Geo 111 Final Exam

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Which of the following processes describes the gradual erosion of the ground surface by wind? A) deflation B) desertification C) solifluction D) subsidence

A. Deflation

A tree-like drainage pattern is known as A) dendritic. B) radial. C) rectangular. D) trellis.

A. Dendritic

Low-lying ozone forms when A) sunlight reacts with sulfur dioxide. B) nitric acid reacts with sunlight. C) sulfur dioxide reacts with rainwater. D) oxygen reacts with sulfur.

B. Nitric acid reacts with sunlight.

Glacial drift that has been modified, sorted, and distributed by meltwater streams is called A) moraine. B) outwash. C) rock flour. D) till.

B. Outwash

Which of the following statements regarding ozone is FALSE? A) Chlorofluorocarbons are depleting the ozone layer. B) Ozone absorbs harmful infrared radiation. C) Ozone forms from oxygen in the stratosphere. D) Ozone is a greenhouse gas.

B. Ozone absorbs harmful infrared radiation

Wood is considered a ________ energy resource. A) nonrenewable B) renewable C) combustible D) biologic

B. Renewable

Which of the following unfractured rocks has the HIGHEST porosity? A) granite B) sandstone C) schist D) shale

B. Sandstone

_____ saw the greatest increase in oil reserves estimates between 2002 and 2012. A) The Middle East B) South America C) North America D) Africa

B. South America

Icicles are to ice what ________ are to limestone. A) stalagmites B) stalactites C) carbonates D) marbles

B. Stalactites

Elevation is a balance between A) erosion and deposition. B) tectonic uplift and erosion. C) deposition and tectonic uplift. D) deposition and isostasy.

B. Tectonic uplift and erosion

Suspended load includes all material A) rolling along the bottom of the stream. B) temporarily or permanently suspended in the flow. C) deposited on the bottom of the stream. D) rolling along the bottom and suspended in the flow.

B. Temporarily or permanently suspended in the flow.

Which of the following reservoirs contains the LEAST water? A) the atmosphere B) the biosphere C) groundwater D) lakes and rivers

B. The Biosphere

Which of the following regions has the lowest relief? A) the Appalachian Mountains B) the Midwestern plains C) the Rocky Mountains D) All of the above have approximately the same relief.

B. The Midwestern plains

When did the most recent ice ages occur? A) the Jurassic period B) the Pleistocene epoch C) the Paleozoic era D) the Pliocene epoch

B. The Pleistocene Epoch

The point at which global oil production stops rising and starts to decline is called A) the oil peak. B) the reservoir peak. C) Hubbert's peak. D) the Hanford peak.

C. Hubbert's peak

Darcy's law states that the volume of water flowing through a cross-sectional area per time is equal to A) porosity × hydraulic conductivity. B) porosity × water table slope. C) hydraulic conductivity × water table slope. D) porosity × hydraulic conductivity × water table slope.

C. Hydraulic conductivity × water table slope.

Because of human activity, sediment transported by streams has A) decreased dramatically. B) remained constant. C) increased dramatically. D) decreased by a minor amount.

C. Increased dramatically.

The process by which surface water becomes groundwater is called A) discharge. B) evaporation. C) infiltration. D) transpiration.

C. Infiltration

Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) Influent streams discharge groundwater and are characteristic of arid regions. B) Influent streams discharge groundwater and are characteristic of humid regions. C) Influent streams recharge groundwater and are characteristic of arid regions. D) Influent streams recharge groundwater and are characteristic of humid regions.

C. Influent streams recharge groundwater and are characteristic of arid regions

What minerals are responsible for the orange-brown colors of weathered surfaces in the desert? A) carbonates B) framework silicates C) iron oxides D) sulfates

C. Iron oxides

Which of the following is NOT a cause of desertification? A) cattle grazing B) climate change C) irrigation D) latitude changes caused by plate tectonics

C. Irrigation

What are erratics? A) conflicting dates of glaciation obtained by dating organic material found in glaciers B) cross-beds that do not match the overall outwash cross-bedding scheme C) large boulders deposited randomly by glaciers D) valleys with glacial striations that oppose the striations in adjacent valleys

C. Large boulders deposited randomly by glaciers

Long sand ridges that are more or less parallel to the prevailing wind are called A) barchan dunes. B) blowout dunes. C) linear dunes. D) transverse dunes.

C. Linear Dunes

The evolutionary path of landscapes depends very strongly on the A) amount of precipitation in the area. B) underlying rock type. C) time scale over which change occurs. D) global temperature.

C. Time scale over which change occurs.

An impermeable barrier that prevents oil and natural gas from migrating to Earth's surface is called an oil A) reservoir. B) window. C) trap. D) migration.

C. Trap

The rise in the fossil fuel economy has disrupted Earth's natural ________ cycle. A) carbon B) biosphere C) hydrologic D) cooling

A. Carbon

When sunlight reacts with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), ____________ is released. A) chlorine B) methane C) ozone D) sulfur dioxide

A. Chlorine

Which fossil fuel will eventually become dominant in most countries? A) coal B) tar sands C) oil shale D) natural bitumen

A. Coal

The main ingredient of natural gas is A) nitrous oxide. B) methane. C) carbon dioxide. D) sulfur dioxide.

B. Methane

What is the geologic term for an asymmetric ridge where gently dipping beds of erosion-resistant rocks are undercut by erosion of a weaker underlying bed? A) cuesta B) hogback C) mesa D) syncline

A. Cuesta

Of the energy produced in the United States today, solar energy accounts for roughly A) 1%. B) 10%. C) 30%. D) 50%.

