Genetics Exam 4

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Programmed cell death or self destruction is called what?


Restriction endonucleases are especially useful if they generate "sticky" ends. What makes an end sticky?

single-stranded complementary tails

Female spiders are usually significantly larger than male spiders. This phenomena is called _________.

Sexual dimorphism

Which of the follow represents a period of anagenesis? PHONE


Height in a species of plant is controlled by 4 genes with additive alleles. Which of the following is a genotype you would expect for a plant of average height?


Which of the following factors is typically monitored during the M checkpoint?

attachment of spindle fibers to kinetochores

_______ tumors grow uncontrollably but do not metastasize..


Bioinformatics includes all of the following except _______.

using enzymes to combine DNA from two different sources in a test tube.



How many gametes are involved in the formation of dizygotic twins?


The frequency of a genetic disorder caused by a recessive allele is 0.01 in a population. What is the frequency of carriers are in the population?


Opossums can be grey or white, with the grey allele being dominate. If the frequency of the grey allele is 0.6, what frequency do you expect for white opossums?


In snapdragons, the red and white flower alleles exhibit incomplete dominance. If the frequency of the red alleles is 0.3, what frequency of pink flowers do you expect in the population?


Calculate the standard deviation of the following values: 8, 12, 8 and 4.


Eye color in humans is a polygenic trait influenced by 16 genes. How many phenotypic classes of eye color would you expect?


A population of fish has and variety of body colors and patterns. After an oil spill, only white fish with red stripes remain. What is this an example of?

A genetic bottleneck

What is an open reading frame (ORF)?

A nucleotide sequence that is translated into a protein

Which of the following is used to calculate Narrow-sense heritability?

Additive variance

The image below shows wild and domesticated peaches. What is this an example of?

Artificial selection







Match the checkpoints with the correct description. G1/S G2/M M

Checkpoint monitors cell size and determines whether DNA has been damaged Physiological conditions are checked prior to mitosis Formation of spindle fiber system and attachment of spindle fibers to kinetochores associated with centromeres

With regard to the critical checkpoints used to regulate the progression of the cell cycle, which of the following events occurs first?

Cyclins bind to and activate kinase enzymes.

How are restriction fragments put together?

DNA Ligase

All of these are known to cause cancer EXCEPT ________.

DNA repair

In a species of Galapagos finch, thick beaked individuals excel at cracking nuts, while thin beaked individuals excel at picking out grubs from trees. Individuals with intermediate beaks aren't good at either task. This is an example of what?

Disruptive selection

The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) protocol that is currently used in laboratories was facilitated by the discovery of a bacterium called Thermus aquaticus in a hot spring inside Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming. This organism contains a heat-stable form of DNA polymerase known as Taq polymerase, which continues to function even after it has been heated to extremely high temperatures. Why would such a heat-stable polymerase be beneficial in PCR?

Each cycle includes a "hot" denaturation phase (95°C), which separates the hydrogen bonds that hold the strands of the template DNA together.

Eukaryotic genes often contain introns, which are not present in prokaryotes, presenting an obstacle in expressing eukaryotic genes in bacteria. How is this issue dealt with?

Generating cDNA from a mature mRNA

The sequencing of the human genome led to the realization that chromosome 19 contains many genes while chromosomes 13 and Y contain relatively few. What does this finding imply about the density of genes in a genome?

Genes are not uniformly distributed and appear in clusters separated by gene deserts.

Which is the correct order of experiments for creating recombinant bacteria? I. Use PCR to amplify a gene of interest.II. Transform bacteria with the plasmidIII. Perform a ligation reaction with the gene of interest and the plasmid.IV. Digest the gene of interest and a plasmid with restriction enzymes.

I -> IV -> III - > II

A new gene is discovered during the sequencing of a bacterial genome. After a BLAST analysis, the new gene aligns with a known sequence from the same bacterium. The sequence identity is 95%. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of the newly discovered gene and the known gene?

It is a paralog to the known gene and is a result of a recent gene duplication.

Which of the following describes an expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL)?

Lactose tolerance level is determined by lactase enzyme alleles with different mutations in the promoter that influence the gene's mRNA levels

Which of the following is an example of G x E interaction?

Lobsters with allele A grow larger than lobsters with allele a in cold water environments. In warm tropical waters lobsters with allele a grow larger.

All of the following are checkpoints in the cell cycle EXCEPT ________.


Which technique would be used to sequence the amino acids in a protein?

Mass spectrometry

You find the heritability of height of in a population water oak trees in upstate South Carolina to be 0.67. Your colleague finds the heritability of height of in a population water oak trees in south Alabama to be 0.44. How is this possible?

Measured heritability depends on environmental variation present in population being studied

Which of the following is not true about bisulfite sequencing?

Methylated cytosines are removed an replaced with artificial bases

The why is heritability of having two eyes very low?

Most of the variation in eye number is due to accidents and injuries

You are studying the Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana. You find 11 genes that influence the weight of newborn joeys, and that the mother's diet also influences birth weight. What term best describes this trait?


What is the last common ancestor of sauropods and pterosaurs? PHONE


How are restriction sites typically added to the ends of a gene?

PCR with primers containing restriction sites

Which of the following is an example of sexual selection?

Peahens prefer peacocks with large and colorful tails, so those peacocks get to mate more frequently.

