General Biology Chap 18, 19, 31, 32

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What is the order of evolution of hominins?

-Bipedal -Tool use -Brain size increase

Why is current human society unsustainable?

-a considerable proportion of land, and therefore natural ecosystems, is being used for human purposes. -Agriculture requires large inputs of nonrenewable fossil fuel energy, fertilizer, and pesticides, which creates pollution. More fresh water is used in agriculture than in homes. -At least half of the agricultural yield in the U.S. goes toward feeding animals. According to the 10-to-1 rule of thumb, it takes 10 lbs. of grain to grow 1 lb. of meat. Therefore, it is inefficient for citizens in MDCs to eat as much as they do. Also, animal sewage pollutes water. -Our society uses primarily nonrenewable fossil fuel energy, which leads to acid precipitation, smog, and various other pollutants entering the ecosystems. -Minerals are nonrenewable, and the mining, processing, and the use of minerals are responsible for much environmental pollution.

What are the characteristics of chordates?

-a dorsal supporting rod -a dorsal tubular nerve cord -pharyngeal pouches -a postanal tail

Give some examples of nonrenewable resources.

-amount of land -fossil fuels -minerals

Give some examples of crustaceans.

-barnacles -shrimp -lobster -crabs

What are the indirect benefits of biodiversity?

-biogeochemical cycles -waste disposal -provision of fresh fish -prevention of soil erosion -regulation of climate -ecotourism

What fields of applied biology support conservation biology?

-biopark management -forestry -veterinary science -fisheries biology -range management -agronomy -wildlife management

What are some activities that may help make urban societies more sustainable?

-design energy efficient transportation system -use solar and geothermal energy to heat buildings -utilize green roofs -plant native species -create greenbelts -revitalize old sections of a city

Identify the key events in the evolution of animals.

-differences in symmetry (bilateral and radial) -cephalization (location of the brain and specialized sensory organs) -segmentation (repetition of body parts along the length of the body

What animals fall into the lophotrochozoans group of protostome animals?

-flatworms -molluscs -annelids

What are some examples of amphibians?

-frogs -toads -newts -salamanders

What fields of basic biology support conservation biology?

-genetics -physiology -behavior -systematics -ecology -field biology -evolutionary biology

Give some examples of jawless fish.

-hagfishes -lampreys

What are the two chief characteristics of mammals?

-hair -mammary glands

What are the economic benefits to fungi?

-help us produce medicines and many types of food

What are the different types of fish?

-jawless -cartilaginous -bony

The success of arthropods can be attributed to what characteristics?

-jointed appendages -exoskeleton -segmentation -well developed nervous system -variety of respiratory organs -metamorphosis

Give some physical characteristics of amphibians.

-jointed limbs -eyelid -a sound-producing larynx -ears

types of prosimians

-lemurs -tarsiers -lorises

What are the direct benefits of biodiversity?

-medicinal value -agricultural value -consumptive use value

types of anthropoids

-monkeys -apes -humans

What is the correct sequence of plant evolution?

-multicellular embryo -vascular tissue -seed -flower

Give some examples of bony, ray-finned fish.

-perch -trout -salmon -haddock

What are some activities that may help make rural societies more sustainable?

-plant cover crops -practice multiuse, or polyuse, farming -replenish soil nutrients through composting, organic gardening, or other self-renewable methods -use low-flow trickle irrigation, retention ponds, and contour farming -increase the planting of cultivars -use precision farming -use integrated pest management -plant a variety of species, including native plants -plant multipurpose trees -maintain and restore wetlands -use renewable forms of energy -buy food products produced locally

What are the five significant events, in chronological order, in the evolution of land plants?

-protection of the embryo -evolution of vascular tissue -evolution of leaves (microphylls and megaphylls) -evolution of the seed -evolution of the flower

What are the ecological benefits of plants?

-reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

What are the ecological benefits of fungi?

-return inorganic nutrients to the soil

What animals are considered to be ecdysozoans?

-roundworms -arthropods

What are the common parts of a flower?

-sepal -petal -stamen -carpel

Give some examples of cartilaginous fish.

-sharks -rays -skates

Give some examples of renewable resources.

-solar energy -animals for food -harvest plants

What are the types of arachnids?

-spiders -scorpions -ticks

What groups of animals are considered to be the early animals?

