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(Lewis Acids/Bases) Between HOMO and LUMO which is "filled" prior to the formation of the lewis complex?

covalent bond

(chemistry) This bond results when there is a sharing of electrons between two atoms, resulting in the overlap of their electron orbitals.

nonbonding electrons

(consider the bonds in the atom above) Name for the valence electrons not involved in forming covalent bonds. Also called unshared pairs or lone pairs

bonding electrons

(consider the bonds in the atom above) Name for the valence electrons that participate in bonding


(consider the bonds in the atom above) The bonding electrons are represented by dashes or dots?


(consider the bonds in the atom above) The nonbonding electrons are represented by dashes or dots?

Which of the following elements does NOT exist as a diatomic molecule? a) hydrogen b) nitrogen c) chlorine d) oxygen e) carbon

(e) CARBON does NOT exist as a diatomic molecule.



* See Exam Review 1 (#5)


* See Exam Review 1 (#6)


Semi-conductors are located in the Periodic Table on (or in) the [ line dividing the metals from non-metals in the table ]


The Atomic Number of an atom is equal to the number of


What is the correct electron dot structure for C2F4?


What is the correct electron dot structure for CS2?


Write the correct formula for the name given: bicarbonate


Write the correct formula for the name given: bisulfate


Write the correct formula for the name given: bisulfite


Write the correct formula for the name given: carbonate


Write the correct formula for the name given: carbonite


Write the correct formula for the name given: hydroxide


Write the correct formula for the name given: nitrate


Write the correct formula for the name given: nitrite


Write the correct formula for the name given: oxide


Write the correct formula for the name given: phosphate


Write the correct formula for the name given: phosphite


Write the correct formula for the name given: sulfate


Write the correct formula for the name given: sulfite


Give the correct number of electrons: in the third shell of sodium


Give the correct VALENCE for ions of the following element: K


Give the correct VALENCE for ions of the following element: Cl


deci- (d)


pico- (p)


femto- (f)


atto- (a)


centi- (c)


milli- (m)


micro- (ų)


nano- (n)


deka (da)


tera- (T)


penta- (P)


exa- (E)


hecto- (h)


kilo- (k)


mega- (M)


giga- (G)


How many protons are in an isotope of sodium with a mass number of 25?


The maximum number of electrons that may occupy the 3rd electron shell is


What is the correct electron configuration for the Lithium atom?

1s2 2s1

What is the Electronic Structure for Sodium?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

What is the Electronic Structure for Magnesium?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

What is the electron arrangement for Aluminum?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1

What is the Electronic Structure for Phosporus?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3

What is the Electronic Structure for Sulfur?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4

What is the Electronic Structure for Chlorine?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

What is the Electronic Structure for Argon?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

What is the electron arrangement for potassium (atomic number 19)?

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1

Give the correct number of electrons: in the first energy level of Chlorine


Give the correct VALENCE for ions of the following element: Ca


Give the correct VALENCE for ions of the following element: O


The number of electron shells (not subshells) in a magnesium atom is


The number of electrons in the outer shell of a neutral atom of boron (atomic number 5) is ?


Give the correct VALENCE for ions of the following element: Al


Consider a neutral atom with 30 protons and 34 neutrons. The atomic number of the element is ________.


Consider a neutral atom with 30 protons and 34 neutrons. The number of electrons in this atom is ________.


What is the mass number of an atom of Potassium that has 20 neutrons?


Give the correct number of electrons: in the outer shell of Nitrogen


Consider a neutral atom with 30 protons and 34 neutrons. The mass number of the element is ________.


Give the correct number of electrons: in the highest occupied energy level of Chlorine


Give the correct number of electrons: in the second energy level of Magnesium


A(n) ___________ is the smallest neutral unit of two or more atoms held together by a covalent bond.

A MOLECULE is the smallest neutral unit of two or more atoms held together by a covalent bond.


A compound containing a negatively charged carbon atom. A carbon-based anion.

A mixture at equilibrium that contains less product than reactant has a Keq that is ______.

A mixture at equilibrium that contains less product than reactant has a Keq that is LESS THAN 1.

The number of particles in 1 mole of hydrogen gas is _______.

AVOGADRO'S NUMBER 6.02 x 10^23


According to the Arrhenius concept, if HNO3 were dissolved in water, it would act as an __________.