A. 1%

Approximately how much of the land surface is covered by ice? A) 10% B) 50% C) 30% D) 80%

A. 10%

A quad is equivalent to A) 1015 British thermal units. B) 10 British thermal units. C) 10100 British thermal units. D) 1 British thermal unit.

A. 1015 British thermal units.

How much of the total energy produced in the United States today comes from hydroelectric dams? A) 3% B) 10% C) 30% D) 50%

A. 3%

The United States consumes _______ more energy per person than the global average. A) 4.5 times B) 10 times C) 2 times D) 7.5 times

A. 4.5 times

Over the next century, the warming and expanding of oceans due to global warming would result in a rise in sea level of as much as A) 90 centimeters. B) 9 meters. C) 90 meters. D) 900 meters.

A. 90 centimeters

Which of the following statements regarding floods is TRUE? A) A 50-year flood has a 2% chance of occurring in any one year. B) A 50-year flood is generally larger than a 100-year flood. C) A 50-year flood occurs more frequently than a 5-year flood. D) A 50-year flood on one river is the same size as a 50-year flood on another river.

A. A 50-year flood has a 2% chance of occurring in any one year.

How fast does most groundwater move in aquifers? A) a few centimeters per day B) a few meters per day C) a few kilometers per day D) a few tens of kilometers per day

A. A few centimeters a day

Permeability is the A) ability of a solid to allow fluids to pass through. B) amount of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold. C) percentage of pore space in a rock. D) process by which plants release water vapor to the atmosphere.

A. Ability of a solid to allow fluids to pass through.

The process whereby streams break apart and erode rock is called A) abrasion. B) discharge. C) superposition. D) transport.

A. Abrasion

Why are streams able to move larger particles than wind? A) Air has a lower density and viscosity than water. B) Air does not obey the same laws of motion as water. C) Air moves at lower velocities than water. D) Air impedes the bounding movements of saltation.

A. Air has a lower density and viscosity than water.

What are fjords? A) amphitheater-like hollows carved from mountains by glaciers B) glacial valleys flooded with seawater C) long, winding ridges of sediment found in the middle of ground moraines D) steep-sided lakes located on glacial outwash plains

A. Amphitheater-like hollows carved from mountains by glaciers

According to Darcy's law, which of the following aquifers will have the greatest rate of groundwater flow? A) an aquifer with high hydraulic conductivity and a high hydraulic gradient B) an aquifer with high hydraulic conductivity and a low hydraulic gradient C) an aquifer with low hydraulic conductivity and a high hydraulic gradient D) an aquifer with low hydraulic conductivity and a low hydraulic gradient

A. An aquifer with high hydraulic conductivity and a high hydraulic gradient

In 1985, a large hole in the ozone layer was found over A) Antarctica. B) Brazil. C) the North Pole. D) Siberia.

A. Antarctica

Where is the largest mass of ice on Earth located? A) Antarctica B) Greenland C) the Himalayas D) Siberia

A. Antarctica

Which of the following has an ice shelf? A) Antarctica B) Arctic C) Greenland D) Alaska

A. Antarctica

Which of the following has the HIGHEST carbon content? A) anthracite B) bitumine C) lignite D) peat

A. Anthracite

Global change induced by human activity is referred to as _________ change. A) anthropogenic B) biochemical C) stratospheric D) industrial

A. Anthropogenic

When two cirques at the heads of adjacent valleys meet at the moutaintop, they produce a sharp, jagged crest called a(n) A) arête. B) drumlin. C) fjord. D) moraine.

A. Arete

In which of the following locations would one most likely find a braided stream? A) at the edge of a melting glacier B) on a gently sloping plain of fine-grained sediment C) in a narrow gorge cut into bedrock D) in/on all of the above

A. At the edge of a melting glacier

Oil and gas deposits form from the decomposition of A) bacteria and algae. B) ancient ferns. C) dinosaur bones. D) coal.

A. Bacteria and algae.

What type of topography consists of deep gullies resulting from the rapid erosion of easily eroded shales and clays? A) badland topography B) karst topography C) cuesta topography D) plateau topography

A. Badland topography

Which of the following is a crescent-shaped dune? A) barchan B) loess C) pediment D) transverse

A. Barchan

How do kettles form? A) by the melting of large blocks of ice left by a glacier B) by melting permafrost C) by meltwater streams running through glacial tunnels D) by seasonal deposition of coarse and fine sediment

A. By the melting of large blocks of ice left by a glacier

Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Deserts form under virtually stationary areas of low atmospheric pressure. B) Deserts form far inland where air has already lost its moisture through precipitation. C) Deserts form where air is so cold only small amounts of moisture can precipitate. D) Deserts form where moisture-bearing winds are blocked by mountain ranges.

A. Deserts form under virtually stationary areas of low atmospheric pressure.

What is the general term for ALL sediment of glacial origin? A) drift B) moraine C) outwash D) till

A. Drift

________ energy is the energy derived from groundwater that has been heated in Earth's crust. A) Geothermal B) Geovolcanic C) Geohydro D) Geogeyser

A. Geothermal

Which of the following has the HIGHEST permeability? A) gravel B) sandstone C) shale D) silt

A. Gravel

The main force that drives glacial flow is A) gravity. B) tides. C) wind. D) the Moon.

A. Gravity

Which of the following statements regarding porosity and permeability is TRUE? A) High porosity rocks generally have high permeability. B) High porosity rocks generally have low permeability. C) Low porosity rocks generally have high permeability. D) Porosity and permeability have identical meanings.

