Genesys Cloud Reporting & Analytics

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What is the service level percentage calculation?

(Number of answered interactions - number of answered interactions that miss the service level target) / ((Number of answered interactions + number of abandoned interactions) + (Calculation Option Switch Setting(s))) * 100

What information is included in the Interaction Details Report?

- Any interaction associated with the agent, even if the agent did not interact - The agent who started or answered the interaction - Date, time, and duration of the interaction - Direction (for example, inbound or outbound) of the interaction - Queue and wrap-up code for the interaction - Amount of time in seconds that the interaction remained in a queue

What activity is shown in the Queue Metrics Daily Report?

- Interactions offered, answered, and abandoned - Performance metrics (for example, abandon rate, service level, and average speed of answer) - Talk time, after call work, and handle time - Hold and transfer data

What does the Agent Metrics report display for each agent?

- Interactions that have handle time - Number of interactions per day - Average talk time, after call work, and handle time - Hold and transfer data

When may reports require more system resources?

- The report parameters are too broad. - A report returns an excessive amount of data. - Too many reports are scheduled to run at the same time. - You export high volumes of data.

What information is included in the Queue Wrapup Summary Report?

- The total number of interactions with the wrap-up code - The percentage of interactions with the wrap-up code compared to the total interactions in the queue - The total length and average length of the interactions with the wrap-up code - The percentage of the total length of the interactions with the wrap-up code compared to the total length of interactions in the queue

What information is included in the Dialer Campaign Success Results Reports include?

- Total number of dials, contacts, and abandons - Percentage of contacts compared with the calls placed - Percentage of abandoned calls compared to the calls placed - Percentage of abandoned calls compared with the number of contacts

What actions can you take in the Activity tab?

- View more information about an agent's activity - Filter by waiting or interacting interactions - Filtering the agents list - Monitor interactions - Activate or deactivate agents - Change an agent's status - Log off an agent

What information is included in the User Status Detail Report?

- When a user's status started - When the status ended - How long the status lasted - What the statuses were during the time period

What details can the Agent Activity Summary Report identify?

- Whether an agent remains logged on for the required amount of time each day. - How much time an agent spent on a queue and available to handle interactions. - How much on queue time an agent spent not responding to alerting interactions and idle. - How much time an agent spent off queue during each day.

What information is included in the Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempt History Report?

- Whether the interaction connected to a remote party - Whether the interaction transferred to an agent - The unique ID of the contact - The call analysis result for each attempt - Amount of time to transfer the interaction to a flow - Amount of time to answer the interaction - Amount of time dialing and connecting the interaction - Amount of time before a party abandons the interaction - Wrap-up code that the agent assigned to the interaction

What are the available report file formats?

.pdf, .xls, and .xlsx files

What is the default length for Short Abandon columns?

0 to 6 seconds.

Queue metrics and agent metrics can differ for the following reasons:

1. An interaction spends time in multiple queues. 2. An interaction abandons before an agent handles it. 3. An agent is a member of more than one queue. A queue report only counts interactions that spent time in the queue, but an agent-based report counts any interactions an agent worked with.

What factors should you consider when running reports?

1. Are my report parameters overly broad? 2. Am I scheduling my reports to run at the same time other users schedule theirs to run? 3. Do all my colleagues run this exact same report at the exact same time? 4. Have we recently checked our scheduled reports to see if there are any that we do not download?

What capabilities does the Supervisor iOS App have?

1. Building custom dashboards and wallboards. 2. Drilling down through multiple levels of contact center data. 3. Providing just-in-time assistance when requested by agents. 4. Locating your agents on the contact center floor using an interactive map that shows agent locations, along with key details like status and time in status.

Dynamic views give you the ability to:

1. Customize views to see only the data for the dates you need. 2. Save your current view and settings to return quickly to that data. 3. Download the data for more analysis or to share with others. 4. Activate agents, change their status, or log out agents.

What two ways might reports become disabled?

1. If the report was only scheduled to run once or if the report failed to run for two consecutive times. 2. If a report is scheduled for Recurrence: Daily and has not been downloaded for 14 consecutive days. If a report is scheduled for Recurrence: Hourly and has not been downloaded for 7 consecutive days, then the report gets disabled.

What can you do to troubleshoot report failures?

1. Modify the report parameters in such a way that the report includes fewer agents, queues, interactions, or days. 2. Consider adjusting the time of day when your report is scheduled to run and select non-peak hours when possible. 3. Limit the reports that run hourly. Instead, you may consider running a mid-day, end-of-day, or off-peak report.

