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Angular Unconformity

Represents an erosional surface that cuts across previously tilted or folded rocks.


Submerged seafloor is exposed above the sea level // Shoreline is migrating offshore toward the land // The sequence is coarsening upward // an ideal sequence will be: limestone (at the bottom) shale, sandstone

24. In silicate minerals, the SiO4 tetrahedra can be linked together by sharing: a. silicon atoms. b. cations. c. electrons. d. oxygen atoms.

(maybe?) c. electrons


A time gap in the rock record called a hiatus, from non-deposition and or erosion. Fossils or age dating are useful to assign ages for the rocks on either side of the unconformities

Angular Unconformity

After a renewed marine invasion, a new generation of horizontal sediments are deposited.


An unconformity that has parallel beds but ages are vastly different


Found within sedimentary layers due to an interruption in sedimentation. Disconformities are often thin and may not be easy to identify in the field

Angular Unconformity

Horizontal marine sediments are deformed then eroded.


Igneous or metamorphic rocks are capped by sedimentary rocks. // Crystalline rocks were exposed by extensive erosion. // Then, new marine invasion form sediments on the eroded surface.

Age Discordance


Basal Conglomerate




Soil Horizon


28. Hot spots volcanoes can occur ____________. a. only within the Pacific plate b. only at a subduction boundary c. within a continental or oceanic plate d. only at a collision boundary

No Idea

33. A vast, domal intrusive igneous body that covers hundreds of square kilometers (in a map view) is called _____________. a. batholith b. laccolith c. pluton d. sill

No Idea

38. A sequence of sandstone followed by shale then limestone and chalk represent ___________. a. a marine transgression b. a marine regression c. a glacial deposition d. all of the above are correct

No Idea

48. If a rock is uplifted and exposed, what is the likely next type of rock that will form? a. igneous b. sedimentary c. crystalline d. metamorphic

No Idea

64. Which of the following is true about regressions? a. they are typically well-preserved in the sedimentary record. b. they occur when the climate warms and continental ice sheets melt. c. they occur when the land is uplifted by tectonic processes. d. coastal environments will migrate landward.

No Idea

16. In a hot-spot volcanic island chain, such as the Hawaiian Islands, which of the following is true? a. all volcanoes in the chain can be simultaneously active. b. the ages and distance between volcanoes can be used to calculate plate velocities. c. the presence of volcanism is related to a plate boundary. d. the magma source moves to form a hot-spot track.

No idea

Angular Unconformity

Orientation of layers on both sides of the surface is different.


Sea water rises farther up onto land than it did before // Shoreline moves to higher ground // Starts with clastic sediments and ends with non clastic sediments // The sequence is fining upward

14. On either side of a mid-ocean ridge, oceanic lithosphere slowly _________ a. rises because it becomes thicker away from the ridge. b. rises because it becomes buoyant. c. sinks into the asthenosphere because it cools and thickens, increasing in density. d. sinks into the asthenosphere because convection pulls it downward.


98. __________ are the vast, flat, sediment-covered areas of the deep ocean floor adjacent to the midoceanic ridges. a. Abyssal plains b. Trenches c. Volcanic arcs d. Seamounts

a. Abyssal plains

96. _________, a sedimentary rock composed entirely of detrital fossil debris, is a type of limestone. a. Coquina b. Dolomite c. Chalk d. Greywacke

a. Coquina

100. In the attached map, the plate indicated with letter X is known as: a. Nazca plate b. Philippine plate c. Bismarck plate d. Arabian plate

a. Nazca plate

7. Where is the lithosphere relative to the asthenosphere? a. The lithosphere is above the asthenosphere. Lithosphere is rigid, Asthenosphere is deformable. b. The lithosphere is below the asthenosphere. c. The lithosphere is only below continents, and the asthenosphere is only below oceans.

a. The lithosphere is above the asthenosphere. Lithosphere is rigid, Asthenosphere is deformable.

10. Paleomagnetic evidence for seafloor spreading is found in: a. basaltic rocks. b. ocean floor sediments. c. continental sediments. d. all rocks and minerals.

a. basaltic rocks.

62. Because the velocity of sediment settling (deposition) is positively related to grain size for waterborne sediments, fluvial deposits are more likely than glacial deposits to a. be well sorted. b. include coarse grains, such as cobbles. c. include fine grains, such as clay. d. have angular grains.

a. be well sorted.

