the population today believes in witches C. the supposed sixteenth-century witches never confessed or signed a pact D. those whom Bodin accused of witchcraft were really witches

D. those whom Bodin accused of witchcraft were really witches ex: actual evidence supporting Bodin would weaken the author's argument against Bodin's conclusions

Implicit in the argument that utilitarianism differs from contractarianism is the idea that utilitarianism: A. can be accepted by all parts of society B. is more realistic and applicable to real life situations C. starts from ideas of human nature D. would not regard protecting minority rights as serving society as a whole

D. would not regard protecting minority rights as serving society as a whole ex: if protecting minority rights was not compatible with the good of the majority, utilitarians would not support it, while contractarians, concerned with ensuring liberty and justice for all, would promote it, a basic difference between the two views

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