Gender - True or False

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Women's intentions to confront gender discrimination match their actual rates of confronting gender discrimination

*False* - Women tend to *report* that they will confront sexism at *higher rates* than they actually do

Within the past decade, neuroscientists identify structural sex differences in the brain and linked them directly to specific psychological sex differences

*False* - Neuroscientists do not fully understand the connections between brain structure and function, and hypotheses about human sex differences in brain functions remain speculative

Qualitative methods (non-numerical methods that involve in-depth interpretations, such as case studies) are defined as nonscientific

*False* - Qualitative methods are scientific. - Science is a systematic, empirical way of investigating the world, and it *consists of both quantitative and qualitative methods*

Gender researchers generally agree that psychological science, if done correctly, can be truly objective and unbiased

*False* - Researchers generally acknowledge that psychological science is not truly objective because *researchers always bring biases to their studies*

False allegations of rape are common

*False* - Scholars estimate that only 5.2% of rape allegations are false, which is comparable to the percentage of false allegations of other felony crimes

Approximately 10% of the U.S population identifies as gay, lesbian, or bisexual

*False* - the percentage of the population that identifies as gay, lesbian, or bisexual is quite a bit lower than 10%

Attractive women who embody ideals of femininity are most likely to be targeted for workplace sex-based harassment

*False* - women who have more *agentic traits, who are low in femininity, or who identify as feminists* are most likely to be targeted for sex-based harassment

Throughout human history, there is evidence that some societies were true matriarchies in which women rules the society, controlled how it operated, and held more power than men

*False* -There are no known human matriarchies - There are, however, many examples of *matrilineal societies*

Genetic female individuals who get exposed to high levels of androgens in utero can appear masculine at birth and are sometimes raised as boys


Life experiences can cause biological differences between women and men.

*True* - Performing male-typical behaviors can increase women's testosterone levels, and performing female-typical behaviors can reduce men's testosterone levels

In general, men are more likely than women to suffer from alcohol, drug, and other substances use disorders

*True* - Sex differences in these types of disorders are in the medium effect size range

Across most psychological variables, sex differences are generally very small

*True* - Sex differences on most psychological variables are in the close-to-zero and small ranges

Sexual and gender minority youths who live in neighborhoods with higher rates hate crimes against LGBT people are more likely to attempt suicide

*True* - Sexual and gender minority youths who have not personally experienced hate crimes are more likely to attempt suicide if they live in neighborhoods with higher rates of LGBT hate crimes

Gender stereotypes largely map onto the types of social roles and occupations that women and men perform

*True* - Social role theory argues and finds that gender stereotypes accurately reflect the distributions of women and men into sex-based labor and role division s

In the United States, since the 1960s, mothers have doubled and fathers have tripled the amount of time per week, on average, that they spend on childcare

*True* - The past half-century has *seen large increases* in the amount of time that parents spend on childcare, and this is *true both* in the United States and around the world

Girls and boys do not differ significantly in average levels of general mental ability (intelligence)

*True* - There are no consistent sex differences in average intelligence, although there are some small to moderate sex differences in specific cognitive abilities

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, but physicians less often test and prescribe medicine for heart disease in women than in men

*True* - This may *reflect implicit physicians biases*, in which stereotypes subtly influence physicians decisions

In surveys of romantic partner preferences, men tend to rate physical attractiveness as more important in a mate than women do, and women tend to rate good financial prospects as more important in a mate than men do.

*True* - This pattern emerges *cross cultures*

When women outnumber men on college campuses, heterosexual men put less effort and commitment into theri college dating relationships

*True* - When women outnumber men, men are less committed to college relationships

Women's underrepresentation in careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is due, at least to some degree, to lifestyle choices and demands placed on them to treat children and manage homes

*True* - Women opt out of STEM careers at higher rates than men, at least in part, because of family obligations

Young women are more likely than young men to post about relationships on social networks sites while young men are more likely than young women to post about abstract societal issues

*True* - Young women are more likely to post about relationships while young men are more likely to discuss society

Gendered word choice can influence people's thoughts and perceptions

*True* - consistent with the Whorfian hypothesis, *word choices can influence thoughts* by making gender categories more or less salient, by reinforcing gender stereotypes, and by influencing perceptions of blame associated with perpetrators and victims of violence

Men in most societies, including the United States, smoke tobacco and drink alcohol more than women do

*True* - the gender gap, however, is shrinking in the United States

Reminding women about negative stereotypes about women's math abilities can lower their math test performance

