Gen Bio Exam 2

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ferns have swimming sperm

Ferns are vascular plants but tend to prosper in wet areas because A. ferns cannot regulate the loss of water from their leaves B. ferns are heterosporous C. the root system of ferns is well developed D. they lack a vascular system E. ferns have swimming sperm

water transport by xylem

Select the following evolutionary adaptation NOT shared by all land plants. A. water transport by xylem B. a means of taking up water from the soil C. support against gravity D. waxy protective coverings E. protective structures for the young sporophyte


Sepals most likely evolved from A. roots B. leaves C. seeds D. stamens E. stems

evolution of a waxy cuticle

Several important adaptation evolved in the common ancestor of land plants that allowed for successful emergence on land. Which of the following is one of those changes? A. evolution of a waxy cuticle B. evolution of channels for transporting water C. evolution of a seed D. evolution of a special fat molecule E. evolution of a diploid form that produces haploid gametes

pollen tube

Sperm cells in flowering plants are delivered to the egg by a(n) A. style B. ovary C. stigma D. pollen grain E. pollen tube

sporophyte, gametophyte

The dominant generation in ferns is the ______ generation, while in mosses the dominant generation is _______ A. sporophyte, gametophyte B. gametophyte, sporophyte C. gametophyte, gametophyte D. sporangium, gametophyte E. sporophyte, sporophyte


The dominant part of the life cycle in seed plants in the A. megagametophyte B. megastrobilus C. sporophyte D. microstrobilus E. gametophyte

use of chlorophylls a and b

When looking for an evolutionary link between the "green algae" and the land plants, the common derived trait is A. use of chlorophylls a and b B. tracheids for water transport C. protected embryos D. active stomata E. branched apical growth


Which flower parts frequently attract pollinators with visible markings? A. anthers B. petals C. ovaries D. pistils E. fruits


Which group represents the most ancient surviving land plant lineage? A. oak trees B. ferns C. conifers D. mosses E. gametophytes

true seeds

Which of the following are found in gymnosperms as well as angiosperms? A. triploid seed tissues B. true seeds C. true fruits D. true flowers E. double fertilization

wind and animals

Which of the following are two common ways in which seeds are dispersed? -not just one particular species- A. fermentation of fruit and bacteria B. wind and animals C. wind and high temperatures D. fermentation of fruit and fungi E. animals and water

requirement of water for transfer of sperm from pollen to egg

Which of the following is not a characteristic of gymnosperm reproduction A. nutrients for the embryo supplied by the female gametophyte B. requirement of water for transfer of sperm from pollen to egg C. protection of megasporangia in an integument D. production of separate male and female cones E. fertilization occurring in cones

vessel elements

Which of the following is not a characteristic that is present in all groups of land plants? A. cuticle B. chloroplasts containing chlorophylls a and b C. starch as the storage carbohydrate D. vessel elements E. development from embryos protected by tissue of the parent plant


A key feature for plants that are colonizing in cool, dry, high altitude habitats is the A. embryo sac B. seed C. leaf D. pistil E. megagametophyte

apical cell growth

A property shared by the sporophyte generation of mosses and ferns is A. roots B. apical cell growth C. a well-developed vascular system D. sporangia clustered in sori E. true leaves


A scientist observes that some plants in a population of newly-discovered species have increased reproductive success because they have extra floral structures to produce pollen. Which floral parts have been duplicated in these individuals? A. sepals B. pistils C. carpels D. tepals E. stamens


A unique feature of angiosperm sexual reproduction is the triploid A. zygote B. endosperm C. microgametophyte D. megagametophyte E. synergid


All seed plants can be classified as A. isosporous B. megasporous C. exosporous D. homosporous E. heterosporous

Endosperm is the female gametophyte

Angiosperms, such as the dandelion, and gymnosperms reproduce using seeds. Which of the following statements about seeds is false? A. The seed develops on the parent sporophyte B. The seed contains an embryonic stage of a young sporophyte C. The seed may contain tissues from three generation D. The seeds of angiosperms and gymnosperms represent a resting stage, viable for many years E. Endosperm is the female gametophyte

haploid and diploid stages of the life cycle alternate and both have a multicellular stage