What is the formula for aluminum nitrate?


Classify the following element: Sodium

Alkali Metal

Classify the following element: Magnesium

Alkaline Earth Metal

Al is the symbol for __________.


NH4 +


An Ionic Compound ____________. a) has a net positive charge. b) has a net negative charge. c) contains only cations. d) contains only anions. e) has a net charge of zero.

An Ionic Compound ____________. e) has a net charge of zero.

Newton's first law (law of inertia)

An object in motion (or at rest) will tend to stay in motion (or at rest) until it is acted upon by an outside force.


Are hybridized bonds sigma bonds? or pi bonds?

The smallest particle of an element that retains the characteristics of the element is a(n)


Which of the following is correctly identified? A) NH3, strong acid B) NaOH, strong base C) HCl, weak acid D) H2CO3, strong acid E) Ca(OH)2, weak base

B) NaOH, Strong Base

HCO3 -



BrO₃ ⁻

An acid and base react to form a salt and water in a(n)_________reaction. A) ionization B) dissociation C) oxidation D) neutralization E) reduction

C) NEUTRALIZATION An acid and base react to form a salt and water in a NEUTRALIZATION reaction.

The name of Al(OH)3 is A) aluminum trihydroxide B) monoaluminum trihydroxide C) aluminum hydroxide D) aluminum (III) hydroxide E) aluminum oxygen hydride

C) aluminum hydroxide

Which one of the following is a characteristic of a base? A). Produces H30+ in Water B). has a sour taste C). has a slippery, soapy feel D). turns blue litmus red E). is insoluble in water


What is the formula of carbon tetraiodide?



CN ⁻


CO₃ ⁻²

What is the symbol for the element in Period 4 and Group 2?


Ca is the symbol for __________.


What elements are in hydroxyapatite, Ca5(PO4)3OH, a major compound in human bones and teeth?

Calcium, Hydrogen, Phosphorus, Oxygen

Luminous intensity

Candela (cd)

CO3 -2


ClO3 -


What is the element with the electron arrangement 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

Chlorine (Cl)

ClO2 -


CrO4 -2



ClO ⁻


ClO₂ ⁻


ClO₃ ⁻


ClO₄ ⁻


Compound with a carbon double-bonded to nitrogen (C=N).


Coulomb's Law


CrO₄ ⁻²


Cr₂O₇ ⁻²

CN -



C₂H₃O₂ ⁻


C₂O₄ ⁻²

According to the Bronsted-Lowrey definition, A) an acid is a proton receptor B) a base produces H+ ions in aqueous solutions C) a base is proton donor. D) a base is a proton acceptor E) an acid acts as the solvent


Ammonium hydroxide is a weak base because A) it is a dilute solution. B) it is only slightly soluble in water C) it cannot hold on to its hydroxide ions. D) it is completely ionized in aqueous solution.


Which of the following is the strongest acid? A) H3PO4 B) NH4+ C) NaOH D) H2CO3 E) HCl

E) HCl [ hydrochloric acid ]

In a neutralization reaction_________. A) two acids react to form water B) water and salt react to form an acid and a base. C) an acid and a salt react to form water and a base. D) a base and a salt react to form water and an acid. E) an acid and a base react to form a salt and water.

E) an ACID and a BASE REACT TO FORM a SALT and WATER In a neutralization reaction, an ACID and a BASE REACT TO FORM a SALT and WATER

The primary substances of which all other things are composed are ________.

ELEMENTS are the primary substances of which all other things are composed

The simplest or smallest whole-number ratio of the atoms in a compound formula is known as the


arrhenius acid (most specific definition)

Electron pair acceptor & proton donor, that produces H+ ions when dissolved in water

bronsted lowry acid (intermediate definition)

Electron pair acceptor that is a proton donor

lewis acid (most inclusive definition)

Electron pair acceptor that may or may not donate a proton

arrhenius base (most specific definition)

Electron pair donor & proton acceptor that produces OH- ions when dissolved in water

bronsted lowry base (intermediate definition)

Electron pair donor that is a proton acceptor

lewis base (most inclusive definition)

Electron pair donor that may or may not accept a proton

Newton's Third Law

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Law of Gravitation

F=Gm1m2/r^2 (physics) the law that states any two bodies attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them


F=Gm1m2/r^2 F=kq1q2/r^2 gravitational force is weaker compared to the much stronger electrostatic force because _ is larger than _

Coulomb's Law

F=kq1q2/r^2 electric force between charged objects depends on the distance between the objects and the magnitude of the charges.