Which of the following is NOT a major point of the multiple-gene hypothesis?

Phenotypic traits show discontinuous variation and can be cannot be quantified, only qualified

Which technique can make cDNA from RNA?

Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR)

During what stage of the cell cycle is DNA replicated?


In which of the following biochemical reactions is it common to use ddNTPs (dideoxyribonucleoside triphosphates)?

Sanger sequencing

The human genome is predicted to have approximately 20,000 genes while the human proteome is predicted to have approximately 290,000 proteins. Which of the following is not an explanation for why the human proteome is so much larger than the human genome?

Some genes are duplicated in the genome

What is the difference between standard deviation and standard error?

Standard error takes sample size into account

A species of beetles have different horn shapes. A group of two-pronged horn beetles are in log that floats to a remote island. A population of beetles form on the island and they all have two-pronged horns. What is this an example of?

The founder effect

Why isn't DNA polymerase I not needed for PCR?

The primers are made of DNA

Match the type of "Omics" research with the correct description. Epigenomics Pharmacogenomics Transcriptomics Glycomics

The study of the entire set of epigenetic marks in a given type of cell under certain environmental conditions Comparing genomic to drug response data. Can be used to customize dosages and treatment plans The study of the entire set of RNAs expressed by a given type of cell under certain environmental conditions The study of the entire set of carbohydrates in a given type of cell under certain environmental conditions

Match the type of "Omics" research with the correct description. Proteomics Metagenomics Metabolomics Lipidomics

The study of the entire set of proteins expressed by a given type of cell under certain environmental conditions Sequencing all the genomes present in a mixed sample to identify all of the organisms in an environment The study of all of the small molecule metabolites found in a cell or organism The study of the entire set of lipids in a given type of cell under certain environmental conditions

You attempt to insert a gene into a plasmid and transform bacteria with the result using blue-white screening. All of the resulting colonies are blue. What happened?

The transformation worked, but the gene insertion didn't

How do heat shock and electroporation allow for transformation of bacteria?

These techniques destabilize the bacterial membrane, causing pores to open that foreign DNA can pass through.

Which of the following is an example of behavioral isolation?

Two groups of jumping spider don't mate because of differences in their courtship dances

The data below is from a twin study. Which of these traits are monozygotic twins most likely to be discordant for?

Uterine cancer

Match the plasmid vector parts with the correct description. Multiple Cloning Site Origin of Replication Selectable Marker

Where the gene of interest is inserted Sequence that allows copies of the plasmid to be made Gene that allows the identification of bacteria that have successfully been transformed and taken up the plasmid, often an antibiotic resistance gene

What is a cDNA molecule?

a DNA copy of an RNA molecule produced by reverse transcription

Cancer is:

a genetic disease caused by an accumulation of mutations in somatic cells.

Which statement best describes an example of a cancer causing mutation in a tumor-suppressor gene?

a mutation that makes a cell unable to undergo programmed cell death

How does one target specific DNA sequences of the template to be amplified by polymerase chain reaction?

by designing primers complementary to regions on both sides of the specific target

Any agent that causes damage to DNA is a potential ________.


Aligning genome sequences from different organisms to study gene and genome evolution is referred to as ________.

comparative genomics

Using modern techniques of sequencing by synthesis and the shotgun approach, sequences are assembled into contigs by ________.

computer analysis looking for sequence overlaps

Which of the following correctly lists the processes in order for one cycle of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?

denature DNA; anneal primers; extend primers

When some varieties of rice are crossed, the hybrids are viable, but subsequent generations are smaller and have less fitness. This is an example of what?

hybrid breakdown

A genetic bottleneck 12,000 years ago led to ______ in cheetahs, causing deleterious recessive alleles to become much more common.


One major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes is that eukaryotic genes can contain internal sequences, called ________, which get removed in the mature message.


In general, mutations in genes that code for cell-adhesion molecules, cytoskeleton regulators, and proteolytic enzymes lead to which feature of malignant cancer cells?


White clover plants produce hydrogen cyanide gas in response to herbivore insects feeding on them, deterring or even killing them. Recently white clover in urban areas was found to lack this mechanism. Its thought that since there are less herbivore insects in urban areas, the plant can save energy and resources by not producing hydrogen cyanide. This would be considered an instance of ______.


When sequencing a genome, coverage is the:

number of times a particular base is found in the same location in multiple reads of a sequence.

What is the name of the protein that appears to regulate the entry of cells into an S phase (along with other functions)? This protein is also known as the "guardian of the genome" and is mutated in ~50% of cancers.


Which type of mutation is known to accumulate in cancer cells but has no direct contribution to the cancer phenotype?

passenger mutations

What type of gene encodes products that normally promote appropriate cell growth and division?


You are studying corn and find that higher stalk height is correlated with larger cob size. Which of the following r values would be expected for this relationship?

r = +0.78

SS individuals have normal hemoglobin and are susceptible to malaria. Ss individuals have mostly normal hemoglobin and are resistant to malaria. ss individuals have sickle cell anemia. This is an example of _______.

stabilizing selection

Expression vectors differ from cloning vectors by ________.

the presence of necessary sequences to initiate transcription and translation (promoter, terminator, etc.)

Nutrigenomics is the study of ________.

the relationship between diet and the genome

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