Finish this sentence: In a plant species that has alternation of generation, A. genes are expressed only in every other generation of offspring B. progeny are always dispersed via wind during the life cycle C. gametes are produced in every stage of this life cycle D. haploid and diploid stages of the life cycle alternate and both have a multicellular stage E. gametophyte and sporophyte generations alternate nutrition methods to support the other generation

gametophyte, sporophyte

In a moss in nature, the larger, more visible plant is the _________, whereas in ferns, the larger, more visible plant is the _______. A. gametophyte, sporophyte B. sporophyte, gametophyte C. gametophyte, antheridium D. sporophyte, antheridium E. antheridium, archegonium


In flowering plants, pollen grains are produced in the A. sepal B. anther C. tepal D. stigma E. filament


In most flowers, the pollen tube grows for the greatest part of its length through the ____ before fertilization can occur A. stigma B. ovule C. megagametophyte D. style E. ovary

a cuticle and protective layers for gametangia

Land plants likely arose from a green alga, such as an ancient stonewort species. If you could go back in time and examine them, what feature(s) would you look for to distinguish an early land plant from an ancient stonewort? A. chloroplast B. a cuticle and protective layers for gametangia C. companion cells D. seeds E. fruit

can have protected embryos

Nonvascular plants A. are usually a few hundred feet tall B. spread quickly in dry areas C. can have protected embryo D. have a cuticle and stomata on leaves near their flowers E. have xylem instead of the tracheids that are found in vascular plants


Pollen grains develop in the ________ of both gymnosperms and angiosperms A. micropyle B. megastrobilus C. microstrobilus D. microsporangium E. megasporangium

red algae contain chlorophyll B

Select the FALSE statement about Red Algae A. red algae contain phycoerythrin to reflect red light B. red algae are primarily multicellular organisms C. red algae contain chlorophyll B D. red algae can appear green in shallow tide pools E. red algae can cohabitate with deep corals and provide a reddish hue


The fruit from a maple tree has two seeds surrounded by thin papery inedible fruit. Based on this body plan, what is the most likely method of seed dispersal in this angiosperm? A. bird B. wind C. water D. insect E. mammal


The microgametophyte and the megagametophyte are A. triploid B. haploid C. polyploid D. tetraploid E. diploid


The oldest known living individual gymnosperm comes from which group? A. cycads B. ginkgos C. gnetophytes D. conifers E. ferns

a seed coat

The seed from an ovule lacking an integument is unlikely to form A. an endosperm B. a seed coat C. an embryo D. nutritive tissue E. a cuticle

cones, flowers

The seeds of gymnosperms and angiosperms originate in _____ and _____, respectively A. stems, roots B. leaves, cones C. flowers, cones D. cones, stamens E. cones, flowers

extends from the zygote through the adult diploid plant

The sporophyte generation A. is the dominant generation in nonvascular plants B. extends from the zygote through the adult diploid plant C. extends from the spore through the adult multicellular haploid plant to the gamete D. produces gametes E. is dependent on the gametophyte generation in vascular plants

gymnosperms, angiosperms

The two major living groups of seed plants are the _____ and ______ A. gymnosperms, eudicots B. gymnosperms, tree ferns C. gymnosperms, angiosperms D. gymnosperms, cycads E. angiosperms, hornworts


Tightly closed cones in some conifers open in response to A. flooding B. darkness C. fire D. drought E. frost

The fossil record shows that vascular plants appeared on land much much later than land animals

Which statement on vascular plants and their evolution is FALSE? A. the tracheid is the principal water-conducting element of the xylem in all early vascular plants B. the earliest vascular plants lacked leaves C. the evolution of an effective cuticle and protective layers for the gametangia (archegonia and antheridia) contributed to the success of the first vascular plants D. the fossil record shows that vascular plants appeared on land much much later than land animals E. It is hypothesized that vascular plants evolved from a single evolutionary event

a flower contains spores to generate fruit

Which statement regarding fruits is false? A. fruit develop from ovaries B. fruit may include several parts of the flower C. fruit aid in seed dispersal D. fruit are produced only by angiosperms E. a flower contains spores to generate fruit


Which structure forms the swollen basal part of the pistil that becomes the fruit? A. stigma B. style C. ovule D. ovary E. integument


a newly discovered gymnosperm species having typical gymnosperm pollination biology would most likely be pollinated by A. water B. beetles C. butterflies D. birds E. wind

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