General Psychology Final Exam Review (Columbia College: McMahon)

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18. Brandon is a psychologist who is studying the relationship between heredity and mood disorders. He strongly believes that behavior and mental processes have a connection with the brain, hormones, heredity, and evolution. Brandon's beliefs are most consistent with the _____ perspective.


24. __________such as pathogens, injuries, age, gender, and a family history of disease may strike us as the most obvious causes of illness.

Biological factors

19. Which of the following is Hans Selye's term for stress that is healthful?


21. In language development, over inclusion of instances in a category is labeled overregularization.


21. In the context of humanistic therapies, client-centered therapy is directive in nature.


21. When problems assault us, irrational beliefs help diminish their effect.


21. Women who smoke show increased bone density.


22. Biofeedback training (BFT) increases stress, tension, and anxiety in people.


22. Type B people are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive—so much so that they are prone to getting into auto accidents.


23. According to Jeffrey Arnett, the age of self-focus is characterized by adults experimenting with careers and romantic possibilities.


23. According to research, intelligence quotient (IQ) scores tend to increase during the summer vacation.


23. Inflammation decreases blood circulation to parts of the body that are injured.


24. Like psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy focuses on the here and now.


25. A feature of crystallized intelligence is that it does not increase throughout the life span.


25. Alfred Adler believed that people are motivated by the collective unconscious.


25. Dreams are most likely to be vivid during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, whereas images are vaguer and more fleeting during rapid eye movement sleep (REM) sleep.


3. In the context of classical conditioning, extinguished conditioned responses cannot be recovered.


4. The organ of Corti is a membrane that lies coiled within the cochlea.


5. According to structuralists, maladaptive behavior patterns tend to drop out, and only the fittest behavior patterns survive.


5. Genetic components do not contribute to an individual's sensitivity to basic tastes.


6. Norepinephrine is manufactured exclusively by the adrenal glands.


6. Psychoanalysis is the name of the theory of personality developed by Sigmund Freud but not the method of psychotherapy he had developed.


6. The loss of memory in a person with dissociative amnesia can be attributed to organic problems such as a blow to the head or alcoholic intoxication.


7. People who develop illness anxiety disorder are not sensitive to bodily sensations and tend to disregard them.


7. The rods and cones in the eye respond to light with chemical changes that create neural impulses that are picked up by the unipolar cells.


8. In generalized dissociative amnesia, people forget particular traumatic instances of their lives but not their entire lives.


8. Stimulus motives provide an evolutionary disadvantage.


9. According to Melissa Hines and her colleagues, human female embryos and fetuses who have been exposed prenatally to higher-than-typical concentrations of male sex hormones show reduced tendencies to display physically aggressive behavior.


9. Elevated blood pressure is a psychological symptom of anxiety disorders.


9. The somatic nervous system controls activities such as heartbeat, respiration, digestion, and dilation of the pupils.


19. According to Freud, which of the following is true of the ego?

It begins to develop during the first year of life.

12. Which of the following is true of estrogen production in females?

It stimulates the growth of tissue in the hips.

2. The __________ is an oblong area of the hindbrain involved in regulation of heartbeat, blood pressure, movement, and respiration.


5. Peggy Blake and her colleagues constructed a scale of "life-change units" to measure the impact of life changes among college students. Surveys with students revealed that:

Some of them considered academic success to be stressful

7. _____ specialize in basic processes such as the nervous system, sensation and perception, learning and memory, thought, motivation, and emotion.

experimental psychologists

23. Which of the following Freudian psychic structures is present in a person at birth?

The ID

7. Which of the following statements is true of a neural impulse?

The process by which a neural impulse travels is electrochemical.

11. Identify a true statement about social-cognitive theorists.

They note that people engage in intentional learning by observing others.

2. Which of the following is a defining characteristic of biologically oriented psychologists?

They study the role of heredity in behavior and mental processes such as psychological disorders, criminal behavior, and thinking.

1. Active touching means continuously moving your hand along the surface of an object so that you continue to receive sensory input from the object.