Au is the symbol for __________.


Do the following represent elements in a Group, a Period, or neither? Li, Na, K


Do the following represent elements in a Group, a Period, or neither? O, S, Se


hydrogen carbonate/ bicarbonate

HCO₃ ⁻

highest energy occupied molecular orbital

HOMO stands for

hydrogen sulfite/ bisulfite

HSO₃ ⁻

hydrogen sulfate/ bisulfate

HSO₄ ⁻

Classify the following element: Bromine



Hybridization of the double bond?


Hybridization of the triple bond?

The name of the HSO4 ion is?

Hydrogen Sulfate

OH -


ClO -


dihydrogen phosphate

H₂PO₄ ⁻


IO₃ ⁻


If Q or q is big, the ionic bond is weaker or stronger?


If Q or q is small, the ionic bond is weaker or stronger?


If r is big, the ionic bond is weaker or stronger?


If r is small, the ionic bond is weaker or stronger?

anion negative

In an ionic bond, if Q represents a cation, q represents the charge on the _ _ _ _ _, and it is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If the electronegativity difference between elements X and Y is 2.1, the bond between the elements X-Y is ______.


Fe is the symbol for __________.


yes, sp3

Is blue a hybridized orbital? If it is, what is the hybridization?

lowest energy unoccupied molecular orbital

LUMO stands for

The actual formula that gives the number of atoms of each type of element in a compound is the _________ ________.


The number of neutrons in an atom is equal to __________

Mass Number - Atomic Number

Classify the following element as Metal or Non-Metal: Cobalt


Classify the following element as Metal or Non-Metal: Nickel


Match the Chemical Name with the Correct formula: Magnesium Hydrogen Sulfite


Match the Chemical Name with the Correct formula: Magnesium Hydrogen Sulfate


Match the Chemical Name with the Correct formula: Magnesium Sulfide


Match the Chemical Name with the Correct formula: Magnesium Sulfite


Match the Chemical Name with the Correct formula: Magnesium Sulfate



MnO₄ ⁻

What is the formula of the Nitride ion?

N 3-

The formula for the molecule formed from N and Cl would be _________.



NH₄ ⁺

POLAR or NON-POLAR? carbon dioxide


POLAR or NON-POLAR? carbon tetrachloride



NO₂ ⁻


NO₃ ⁻

What is the formula of the compound that contains Na+ and PO3 3- ions?


Do the following represent elements in a Group, a Period, or neither? F, S, P


Do the following represent elements in a Group, a Period, or neither? He, H, I


object (inertia) action (sum of the forces) reaction (negative F)

Newton's mnemonic 1) o 2) a 3) r

NO3 -


NO2 -


Classify the following element: Argon

Noble Gas

Classify the following element as Metal or Non-Metal: Chlorine


Classify the following element as Metal or Non-Metal: Phosporus


Classify the following element as Metal or Non-Metal: Sulfur


Which of the following is a Characteristic of Non-Metals? a) Shiny. b) Malleable. c) Good Conductors of Heat d) Low Melting Points. e) Good Conductors of Electricity

Non-metals have (d) Low Melting Points.


Number of atoms bonded to sp carbon? (no unbonded electron pairs)


Number of atoms bonded to sp2 carbon? (no unbonded electron pairs)


Number of atoms bonded to sp3 carbon? (no unbonded electron pairs)


Number of hybrid orbitals in sp2?


Number of hybrid orbitals in sp3?


Number of hybrid orbitals in sp?


OH ⁻


O₂ ⁻²

POLAR or NON-POLAR? hydrogen fluoride


POLAR or NON-POLAR? hydrogen sulfide





PO₃ ⁻³


PO₄ ⁻³

Do the following represent elements in a Group, a Period, or neither? Li, C, F


MnO4 -


PO4 -3


K is the symbol for __________.





SO₃ ⁻²


SO₄ ⁻²


SeO₄ ⁻²


SiO₃ ⁻²

What element has the electron arrangement 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2?


Ag is the symbol for __________.


Na is the symbol for __________.