A. High porosity rocks generally have high permeability

Which of the following characteristics favors the development of karst topography? A) high rainfall and fractured limestone bedrock B) high rainfall and fractured sandstone bedrock C) low rainfall and fractured limestone bedrock D) low rainfall and fractured sandstone bedrock

A. High rainfall and fractured limestone bedrock

Which of the following agents of erosion deposits the most poorly sorted sediment? A) ice B) ocean currents C) streams D) wind

A. Ice

For most rivers, discharge __________ downstream. A) increases B) remains constant C) decreases slightly D) decreases greatly

A. Increases

What type of sedimentary deposit results from the settling of fine-grained particles from a dust cloud? A) loess B) playa C) pediment D) sand dune

A. Loess

Which natural event will define the end of the Anthropocene Epoch? A) mass extinction B) the onset of an ice age C) the rise of sea level D) global warming

A. Mass extinction

Sand will accumulate _______ of a boulder. A) mostly on the leeside (downwind) B) mostly on the windward side (upwind) C) equally on the leeside and the windward side D) neither on the leeside nor on the windward side

A. Mostly on the leeside (downwind)

Petroleum and natural gas are considered _________ energy resources. A) nonrenewable B) renewable C) combustible D) biologic

A. Nonrenewable

The Montreal Protocol is responsible for A) phasing out CFC production. B) creating a policy to reduce energy consumption. C) reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cars. D) mandating the use of natural gas.

A. Phasing out CFC production

Which of the following lists is written in order of INCREASING ice "metamorphism"? A) snow, granular ice, firn, glacial ice B) snow, firn, glacial ice, granular ice C) snow, firn, granular ice, glacial ice D) snow, granular ice, glacial ice, firn

A. Snow, granular ice, firn, glacial ice

The __________ hypothesis proposes that Earth was entirely covered with ice during the late Precambrian. A) Snowball Earth B) Ice Ball C) Tillite D) Frozen Earth

A. Snowball Earth

Sulfur gases in the atmosphere react with rainwater to produce A) sulfuric acid. B) nitric acid. C) hydrogen sulfide. D) hydrogen peroxide.

A. Sulfuric acid

Which of the following rivers carries the most water? A) the Amazon River in South America B) the Congo River in Africa C) the Ganges River in Asia D) the Mississippi River in North America

A. The Amazon River in South America

Which region accounts for nearly half of the world's oil reserves? A) The Middle East B) South America C) North America D) Europe/Eurasia

A. The Middle East

Which of the following best describes the relief of an area? A) the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points B) the elevation of the highest point in the area relative to sea level C) the elevation of the lowest point in the area relative to sea level D) the steepest slope in the area measured in degrees

A. The difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points

If accumulation exceeds ablation, then A) the glacial ice will flow downhill and the glacial front will move downhill. B) the glacial ice will flow downhill, but the glacial front will move uphill. C) the glacial ice will flow uphill, but the glacial front will move downhill. D) the glacial ice will flow uphill and the glacial front will move uphill.

A. The glacial ice will flow downhill and the glacial front will move downhill

Which of the following best explains why the Great Basin and Mojave deserts of western North America exist? A) The two deserts lie in the rain shadow of coastal mountains. B) The two deserts lie in the trade winds. C) The two deserts lie near the equator. D) The two deserts lie thousands of kilometers from the ocean.

A. The two deserts lie in the rain shadow of coastal mountains

Which of the following will NOT reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases? A) using coal rather than oil and gasoline B) using energy more efficiently C) using fuel made from renewable resources such as wind D) using nuclear power redesigned for safety

A. Using coal rather than oil and gasoline

Hydroelectric energy uses _______ to produce electricity. A) water B) volcanic activity C) wind D) solar radiation

A. Water

Which of the following is written in order of INCREASING relief? A) Appalachian Mountains, Midwestern plains, Rocky Mountains B) Midwestern plains, Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains C) Midwestern plains, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains D) Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Midwestern plains

B. Midwestern plains, Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains

By the end of the next century temperatures are predicted to rise ________ because of global warming. A) less than 1.5°C B) 1.5 to 6°C C) 6 to 20°C D) more than 20°C

B. 1.5 to 6°C

The number of very strong hurricanes has increased by ____ in the past three decades. A) 50% B) 100% C) 25% D) 120%

B. 100%

Sea level is currently rising at a rate of A) 10 mm/yr. B) 2 mm/yr. C) 2 cm/yr. D) 15 mm/yr.

B. 2 mm/yr

Crude oil forms at a depth of ________ in Earth's crust. A) 10 to 15 km B) 2 to 5 km C) 15 to 20 km D) 1 to 2 km

B. 2 to 5km

A snow deposit contains approximately 90% air. Approximately how much air does glacial ice contain? A) 5% B) 20% C) 50% D) 90%

B. 20%

How much of Earth's land area is covered by arid regions? A) 5% B) 20% C) 50% D) 80%

B. 20%

The highest peak for a given mountain is recorded as 5 km. If the mountain base is at 2 km above sea level, what is the mountain's relief? A) 2 km B) 3 km C) 5 km D) 7 km

B. 3 km

Natural gas emits ____ less carbon dioxide per unit of energy than oil. A) 10% B) 30% C) 50% D) 85%

B. 30%

Approximately how fast can surging glaciers move? A) 5 meters per year B) 5 kilometers per year C) 100 meters per year D) 100 kilometers per year

B. 5 Kilometers per year

Which of the following is an extremely slow-moving sheet of ice that covers vast land areas? A) an arête B) a continental glacier C) an ice shelf D) a valley glacier

B. A continental glacier

Which of the following would be the most fertile area for crops? A) a stream channel B) a floodplain C) a natural levee D) an uplands area away from the stream

B. A floodplain

When did the last ice age end? A) about 100 years ago B) about 10,000 years ago C) about 1 million years ago D) about 100 million years ago

B. About 10,000 years ago

An antident stream is A) controlled by the current topography. B) always predated by the current topography. C) a type of meandering river. D) a kind of superposed stream.