-sponges -cnidarians

What are the economic benefits of plants?

-the use of their fruit as food -foods and commercial products made up from roots, stems, and leaves

All molluscs have a body that is composed of what 3 parts?

-the visceral mass -the foot -the mantle

What are the similarities between green algae and land plants?

-they both contain chlorophyll a and b, plus accessory pigments -they both store carbohydrates as starch -they both have cellulose in their cell walls -they both form structures that protect and nourish the zygote

Give some examples of chordates.

-tunicates -lancelets

If there are 10,000 calories of net primary productivity in a field, how much on average will be available to a primary consumer?

1,000 calories

As an overall average, about _______ of the energy at one trophic level is available to the next-highest rank in the food chain.


When did modern humans migrate from Africa into Asia and Europe?

100,000 years ago

Observe Figure 2. All of the caterpillars in an area weight 2,000 kg. How much of this biomass will be converted into top carnivore tissue?

20 kg

In the replacement model, where did modern humans first evolve?


The closest living relatives of modern humans are ___________.

African apes

A fungal infection that covers an amphibian's skin can quickly kill the animal. Why can't the amphibians tolerate their skin being covered with a foreign substance?

Amphibians have small lungs and use their skin for gas exchange; they suffocate when the skin is covered with fungal growth

Explain how animals are different than other organisms.

Animals are chemoheterotrophs that digest their food with a digestive system. They reproduce sexually to produce a fertilized diploid egg that undergoes a complex order of developmental steps. Specialized tissues develop, such as muscles and nerves, which provide the ability to move. Plants can photosynthesize but cannot move and fungi digest their food externally and absorb the nutrients.

Give some examples of segmented animals.

Annelids, such as earthworms; arthropods, such as lobsters; chordates, such as humans

The first hominid to be considered Homo sapiens was ______________.


Homo erectus

Early Homo who used fire and migrated out of Africa to Europe and Asia

Observe Figure 3. True or False: a fox is a primary consumer.


True of False: jaws are present in all fishes.


True or False: a cellular level of organization is present in cnidarians but not in sponges.


True or False: a conch is a bivalve.


True or False: a flower captures spores.


True or False: a flower increases photosynthesis.


True or False: a flower protects seeds.


True or False: a fluke is a coelom.


True or False: a four-chambered heart is a characteristic of a typical amphibian adult.


True or False: a group of walrus on a beach is a community.


True or False: a herd of elephants in the Namib desert is a community.


True or False: a hydra is a coelom


True or False: a mussel is a cephalopod.


True or False: a nudibranch is a cephalopod.


True or False: a planarian is a coelom.


True or False: a psuedocoelom lined with mesoderm is found in arthropods.


True or False: a roundworm is a coelom


True or False: a snail is a bivalve.


True or False: a snail is a cephalopod.


True or False: a squid is a bivalve.


True or False: all worms are segmented.


True or False: an annelid would not excrete via nephridia.


True or False: an annelid would not have a coelom.


True or False: an annelid would not have a complete digestive tract.


True or False: an annelid would not have segmentation.


True or False: an exoskeleton is not a feature of an insect.


True or False: an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a benefit of plants.


True or False: an octopus is a bivalve.


True or False: an oyster is a cephalopod.


True or False: antennae is not a feature of an insect.


True or False: birds are not amniotes.


True or False: birds are not chordates.


True or False: birds are not deuterostomes.


True or False: birds are not reptiles.


True or False: cnidarians are classified as an animal while sponges are not.


True or False: compound eyes is not a feature of an insect.


True or False: ectothermic capability is a feature of mammals.


True or False: ferns have microphylls.


True or False: filter feeding is present in cnidarians but not in sponges.


True or False: fins supported by bony spikes are present in all fishes.


True or False: fleshy, bone-containing appendages are present in all fishes.


True or False: flukes are segmented.


True or False: fungal cell walls are composed of cellulose.


True or False: gibbons are anthropoids and hominins.


True or False: growing livestock is more sustainable than growing crop plants.


True or False: hummingbirds at a feeder is a community.


True or False: in an ecosystem, energy is constantly recycled.


True or False: invertebrates lack a nervous system.


True or False: jointed legs is not a feature of an insect.


True or False: lungs are present in all fishes.


