General Bio FINAL

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A gene has two alleles, D and d. the frequency of the D allele is 0.2. What is the frequency of the d allele?


A diploid cell with 12 unique chromosomes (24 total, one set from mother and one from father) undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes does each new cell have after meiosis?


An actively dividing cell has six chromosomes. How many sister chromatids are present within this cell at the end of G2 phase?


If a segment of double-stranded DNA has 20 percent A, how much of it is C?


Which of the following cell structure can be found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? A) cytoplasm, plasma membrane, ribosomes B) nucleus C) smooth ER and rough ER D) golgi apparatus

A) cytoplasm, plasma membrane, ribosomes

The order of the base pairs in a DNA molecule A) differs from species to species B) identical for all organisms C) identical in organisms of same species D) differs from cell to cell in a given organism

A) differs from species to species

The molecule ________ is produced to store energy and is broken down in order to use that energy for cellular processes.


The molecule _________ is produced to store energy is broken down in order to use that energy for cellular processes


Movement of a substance (across plasma membrane) that requires the input of energy

Active Transport

A feature, or trait, that gives an individual improved function in a competitive environment

Adaptive Trait

Formation of new species form geographically isolated populations

Allopatric Speciation

Metabolic pathways that create complex molecules from smaller compounds


A strand of DNA has the sequence GCAATTCG. The sequence of the complementary strand is.... A) CGTTTTCG B) CGTTAAGC C) GCAATTCG D) CGTTAAGG


In the enzye catalyzed reaction wher A=(enzyme 1) --> B ----> (enzyme 2) -----> C -----> (enzyme 3) ----> D, what will be the effect of inactivating enzyme 2?

B will still be produced, but not C and D

Which of the following is true of rRNA? A) it is made up of base pairs B) it carries amino acids C) it is not translated D) it helps trancribe DNA

C) it is not translated

Which of the following is NOT a cause of evolution? A) mutation B) eliminates harmful alleles C) magnifies the effects of genetic drift D) creates genetic differences between the populations

C) stable environmental conditions

Which of the following does not represent a phenotype? A) a person's susceptibility to Addison's disease B) the height of a draft horse C) the alleles in a mouse that control hair color D) the extent to which an individual is shy

C) the alleles in a mouse that control hair color

Which of the following statements IS TRUE of Mendel's law? A) they are less accurate than Punnett square results B) they are useful only in unusual situations C) they correctly explain how genes are inherited D) they correctly predict the phenotype of an organism

C) they correctly explain how a gene is inherited

In humans the tRNA with the anticodon AAU carries the amino acid leucine. In plants, this tRNA..... A) would not have anticodon B) would not carry an amino acid C) would carry the same amino acid D) would carry a different amino acid

C) would carry the same amino acid

Relation indicating that a change in one aspect of the natural world causes a change in another aspect


In genetic engineering, molecular biologists often combine segments of DNA from two separate organisms. This is an example of genetic recombination that occurs in a laboratory setting. Which of the following is a form of genetic recombination that occurs naturally within cells? Mitosis Independent Assortment Crossing Over Asexual Reproduction

Crossing Over

Which of the following is NOT correctly state a difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA organization? A) prokaryotes are unable to udnergo transciption and translation B) prokaryotic cells do not need to undergo translation C) prokaryotic cells do not need to undergo transcription D) prokaryotic transcription and translation both take place in the cytoplasm

D) Prokaryotic transcription and translation both take place in cytoplasm

Which of the following examples does NOT illustrate a difference in fitness that would lead to evolution by natural selection? A) male peacocks with larger, more colorful tails are more frequently chosen as mates B) moths with coloration that allows them to blend in with the bark of spruce trees are more difficult for predators to find C) wolves who are more successful hunting in packs find mates more frequently D) a female panda living in a zoo in China is impregnated more frequently than a female panda living in a zoo in the US

D) a female panda living in a zoo China is impregnated more frequently than a female panda living in a zoo in the US

Both members of a couple are carriers for a recessive disease allele. if the couple has four children, which of the following statements must be true? A) one of the children has the disease B) two of the children have the disease C) all of the male children have the disease D) fifty percent of the children could be carriers of the disease

D) fifty percent of the children could be carriers of the disease

Which of the following is NOT an example of a compound that would fall into the category of monomers? monosaccharaides amino acids DNA nucelotides


If a strand of DNA has a sequence CGTAA, the RNA made from this molecule will have the sequence???


Bears have thinner bones than whales. Hippopotami have intermediate bone thickness. What hypothesis does this support?

Hippopotami spend part of their time living in water and part of their time living on land

Family within the primates that include the apes (including us)


Human and fish embryos share a number of features. Why is this?

Humans and fish share a common ancestor

A pool of cells is treated with a chemical that halts progress through the cell cycle. In which stage of the cell cycle would most cells be found?


Barriers that prevent zygotes from developing into healthy and fertile offspring

Postzygotic Barrier

Barriers that prevent male gametes (sperm) from fusing with female gametes (eggs) to form a zygote

Prezygotic Barrier

In humans, the "master sex switch" that determines whether an embryo will become a male is the....

SRY gene

Individuals with intermediate values of an inherited phenotypic trait have an advantage over other individuals in a population

Stabilizing Selection

A trait that is inherited from a common ancestor but no longer used, or has degenerated

Vestigial Trait

Breeding programs for farm raised chickens result in variety of unusual colors and feathers. Is this an example of evolution?

Yes, the change in chicken coloration is genetic change in the population over time

A solution with a pH of a is


Adaptive evolution allows species to....

adjust to environmental changes

Different version (copy) of a given gene?