1. As opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined.


1. In the context of stressors, Albert Ellis referred to situations such as losing a job as an activating event.


1. Sacs called synaptic vesicles in the axon terminals contain neurotransmitters.


10. The Hering-Helmholtz illusion is a visual illusion.


11. Physicians frequently prescribe stimulants in an effort to help hyperactive children control their behavior.


13. People with borderline personality disorder show instability in their relationships, self-image, and mood and a lack of control over impulses.


14. Social-cognitive theorists grant cognition a key role in studying and explaining behavior.


15. Correcting power imbalances in a relationship increases happiness and can decrease the incidence of domestic violence.


16. Explicit memory is memory for specific information.


16.Psychotherapy is based on research in areas such as personality, learning, motivation, and emotion.


17. Experimentation is the gold standard for research in psychology.


17. Freud believed that children encounter conflict during each stage of psychosexual development.


18. Self-esteem is connected with patterns of acculturation among immigrants.


18. Sigmund Freud believed that the content of dreams is determined by unconscious processes as well as by the events of the day.


2. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, achievement, prestige, and status are included under esteem needs.


20. While conducting studies about the immune system's response to the Epstein-Barr virus during the stress of exams, it was found that students who were lonely showed greater suppression of the immune system than students who had more social support.


22. Carl Rogers believed that we all have unique frames of reference.


22. In biofeedback training, therapists attach clients to devices that measure bodily functions such as heart rate.


23. Gestalt therapy assumes that people disown parts of themselves that might meet with social disapproval or rejection.


24. People with frequent nightmares are more likely than others to have anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems.


24. The preconscious mind contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them.


3.According to the biological views on the origins of psychological disorders, humans are genetically predisposed to fear stimuli that may have posed a threat to their ancestors.


4. Hippocrates suggested that psychological disorders are caused by brain abnormalities.


4. Left-brained people are primarily logical and intellectual.


5. Jenna has not eaten in eight hours. She experiences hunger. According to the drive-reduction theory, Jenna is experiencing a primary drive.


5. When children reared by adoptive parents are more similar to their natural parents in a particular trait, strong evidence exists for a genetic role in the development of that trait.


5.Anxiety is an appropriate response to a real threat, but it can be abnormal when it is excessive.


6. Humans can detect the odor of 1 one-millionth of a milligram of vanilla in a liter of air.


7. Positive events such as learning that the person we love also loves us can raise our level of happiness at a particular moment.


7. The evolutionary perspective suggests that animals are biologically prepared to develop taste aversions that are adaptive in their environments.


8. Direct artificial stimulation of the occipital lobe produces visual sensations.


8. In the context of psychological researches, debriefing is the process of explaining the purposes and methods of a completed procedure to a participant.


8. Odors trigger firing of receptor neurons in the olfactory membrane high in each nostril.


9. Cochlear implants contain microphones that sense sounds and electronic equipment that transmits sounds past damaged hair cells to stimulate the auditory nerve.


23. _____ was a founder of the school of functionalism.

William James

4. A(n)__________rat is characterized by excessive eating.


15. Shawna is in her mid-fifties. Her college-going son lives in a separate apartment in the same city while her parents live with her. She cooks meals for her son regularly and does his laundry. At the same time, she looks after her parents, who are dependent on her. Shawna is facing the difficulties _____.

of the sandwich generation

10. According to Selye's theory, if the alarm reaction mobilizes the body and the related stressor is not removed, we enter the __________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). This stage precedes the last stage of the GAS.


13. Stress elevates blood levels of cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine) and heightens the probability that a dormant Epstein-Barr virus will be reactivated.


14. On average, gay males tend to be somewhat feminine and lesbians to be somewhat masculine.


14. Stress and pathogens interact to influence the immune system.


15. Hassles and life changes can predict physical health problems such as heart disease and cancer, and even athletic injuries.


17. Psychological states such as anxiety and depression can impair the functioning of the immune system.


20. The reliability of a test refers to the stability of one's test results from one testing to another.


1. Jane is working overtime to exceed her sales targets so that she gets a higher income. The higher income, in this scenario, is an intrinsic reward.