40. Geologists call individual layer of sedimentary rocks ________, whereas several of them together are called ________. a. bed; strata b. strata; bed c. laminations; graded beds d. graded beds; laminations

a. bed; strata

8. Limestone reefs and salt deposits are important in the reconstruction of the Earth's history because they _____________. a. can be used to infer the ancient climate of the Earth; they are deposited in environments that are restricted to warm climates. b. automatically provide age information; all such deposits occurred between 200 and 400 million years ago. c. are deposited in warm climates today, but there is good reason to think that they were deposited in cold climates millions of years ago. d. pinpoint the locations of old subduction zones.

a. can be used to infer the ancient climate of the Earth; they are deposited in environments that are restricted to warm climates.

43. Minerals are grouped into mineral classes primarily on the basis of their ____________. a. chemistry b. cleavage c. hardness d. origin

a. chemistry

99. In a contact aureole, metamorphic rocks that are in a direct contact with the igneous body are ____the further rocks. a. coarser than b. finer than c. the same as d. none of the above

a. coarser than

42. Trace amounts of impurity in a mineral can commonly produce significant differences in ________among individual crystals of this mineral. a. color b. luster c. specific gravity d. streak

a. color

30. Felsic magmas commonly_____________ a. contain more silica than intermediate magmas. b. contain more iron and magnesium than intermediate magmas. c. are less viscous than mafic magmas. d. form later and at higher temperatures than mafic magmas

a. contain more silica than intermediate magmas.

44. Which of the following is NOT true? As compared to arkose, quartz sandstone ________. a. contains significant amounts of feldspar b. does not contain more angular grains c. is likely to be found farther away from weathering granitic source rock d. is considered to be more compositionally mature

a. contains significant amounts of feldspar

15. At transform plate boundaries, a. earthquakes are common but volcanoes are absent. b. volcanoes are common but earthquakes do not occur. c. both earthquakes and volcanoes are common. d. neither earthquakes nor volcanoes are common.

a. earthquakes are common but volcanoes are absent.

13. The rock produced at mid-ocean ridges consists of __________ a. entirely basalt. b. entirely gabbro. c. basalt at shallow depths and gabbro at deeper depths. d. gabbro at shallow depths and basalt at deeper depths.

a. entirely basalt.

41. Which of the following is NOT part of the definition of all minerals? a. formed by organisms b. solid c. have a crystalline structure d. naturally occurring

a. formed by organisms

2. Why did the early Earth differentiate into core and mantle? a. gravity pulled denser material to the interior and left less dense material on the outside. b. nucleosynthesis created an outer mantle layer from fusion of the elements in the core. c. gravity first pulled denser material into a protoplanet, and only later was mantle material added. d. spinning on its axis caused less dense mantle material to float outside the core.

a. gravity pulled denser material to the interior and left less dense material on the outside.

75. What type of weathering has created the onion-like layers in the rocks in the above picture? a. jointing b. hydration c. exfoliation d. oxidation

a. jointing

68. Which of the following best describes the term sediment? a. loose fragments of rocks and minerals broken off bedrock or precipitated from water b. blocks of bedrock separated by large fractures c. dissolved chemical constituents in groundwater and surface waters d. modified bedrock that can support the growth of vegetation and other organisms

a. loose fragments of rocks and minerals broken off bedrock or precipitated from water

77. Which of the following metamorphic rock does not fall into the same category as the others? a. marble b. gneiss c. phyllite d. Schist (all are foliated except marble)

a. marble

11. Marine magnetic anomaly belts run parallel to a. mid-ocean ridges. b. fracture zones. c. continental coastlines. d. continental shelves.

a. mid-ocean ridges.

54. Pegmatites, which often occur in dikes, are unusual among shallow intrusive rocks in that they ________. a. possess exceptionally coarse grains b. possess porphyritic texture c. are mineralogically identical to the extrusive rock basalt d. are glassy, cooling so rapidly that crystals do not have time to form

a. possess exceptionally coarse grains

47. If a geologist discovered till deposits in a modern-day worm, arid location, he or she could conclude that ________. a. the area was once covered with glaciers b. this discovery was anomalous c. the area was once covered with swamps and/or jungles d. a meteorite must have struck the area

a. the area was once covered with glaciers

94. A piece of the original source rock that is enveloped within an igneous rock during the magma cooling is ______. a. xenolith b. sill c. pluton d. phenocryst

a. xenolith

80. The attached image shows a view of a typical segmented mid-ocean ridge. Which letter below marks the location of the active transform fault? a. A b. B c. C d. D

b. B

17. Earthquakes do not occur randomly and are not evenly distributed. They occur in distinct zones along seismic belts. These belts coincide with all three types of plate boundaries. Deep earthquakes are existing at depths up to 600 km at ____________ plate boundaries. a. transform b. Convergent (Maybe Convergent?) c. collision d. divergent

b. Convergent (Maybe Convergent?)

