ANT 2000 Mid Term
Culture is behavior
-Acquired by learning (extra-genetic) -Shared by a group -Transmitted from one generation to the next -Cumulative cultural evolution
What traits distinguish humans from other hominoids and all other species???
-Striding bipedalism -The vertebral column of humans has curves -Knees are close together to minimize lateral motion -Foot anatomy is specialized
DNA is an unusual molecule... in 2 ways.
1. DNA molecules replicate and continuously produce new molecules of DNA 2. The code for producing all the proteins of an organism can be found in the DNA of that organism
The Human Genome Project
A multi-year effort to find all the genes that code for all the traits found in humans (1990-2003)
Science is
A procedure for arriving at conclusions An established accumulation derived from the above procedure
The evolution of evolution
Pre-Darwin, DARWIN, Post-Darwin
Darwin's Evidence
-Biogeography -Domesticated animals -Comparative anatomy -Comparative embryology -Vestigial organs -Fossils
Characteristics of Suborder HAPLORHINI (anthrapoid)
-Dry nose with simple nostrils -postorbital plate -large, rounded brain -central foramen magnum
Summary of primates
-Emphasize vision (not smell) -Manipulation with eye-hand coordination; touch receptors on fingertips -Multi-dimensional locomotion -Large brains -Slow maturation and long life -Sociality complexity in communication & cognition
Primates eyes
-Eyes face forward -Bony protection -Cross-over of visual tracts -Stereoscopic vision -Color vision
Derived trait
Different from the ancestor. Having nails (not claws) is a derived trait
Linguistic anthropology
Natural selection acts on variation to produce directional change in a species...evolution by means of natural selection
Sources of variation explained by genetics
New combinations genes in offspring Independent assortment. -Crossing over during meiosis... exchanges genetic material as homologous chromosomes line during meiosis
What is a human?
a mammal, a primate, an anthropoid, a catarrhine, a hominoid
Watson, Crick, Wilkens & Franklin
described how DNA is the carrier of genetic information & then how genes provide the code for proteins
discrete, stable unit of inheritance
explains the origin of species
Gregor Mendel
how inheritance worked and how variation was continuously generated. (increased understanding of the evolutionary process)
introduced the concept of "mutation"
long series of nucleotides
Primates have
mobile appendages & hindlimb dominance
Law of Segregation
paired hereditary units segregate during production of gametes
the study of genes
visible in the organism
eggs, sperm
evolution in an age of genetic information
characteristics of Suborder STREPSIRHINI (prosimian)
-naked, glandular rhinarium with median cleft and slit-like nostrils directed laterally -tooth comb, composed of lower incisors and canine teeth projecting horizontally -grooming claw on the second digit of the foot
neocortex in Primates
-sensory perception -motor commands -spatial reasoning
Old World monkeys & hominoids both have a catarrhine nose
The more similar the amino acid sequence of a protein the more recently two species shared a common ancestor
Mendels "Laws"
1. Law of Segregation 2. Law of Independent Assortment
Primates hands and feet
Grasping w/ -nails (instead of claws) -tactile pads with touch receptors -friction ridges
What is a tarsier?
Haplorhine & Prosimian
More Characteristics of Hominoids?
Hominoids have a broad, flat, short torso & no external tail
Platyrrhin vs. Catarrhini (noses)
Platyrhin are round while catarrhine are pointy nostrils
The production of gametes (mature sex cells) from immature sex cells
Watson & Crick
Mammals have 4 different kinds of teeth--heterodonty
incisors, canines, pre-molars, molars
Carolus Linnaeus
introduced a hierarchical system to organize information about the diversity of living species
present but not observable
there can be more than one form of a gene
threadlike structures in the nucleus of the cell
Malthus 1798 essay inspired Darwin
to conceive that competition for limited resources exists for all species .....creating "winners" (who reproduce) and "losers" (who don't)
Charles Lyell
-"uniformitarianism" -Implies a constantly changing earth and an ancient earth
characteristics of a mammal?
-Homeothermy/fur -Reproduction Internal gestation Lactation Extended parental care Emotional bond Play behavior -Mastication (chew food)
Biological anthropology
-Paleoanthropology -Primatology -Human variation -Genetics -Osteology -Paleopathology -Forensic anthropology
= change in series
Anthropology is...
A Science A Humanity A Social Science
4 subfields of Anthropology
Cultural anthropology Linguistic anthropology Archaeology Biological anthropology
Why is genetics important for understanding evolution?
Evolution and Genetics
What is a hominoid?