11. Unhealthy stress is referred to as eustress.


12. People who have higher self-efficacy expectations are more prone to be disturbed by adverse events.


12. Psychological needs are always based on states of deprivation.


12. Short-term memory is also known as semantic memory.


12. Structuralists emphasized the tendency to organize perceptions into wholes and to integrate separate stimuli into meaningful patterns.


13. In retrograde amnesia, there are memory lapses for the period following a trauma such as a blow to the head, an electric shock, or an operation.


15. The James-Lange theory suggests that emotions cause our behavioral responses to events.


15. The method of savings was devised by Ebbinghaus in order to study the efficiency of recall.


16. According to Freud, moderate gratification in any stage could lead to fixation in that stage and to the development of traits that are characteristic of the stage.


18. In the approach-avoidance conflict, each of two goals is desirable, and both are within reach.


19. According to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, animals cannot be harmed under any circumstance while conducting research.


19. The embryonic stage of pregnancy lasts from the beginning of the third month until the birth of the baby.


2. In the context of the alarm reaction, once a threat is removed, the body returns to a higher state of arousal.


20. An intelligence quotient (IQ) is independent of his or her chronological age (CA).


21. Girls can become pregnant immediately after menarche.


21. Structuralists tended to ask, "How do behavior and mental processes help people adapt to the requirements of their lives?"


21. The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of an objective test.


22. According to the linguistic-relativity hypothesis, language does not affect the way we perceive the world.


25. According to the general adaptation syndrome, during the resistance stage, a person typically feels like a heavy burden has been removed from his or her mind.


25. In psychoanalysis, the tendency to block the free expression of impulses and primitive ideas is referred to as transference.


4. Increasing hypertension and LDL (harmful) serum cholesterol, through medicine if necessary, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.


6. According to the general adaptation syndrome, in the resistance stage, levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity are higher than in the alarm reaction stage.


6. People share similar psychological needs because people's biological makeups are similar.


8. Irrational beliefs can lessen an individual's emotional reaction to loss and enhance coping ability.


9. In the context of stress, predictability is of greater benefit to externals—that is, to people who wish to exercise control over their situations—than to internals.


9. Rewards and punishments are known by their effects, whereas reinforcers are more known by how they feel.


13. A(n)__________rat is characterized by under eating.


16. Which of the following statements is true about the different types of psychologists?

Clinical psychologists help clients resolve problems and change self-defeating behavior.

3. Eli is a school student. Her teacher's appreciation motivates her to study well. She also aims to impress her teacher and parents by getting into a good university after she graduates from high school. Eli's performance goals seem to be met through _____.

Extrinsic Rewards

1.People with body dysmorphic disorder have dual personalities.


10. An emotion cannot be a goal in itself.


10. The belief that one is in control of a panic attack heightens anxiety.


11. In the context of specific phobias, acrophobia is the fear of snakes.


12. The central symptom of generalized anxiety disorder is persistent anxiety that can be attributed to a phobic object, situation, or activity.


14. Electroconvulsive therapy has no side effects.


19. In modern psychodynamic therapies, there is more focus on the id and less emphasis on the ego.


2.In the context of obsessive-compulsive disorder, seemingly irresistible urges to engage in thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce anxiety are referred to as obsessions.


20. In aversive conditioning, an aversive stimulus is paired with a painful behavior in order to increase the frequency of that behavior.


24. The __________ is the first stage of prenatal development, during which the dividing mass of cells has not been implanted in the uterine wall.

Germinal Stage

11. The __________ is a pea-sized structure in the brain that is involved in many aspects of motivation, including sex, aggression, and hunger.


3. Which of the following is a risk factor for coronary heart disease?


16. In the context of stress, which of the following is true of humor?

Research suggests that humor can moderate the effects of stress.

7. Which of the following is one of Selye's three stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

The exhaustion stage

22. A two-year-old child's family has a pet rabbit. When the family visits the zoo, the child sees a hamster for the first time and calls it a rabbit because of the physical features that are common to a rabbit and a hamster. According to Piaget, which cognitive process will most likely modify the child's understanding?


1. Operant conditioning is a simple form of learning in which organisms come to anticipate or associate events with one another.