88. Burial and high temperature may transform coal into a metamorphic rock known as _____. a. lignite b. anthracite c. anhydrite d. graphite

b. anthracite

23. Mineral's hardness refers to its ability to resist ________ a. breaking. b. being scratched. c. chemically reacting with other substances. d. weathering.

b. being scratched

49. If a rock is buried and subjected to high heat and pressure, then uplifted, exposed, eroded away, and deposited, what rock type was NOT involved in the sequence? a. metamorphic b. clastic c. igneous d. sedimentary

b. clastic

36. A volcanic arc results from __________ tectonic movements and is associated with a __________. a. divergent; mid-oceanic ridge b. convergent; subduction c. divergent; hotspot d. convergent; mid-oceanic ridge

b. convergent; subduction

6. The metal alloy that makes up the core of the Earth is ________ compared to the rocky mantle. a. less dense b. denser c. very similar in chemistry and density

b. denser

58. Using the Mohs hardness scale curve below, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. your fingernail can scratch a sample of gypsum b. diamonds are twice as hard as apatite c. diamonds are more than seven times as hard as quartz d. quartz cannot scratch anything made of diamond

b. diamonds are twice as hard as apatite

61. The removal of detritus from weathered rock at an outcrop is termed ______________. a. weathering b. erosion c. lithification d. sorting

b. erosion

69. What is the basis for classification of rocks into igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary? a. how old the rocks are b. how the rocks formed c. the types of minerals in the rocks d. the grain size of the rocks

b. how the rocks formed

12. Which of the following is true of the lithosphere? a. it is the same thing as the crust. b. it is composed of the crust and the uppermost rigid part of the mantle. c. it is a very ductile layer in the upper part of the mantle. d. it is the layer of the mantle directly below the asthenosphere.

b. it is composed of the crust and the uppermost rigid part of the mantle.

53. Hot mafic magma can be described best as ________. a. low viscosity and low fluidity b. low viscosity and high fluidity c. high viscosity and high fluidity d. high viscosity and low fluidity

b. low viscosity and high fluidity

87. Circulation of Fe-Ni alloy in the Earth's outer core is responsible for its _________. a. gravity b. magnetic field c. geothermal gradient d. volcanic eruptions

b. magnetic field

86. Which of the following is considered a special property that applies to only a few minerals? a. streak b. magnetism c. luster d. cleavage

b. magnetism

29. In general, when rock is partially melted, the chemistry of the melt is _________ a. more mafic than the original rock. b. more felsic than the original rock. c. identical to the chemistry of the original rock. d. completely unpredictable (it could be more mafic or more felsic).

b. more felsic than the original rock (i think?)

4. Most minerals within the Earth contain the element _________ a. silicon. b. nitrogen. c. carbon. d. hydrogen.

b. nitrogen

20. Where is the most recently formed portion of any crystal always found? a. deep within the interior b. on the outer edges c. on whichever side is currently facing upward d. There is no consistent pattern for crystal formation.

b. on the outer edges

70. Why does physical weathering speed up the processes of chemical weathering? a. physical weathering requires abundant water, as does chemical weathering. b. physical weathering produces more surface area for chemical weathering to attack. c. chemical weathering can occur only on small surfaces, not large ones. d. chemical weathering requires salt, which is provided by salt wedging.

b. physical weathering produces more surface area for chemical weathering to attack.

95. A conglomerate where the clasts represent more than one rock type is termed __________. a. clastic b. polymictic c. oligomictic d. polygonal

b. polymictic

21. Which of the following common minerals is hardest? a. talc b. quartz c. fluorite d. calcite

b. quartz

1. Terrestrial planets are mainly composed of ________, while the giant planets are made predominantly of ________. a. volatiles; rock and metals b. rock and metals; volatiles c. refractory materials; volatiles and metals d. volatiles and metals; refractory materials

b. rock and metals; volatiles

57. Which sediment class contains the smallest particle sizes? a. granule b. sand c. mud d. pebble

b. sand

3. The Earth's surface is protected from solar wind and cosmic radiation by a. the Earth's gravitational field. b. the Earth's magnetic field. c. a large, metallic shield launched into orbit by NASA in the 1960s. d. a powerful stream of ions emitted by the Sun.

b. the Earth's magnetic field.