True or False: lycophytes have megaphylls


True or False: multicellularity is present in cnidarians but not in sponges.


True or False: planarians are segmented.


True or False: radial symmetry is a feature of coelomate.


True or False: roundworms are segmented.


True or False: the ability to undergo photosynthesis is a plant adaptation to land.


True or False: trout and the lake they inhabit is a community.


True or False: zoo plankton are secondary consumers.


True or False: zooplankton are decomposers.


True or False: zooplankton are producers.


True or False: zooplankton are tertiary consumers.


With this renewable energy resource, elements in the soil can be used to heat buildings.


What is the main difference between lycophytes and ferns?

Lycophytes have microphylls; ferns have megaphylls

This renewable energy resource uses photovoltaic cells to convert photons to electricity.


Observe Figure 3. True or False: a chipmunk is a primary consumer.


Observe Figure 3. True or False: a deer is a primary consumer.


Observe Figure 3. True or False: a rabbit is a primary consumer.


Observe Figure 3. True or False: mice are primary consumers.


True or False: a clam is a bivalve.


True or False: a complete digestive tract body plan is a feature of coelomate.


True or False: a diaphragm to help expand lungs is a feature of mammals.


True or False: a flower attracts pollinators.


True or False: a four-chambered heart is a feature of mammals.


True or False: a sea star is a coelom.


True or False: a squid is a cephalopod.


True or False: a well developed nervous system is found in arthropods.


True or False: all major invertebrate groups arose from protistan ancestors.


True or False: an annelid would not undergo metamorphosis.


True or False: annelids are segmented.


True or False: birds are not ectothermic.


True or False: carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.


True or False: carbon returns to the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels.


True or False: carbon returns to the atmosphere from respiration of animals.


True or False: carbon returns to the atmosphere from respiration of plants.


True or False: cassava and sweet potatoes are edible roots.


True or False: charophytes are freshwater green algae.


True or False: charophytes are the closest living relatives of land plants.


True or False: charophytes enclose their zygotes within protective structures.


True or False: charophytes lack vascular tissue.


True or False: chimpanzees are anthropoids and hominins.


True or False: eight legs is not a feature of an insect.


True or False: exoskeleton is found in arthropods.


True or False: eyelids is a characteristic of a typical amphibian adult.


True or False: ferns have megaphylls.


True or False: food is a benefit of plants.


True or False: fungi digest their food before ingesting it.


True or False: gorillas are anthropoids and hominins.


True or False: hair is a feature of mammals.


True or False: humans are anthropoids and hominins.


True or False: in an ecosystem, chemicals are constantly recycled and reused.


True or False: in an ecosystem, chemicals are converted from one form to another.


True or False: in an ecosystem, energy is required continuously because some energy is lost.


True or False: in an ecosystem, the ultimate source of energy is the sun.


True or False: jaws is a characteristic of a typical amphibian adult


True or False: jointed appendages are found in arthropods.


True or False: jointed limbs is a characteristic of a typical amphibian adult.


True or False: lungs is a characteristic of a typical amphibian adult.


True or False: lycophytes have microphylls.


True or False: many invertebrate species live in a marine environment.


True or False: milk-producing glands is a feature of mammals.


True or False: most animal phyla are invertebrates.


True or False: most fungi are multicellular.


True or False: most fungi are nonmotile.


True or False: most furniture, paper, and rope is made of the wood of a tree trunk or fibers from woody stems.


True or False: most garden plants are angiosperms.


True or False: orangutans are anthropoids and hominins.


True or False: organ level of organization is a feature of coelomate.


True or False: radial symmetry is present in cnidarians but not in sponges.


True or False: segmentation is found in arthropods.


True or False: squirrels and the oak trees they live in is a community.


True or False: the development of flowers is a plant adaptation to land.


True or False: the many chemicals produced by plants make up 50% of all pharmaceuticals and various types of products we can use.


True or False: the presence of vascular tissue is a plant adaptation to land.


True or False: the production of clothing is a benefit of plants.


True or False: the production of drugs is a benefit of plants.


True or False: the production of furniture is a benefit of plants.


True or False: the production of seeds is a plant adaptation to land.


True or False: the protection of the embryo in maternal tissue is a plant adaptation to land.


True or False: the vast majority of animal species are invertebrates.