SO4 -2


SO3 -2


Yes (because the molecules are too far apart)

T or F Dipole Dipole interactions are negligible in the gas phase. Why or why not?


T or F It does not matter what shapes the orbitals have or what types they are. They can be s orbitals or p orbitals or hybrid orbitals. What makes each of these a sigma bond is that the orbital overlap occurs directly between the nuclei of the atoms.


T or F With electrostatic energy, the negative sign is frequently dropped and only the magnitude of the electrostatic energy is used.


T or F the dipole moment measures the swing of electrons back and forth between atoms


T or F? An sp3 hybridized carbon is a triple bond?

The amount of product that a calculation indicates as possible for a chemical reaction is know as the ____________ _______.


According to the ATOMIC THEORY, atoms are neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction.


The Atomic Mass of an element is equal to ___________

The ATOMIC MASS is equal to [a weighted average mass of all of the naturally occurring isotopes of the element].

The Group 8A elements a) are unreactive and rarely found in combination with other elements. b) are good conductors of electricity. c) melt at high temperatures d) are liquids at room temperature. e) react vigorously with water.

The Group 8A elements (a) are unreactive and rarely found in combination with other elements.


The _____ bond forms when electrons transfer completely from one atom to another, resulting in oppositely charged species that attract each other via electrostatic interaction.

Coulomb's Law

The electric force between charged objects is given by ________+_________, and depends on the distance between the objects and the magnitude of the charges.

negative (sign on q is negative in an ionic bond)

The electrostatic potential energy in an ionic bond is positive or negative? (Why?)


The greater the magnitude of electrostatic potential, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the ionic bond.


The name for an ion of Br- or for a chemical compound containing that ion.

Hydrobromic Acid

The name given to the aqueous solution of HBr is __________.

formal charge

The number of valence electrons in an isolated atom minus the number of electrons assigned to the atom in the Lewis structure

london forces, induced dipole interactions

The other 2 names for dispersion forces

Law of Inertia

The other name for Newton's first law

π bond

The reactive part of a double bond formed above and below the plane of the bonded atoms by sideways overlap of orbitals


The value of Coulomb's constant, k, is ________

1.6x10^-19 coulombs

This is the magnitude of the charges on a proton and an electron plus the unit

Electrostatic Force

This is the name of the force particles exert on each other because of their electric charge; given by Coulomb's Law

nonpolar (because dipole moment is the vector sum of the individual bond dipole moments; which cancel in a tetrahedral molecule)

This molecule is polar or nonpolar? Why?

Classify the following element: Copper

Transition element

electric potential energy

U is the symbol for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ , which is the stored energy a charge has based on it's location in an electric field; work is done whenever an object moves with/against the field


What color(s) are pi bonds?

red, blue, green

What color(s) are sp hybridized orbitals?

net dipole moment (the vector sum of the individual bond dipole moments do not cancel so water is a polar molecule)

What does the "up arrow" stand for?

it quadruples

What happens to electrostatic force if r is cut in half?

it doubles

What happens to electrostatic force if you double q1?

Dispersion Forces (London Forces)

What intermolecular forces exist between noble gas atoms?

ion-dipole interactions are not, dipole-dipole interactions and dispersion forces (london forces) are

What types of intermolecular forces are not van der Waals forces, what types are?

Newton's Third Law

Which law applies to propulsion and explains why rockets work even in the vacuum of space.

Which element would have physical and chemical properties similar to chlorine? a) Ar b) Br c) S d) O e) P



a colorless odorless gas used as a fuel

covalent hydride

a compound consisting of hydrogen and one other more electronegative element that is not a metal. (H2O) is an example, so is (HCl)


a compound containing the ion BH4−. Such compounds are mainly used as reducing agents in organic synthesis.

coordinate covalent bond

a covalent bond in which one atom contributes both bonding electrons


a covalent hydride of boron


a gas molecule that is made up of three oxygen atoms


a pungent gas compounded of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3)

lewis structure

a structure that uses electron-dots and dashes to show how electrons are arranged in molecules. Central atom is the least electronegative.