59. What is the difference in the formation of chalk versus chert? a. they have different grain sizes. b. they are made of different source materials. c. chalk is terrestrial; chert is marine. d. chalk is clastic; chert is chemical.

b. they are made of different source materials.

84. The texture of this igneous rock is best described as ___________. a. porphyritic b. vesicular c. phaneritic d. aphanitic

b. vesicular

22. ______ is a common mineral that can come in different colors, such as clear, milky, rose, and amethyst. a. Pyrite b. Halite c. Quartz d. Talc

c. Quartz

9. The majority of new oceanic crust is created a. at subduction zones. b. along fracture zones. c. at mid-ocean ridges. d. by hot spot volcanism.

c. at mid-ocean ridges.

91. Although they have a different internal crystalline pattern, minerals diamond and ___________ have the same chemical composition. a. graphite b. anthracite c. coal d. gypsum

c. coal

27. Gemstones are often found in pegmatites, which are igneous rocks that are _____________ (Maybe) b. extrusive, forming from lava. c. exceptionally coarse-grained. d. exceptionally fine-grained.

c. exceptionally coarse-grained.

5. The density of rocks is generally related to composition; rocks with higher silica contents tend to be less dense. Which of the following places rock compositions in order of increasing density? a. felsic, intermediate, ultramafic, mafic b. ultramafic, mafic, intermediate, felsic c. felsic, intermediate, mafic, ultramafic d. mafic, ultramafic, intermediate, felsic

c. felsic, intermediate, mafic, ultramafic

52. A coarse-grained igneous rock which has a basaltic (mafic) composition. The rock's name is ______. a. granite b. peridotite c. gabbro d. basalt

c. gabbro

83. A coarse-grained plutonic rock which has the same mafic composition as basalt. The rock's name is _____. a. granite b. peridotite c. gabbro d. pumice

c. gabbro

18. We distinguish between a mineral and a naturally formed glass (such as obsidian) because _________ a. glass is not produced by geologic processes. b. glass is organic. c. glass does not have a fixed crystal structure. d. glass can be made synthetically as well as occur naturally.

c. glass does not have a fixed crystal structure.

56. Sorting: is a measure of the uniformity of __________ in a sediment population. a. roundness b. composition c. grain size d. origin

c. grain size

19. Which of the following is a mineral? a. petroleum (oil), which is a liquid b. cubic zirconia, which is a synthetic diamond substitute c. ice, which is water in the solid state d. obsidian, a type of volcanic glass

c. ice, which is water in the solid state

74. If a rock is buried and subjected to high heat and pressure, then uplifted, exposed, eroded away, and deposited, what rock types were involved in the sequence? a. igneous and sedimentary b. igneous and metamorphic c. metamorphic and sedimentary d. sedimentary only

c. metamorphic and sedimentary

60. Chemical sedimentary rocks are classified primarily on the basis of ____________. a. grain size b. sorting c. mineral composition d. angularity

c. mineral composition

55. Two major sources of energy, coal and oil/kerogen shale are considered ________ sedimentary rocks. a. clastic b. biochemical c. organic d. chemical

c. organic

90. The Earth's mantle is made up of an ultramafic rock that is known as _______________. a. diorite b. granite c. peridotite d. andesite

c. peridotite

34. A mafic, highly vesicular volcanic rock is termed _____________. a. pumice b. granite c. scoria d. tuff

c. scoria

63. Ripple marks are ________. a. internal laminations that are inclined at an angle relative to the main layering of a sedimentary rock. b. a bed in which grain size varies from coarse at the bottom to fine at the top. c. small, elongate ridges in clastic sediments and rocks that form perpendicular to the direction of flow. d. a suite of cracks separating plates that form when mud dries out.

c. small, elongate ridges in clastic sediments and rocks that form perpendicular to the direction of flow.

45. When hematite is scraped across a porcelain plate, the powder produced by the crushed mineral is red. This is called ______. a. hardness b. luster c. streak d. cleavage

c. streak

25. Pyrite (FeS2) is in which mineral class? a. silicates b. carbonates c. sulfides d. Oxides

c. sulfides

46. If a geologist discovered coal deposits in a modern-day cold, snowy location, he or she could conclude that ________. a. a meteorite must have struck the area b. the area was once covered with glaciers c. the area was once covered with swamps and/or jungles d. this discovery was anomalous

c. the area was once covered with swamps and/or jungles

35. If you find a tuff/pyroclastic rock in the field, what type of geologic activity could you reasonably assume has occurred? a. tectonic uplift b. igneous intrusion c. volcanic eruption d. sea-level-rise

c. volcanic eruption

73. How can uplift of metamorphic rocks during mountain building lead to the formation of sedimentary rocks? a. percolating groundwater can change metamorphic rocks to sedimentary rocks. b. metamorphic rocks turn into sedimentary rocks when exposed to oxygen. c. weathering and erosion create sediments from metamorphic rocks, which in turn may become sedimentary rocks. d. when pressure is reduced, metamorphic rocks convert to sedimentary rocks.

c. weathering and erosion create sediments from metamorphic rocks, which in turn may become sedimentary rocks.