Convergent evolution produces...

analogous characteristics

Scientists working for a major cosmetics company are attempting to determine if a new face cream can reduce the number of fine lines and wrinkles on a person's face. This is an example of

applied research

Chromosomes that are not responsible for the sex of an organism?


The order of the bases of DNA determines the order of the

bases in mRNA

A plant cell is mutated so ATP synthase no longer functions. Which process will be affected?

both photosynthesis and respiration

Based on the biological species concept, and organism is considered a unique species if it...

cannot successfully reproduce with other populations

metabolic pathways that release chemical energy in the process of breaking down complex molecules


Experimental studies are an effective way of establishing _______ relationship between two or more aspects of the natural world because they provide a way of testing predicted interaction(s).


The smallest and most basic units of life are microscopic, self contained units enclosed by a water repelling membrane and are called ______


DNA wrapped around spools of protein


Linking rising rates of autism with increased use of vaccines is suggesting a ______between vaccines and autism.


bond between two atoms that occurs through sharing of electrons

covalent bond

Which of the following cell structure can be found in both prokaryotes and eurokayotes?

cytoplasm plasma membrane ribosomes

Dr. Blehert took 117 healthy bats into his laboratory. he exposed 83 of them to the fungus suspected of causing white nose syndrome (WNS) while the rest of the bats were not exposed to the fungus but otherwise kept under the same environmental conditions. All of the bats were monitored for symptoms of WNS. What was the dependent variable?

development of WNS symptoms in the healthy bats

Individuals at one extreme of an inherited phenotypic trait have an advantage over other individuals in a population

directional selection

Two copies of the same gene on a single chromosome would indicate a(n) _________ had occurred.


A ______ cell contains a membrane-enclosed nucleus and membrane-enclosed organelles


What are the basic units of information affecting a genetic trait?


Geographic isolation limits the _______ between populations of a species.

gene flow

Change in allele frequencies produced by random differences in survival and reproduction among individuals in a population

genetic drift

Which step of cellular respiration occurs outside the mitochondria?


Feature that is similar across species because of common descent (descent from a common ancestor)?

homologous trait

The two strands of DNA molecule are held together by _______ bonds between their base pairs.


informed, logical and plausible explanation for an observation of the natural world


bond that forms between a negatively charge ion and a positively charged ion

ionic bond

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is what?

is the site where lipids destined for other cellular compartments are manufactured

A scientific hypothesis must be constructed with which of the following characteristics?

it provides a reasonable explanation to a question and is consistent with current observations it must also be testable and falsiable

Depiction showing all the chromosomes of a particular individual arranged in homologous pairs?


What are macromolecules....

large organic molecules that play important biological function in cells

Gene flow between two populations....

makes the genetic composition of the two populations more similar

Chromosomes are lined up at the middle of the cell during the _______ portion of cell division.


Which of the following differentiates meiosis form mitosis?

mitosis is used for the repaid or cells, whereas meiosis creates cells for sexual reproduction

New alleles arise by....


The result of _____ over evolutionary time spans is that alleles that allow organisms to survive and reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals become more common in the population.

natural selection

The macromolecules that are responsible for transmitting and expressing genetic information are the

nucleic acids

The first two steps of the scientific process typically include making _______ and forming a _______.

observation, hypothesis

Once replication in a DNA molecule is complete, each new DNA molecule contains.....

one old strand and one new strand

movement of a substance (across plasma membrane) that does not require the input of energy

passive transport

What is a single gene that influences more than one trait?


What is a single trait governed by the actions of more than one gene?


Technique to artificially amplify a segment of DNA in a laboratory?

polymerase chain reaction

A Punnett square is used to.....

predict the outcome of a genetic cross

First publication of scientific literature

primary literature

The goal of meiosis is to

produce eggs and sperm

The goal of meiosis is to....

produce eggs and sperms

Macromolecules are typically formed by repetitively adding small monomers together. Which macromolecules is properly matched with the appropriate monomer?

protein - amino acids

Claims that are characterized by scientific-sounding statements, beliefs, or practices but are not actually based on the scientific method are properly viewed as


Four codons code for the amino acid Threonin, this is known as....


If you have a basic understanding of scientific facts and theories, and (more importantly) of the process of science as a way of understanding the world and making decisions, you are considered

scientifically literate

If you have a basic understanding of scientific facts and theories, and (more importantly) of the process of science as a way of understanding the world and making decisions, you are considered....

scientifically literate

Point mutation where one nucleotide base is replaced with another?


In humans, X-linked genetic diseases

tend to be expressed more in males than in females

What best summarizes the vents of the Calvin cycle (in photosynthesis)?

the cycle uses ATP and NADPH to produce sugars

In science, a group of related hypotheses that have been confirmed time and again through many diverse lines of investigation by independent researchers are pulled together under a unifying...


In science, a group of related hypotheses that have been confirmed time and again through many diverse lines of investigation by independent researchers are pulled together under a unifying......


What makes liver cells different from heart cells of the same organism?

these cell types express different genes

Why would hyprophilic substances such as sodium ions Na+, hydrogen ions H+, sugars, and amino acids be unable to simply diffuse across a plasma membrane?

they do not readily mix with the hydrophobic tails forming the core of the phospholipid bilayer; therefore, they must move across by facilitated diffusion

Two fossils of the same species are found in both Africa and South America. What does this indicate?

this organism evolved before the separation of Pangaea

Synthesis of RNA based on a DNA template?


Process by which ribosomes convert mRNA into proteins?


On chromosomes within an individual, there are _______ alleles for a given gene found on ________ chromosomes.

two, homologous

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