B. Always predated by the current topography.

Atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen proposed that a new geologic epoch be named the _____ to cover from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present. A) Holocene B) Anthropocene C) Biocene D) Pleistocene

B. Anthropocene

Layers that transmit groundwater are called A) aquicludes. B) aquifers. C) influent streams. D) unsaturated zones.

B. Aquifers.

Methane gas is also referred to as A) oil gas. B) natural gas. C) petroleum gas. D) kerosene gas.

B. Natural gas

Why are Earth's poles colder than the equator? A) because Earth's poles are farther from the Sun than Earth's equator B) because the sun strikes Earth at a lower angle at the poles than at the equator C) because there are fewer hours of sunlight at the poles than at the equator D) because there is more snow at the poles than at the equator

B. Because the sun strikes Earth at a lower angle at the poles than at the equator

The process whereby CO2 generated from burning of fossil fuels is pumped into reservoirs other than Earth's atmosphere is called A) greenhouse immobilization. B) carbon sequestration. C) dioxide reduction. D) greenhouse pumping.

B. Carbon sequestration

Which of the following is a measure of a fluid's ability to carry particles of a certain size? A) capacity B) competence C) suspendibility D) viscosity

B. Competence

What type of aquifer is bounded above and below by relatively impermeable beds? A) aquiclude B) confined C) saturated D) unconfined

B. Confined

Which of the following regions has the lowest elevation? A) Atlantic coast B) Dead Sea C) Death Valley D) East African Rift

B. Dead Sea

What causes the Coriolis effect? A) the Sun B) Earth's rotation C) Earth's magnetic field D) the tilt of Earth's axis

B. Earth's rotation

Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) Energy use is increasing four times faster than Earth's population. B) Energy use is increasing two times faster than Earth's population. C) Energy use and Earth's population are increasing at the same rate. D) Earth's population is increasing two times faster than energy use.

B. Energy use is increasing two times faster than Earth's population.

At a bend in a river, ______ occurs on the outside of the bend and ______ occurs on the inside of the bend. A) deposition; deposition B) erosion; deposition C) deposition; erosion D) erosion; erosion

B. Erosion; deposition

Nuclear energy is produced by the A) fusion of uranium-235. B) fission of uranium-235. C) reaction of uranium-235 with uranium-238. D) fusion of uranium-238.

B. Fission of Uranium-235

Which of the following terms describes a glacial erosional feature as opposed to a glacial deposit? A) erratic B) fjord C) outwash D) till

B. Fjord

Which of the following depositional settings consists primarily of fine-grained silt and mud? A) stream channels B) floodplains C) natural levees D) point bars

B. Floodplains

Karst topography is common in which of the following states? A) Alabama, California, New Mexico B) Florida, Indiana, Kentucky C) Michigan, Iowa, Illinois D) New York, Washington, Texas

B. Florida, Indiana, Kentucky

The loess deposited in the Upper Mississippi Valley was derived primarily from A) coastal sand dunes. B) glacial deposits. C) desert regions lying to the west. D) volcanic dust.

B. Glacial deposits

Which of the following sequences shows a continuous decrease in air content? A) glacial ice, granular ice, firn B) granular ice, firn, glacial ice C) firn, glacial ice, granular ice D) firn, granular ice, glacial ice

B. Granular ice, firn, glacial ice

What are glacial striations? A) dust formed by grinding rocks to clay-sized particles during glacial movement B) grooves created by rocks scratching against bedrock at the base of a glacier C) large, streamlined hills of till and bedrock that parallel the direction of ice movement D) long, narrow, winding ridges of sand and gravel found in the middle of ground moraines

B. Grooves created by rocks scratching against bedrock at the base of a glacier

Swamps are important in hydrologic system because they A) serve as collection sites for organic matter that eventually turns into coal, oil, and gas. B) help regulate the flooding of rivers. C) can be drained to create new farmland. D) are wetlands.

B. Help regulate the flooding of rivers.

In North America, the continental divide that separates water that flows into the Atlantic Ocean from water that flows into the Pacific Ocean is located A) in the Sierra Nevada, California. B) in the Rocky Mountains. C) in the Appalachian Mountains. D) along the Mississippi River.

B. In the Rocky Mountains

Which of the following is NOT one of the possible explanations for previous ice ages? A) changes in the large-scale oceanic circulation B) increases in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere C) large land masses (continents) positioned at the poles D) periodic changes in Earth's eccentricity

B. Increases in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Which of the following statements about karst topography is FALSE? A) Karst topography contains sinkholes. B) Karst topography forms from freezing and thawing of groundwater. C) Karst topography does not have a normal river drainage system. D) Karst topography forms in regions where subsurface limestone is dissolved by groundwater.

B. Karst topography forms from freezing and thawing of groundwater

Which of the following statements about streams is FALSE? A) Faster currents can carry larger particles than slower currents. B) Laminar flows generally carry more sediment than turbulent flows. C) Smaller particles settle more slowly than larger particles. D) The base level is the lowest level to which a stream can erode.

B. Laminar flows generally carry more sediment than turbulent flows

During the last ice age the continents were ______ than today. A) smaller B) larger C) the same size D) in some cases larger and the other cases smaller

B. Larger

Karst topography forms in regions underlain by A) basalt. B) limestone. C) sandstone. D) shale.