*True* - when reminded of negative stereotypes about women's math abilities, *women experience stereotype threat*, which can interfere with their performance on math tests

Children who display cross-sex play preferences in childhood (girls who prefer rough-and-tumble play and boys who prefer dolls) are not more likely than other children to identify as gay or lesbian later in life

*False* - Children who display cross-sex play preferences are substantially *more likely to identify as gay or lesbian* in adolescence and adulthood

There are only two biological sexes male and female

*False* - Biology also offers several different types of intersexuality, in which the biological components of sex do not consistently fit the typical male pattern or the typical female pattern

Flexible work policies, such as telecommuting and flexible hours, correlate with less worker productivity and generally negative outcomes for organizations

*False* - Flexible work arrangements correlate with greater productivity and tend to benefit both employees and organizations

Countries with greater gender equality show smaller sex differences in verbal abilities

*False* - In countries that have more gender equality, girls tend to outperform boys in reading performance by the widest margins

Parents are generally accurate in their perceptions of sex differences in infant boys' and girls' physical abilities

*False* - Parents tend to overestimate the physical abilities of boys, when, in fact, there are *no sex differences in infant's physical competencies*

While men experience their sexual peak between the ages of 19 and 25, women reach their sexual peak around the ages of 30-35

*False* - There is *little evidence* that men and women "peak" sexually at such disparate ages

In the context of heterosexual romantic relationships, men tend to experience more jealousy than women do regarding the possibility of their partner falling in love with someone else

*False* - *Depending on the methods used*, men either report identical levels of emotional jealousy or less emotional jealous than women

Approximately one-quarter (25%) of all people in the United States will meet diagnostic criteria for a mental illness during their lifetimes

*False* - Almost one-half (47%) of all people in the United States will meet diagnostic criteria for a mental illness during their lifetime

Girls use indirect, relational forms of aggression, such as gossip and spreading rumors, much more often than boys do

*False* - Although early research suggested that girls were more likely than boys to use indirect aggression, recent reviews suggest *sex differences that are close to zero*

Most sex differences in cognitive abilities map directly onto sex differences in specific brain structures

*False* - It is *unclear* whether or how sex differences in brain structures map onto sex differences in cognitive abilities

Sex differences in language use emerge consistently, regardless of variables such as cultures, race, social status, and education level

*False* - Language use differs greatly by culture, race, social status, and education level, and these variables interact with sex in complex ways to influence whether and when sex differences emerge

Individuals who are members of one subordinate group tend to experience the same amount of discrimination as individuals who are members of two subordinate groups

*False* - Members of two subordinate groups often experience mistreatment based on both of their subordinate statuses

On average, women talk more than men

*False* - Men are slightly more talkative than women, but the effect size is small and differs depending on contextual factors

Once you account for differences in the occupations that women and men choose, the gender wage gap disappears

*False* - Men do tend to select higher-paying jobs, but *men earn more than women in both high and low paying occupations*

In health care surveys, most transgender adults say that it is not necessarily important for their doctor to know their gender identity status

*False* - Most transgender adults say that it is *important for their doctor to know* their gender identity status

Sex (whether a person is male, female, or other) is shaped entirely by biological factors

*False* - Sex is shaped by complex interactions between nature and nurture

The contents of gender stereotypes tend to vary a lot from one culture to another

*False* - The contents of gender stereotypes are largely consistent across cultures, with some exceptions

College students who are in friends with benefits sexual relationships report that the quality of their friendships declines after they introduce sex into the mix

*False* - The majority of students in friends with benefits arrangements report that the friendship *improves* after it becomes sexual

The American Psychiatric Association considers transgender identity to be a clinically diagnosable psychological disorder

*False* - The most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders no longer considers transgender identity a disorder - People may, however, receive a diagnosis of gender *dysphoria* if they experience distress about a mismatch between their gender identity and the sex that others assign them

Genital Reconstruction Surgery typically makes it difficult for transgender people to have orgasms

*False* - Transgender people report relatively high rates of orgasm following surgery

From twin studies, we know that gender identity is determined primarily by socialization (nurture)

*False* - Twin studies indicate that gender identifying is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors

The United States typically ranks in the top 10 countries in the world in terms of gender equality (measured in terms of gaps between women and men in health, education, political representation, and economic participation)