After you identify areas of concern:

1. Review long interactions. 2. Ask agents why interactions run long. 3. View wrap-up codes for transfers.

How many queues can you filter a widget by?

100 queues

How many Date Span intervals can you display in your dashboard?


Genesys Cloud tracks metric statistics in:

30-minute intervals

When does Genesys Cloud automatically delete previously run reports?

90 days after you run them

What are the four tabs in the Queues view?

Activity, performance, interactions, agents

When can you download a report?

After a report runs and the Report Status column says Completed

What report displays a daily breakdown of the time that one or more agents spent in system and Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) statuses during a specific date range?

Agent Activity Summary Report

What report displays the start time, end time, and duration of logged-in time for one or more agents?

Agent Login-Logout Details Report

What agent report can you run in XLS or XLXS format to get agent metric data optimized for use within spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel?

Agent Metrics Export Report

What report displays agents' evaluation results for conversations that started during the range specified in the report's parameters?

Agent Quality Details Report

What is an Agent Report?

Agent reports provide you with a summary or detailed information regarding the activity and performance of one or more agents.

What does it mean if the Interactions have no data in the Duration, DNIS, or System Disposition columns?

An agent previews but skips the contact.

What are offered interactions?

Answered, abandoned, or flow-out interactions

If you change an agent's queue status from On Queue to Off Queue, the agent's user status automatically changes to:


What is ASA?

Average Speed of Answer. The average amount of time an interaction waits in queue before an agent answers it. This metric does not include interactions that agents do not answer.

What are compliance abandons?

Compliance abandons are connected calls that took longer than the configured compliance abandon threshold to reach an IVR or an agent. Even if the call reaches an agent, the call counts toward this total if it takes longer than the threshold to reach an agent.

What report displays outbound interaction attempts for one or more campaigns during a specific date and time range? It contains information, such as caller ID number and name, the total amount of time spent on wrap-up for the interaction, and the amount of time between the customer answering the call and the call transferring into an outbound flow.

Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempt History Report

What report displays a daily breakdown of the results for one or more dialer campaigns during a specific date range?

Dialer Campaign Success Results Report

To review historical and real-time metrics for the contact center, queues, agents, interactions, what should you use?

Dynamic Views

What options can you access when you hover over a created dashboard?

Favorite, Copy, Edit, Delete

How does Genesys Cloud recalculate service level changes for reporting data?

For reports, any report generated after the service level change will use the updated calculation.

What options can you access when you view a dashboard?

Grid size, Make dashboard public, Toggle edit mode, View fullscreen

What are the Adherence statuses?

In Adherence, Out of Adherence, Unscheduled, Ignored, or Unknown.

What report displays details about interactions for one or more agents during a specific date and time range?

Interaction Details Report

What is a Non-ACD interaction?

Interactions not related to a queue, such as a personal call.

What are flow-outs?

Interactions that enter and leave a queue without getting answered by an agent or disconnected

Are SMS campaigns supported in the Dialer reports?


Can you download a report after Genesys Cloud deletes it?


Do agents that are active, inactive or deleted impact the metrics in queue reports?


Do export reports have Total Hold column?


Does on-queue time always equal total ACD time?


Does the Abandon Intervals Metrics View update automatically?


Does the User Status Detail Report include specifics about queue activity such as interacting, idle, and not responding?


Does the Dialer Campaign Success Results Report count dials placed in preview mode?

No because the agent, rather than the outbound dialing system, places the call.

Do the .xls and .xlsx file formats of the Agents Metrics Export report have a page footer?

No, but the .pdf file format includes a footer for each page. The exclusion in the .xls and .xlsx formats make the data in the report easier to use in spreadsheet software.

Is there a Supervisor App version for Android devices?

No, it is currently only available for iOS devices.

Does the Interaction Details Report include interactions that are currently being handled by an agent?

No, only interactions that have ended.

What are Outbound Reports?

Outbound reports provide you with a summary or detailed information regarding the activity and performance of outbound dialing campaigns.

For immediate, at-a-glance monitoring of key indicators and metrics what should you use?

Performance Dashboards

What allows you to view current, critical data about your contact center's operations?

Performance Dashboards

What report displays detailed statistics about multimedia queue activity for one or more queues during a date and time range?

Queue Metrics Daily Report

What report includes graphs that illustrate by day the interactions offered, answered, and abandoned?

Queue Metrics Summary Report

What report displays the wrap-up codes that agents used for interactions in one or more queues during a specific date and time range?

Queue Wrapup Summary Report

What is a Queue report?

Queue reports provide you with a summary or detailed information regarding the activity and performance of one or more multimedia queues.