B. Limestone

Where slopes are gentle, stream discharge is ________ and stream power is ______. A) lower; higher B) lower; lower C) higher; lower D) higher; higher

B. Lower; Higher

Other than on Earth, where have ventifacts been seen? (Hint: Dust storms are common there.) A) Mercury B) Mars C) Venus D) the Moon

B. Mars

Table mountains are flat-topped mountains, typically of volcanic origin. What other term is often used for this particular landform? A) hogback B) mesa C) cuesta D) plateau

B. Mesa

Which of the following best explains why the Sahara Desert of Africa exists? A) The Sahara Desert lies in the rain shadow of coastal mountains. B) The Sahara Desert lies near 30°N latitude. C) The Sahara Desert lies thousands of kilometers from the ocean. D) The sandy soil of the Sahara Desert drains so quickly that vegetation is unable to grow.

B. The Sahara Desert lies 30°N latitude.

A glacier is receding if A) the amount of accumulation exceeds the amount of ablation. B) the amount of ablation exceeds the amount of accumulation. C) the amount of calving exceeds the amount of sublimation. D) the amount of sublimation exceeds the amount of ablation.

B. The amount of ablation exceeds the amount of accumulation.

The definition of sustainable development is A) the development that reduces greenhouse emissions to pre-Industrial Revolution levels. B) the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future. C) the development that sustains human population growth. D) the development that allows for the sustained use of current fossil fuel reservoirs.

B. The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future.

What is the Coriolis effect? A) a type of air circulation B) the effect of Earth's rotation on global air circulation C) local weather effects D) the effect of solar flares on Earth's climate

B. The effect of Earth's rotation on global air circulation

Which of the following statements about the groundwater table is TRUE? A) The groundwater table changes when discharge is balanced by recharge. B) The groundwater table has the same general shape as the topography. C) The groundwater table is well below the land surface beneath lakes. D) The groundwater table is elevated near high-volume pumping wells.

B. The groundwater table has the same general shape as the topography

Which wind belt is located between 30°N and 60°N? A) the northerlies B) the westerlies C) the easterlies D) the trade winds

B. The westerlies

What do mesas, plateaus, and tablelands have in common? A) They were produced by volcanism. B) They have flat surfaces. C) They are steep-sided. D) They are made from the sedimentary rock.

B. They have flat surfaces

Stream power is river slope _____ river discharge. A) plus B) times C) minus D) divided by

B. Times

A drainage divide is a A) fork in the river. B) topographic high that separates stream systems. C) ridge between gullies. D) piece of land between tributaries.

B. Topographic high that separates stream systems

The unit of energy used in common for all fossil fuel is called the ______ unit. A) British thermal B) universal heat C) American energy D) standard heat

B. Universal heat

Natural gas reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and A) methane. B) water. C) nitrous oxide. D) sulfur dioxide.

B. Water

The burning of hydrogen produces A) carbon. B) water. C) uranium. D) helium.

B. Water

The Niagara Falls are being cut back approximately A) 10 km per year. B) 100 m per year. C) 10 m per year. D) 1 m per year.

C. 10 m per year

During the peak of the last ice age, sea level was approximately ______ than sea level today. A) 1 meter lower B) 10 meters lower C) 100 meters lower D) 1000 meters lower

C. 100 Meters lower

Approximately what was the population of Earth at the beginning of the Holocene epoch? A) 1 million B) 10 million C) 100 million D) 1 billion

C. 100 million

How much of the global river sediment load is currently trapped because of human activity? A) 70% B) 50% C) 30% D) 10%

C. 30%

In the last half-century humans have converted roughly _______ of forested land to other land use. A) 70% B) 50% C) 30% D) 10%

C. 30%

Between 1930 and 2000, global population rose by A) 100%. B) 50%. C) 300%. D) 250%.

C. 300%

How much of the energy produced in the United States actually ends up producing useful work? A) 80% B) 60% C) 40% D) 20%

C. 40%

What is the velocity of stream that is two meters wide, one meter deep, and has a discharge of 10 m3/sec? A) 1 m/s B) 2 m/s C) 5 m/s D) 10 m/s

C. 5 m/s

Approximately what was the population doubling time in the 1950s? A) 1000 years B) 100 years C) 50 years D) 5 years

C. 50 years

Approximately what is the current population of Earth? A) 1 billion B) 3 billion C) 6 billion D) 12 billion

C. 6 Billion

Which of the following describes the shape of the longitudinal profile of a stream? A) a concave downward curve B) a horizontal line C) a concave upward curve D) a straight line sloping downstream

C. A concave upward curve

In a valley glacier, where is the ice velocity the fastest? A) along the base of the glacier B) along the sides of the glacier C) along the top center of the glacier D) The ice velocity is constant throughout the glacier.

C. Along the top center of the glacier

Which of the following is a depositional feature rather than an erosional feature? A) an arête B) a cirque C) an esker D) a hanging valley

C. An esker

Why do glacial crevasses form? A) because glacial meltwater erodes small valleys as glacial rivers flow B) because plate tectonic forces deform the glacier C) because the glacial surface is brittle and cracks as the ice flows D) because the glacial surface partially melts, leaving holes and cracks

C. Because the glacial surface is brittle and cracks as the ice flows

How do ventifacts form? A) by dissolution by dew B) by the breaking apart of rocks along cracks C) by sandblasting D) by slow chemical weathering

C. By sandblasting

The so-called "mountaintop removal" approach is used to recover A) oil. B) natural bitumen. C) coal. D) gas.

C. Coal

Which of the following countries produces roughly 20% of its electrical power from wind? A) Iceland B) United States C) Denmark D) China

C. Denmark

The volume of water flowing past a given point in a given time is called the A) capacity. B) competence. C) discharge. D) viscosity.