The correct symbol for the Isotope of potassium with 22 neutrons is a) 41 K d) 15 P 19 37 b) 19 K e) 22 K 41 19 c) 37 P 15

a) 41 K 19

Which of the following descriptions of a subatomic particle is correct? a) A proton has a positive charge and a mass of approximately 1 amu. b) An electron has a negative charge and a mass of approximately 1 amu. c) A neutron has No Charge and its mass is negligible. d) A proton has a positive charge and a negligible mass. e) A neutron has a positive charge and a mass of approximately 1 amu.

a) A proton has a positive charge and a mass of approximately 1 amu.

A polar bond is found in which of these compounds? a) H2O b) F2 c) NaCl d) H2 e) N2

a) H2O

Identify the Noble Gas in the following list: a) Helium b) Nitrogen c) Oxygen d) Gold e) Chlorine

a) Helium

Which of the following elements has the lowest electronegativity? a) Li b) C c) N d) O e) F

a) Li

The correct formula for the compound formed from the elements Mg and S is ___________.

a) MgS

What TYPE of BONDING would you expect between these elements? He and F a) None b) Covalent c) Polar Covalent


What is the correct formula for the oxide ion?

a) O2-

What TYPE of BONDING would you expect between these elements? N and F a) Polar Covalent b) Ionic


The bond in Cl2 is a(n)

a) non-polar covalent bond

The carbon tetrachloride molecule, CCl4, has the shape of a a) tetrahedron. b) square c) cube d) circle e) sphere

a) tetrahedron

Which of the following is NOT true for the atoms 13N, 14N, and 15N? a) they all have the Same Mass Number b) they are Isotopes c) they all have the Same Atomic Number d) they all have 7 Protons e) they all have 7 Electrons

a) they all have the Same Mass is a False statement.


all possible shapes of sp hybridized?

trigonal planar, bent

all possible shapes of sp2 hybridized?

tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, bent

all possible shapes of sp3 hybridized?

In an Atom, the nucleus contains ______.

all the protons and neutrons.

The name of Al2(SO4)3 is ____________.

aluminum sulfate

electric current

ampere (A)


any binary compound formed by the union of hydrogen and other (generally less electronegative) elements

The elements Lithium, Sodium and Potassium

are in the same group

What TYPE of BONDING would you expect between these elements? F and F a) None b) Covalent c) Polar Covalent


What is the correct formula for the iron (II) ion? a) Fe + b) Fe 2+ c) Fe 3+ d) Fe 2- e) Fe 3-

b) Fe 2+

Which of the following compounds contains a polar covalent bond? a) NaF b) HCl c) Br2 d) MgO e) O2

b) HCl

What TYPE of BONDING would you expect between these elements? Na and F a) Polar Covalent b) Ionic


Ionic bonding is expected in which of these compounds? a) Cl2 b) KF c) OF2 d) HF e) H2

b) KF

The name of the Cu + ion is__________.

b) copper (I).

Which of the following gives the correct numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a neutral atom of 118 Sn 50 a) 118 protons, 50 neutrons, 118 electrons. b) 118 protons, 118 neutrons, 50 electrons. c) 50 protons, 68 neutrons, 50 electrons. d) 68 protons, 68 neutrons, 50 electrons. e) 50 protons, 50 neutrons, 50 electrons.

c) 50 protons, 68 neutrons, 50 electrons.

Which of the following compounds contains an ionic bond? a) NH3 b) H2O c) CaO d) H2 e) CH4

c) CaO

Which one of the following compounds contains an ion with a 3+ charge? a) KCl b) Na2O c) FeCl3 d) CuCl e) MgCl2

c) FeCl3

What TYPE of BONDING would you expect between these elements? H and F a) None b) Covalent c) Polar Covalent


Which of the following is a characteristic of the modern periodic table? a) A group is a horizontal row on the periodic table. b) A period is a column on the periodic table. c) The elements in each group have similar chemical properties. d) The B groups contain the representative elements. e) The A groups contain the transition elements.

c) The elements in each group have similar chemical properties.

According to the IUPAC nomenclature system, the types of compound that use prefixes in their names are

covalent compounds.