True or False: three germ layers is a feature of coelomate.


True or False: vertebrae is present in all fishes.


True or False: zooplankton are primary consumers.


This renewable resource provides a constant source of power for communities such that its energy can be sold when in excess and bought when in need.


While walking in the woods, you come across some low-growing plants clustered at the base of a tree. You collect one as a specimen for biology class. Upon examination in the lab, you find that the leaf-, stem-, and root-like structures contain no vascular tissue. The plant is ___________________.

a bryophyte

What protest is hypothesized to be ancestral to animals?

a choanoflagellate

food web

a diagram that illustrates the interconnecting pathways of energy flow between the components of the ecosystem

conservation biology

a field of science that focuses on conserving natural resources for this and future generations; concerned with developing new scientific concepts and applying them to our lives, along with sustainably managing the Earth's biodiversity for human use


a fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind, insects, or other animals.


a group of arthropods that includes spiders, scorpions, and ticks


a group of freshwater green algae thought to be the closest relatives of land plants

trophic level

a level of nourishment within a food web or chain

species richness

a listing of the various species found in the community


a mass of hyphae that make up the main body of a fungus

What is the mantle of a mollusk?

a membranous or sometimes muscular covering that envelops, but does not completely enclose, the visceral mass


a mutualistic association between a particular fungus and cyanobacteria or green algae

Which feature is necessary in order to classify an organism as an ecdysozoan?

a nonliving exoskeleton

A feature of annelids is _______________.

a segmented body


a small flowerless green plant that lacks true roots, growing in low carpets or rounded cushions in damp habitats and reproducing by means of spores released from stalked capsules.


a very diverse group of arthropods

Forests help to regulate the global climate by ____________.

absorbing carbon dioxide

What characteristic is common to the flatworms, molluscs, and annelids?

all have bilateral symmetry


also called "flowering plants"; the seeds of these plants are borne within the fruit


amount of each specific species in a community; includes species richness and species distribution


an assemblage of populations of multiple species, interacting with one another within a single environment


an evolutionary change in one species results in an evolutionary change in another species

Some scientists estimate that over half of the world's rainforest has already been lost, mostly due to human activities. What would you predict as a consequence of the massive loss of plant life?

an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide

A fruit is derived from ___________________

an ovary


ancient group of invertebrates that are radially symmetrical; as adults, they have a tissue level of organization; classified as the first of the eumetazoans

Apples, oranges, peanuts, and rice grains are produced by _______________________.


These plants contain seeds enclosed in a fruit.



animal that can live on land and in water


animal that has a dorsal tubular nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, and a postanal tail at some point in its life cycle


animals that are bilaterally symmetric; have 3 germ layers; considered to be acoelomates, meaning that they lack a body cavity, coelom


animals that eat other animals


animals that eat plants and animals


animals that graze directly on algae or plants


animals that lack an internal skeleton, or endoskeleton, of bone or cartilage; majority of the animal kingdom


animals with a hard, crusty exoskeleton; a group of largely marine arthropods


animals with an endoskeleton; minority of the animal kingdom

Observe Figure 1. "A" represents the ________________.



any alteration of the environment in an undesirable way

In an aquatic ecosystem, the aquatic plants are eaten by small invertebrates that in turn are eaten by crayfish. The crayfish are eaten by fish, and the fish are eaten by ducks. In this system, the greatest amount of biomass would be found in the ________________.

aquatic plants

An organism that can use energy and inorganic substances to produce all the organic material it requires is a(n) ______________.

autotroph and producer

The first humanlike feature to evolve in the hominins was _____________.

bipedal locomotion

What characteristic separates birds from other reptiles?

birds are endothermic, while other reptiles are exothermic

What are the most numerous and diverse vertebrates?

bony fishes

These are short plants in which the gametophyte generation is the most dominant generation.


___________ is responsible for the generation of fossil fuels.


____________ involves the elaborate exchange of gaseous products of consumer respiration / breathing with a producer converting these components from the atmosphere into compounds it can use for itself.


Scientists have shown that as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, the pH of the oceans decrease, thereby threatening aquatic organisms such as coral and organisms with shells. What is the best explanation for this?

carbon dioxide combines with water to form an acid

The evolution of bilateral symmetry allowed for ____________.