C. Discharge

Which of the following equations for stream discharge is correct? A) discharge = length × velocity B) discharge = depth × velocity C) discharge = width × depth × velocity D) discharge = volume × velocity × distance

C. Discharge = width x depth x velocity

Which of the following statements regarding effluent streams is TRUE? A) Effluent streams recharge groundwater and are characteristic of humid regions. B) Effluent streams recharge groundwater and are characteristic of arid regions. C) Effluent streams are fed by groundwater and are characteristic of humid regions. D) Effluent streams are fed by groundwater and are characteristic of arid regions.

C. Effluent streams are fed by groundwater and are characteristic of humid regions

The hydraulic gradient is the ratio between the A) porosity and permeability of an aquifer. B) permeability and elevation difference in an aquifer. C) elevation difference and the flow distance in an aquifer. D) influx and outflow of water in an aquifer.

C. Elevation difference and the flow distance in an aquifer.

Which of following energy sources is the cleanest? A) coal B) oil C) gas D) oil shale

C. Gas

Rank the fossil fuels below in terms of their carbon intensity from lowest to highest. A) oil, coal, gas B) coal, oil, gas C) gas, oil, coal D) coal, gas, oil

C. Gas, oil, coal

Which of the following sciences is the study of landscapes and their evolution? A) geochronology B) geology C) geomorphology D) topology

C. Geomorphology

Which of the following represents the boundary between the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone? A) aquifer B) aquiclude C) groundwater table D) porosity

C. Groundwater table

Contour lines are lines of equal A) relief. B) height above flat ground. C) height above sea level. D) slope.

C. Height above sea level

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is A) high during glacial periods and high during interglacial periods. B) high during glacial periods and low during interglacial periods. C) low during glacial periods and high during interglacial periods. D) low during glacial periods and low during interglacial periods.

C. Low during glacial periods and high during interglacial periods

Oxbow lakes are associated with which of the following types of rivers? A) braided rivers B) dendritic rivers C) meandering rivers D) straight rivers

C. Meandering rivers

Which of the following is in the correct order for the transformation of organic matter to high-grade coal? A) peat, bitumous coal, lignite, anthracite coal B) anthracite coal, bitumous coal, lignite, peat C) peat, lignite, bitumous coal, anthracite coal D) lignite, peat, bitumous coal, anthracite coal

C. Peat, lignite, bitumous coal, anthracite coal

In a bitterly cold climate, glaciers will move primarily by A) basal slip. B) calving. C) plastic flow. D) sublimation.

C. Plastic flow

Temporary lakes that accumulate in arid desert basins are called ______ lakes. A) eolian B) erg C) playa D) wadi

C. Playa

Resources are all ______ deposits, whereas reserves are all ________ deposits. A) known; yet to be found B) possible; discovered and minable C) potential; discovered and economically extractable D) already mined; potentially minable

C. Potential; discovered and economically extractable

What type of drainage network would you expect to find on a volcano? A) dendritic drainage B) rectangular drainage C) radial drainage D) trellis drainage

C. Radial drainage

A British thermal unit (Btu) is the amount of energy needed to A) operate a motor vehicle for 100 km at 60 miles/hour. B) convert 1 pound of organic matter into coal. C) raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1°F. D) change 1 gallon of oil into natural gas.

C. Raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1°F

Which of the following is NOT caused by overpumping groundwater? A) intrusion of salt water into coastal aquifers B) depletion of an aquifer C) raising of the land surface D) development of cracks and fissures at the surface

C. Raising of the land surface

Which of the following would lead to the formation of badland? A) rapid erosion of metamorphic rocks B) slow erosion of metamorphic rocks C) rapid erosion of sedimentary rocks D) slow erosion of sedimentary rocks

C. Rapid erosion of sedimentary rocks

Which of the following terms is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air as a proportion of the maximum amount the air could hold at the same temperature? A) dew point B) evaporation rate C) relative humidity D) sublimation point

C. Relative Humidity

Which of the following cities is almost entirely heated with geothermal water (either directly or indirectly)? A) San Francisco B) Paris C) Reykjavik D) Tokyo

C. Reykjavik

Due to the Coriolis effect, any large-scale current of air or water is deflected to the _______ in the northern hemisphere and to the _______ in the southern hemisphere. A) left; left B) left; right C) right; left D) right; right

C. Right; Left

________ is the process whereby sand grains jump along the streambed during transport. A) Superposition B) Hydrolysis C) Saltation D) Meandering

C. Saltation

Which of the following statements about groundwater in coastal regions is TRUE? A) Fresh water is denser than seawater; therefore, fresh groundwater floats on top of salty groundwater. B) Fresh water is denser than seawater; therefore, salty groundwater floats on top of fresh groundwater. C) Seawater is denser than fresh water; therefore, fresh groundwater floats on top of salty groundwater. D) Seawater is denser than fresh water; therefore, salty groundwater floats on top of fresh groundwater.

C. Seawater is denser than fresh water; therefore, fresh groundwater floats on top of salty groundwater.

The more closely spaced the contour lines on a map are, the A) higher the elevation. B) greater the relief. C) steeper the slope. D) larger the area covered.

C. Steeper the slope.

The protective ozone layer is found in Earth's A) atmosphere. B) lithosphere. C) stratosphere. D) troposphere.

C. Stratosphere

The amount of windblown material that wind can carry does NOT depend on the A) particle size. B) surface material. C) temperature. D) wind strength.

C. Temperature

The snow line is the A) lowest altitude at which snow will fall in summer. B) lowest altitude at which snow will fall in winter. C) altitude above which snow does not completely melt in summer. D) altitude above which snow does not completely melt in winter.