Which of the following elements is a Noble Gas? a) Oxygen b) Chlorine c) Bromine d) Argon e) Nitrogen

d) Argon

Which of the following properties is NOT a characteristic of the Group 1A elements (Alkali Metals)? a) They are shiny. b) They are good conductors of heat. c) They react vigorously with water. d) Most of them are liquids at room temperature. e) They are good conductors of electricity.

d) Most of them are liquids at room temperature...... is an inaccurate statement about Group 1A Alkali Metals

The element in this list with chemical properties similar to magnesium is a) sodium b) boron c) carbon d) strontium e) chlorine

d) Strontium

Which of the following elements is a Metal? a) Nitrogen b) Fluorine c) Argon d) Strontium e) Phosporus

d) Strontium is a Metal

Which of the following polyatomic ions has a positive charge? a) hydroxide b) cyanide c) hydrogen carbonate d) ammonium e) nitrate

d) ammonium

In a molecule with covalent bonding __________. a) oppositely charged ions are held together by strong electrical attractions. b) atoms of metals form bonds to atoms of non-metals. c) atoms of different metals form bonds. d) atoms are held together by sharing electrons. e) atoms of noble gases are held together by attractions between oppositely charged ions.

d) atoms are held together by sharing electrons.

The compound MgCl2 is named _____________. a) magnesium chlorine b) magnesium dichloride c) magnesium (II) chloride d) magnesium chloride e) dimagnesium chloride

d) magnesium chloride

Which of the following polyatomic ions has a 3- ionic charge? a) hydroxide b) nitrate c) sulfate d) phosphate e) bicarbonate

d) phosphate

The correct name for the compound N2O3 is

dinitrogen trioxide

The correct formula formed for a compound formed from the elements Al and O is__________.

e) Al2O3

Which one of the following elements forms two or more ions with different ionic charges? a) K b) F c) Ca d) O e) Fe

e) Fe

What is the correct formula for iron (III) sulfide? a) Fe2S2 b) Fe2S c) FeS d) FeS2 e) Fe2S3

e) Fe2S3

Identify the Metalloid in the following list: a) Sulfur b) Fluorine c) Silver d) Copper e) Germanium

e) Germanium

Which of the following substances contains a non-polar bond? a) H2O b) NaCl c) NH3 d) MgF2 e) N2

e) N2

In a covalently bonded molecule, the number of electrons that an atom shares with others is usually equal to the number of electrons ____________. a) in the atom b) in its nucleus c) in all the atoms d) in its ion e) needed to give it noble gas arrangement

e) needed to give it a noble gas arrangement.

The ability of an atom to attract the shared electrons in a covalent bond is its ____________.


dipole moment

equation for?

Newton's second law

f=ma, A net force acting on an object will cause that object to accelerate in the direction of the net force.


formula for electric potential energy


how many of the bonds are sigma bonds?







Fe2(SO4)3 is called _______________.

iron (III) sulfate

coulomb's constant

k, is the symbol for the electrostatic constant, also known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


kelvin (K)


kilogram (kg)


meter (m)

Amount of substance

mole (mol)

The water molecule has a dipole with the negative portion

pointing toward the oxygen atom

A group of covalently bonded atoms that has an overall electrical charge is called a(n)

polyatomic ion


positive charge resides on C; highly reactive; occurs in SN1 and E1 reactions; electrophilic

The shape of the ammonia molecule is



second (s)

The VSEPR theory allows us to determine the most favorable

shape of a molecule


shape of sp hybridized? (no unbonded electron pairs)

trigonal planar

shape of sp2 hybridized? (no unbonded electron pairs)


shape of sp3 hybridized? (no unbonded electron pairs)

Double and triple bonds form because __________.

single covalent bonds do not give all of the atoms in the molecule eight valence electrons.

Lattice Energy

the energy required to separate 1 mol of the ions of an ionic compound; it is equal in magnitude to the negative energy in the ionic bonds

intermolecular forces

the forces of attraction between molecules (general term)


the ion NH4 derived from ammonia

The Mass number of an Atom can be calculated from

the number of Protons plus Neutrons (Protons + Neutrons)

The electron arrangement of any particular atom shows

the number of electrons in each shell.

ISOTOPES are atoms of the same element that have ___________.

the same atomic number but different numbers of neutrons.

van der Waals forces

the two weakest intermolecular attractions- LDF interactions and dipole forces

σ bond

type of bond where electron density is in the same plane as the bond. Constitutes a single bond

Hydrogen sulfide, H2S, has a shape similar to _____.


orange, purple

what color(s) are pi bonds?

red, blue, green

what color(s) are sigma bonds?


work and energy have the same unit; the _ _ _ _ _

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