What are the first of the eumetazoans?


Ferns and other seedless vascular plants are sometimes called ___________________.

coal age plants

The world today derives the majority of its energy from what sources?

coal and oil

fossil fuels

coal, oil, natural gas; most were formed during the Carboniferous period; results from the decomposition of plants and animals coupled with exposure to heat and pressure for millions of years


coelomate organisms with a complete digestive tract

What do the sepals do?

collectively called "the calyx", they protect the flower bud before it opens

What do the petals do?

collectively called "the corolla", they often attract a particular pollinator

An orchid plant lives in the treetops, gaining access to sun and pollinators but not harming the trees. What type of interaction is this?



common term used to describe the part of a fungi called the fruiting body

Both foxes and coyotes in an area feed primarily on a limited supply of rabbits. What type of interaction is this?



consists of species of a community interacting with one another and with the environment


consume food


consume preformed organic nutrients and release CO2 in the atmosphere; aka. "Consumers"; broken into three categories: herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore


contain saclike bodies perforated by many pores; they are aquatic, largely marine animals that vary greatly in size, shape, and color; many are asymmetrical; multicellular, but lack organized tissues; have a cellular level of organization

Homo habilis

dated between 2.0 and 1.9 MYA, who is believed to have been the first tool user

What has the greatest influence in creating a more sustainable urban society?

decreasing the amount of land that is altered in order to accommodate human desires

food chain

diagram that shows a single path of energy flow in an ecosystem


diploid generation of the alternation of generations life cycle of a plant; produces haploid spores that develop into the haploid generation

Unlike bony fishes, amphibians have __________________.


Organisms that live in a marine environment, have skin gills, tube feet, a coelom, and a water vascular system are classified as a(n) __________________.


Why are developmental biologists so interested in studying echinoderm embryos?

echinoderms are the closest living relatives of chordates

Cnidarians are organized at the tissue level because they contain ___________________.

ectoderm and endoderm

A seed protects the ______________________.



endothermic vertebrate characterized especially by the presence of hair and mammary glands


enrichment of water by inorganic nutrients used by phytoplankton. Often, overenrichment caused by human activities leads to excessive bacterial growth and oxygen depletion

What feature is shared by both the roundworms and the arthropods?



feathered reptiles

These plants contain windblown spores, swimming sperm, and megaphylls.


Observe Figure 1. "B" represents the _________________.


The preservation of ecosystems indirectly provides fresh water because ___________________.

forests soak up water and release it slowly

What is suspected of causing climate change?

fossil fuel usage, deforestation, and agriculture


free-living flatworms containing several body systems; they are hermaphrodites

What is the main difference between fungi and plants?

fungi do not contain chloroplasts and cannot conduct photosynthesis

Why are fungi not considered to be animals?

fungi have to grow into their own food, fungi are nonmotile and do not have flagella at any stage in their life cycle

What is the dominant generation for bryophytes?


greenhouse gases

gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, ozone, an nitrous oxide that allow the sun's rays to pass through but trap the heat

climate change

general term used to refer to any number of human-related events that are changing climate conditions in a given area

How are greenhouse gases suspected of causing climate change?

greenhouse gases prevent radiation of infrared energy back into space, trapping the heat near the Earth's surface and causing the climate to warm


group of interbreeding individuals of the same species occupying the same area at the same time

A disproportionately large percentage of resources in more developed countries (MDCs) goes to ______________.

growing livestock

What type of plant is the conifer?


Conifers such as pine trees are ________________________.


These plants contain cones with naked seeds.


What types of plants are seeded vascular plants?

gymnosperms and angiosperms

The major cause of the loss in Earth's biodiversity is ________________.

habitat loss


haploid generation of the alternation of generations life cycle of a plant; produces gametes that unite to form a diploid zygote

A(n) _____________ is an individual animal that possesses both male and female sex organs.



heterotrophic bacteria and fungi, such as molds and mushrooms, that break down dead organic matter

What can help to conserve fresh water?

high-responder wheat and rice varieties

A company that owns an office building decides to build a "green roof". What could be a result of this?

higher water bills because of the need to irrigate vegetation

Historically, this renewable energy resource accounts for the majority of the renewable energy power usage in the U.S.