C. The altitude above which snow does not completely melt in summer

After oceans, which of the following reservoirs contains the MOST water? A) the atmosphere B) the lakes and rivers C) the glaciers and polar ice caps D) the underground waters

C. The glaciers and polar ice caps

Which of the following statements about groundwater is TRUE? A) At the coast, salty groundwater lies on top of fresh groundwater. B) Groundwater moves from areas where the water table is low to areas where the water table is high. C) The higher the permeability of an aquifer, the faster the groundwater will flow. D) The steeper the water-table slope, the slower the groundwater will flow.

C. The higher the permeability of an aquifer, the faster the groundwater will flow.

Which of the following will cause sea level to rise? A) the melting of a very large iceberg B) the melting of the Ross ice shelf C) the melting of the Greenland ice cap D) all of the above

C. The melting of the Greenland ice cap

Outside of the regular large desert environments (e.g., the Sahara and the Gobi), sand dunes are found next to lakes and beaches. Why is that? A) Wet or damp sand grains stick together more easily than dry ones. B) Water waves, tides, or storms pile the sand up, which starts dunes. C) There is ample supply of sand and strong onshore winds. D) Near-shore vegetation help trap the sand, allowing large sand dunes to pile up.

C. There is ample supply of sand and strong onshore winds

Approximately _____ of the electrical energy used by the United States is supplied by nuclear power. A) 5% B) 40% C) 50% D) 20%

D. 20%

If all human activities that generated carbon dioxide were to stop, how long would it take for atmospheric carbon dioxide to return to its preindustrial level? A) 2 months B) 2 years C) 20 years D) 200 years

D. 200 Years

Approximately how thick are the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps? A) 100 meters thick B) 300 meters thick C) 1 kilometer thick D) 3 kilometers thick

D. 3 kilometers thick

At the current production rates, it is estimated that all of the known oil reserves will be consumed in A) 100 years. B) 15 years. C) 500 years. D) 40 years.

D. 40 Years

The world population first doubled approximately _____ years ago? A) 50 B) 100 C) 1000 D) 5000

D. 5000

Which of the following erosional features is characteristic of rivers and NOT glaciers? A) an arête B) a cirque C) a roche moutonée D) a V-shaped valley

D. A V-shaped valley

Which of the following sandstones will have the highest porosity? A) a poorly sorted, cemented sandstone B) a poorly sorted, uncemented sandstone C) a well-sorted, cemented sandstone D) a well-sorted, uncemented sandstone

D. A well-sorted, uncemented sandstone

When a glacier remains the same size for a long time it means that A) there is no movement in the glacier. B) there is no accumulation. C) ablation is absent. D) accumlation and ablation are equal.

D. Accumlation and ablation are equal.

Humans have converted approximately one-third of the world's forested area to land use for A) urban development. B) mining exploration. C) shopping mall expansions. D) agricultural use.

D. Agricultural use

Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) Air flows and stream flows are mostly laminar. B) Air flows are mostly laminar; stream flows are mostly turbulent. C) Air flows are mostly turbulent; stream flows are mostly laminar. D) Air flows and stream flows are mostly turbulent.

D. Air flows and stream flows are mostly turbulent

What factor contributes to the formation of deserts? A) high atmospheric pressure B) extremely low amounts of rainfall C) low humidity D) all of the above

D. All of the above

Which climate system(s) is/are most affected by the burning of fossil fuels? A) the cryosphere B) the biosphere C) the atmosphere D) all of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following features can be used to determine the direction a continental glacier moved? A) drumlins B) roches moutonées C) striations D) all of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is an important source of dust? A) volcanic dust from eruptions B) clay minerals from soils C) organic sources, such as charcoal, pollen, and bacteria D) all of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is considered an unconventional fossil fuel resource? A) tar sands B) natural bitumen C) oil shales D) all of the above

D. All of the above

Why does much of a desert's surface consist of sand, gravel, and rock rubble? A) because clay minerals form slowly in a desert environment B) because wind blows away clay and soil before it can accumulate to great thickness C) because vegetation is sparse and cannot prevent erosion of soil D) all of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following statements about sand dunes is FALSE? A) Grains migrate up the dune slope by saltation. B) Dunes migrate downwind. C) Cross-bedding is preserved during dune movement. D) All sand dunes are made of quartz grains.

D. All sand dunes are made of quartz grains

Desert streams deposit most of their sediments in A) deltas. B) river channels. C) floodplains. D) alluvial fans.

D. Alluvial fans

Where do deltas form? A) at drainage divides B) at mountain fronts C) at meander loops D) at river mouths

D. At river mouths

Why are sand-sized particles easier to erode than clay-sized particles? A) because sand grains are rounder and roll more easily, whereas clay particles are flat and platy B) because sand grains are typically made of quartz, which saltates more easily than clay particles C) because clay particles are denser than sand particles, making them heavier D) because clay particles are attracted to one another because of opposite charges, which hold them in place

D. Because clay particles are attracted to one another because of opposite charges, which hold them in place

How does desert pavement form? A) by intense chemical weathering B) by stream erosion C) by intense mechanical weathering D) by wind erosion

D. By wind erosion

Icebergs form through a process called A) ablation. B) accumulation. C) sublimation. D) calving.

D. Calving

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause A) cataracts. B) reduced crop yields. C) skin cancer. D) cataracts, reduced crop yields, and skin cancer.

D. Cataracts, reduced crop yields, and skin cancer.

"Black lung" is an occupational hazard for miners of A) uranium. B) oil shale. C) tar sands. D) coal.

D. Coal

Which of the following grain sizes would a stream easily move that wind could not? A) clay B) silt C) sand D) cobble

D. Cobble

Since the Holocene epoch the population doubling time has been A) constant. B) decreasing. C) increasing. D) variable.