Forearms are adapted for suspension and have a versatile range of motion. -long muscular arms -rotator shoulder joint allows 360 rotation of the arm -fully extendable elbow -180 rotation of forearm extended motion in wrist
The origin of science by
Louis Leibenberg
canine-cutting complex
Most non-human primates (monkeys & apes) have a canine-cutting complex
Primitive trait
Same as the ancestor. Having 5 fingers and 4 different kinds of teeth are primitive traits
Darwin collected evidence to support his new idea for more than 20 years before completing his most famous book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859. T or F?
William Paley
The natural world shows divine order the existence of design suggests a designer.
Cultural anthropology includes ethnography, ethnology and studies of culture change. T or F
In 1902 Walter Sutton proposed that Mendel's genes ride on the chromosomes which he saw in the nucleus of the cell. During meiosis paired homologous chromosomes line up and separate (demonstrating Mendel's Law of Segregation at the cellular level.
Linguistic anthropology includes descriptive linguistics, historical linguistics and sociolinguistics. T or F
Natural law
a natural process (not a human-like designer), is responsible for the "good-fit" seen between an organism and its environment. responsible for origin and diversity of organisms
Humanity is
a record of human expression
a unit of inheritance
alleles of the same gene are different
alleles of the same gene are identical
the primary structure of a protein
amino acids
Biological Application of Evolution=
an explanation for the origin of organisms
an organism's complete set of DNA
Nucleotide =
base, sugar, phosphate. are the constituents units of the DNA molecule
Natural selection
drives evolutionary change across generations
Primate way of life =
eyes & hands
form the rungs of a "ladder"
The "central dogma"
gene --> protein --> trait
introduced the "Law of Segregation" and the "Law of Independent Assortment" (both based on discrete inheritance)
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
often referred to as the first modern evolutionist. He conceptualized the history of life on earth as a tree in which all contemporary life is the equivalent of the tree's newest growth. The twigs, branchlets and branches attached to this new growth all lead back to a tree trunk representing the single origin and interconnectedness of all life on earth.
organisms carry two alleles "for each trait"
Law of Independent Assortment
paired units for distinctive traits assort independent of each other
G G Simpson
T. Dobzansky
population genetics- discrete inheritance also explains traits of complex inheritance (polygenic traits)
proposed genes are located on chromosomes
Francis Crick
proposed that the principle function of DNA was to code for protein
Karl Popper
said conclusions can be "falsified"
synthesis of Darwinism & genetics Genetics explains the source of variation in natural populations
the study of humans
J. Huxley
theoretical biology
Charles Darwin
-Poor student -Careful observer of nature -Voyage on Beagle (1831-1836)
Discrete particles (genes) can produce continuous variation Mutation and independent assortment continuously add variation
Genetics—levels of analysis
-Population -Organism -Cell -Molecule
-Prehistoric archaeology -Historic archaeology -Paleoecology -Cultural resource management
What are Anthropoids?
-have eyes close together in a complete bony socket - a fused frontal bone (forehead) -a fused mandible (jawbone)
The Scientific Revolution BY Toby Huff
New concepts--> modern astronomy, physics, anatomy, physiology New instruments--> telescope, microscope, barometer, air pump New forms of communication--> scientific society, scientific journal "infectious curiosity"
In his 1871 book The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, Darwin developed the concept of sexual selection to explain traits (like the peacock's tail) that seem disadvantages to the daily life of an organism. He proposed that the female peahen acts as a selection agent when she prefers to mate with the male that has the most colorful, attention-grabbing tail.
A gene is a section of a DNA molecule that codes for a protein. To begin protein synthesis, a portion of the DNA molecule unzips and one strand is used to create a mirror-image molecule of mRNA. Codons are three base sequences on the mRNA. These mRNA codons are read by ribosomes and used to bring specific amino acids into position (forming the primary structure of a protein). The genetic code is a table showing which mRNA codon specifies each amino acid.
The amino acid sequence of the hemoglobin of a human and a rhesus money are very similar...there is only one amino acid difference in the beta chain. In contrast, there are multiple amino acid differences between a rhesus monkey and a horse. This shows that rhesus monkeys shared a common ancestor with humans more recently than with horses. Comparing proteins is a more precise way to show degree of evolutionary relationship among living species.
The molecular structure of DNA was modeled by James Watson and Francis Crick (with help from work by Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin). They published a 1953 Nature article which described DNA as composed of long strings of nucleotides with paired nitrogenous bases forming the rungs of a ladder and sugar-phosphate sequences forming the rails of the ladder.
a visual image of all the chromosomes in a cell of that organism
In his 1859 book, Darwin presented evidence to support his proposal that species are the result of evolution by means of natural selection. That evidence included all of the following EXCEPT:
a. comparative anatomy b. COMPARATIVE GENETICS c. comparative embryology d. biogeography
a.k.a the synthetic theory of evolution