11. In sensory memory, the memory traces of visual stimuli last many times longer than the traces of auditory stimuli.


12. Nicotine increases the appetite and reduces the metabolic rate of a person.


13. Sociocultural psychologists study those things we refer to as the mind.


13. Suppression and nonconscious processes are Freudian concepts, whereas repression is a non-Freudian concept.


14. A child looks at rain and thunder and says that they are caused by the change in weather. In the sensorimotor stage, this is termed as artificialism.


14. The hypothalamus is involved in the formation of verbal memories.


14. When we sleep, our brain waves become identical to those emitted when we are conscious.


15. In an experiment, the presence of dependent variables does not depend on the independent variables.


16. Hypnosis impairs the functioning of the immune system.


17. In a study conducted to test the effect of a medicine, one group of participants is given the medicine while another group is not. The latter would be considered an experimental group.


17. In the context of processes of memory, storage modifies information so that it can be placed in memory.


17. Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to attain spiritual enlightenment.


18. Dreams are more likely to be coherent in plot than emotionally gripping.


18. The amygdala is connected to the mother by blood vessels in the uterine wall.


19. The term preconscious is descriptive of bodily processes of which we cannot become conscious.


2. Students who obtain higher grades are more likely to behave aggressively following exposure to violent video games.


20. Sleep terrors, bedwetting, and sleepwalking all occur during light sleep.


20. With age, there are very large declines in memory function, and these changes can never be reversed.


4. Positive reinforcers increase the probability that a behavior will occur when the reinforcers are removed.


3. __________remove dead neurons and waste products from the nervous system.

Glial Cells

24. Which of the following is true of Aristotle's contribution to psychology?

He argued that human behavior is subject to rules and laws.

13. In boys, pituitary hormones stimulate the testes to increase the output of__________, which in turn causes enlargement of the penis and testes and the appearance of body hair.


25. Which of the following statements is true of the experimental method of research?

The experimental method allows psychologists to control the experiences of participants and draw conclusions about cause and effect.

10. One of the concepts of evolutionary psychology is that not only physical traits but also many patterns of behavior, including social behavior, evolve and can be transmitted genetically from generation to generation.


11. People are at the height of their cognitive powers during early adulthood.


15. In the context of withdrawal symptoms associated with substance use, cravings are typically accompanied by signs of anxiety such as shakiness, rapid pulse, and sweating.


18. When you are given a new phone number and you write it down or immediately dial the number, you are retaining the number in your short-term memory.


20. Paulina is a kindergarten teacher. Every time one of her students answers correctly during her alphabet classes, she uses phrases like "Well done" and "Keep it up." Her behavior exemplifies reinforcement.


3. Sensory receptors embedded in the skin fire when the surface of the skin is touched.


4. Case studies are subject to inaccuracies.


9. In contrast to structuralists, Gestalt psychologists claimed that one cannot explain human perceptions, emotions, or thought processes in terms of basic units.


10. In counterconditioning, an organism learns to respond to a stimulus in a way that is completely compatible with a response that was conditioned earlier.


16. At the postconventional level of adolescence, moral judgements are derived from authority figures.


17. Postconventional reasoning emerges during a person's middle adulthood.


19. Emotional intelligence does not involve self-insight.


2. According to the law of similarity, we perceive different objects as belonging together.


22. Erik Erikson focused more on unconscious processes and less on conscious choice and self-direction.


23. Hallucinogens are known to create physiological dependence.


24. Telegraphic speech is brief and grammatically incorrect.


25. Research shows that apes are very reliable in their sequencing of signs, suggesting that they comprehend the rules of grammar.


5. Cognitive psychologists explain the outcome of classical conditioning in terms of the publicly observable conditions of learning.


6. Spontaneous recovery of learned responses occurs only in operant conditioning.


8. Media violence and aggressive video games decrease viewers' level of emotional arousal.


3. Ned is feeling stressed because of his workload in office. He is also experiencing insomnia with rapid weight loss. Ned's condition is an example of a __________ correlation.


10. Carl is conducting a study to determine the effects of the new technology-assisted learning methods among students. As part of this study, he has selected a group of university students, male and female, in the age group of 18 to 24 years. These students have been using the new methods of learning. In terms of research methodology, this group best describes a _____.


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