D. Decreasing

What sort of sedimentary structure forms where rivers run into bodies of standing water? A) alluvial fan B) delta C) terrace D) floodplain

D. Delta

A large glacier has three medial moraines on top of it. How many valley glaciers must have a fed it? A) one B) two C) three D) four

D. Four

A stream that has a smoothly curving longitudinal profile representing a balance between erosion and sedimentation is referred to as a __________ stream. A) standing B) base level C) equilibrium D) graded

D. Graded

The steepest slopes are generally found in mountains with A) low elevations and low relief. B) high elevations and low relief. C) low elevations and high relief. D) high elevations and high relief.

D. High elevation and high relief

_____ is the ultimate clean fuel. A) Carbon B) Water C) Uranium D) Hydrogen

D. Hydrogen

Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Oil production in the United States reached a peak in 1970. B) The gap between consumption and production of oil grows by 5% each year. C) At the current production rate, the world will run out of oil in 40 years. D) Large amounts of oil and gas deposits remain to be discovered in the United States.

D. Large amounts of oil and gas deposits remain to be discovered in the United States.

Groundwater supplies can be contaminated by A) lead and other heavy metals. B) nitrates from fertilizers. C) microorganisms from septic systems. D) lead and other heavy metals, nitrates from fertilizers, and microorganisms from septic systems.

D. Lead and other heavy metals, nitrates from fertilizers, and microorganisms from septic systems.

The ____________ dictate(s) a drainage pattern. A) lithology of the underlying bedrock units. B) geologic structures in the bedrock units. C) shape of the land surface. D) lithology of the underlying bedrock units, geologic structures in the bedrock units, and the shape of the land surface.

D. Lithology of the underlying bedrock units, geologic structures in the bedrock units, and the shape of the land surface.

Curves and bends in a stream channel are called A) alluvial fans. B) braids. C) deltas. D) meanders.

D. Meanders.

Which of the following sequences is in the order of areal extent (from left to right)? A) mesa, plateau, tableland B) tableland, mesa, plateau C) plateau, mesa, tableland D) mesa, tableland, plateau

D. Mesa, tableland, plateau

Which of the following terms describes an accumulation of rocky, sandy, or clayey material deposited at the end of a glacier? A) dune B) esker C) loess D) moraine

D. Moraine

In order to be called a glacier a mass of ice must A) reach a certain thickness. B) have lost most of its trapped air. C) reach a certain areal extent. D) move downhill.

D. Move downhill

Which of the following has the LOWEST Btu? A) anthracite B) bitumine C) lignite D) peat

D. Peat

Coal forms from large accumulations of A) dinosaur bones. B) coral fragments. C) bacterial matter. D) plant material.

D. Plant material

Glaciers tend to move by _________ in cold regions and ________ in temperate regions. A) basal slip; plastic flow B) plastic flow; ductile flow C) ductile flow; surge flow D) plastic flow; basal slip

D. Plastic flow; basal slip

Which of the following terms describes a curved, coarse-grained deposit that forms on the inside curve of a stream? A) dune B) meander C) oxbow D) point bar

D. Point bar

Most windblown sand consists of A) calcite. B) feldspar. C) gypsum. D) quartz.

D. Quartz

Because of the undercutting action, waterfalls A) retreat downstream. B) grow shorter over time. C) grow taller over time. D) retreat upstream.

D. Retreat upstream

Burning coal that contains the mineral pyrite contributes to the addition of ______ to the atmosphere. A) CO2 B) H2S C) H2O D) SO2

D. SO2

What powers the hydrologic cycle? A) magnetism B) mantle convection C) radioactive decay D) solar energy

D. Solar Energy

Which of the following states contains badlands? A) Alaska B) Florida C) Massachusetts D) South Dakota

D. South Dakota

Which of the following describes the transformation of ice to gaseous water vapor? A) boiling B) calving C) melting D) sublimation

D. Sublimation

Glaciers ablate by A) sublimation. B) calving. C) melting. D) sublimation, calving, and melting.

D. Sublimation, calving, and melting.

Which of the following is the highest and largest topographic feature on Earth? A) the Alps B) the Rocky Mountains C) the Andes Mountains D) the Tibetan Plateau

D. The Tibetan Plateau

Major environmental impacts of burning coal include A) the release of carbon dioxide. B) the release of sulfur that contributes to acid rain. C) strip mining. D) the release of carbon dioxide, the release of sulfur that contributes to acid rain, and strip mining.

D. The release of carbon dioxide, the release of sulfur that contributes to acid rain, and strip mining.

The release of water vapor from plants is called A) evaporation. B) infiltration. C) precipitation. D) transpiration.

D. Transpiration

Long wavy sand ridges that lie perpendicular to the prevailing wind are called A) barchan dunes. B) blowout dunes. C) linear dunes. D) transverse dunes.

D. Transverse dunes

Sand dunes behind beaches are typically A) barchan dunes. B) blowout dunes. C) linear dunes. D) transverse dunes.

D. Transverse dunes

A river widens while maintaining constant slope and depth. How would the velocity and discharge change? A) velocity decreases, discharge increases B) velocity increases, discharge decreases C) velocity remains constant, discharge remains constant D) velocity decreases, discharge remains constant

D. Velocity decreases, discharge remains constant

Which of the following is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow? A) capacity B) competence C) permeability D) viscosity

D. Viscosity

Eolian processes are powered by A) glaciers. B) ocean currents. C) streams. D) wind.

D. Wind

For a given river, which of the following floods would have the largest discharge? A) a 5-year flood B) a 20-year flood C) a 100-year flood D) Impossible to tell from the information provided.

c. A 100-year flood

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