General Psychology - Chapter 6

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person-who reasoning; belief perseverance

Questioning a well-established finding because you know an individual who violates the finding is to _____ as clinging to your viewpoints despite evidence to the contrary is to _____.

individuals with frontal-lobe damage are more likely to solve insight problems

Recent research on brain areas involved in problem solving has suggested that:

have been seen in both developed and developing countries with larger gains for the developing countries

Recent research on the Flynn effect has found that gains on intelligence test scores over time:

the g factor; specific mental abilities

Regarding theories of intelligence, Charles Spearman believed that _____ was/were MOST important, and Thurstone believed that _____ was/were MOST important.

consistency; predictability

Reliability is concerned with _____, whereas validity is concerned with _____.


According to John Horn and Raymond Cattell, _____ intelligence refers to accumulated factual knowledge and increases with age.


According to Stanovich, dysrationalia occurs when individuals have not developed the appropriate:

availability heuristic

After learning that the parents of both of her roommates were divorced, Meghan began to overestimate the divorce rate. Meghan's conclusion BEST illustrates the misuse of the:


An acceptable reliability coefficient for an intelligence test should have a value of at least:


The Flynn effect refers to the observation that average intelligence test scores in the United States and other Western industrialized nations have _____ over the past century.

at some point, mental age levels off but chronological age keeps increasing.

The Stanford-Binet test was not suitable for measuring adult intelligence because:

general intelligence; specific intellectual abilities

Charles Spearman was the first intelligence theorist to argue that intelligence test performance is a function of _____ and _____.


Which term does NOT belong with the others? Question 7 options: a) alternate-form b) test-retest c) split-half d) predictive

given population, 50-70% of the variation in intelligence is due to heredity

Heritability indices indicate that for a(n):


The intelligence theorist responsible for the eugenics movement was:

judge the probability of category membership by resemblance to categorical definition

The representativeness heuristic leads us to:


The revision of Binet's original intelligence test that was developed in 1916 for specific use with American schoolchildren became known as the:

illusory correlation

The tendency to erroneously believe that two variables are related when they actually are not is called:


A test in which the test scores are consistent is said to have a high degree of:

an illusory correlation

Because Janet is particularly likely to notice when the phone rings while she is in the shower, she believes that there is a relationship between taking a shower and receiving a phone call. This perceived relationship BEST illustrates:

an illusory correlation

Because Tim is likely to notice when it rains after he washes his car, he believes there is a relationship between washing his car and the occurrence of rain. This perceived relationship BEST illustrates:

the availability heuristic

Because he heard news reports nightly concerning the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, Kevin overestimated his risk of being a victim of a terrorist attack. Kevin's overestimate was likely influenced by:

belief perseverance; person-who reasoning

Despite her awareness of scientific evidence indicating that fortune-tellers are unable to forecast the future, Giulia believes they can. She bases her belief on the fact that her friend Katsumi won $100 after a fortune-teller told Katsumi that something good would happen to her. Giulia is experiencing _____ resulting from _____.


Despite many unsuccessful attempts, Steve repeatedly tries to change the settings on his cell phone by using the same menu selections, rather than trying a different set of options from the menu. Steve is displaying a form of:

smaller; anchoring and adjustment

Elliott's credit card bill includes a minimum payment amount. Compared with a situation in which a minimum payment amount is not provided, it is likely that Elliott will make a _____ partial payment, reflecting his use of the _____ heuristic.

inhibit; more

Fatima has sustained an injury to her frontal lobe. Because research suggests that frontal cortex activity may _____ insight, when she "thinks outside the box," Fatima would likely be _____ successful at solving novel problems now than before she sustained frontal lobe damage.

the occurrence of insight

For days, Dianne had been trying to think of a way to approach her parents about her desire to transfer to a new college. While watching a TV commercial about vacation areas, Dianne suddenly looked at her problem from a new perspective and thought of a solution. Dianne's behavior BEST illustrates:


For which correlation coefficient would you be MOST likely to conclude that the test-retest method revealed a very reliable test?

confirmation bias

Greg believes that female drivers make more careless mistakes on the road than do male drivers, so he watches female drivers more closely than he watches male drivers. Greg's behavior BEST illustrates:

an algorithm

If you compute the area of a room by using the formula length × width = area, you are using:

quickly solve puzzles; guarantee solutions

In an effort to _____, we might use heuristics, but to _____, we should use algorithms.

representativeness; conjunction

In the "Linda" problem in the textbook, if you judge that it is more likely that Linda is a bank teller and active in the feminist movement than that Linda is a bank teller, you are using the _____ heuristic and committing the _____ fallacy.

Either 8-10-12 or 4-7-9 could be used to disconfirm the hypothesis

In the British researcher Peter Wason's 2-4-6 task, Zach thought the rule was "numbers under 10 that increased by 2." To attempt to disconfirm this hypothesis, which sequence(s) should he test?