Human society in its current form is unsustainable because ___________________.

important natural resources are being consumed more quickly than they can be replenished


in flowering plants, pollen-bearing portion of the stamen


in flowering plants, portion of the flower that consists of a filament and an anther containing pollen sacs where pollen is produced

What is the largest, most diverse group of arthropods?


Ecosystems include what component that communities do not?

interaction with the environment


invertebrate protostomes; derived from the fact that these organisms secrete a nonliving exoskeleton that must be shed in order for the organism to grow


invertebrate with an exoskeleton and jointed appendages, such as crustaceans and insects

Most of the fresh water in the world is used for ___________.

irrigating crops

Give an example of a grazing food chain.

leaves->leaf-eating insects->mice->snakes

A mutualistic association between a fungus and a cyanobacteria or green algae is a ___________________.


Give some examples of bryophytes.

liverworts, hornworts, mosses

What type of fish gave rise to amphibians?

lobe-finned fish

Amphibians are descendants of _____________________.

lobe-finned fishes

Flatworms, molluscs, and annelids belong to what group of protostome animals?


Beekeepers and scientists are puzzled and troubled by a decline in bee populations around the world. What would you predict as a likely consequence of the widespread lack of bees?

loss of crop productivity

Deforestation may contribute towards climate change because ____________.

loss of trees disrupts the carbon cycle, limiting the amount that is absorbed by plants, and increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

A plant has vascular tissue and true roots, stems, and leaves, but it does not produce seeds. The plant has microphylls and bears sporangia in strobili. The plant is a __________________.


These plants contain true leaves in the form of microphylls.


What are the types of seedless vascular plants?

lycophytes and ferns

Pollen grains are most similar to ___________________.

male sperm


marine invertebrate, such as a sea star, sea urchin, and sand dollar; characterized by radial symmetry and a water vascular system


mature ovule that contains an embryo, with stored food enclosed in a protective coat


means "naked seed"; ovules and seeds are exposed on the surface of a cone scale

Mammals are distinguishable based on _________________.

mode of reproduction

Homo sapiens

modern humans

The mantle, foot, and visceral mass are all parts of a(n) ________________.


Gastropods and cephalopods are examples of __________.


Egg-laying mammals are known as __________________.


An alfalfa plant gains fixed nitrogen from the bacterial species Rhizobium in its root system, while Rhizobium gains carbohydrates from the plant. What type of interaction is this?


The body of a typical fungus is termed a(n) ___________.



natural reservoirs of water found below the surface of the Earth

___________ is a limiting inorganic nutrient made available to producers by converting it from a gaseous form into a chemical compound primarily by bacteria.


Eutrophication can be caused by excess accumulation of which of the following in a body of water?

nitrogen or phosphorus


non-segmented worms; have a smooth outside body wall

Abiotic components of an ecosystem include ____________.

nonliving components only


nonvascular plants; generally do not have true roots, stems or leaves

Soils in tropical rainforests are typically nutrient-poor because ____________________.

nutrients are tied up in vegetation


occurs when the pollen lands on the female reproductive structure


one of several species of Australopithecus, a genus that contains the first generally recognized hominins

An ecological pyramid depicts the amount of ___________ in various trophic levels.

organisms and energy

What feature is lacking in sponges?

organized true tissues

By definition, a fruit is derived from the ___________.


Observe Figure 1. "E" represents the ____________________.


Desertification is primarily caused by what activity?

overgrazing of livestock

Observe Figure 1. "F" represents the ____________________.



ovule-bearing unit that is part of a pistil

A major negative effect of the dumping of raw sewage into lakes and rivers is ___________.

oxygen depletion

Roundworms live and reproduce within a cat's digestive tract. What type of interaction is this?


Sponges are classified as __________________.


Observe Figure 1. "H" represents the ____________________.

petals (corolla)

____________ is a limiting inorganic nutrient released into the environment by slow weathering of rocks with the help of fungi.


When an animal respires, the carbon in the carbon dioxide that it breathes out comes indirectly from ________________.


Give some examples of conifers.

pines, spruces, firs, cedars, hemlocks, redwoods, and cypresses

The alternation of generations life cycle shows that ____________________.

plants spend part of their lives as haploid and diploid

nonvascular plants

plants that do not have true roots, stems and leaves; receive water and nutrients through diffusion and osmosis directly into the body

What happens at the stamen?

pollen is produced in pollen sacs

The economic benefits of land plants is often dependent on _____________________.