*False* - United States ranks 45th out of 144 nations in gender equality

Eating disorders only occur in Westerns cultures

*False* - While eating disorders rates tend to lower in non-Western cultures, increasing exposure to Western, objectified representations of women correlates with increased eating disorders among women in non-Western cultures

Compared with women, men tend to be better at identifying and managing their own emotions and emotions of others

*False* - While men estimate their emotional intelligence as higher than women do, *women score higher on measures of emotional intelligence*

Women tend to live longer than men in wealthier countries, but men live longer than women in poorer countries

*False* - Women outlive men in *every country* on the planet

If a study finds that women and men differ on some variables of interest - for instance, the frequency of smiling behaviour - the researcher can therefore conclude that sex (being male or female) causes differences in smiling behaviour

*False* - because sex and gender identity are not true independent variables, that is, *they cannot be manipulated, nor can people be randomly assigned to occupy different levels of them*, researchers cannot draw cause-and-effect conclusions from studies that compare women and men

As people enter middle and late adulthood, gender becomes a less central part of the self

*False* - counter to the degendering hypothesis, there is *no evidence* that gender becomes less central to the self as people go

In households in which women make more money than their husbands, wives tend to do less housework than husbands

*False* - some research finds that women do relatively less housework the more they earn but only up until the point where they earn as much husbands - From that point, on *men do less housework the more their wives outearn them*

Across cultures, men generally report higher levels of happiness and positive emotions than women do

*False* - there are not persistent sex differences in the amount of happiness that women and men report

All female individuals have an XX pair of chromosomes, and all male individuals have an XY pair

*False* - while most girls have XX pairs and most boys have XY pairs, some female-identifying and male-identifying individuals have different combinations of chromosomes

Most of the evidence indicates that widely held gender stereotypes are inaccurate

*Fasle* - Much evidence indicates that people's gender stereotypes are generally accurate in terms of direction, discrepancy, and rank-ordering

In the United States, the strength of people's gender stereotypes has not weakened over the past several decades

*True* - Gender stereotypes are endorsed just as strongly today as they were in the mid-1980s

Between one-third and two-thirds of sexual assault are age 15 or younger

*True* - Most sexual assault targets people who are *younger and more vulnerable*

Arranged marriages - in which a relative or family friend selects the marriage partners - are the most common form of marriage worldwide

*True* - *Slightly more than one-half* of marriages worldwide are arranged

Around the world, young men commit the vast majority of violent crimes

*True* - About 85% of all homicides and serious assaults are committed by men, and the median age for committing homicide is 20

In surveys, men generally report being in better health than women

*True* - Around the globe, *women consistently report poorer physical health* than men do

Many asexual people report difficulty in understanding their internal experiences of their sexuality because they lack the language to describe these experiences

*True* - Because asexuality is not well understood, *asexual people often lack the language to describe* and understand their experiences until they first encounter relevant terminology

Many people who believe in feminist principles do not identify as feminists

*True* - Many people support the principles of feminism but reject the label, perhaps due to negative stereotypes of feminists

By calling attention to sex in the classroom (referring to girls and boys rather than children), teachers can increase children's gender stereotyping and their preferences for members of their own sex

*True* - Simply labeling children by their sex category can *increase children's endorsement of sex stereotypes* and their preference for their own sex over others

People who endorse hostile attitudes toward women also tend to endorse benevolent attitudes toward women (beliefs that women should be cherished and protected)

*True* - hostile and benevolent sexism are positively correlated

Although we usually assume that love follows desire (we fall in love with people after first finding them sexually attractive), it is just as possible for desire to follow love (we can become sexually attracted to someone after first falling in love with them)

*True* - the links between love and desire go in both directions

Women hold fewer top executive positions than men, in part because of gender stereotypes that contribute to biases in hiring and career advancement

*True* - there are numerous workplace gender biases that prevent women from advancing in the workplace

Gender researchers disagree about whether or not it is appropriate to study sex differences

*True* - there is a long-standing debate among gender researchers about whether or not it is appropriate and ethical to study sex differences

On average, girls and women smile more than boys and men

*True* - this is a fairly robust sex difference found across cultures

In general, relationships satisfaction decreases after couples have children

*True* - this pattern emerges for *most couples*, whether they are heterosexual, lesbian or gay

Being reminded of a negative gender stereotype can cause people to behave consistently with the stereotype

*True* - when people are reminded of negative stereotype about their gender group, this can cause anxious arousal and pre-occupation that causes them to confirm the stereotype

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