Cal is incorrect in believing that random outcomes alternate more than they really do

In the game of roulette, a wheel spins and a ball lands at random in one of an equal number of black and red slots. Because the ball landed in a red slot four times in a row, Cal believes it will land in a black slot on the next spin. Which statement MOST accurately describes the validity of Cal's belief?

two halves (odd versus even items) of a test to the same sample and measuring the correlation between the scores

Internal consistency on a test would be measured by giving:

System 1; less reliable than System 2

John is using fast, intuitive processing to judge the likelihood that he will do well on a test. John's thinking is characteristic of _____ processing, which is _____.

means-end; subgoals

Laura wants to buy a car, so she is attempting to solve the problems of getting money for a down payment and establishing credit. She realizes there are multiple steps she must follow to achieve her goal. The problem-solving technique that involves accomplishing one step at a time to move closer to a goal is called _____ analysis, and the individual steps are called _____.

Stanford-Binet test of intelligence

Lewis Terman is responsible for developing the:

availability; organize words in memory

Most people incorrectly think that "r" appears more often as the first letter of a word than as the third letter. This belief stems from the use of the _____ heuristic, based on the way we _____.


Processing information to solve problems and make judgments and decisions is called:

availability heuristic

Overestimating the probability of dying in an airplane crash is likely the result of using the:

confirmation bias

People often test hypotheses about the way the world works by seeking evidence that supports their beliefs. This tendency is known as:

anchoring and adjustment heuristic

Prior to estimating the number of people attending a concert, Edward was asked whether there were more or fewer than 1,000 people and Ellen was asked if there were more or fewer than 4,000 people. Edward's estimate of the number of people was much less than Ellen's estimate, suggesting their estimates were influenced by use of the:

impair; enhance

Research on the role of the frontal lobes in problem solving suggests that frontal lobe damage may _____ the ability to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem and may _____ the ability to solve insight problems.

mindless behavior

Sakuta is a good driver, with over 20 years of experience. However, he failed to stop at a stop sign that was recently added in the neighborhood where he has been living for the past 10 years. This BEST illustrates what is known as:

automatic; reflective

System 1 is to _____ as System 2 is to _____.

means-end; working backward

The Tower of Hanoi problem (reconfiguring disks on pegs) is best solved using the _____ heuristic, whereas the water lily problem (determining when the pond is half covered) is best solved using the _____ heuristic.

a rule of thumb that the more easily we remember an event, the more probable it is

The availability heuristic is:

less; hereditary

The average correlation between fraternal twins raised together is _____ than that for identical twins reared apart, indicating the influence of _____ factors.

nature; nurture

The average correlation between intelligence scores is greater for identical twins than it is for fraternal twins, supporting the _____ explanation of intelligence. The average correlation between intelligence scores for identical twins decreases when the twins are adopted and raised apart in different environments, supporting the _____ explanation of intelligence.

environmental influences only

The fact that the average correlation between intelligence scores is greater for fraternal twins than for genetically related siblings can be explained by:

the Flynn effect

The finding that average intelligence scores have increased over the past century in the United States and other industrialized countries illustrates:

elieve two events are more likely to occur than only one of the events

Use of the representativeness heuristic can lead to the conjunction fallacy by causing us to:

The correlation decreases

What happens to the modest correlation between the intelligence test scores of adopted children and their adoptive parents as the children get older?

In an ill-defined problem, the start state, goal state, or process to achieve the goal is unclear.

What is the difference between a well-defined and an ill-defined problem?

to interpret scores by comparing them to norms

What is the purpose of standardization?

use the anchoring and adjustment heuristic

When Olivia and Amanda met for the first time, Olivia's first impression was that Amanda was rather unfriendly. Although subsequent meetings indicated that Amanda may really be friendly, Olivia failed to substantially change her initial impression. This tendency to cling to an initial impression is similar to processes that occur when people:

anchoring and adjustment

When asked to estimate how thick a sheet of paper that is 0.1 millimeter thick would be if it were folded in on itself 100 times, most people grossly underestimate the thickness. This is likely to be the result of using the _____ heuristic.

the anchoring and adjustment heuristic

When asked to quickly estimate the product of 8×7×6×5×4×3×2×1, people give a much larger answer than when asked to quickly estimate the product of 1×2×3×4×5×6×7×8. This BEST illustrates the dynamics involved in using:

a heuristic

When solving the anagram LOSOGCYHYP, humans place letters next to each other based on their knowledge of the English language. This represents using _____ to solve the problem.

2n - 1

Which equation determines the minimum number of moves required to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem when n represents the total number of disks?

Binet and Wechsler

Which figures involved in the development of intelligence tests believed that intelligence was determined by the environment?


Which intelligence theorist emphasized the g factor?


Which intelligence theorist proposed three types of intelligence—analytical, practical, and creative?


Which item is NOT one of the three types of intelligence proposed by Sternberg?

We judge categorical probabilities differently than we recognize patterns

Which statement about categorization is FALSE? Question 2 options: a) Our first impression of people is often based on categorical resemblance. b) We judge categorical probabilities differently than we recognize patterns. c) Recognition involves putting people and objects into categories. d) Pattern recognition is an example of an automatic process.

A test can be reliable but not valid

Which statement is TRUE? Question 3 options: a) A test can be reliable but not valid. b) Content is an important form of reliability. c) Test-retest is one way to measure validity. d) A test can be valid but not reliable.

Mental telepathy is an extension of our sensory abilities

Which statement is an example of an erroneous belief that may arise from subjective, informal hypothesis testing?

Estefania and Rosa, identical twins reared apart

Whose intelligence test scores would be MOST strongly correlated?

Galton; Binet

With respect to perspectives on intelligence, _____ is to nature as _____ is to nurture.

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