To view real-time and historical queue metrics, go to one of the following views:

Queues and Queues Activity

What can you select metrics on to display on performance dashboards?

Queues, users, wrap-up codes, flows, or flow outcomes

What may lead to report failures?

Reports that run frequently, cover large data sets or when the reports require more system resources than what is available at the time when the report is scheduled to run.

You can manually run a report after you save the report settings by using:

Run Now on the reports page whenever you need to view the latest data without waiting for the scheduled report to run.

What is Service Level %?

Service level target is a contact center performance statistic expressed as "X percent of contacts answered in Y seconds." For example, a goal of answering 80% of voice calls within 20 seconds provides a service level target of 80/20.

What is the Abandon Intervals Metrics View?

The Abandon Intervals Metrics View enables you to see detailed metrics about the length of abandons in a queue. For instance, you can see how many calls customers abandoned at certain lengths of time.

What is the Activity tab?

The Activity tab displays overview information about the queue. At a glance, you can view general statistics about the queue, specific statistics about in-progress interactions, and the status of agents assigned to the queue. Most of the information in the Activity tab updates in real-time

What is the Agents tab?

The Agents tab shows metrics related to agents who are a member of the queue. This view updates automatically.

What is the Interactions tab?

The Interactions tab displays a list of interactions specific to the queue. This view does NOT update automatically.

What is the Performance tab?

The Performance tab shows current and past activity and statistics for the queue. Click a metric at the top to access a bar graph that shows more information. This view updates automatically.

What is off-queue?

The amount of time and the percentage of time that an agent spent off queue, for example, in the Available, Away, and Busy statuses.

What is on-queue?

The amount of time and the percentage of time that an agent spent on queue, for example, in the Interacting, Idle, and Not Responding statuses.

What is total ACD?

The amount of time that an agent spent in the Interacting, Idle, and Not Responding statuses.

What is system disposition?

The first attempt result automatically set by outbound dialing due to call analysis and events during the call.

What is time to flow?

The length of time from when a customer answered the call to when the system transfers the call into an outbound flow. This column is empty if the call is in preview mode or if the call transferred to the queue.

What is time to agent?

The length of time that elapsed from when a customer answered the call to when an agent answered the call. This column is empty if the call is in preview mode, transferred to the outbound flow, or gets disconnected or abandoned before an agent answers it.

What is DNIS?

The number dialed for the call.

What are total contacts?

The number of calls answered by a remote party and connected to an agent.

What do the arrows indicate in the Dialer Campaign Success Results Report?

The percentage columns display an up arrow to indicate a percentage that falls within the top 1/3 of all the percentages in the column. A down arrow indicates a percentage that falls within the bottom 1/3 of all the percentages in the column. No arrow indicates that the percentage falls within the middle 1/3 of all the percentages in the column.

What is Total Handle time?

The total amount of time agents spend handling interactions. This calculation includes talk time, hold time, and after-call work. For outbound calls it also includes dialing and contacting time.

How many public dashboards can a user have access to?

There is no limit

What is Idle status?

This routing status represents agents who are On Queue and able to take interactions but are not working with interactions.

When do you use Report History?

To see information about each time a report has run. The report's history shows the status of a report as well when the report ran. You can download a report from its history for up to 90 days after it ran.

How many rows of widgets can you create?

Up to seven rows and each row can have up to seven single-cell widgets or one full-width widget

What report displays detailed user status statistics with a time notation for each status change that the user makes? It includes the On Queue status and all off queue statuses, such as Meal and Away.

User Status Detail Report

What allows you to view online content such as streaming videos, real-time charts, news feeds, social media, and more, bringing interactive content into your dashboard?

Web Content widget

Can you export data only from specific columns?


Does Genesys Cloud automatically disables unused reports to reduce unnecessary load on the system?


From the perspective of Genesys Cloud reports:

a queue is a standalone entity

What do you need in order to configure a Web Content widget?

a secure (HTTPS) URL, and the URL you reference must support and allow being iFramed.

If the Dialer Campaign Success Results report includes more than one dialer campaign:

the report aggregates the totals for all the campaigns into the daily breakdowns.

When you change the service level calculation:

the service level data for past dates in views and future reports update to reflect the change. The data does not update in any reports that have already run.

Determine the optimal time to run the report based on:

the size of the report, who is going to use it and when, and what other jobs consume system resources.

How many dashboards can you create?

up to 20

If the agent is still On Queue:

you must first set the status to Off Queue before you can log off the agent.

When configuring a report:

you need to set report parameters, choose the file format, and schedule when the report runs.

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