A fungus captures nematodes as a food source. What type of interaction is this?



produce food

What is the first step in energy flow through an ecosystem?

producers absorb solar energy

replacement model

proposal that modern humans originated only in Africa, then migrated and supplanted populations of Homo in Asia and Europe about 100,000 years ago; also called the out-of-Africa hypothesis


protective external skeleton, as in arthropods

The main reason reptiles are so well-adapted to land environment is their method of _________________.



reproductive organ of a flowering plant, consisting of several kinds of modified leaves arranged in concentric rings and attached to a modified stem called a receptacle; found in angiosperms

greenhouse effect

reradiation of solar heat toward the Earth, caused by gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, ozone, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere

nonrenewable resource

resources that are in limited supply and can be exhausted

renewable resources

resources that are unlimited in supply and cannot be fully exhausted

Elephantiasis and trichinosis are diseases caused by


Fungi fulfill an ecological role by decaying mostly dead organic matter. Fungi are therefore called _________________.


Most fungi in the environment function as ___________________.

saprotrophs / decomposers

If you were to examine chunks of coal for plant fossils, you would most likely find __________________________.

seedless vascular plants

The repetition of body parts along the length of an animal's body is termed __________________.



segmented worms, such as the earthworm and the clam worm

Observe Figure 1. "G" represents the ____________________.

sepals (calyx)


separated into 5 categories: jawless, cartilaginous, bony, ray-finned, and lobe-finned


signifies plants that bear cones containing the reproductive structures of the plant

As diversity increases, __________________.

species richness increases and the distribution of species becomes more even

The name "Echinodermata" literally means _______________.

spiny skin

What characteristic separates sponges and cnidarians?

sponges do not have organized tissues

A seed contains a(n) _________________________.

sporophyte embryo

Observe Figure 1. "C" represents the _________________.


Observe Figure 1. "D" represents the ___________________.



take in only inorganic nutrients (CO2 and minerals) and an outside energy source to produce organic nutrients for their own use and for all the other members of the community; aka. "Producers"


terrestrial vertebrate with internal fertilization, scaly skin, and a shelled egg; includes snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, and birds

bilateral symmetry

the animal has definite right and left halves; only a longitudinal cut down the center of the animal will produce mirror images; as seen in flatworms

radial symmetry

the animal is organized circularly, similar to a wheel; as seen in cnidarians

Where does the cancer drug taxol come from?

the bark of a Pacific yew tree

carbon cycle

the circular process that includes the intake of carbon dioxide by plants and the release of carbon dioxide by animals


the conversion of semiarid land to desert-like conditions

Echinoderms and chordates are known as _________________.

the deuterostomes

What aspect in the evolution of modern humans does the replacement model support?

the distribution of modern humans across the planet


the diversity of life on Earth, described in terms of the number of different species


the majority of fungi which decompose the remains of plants, animals, and microbes in the soil

You may hear some newscasters, politicians, TV show hosts, or friends and family members say that climate change is not real or that it is not caused by humans. What do the people who actually study how the natural world works (scientists including biologists, physicists, chemists, medical doctors, geologists, and meteorologists, etc.) think about climate change?

the overwhelming majority of scientists, about 97%, believe human-caused climate change is real


the removal of trees


the repetition of body parts along the length of the body

What is the visceral mass?

the soft-bodied portion that contains internal organs

What is the foot of a mollusk?

the strong, muscular portion used for locomotion


the swollen base of the carpel; contains from one to one hundred ovules

Give an example of a community.

the various species living in and on a fallen log, such as plants, fungi, worms, and insects


thin filaments of cells which make up the composition of a typical fungus

What are the invertebrate chordates?

tunicates and lancelets, but not jawless fishes

vascular plants

usually have true roots, stems and leaves; contain vascular tissue (xylem and phloem); some are seedless; have internal "pipes" that facilitate the movement of water and nutrients throughout the body


vascular plant that has feathery fronds and reproduces without seeds

Which feature possessed by most land plants is missing in mosses, which grow low to the ground in damp, shaded areas?

vascular tissue, so they must grow along the ground in damp areas to supply water to the cells


weight of one or more organisms

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