81. The axis of the mid-oceanic ridge in the previous image is represented by letter __________. a. A b. B c. C d. D

d. D

32. The linking together of silica tetrahedra into chains that do not easily move past each other affects the ________ of a magma. a. temperature b. color c. volatile content d. Viscosity

d. Viscosity

50. Glacial deposit is composed of ________-sized particles. a. mud b. sand c. boulder d. a mix of anything from mud to boulder

d. a mix of anything from mud to boulder

67.In which of the following settings would you be most likely to find sedimentary rocks forming? a. deep within a mountain range. b. inside a lava flow on Hawaii. c. at a mid-ocean ridge. d. at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

d. at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

92. When limestone becomes chemically altered so that half of the calcium atoms are replaced by magnesium, the resultant rock is termed ________. a. aragonite b. dolomite c. calcite d. chalk

d. chalk

37. Precipitation of gypsum due to evaporation of seawater produces a _______ sedimentary rock. a. biochemical b. organic c. clastic d. chemical

d. chemical

97. Pelagic (deep-sea) sediment of which at least 30 percent is composed of the skeletal remains of microscopic floating organisms is known as _________. a. crust b. rock c. ooze d. chert

d. chert

71. Why does differential weathering occur? a. chemical weathering attacks some layers, and physical weathering attacks the others. b. the cliffs formed by chemical weathering protect the rocks below. c. some types of rocks don't weather at all, thus producing cliffs. d. different minerals have different resistances to weathering.

d. different minerals have different resistances to weathering.

89. The mineral _______ (PbS) is the world's primary source of lead. a. pyrite b. magnetite c. garnet d. galena

d. galena

72. Which types of minerals are most likely to experience oxidation during chemical weathering? a. evaporite minerals such as halite b. carbonate minerals such as calcite and aragonite c. silicate minerals such as quartz and feldspar d. iron minerals such as biotite and pyrite

d. iron minerals such as biotite and pyrite

39. The formation of magma within Earth is NOT caused by which of the following processes? a. decompression (drop in pressure) b. addition of volatiles c. transfer of heat from adjacent magma or very hot rocks d. loss of volatiles to the atmosphere

d. loss of volatiles to the atmosphere

The formation of magma within Earth is NOT caused by which of the following processes? a. decompression (drop in pressure) b. addition of volatiles c. transfer of heat from adjacent magma or very hot rocks d. loss of volatiles to the atmosphere

d. loss of volatiles to the atmosphere

82. Which of the following statements about metamorphism is false? a. metamorphic rocks form from existing sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic rocks b. during metamorphism, existing minerals are transformed into new minerals c. the controlling factors for metamorphism are pressure, temperature, fluids, and time d. metamorphism involves melting of existing rocks to form new minerals

d. metamorphism involves melting of existing rocks to form new minerals

66.What is the difference between a rock that is cemented together and a rock that has a crystalline texture? a. a rock that is cemented contains rounded grains that are held together by cement, whereas a crystalline rock contains angular grains held together by cement. b. crystalline rocks contain minerals, while cemented rocks contain rock fragments; both are held together by static forces between grains. c. minerals are held together as interlocking pieces in a cemented rock, whereas grains are held together by minerals precipitated in pore spaces in a crystalline rock. d. minerals are held together as interlocking pieces in a crystalline rock, whereas in a cemented rock the grains do not fit together like puzzle pieces and instead are held together by cement.

d. minerals are held together as interlocking pieces in a crystalline rock, whereas in a cemented rock the grains do not fit together like puzzle pieces and instead are held together by cement.

93. The chemical weathering process that causes materials to rust is known as ____________. a. hydrolysis b. hydration c. carbonation d. oxidation

d. oxidation

26. The gem mineral that form through biologic mineralization is ____________. a. diamond b. cubic zirconia c. garnet d. pearl

d. pearl

51. The primary difference between breccia and conglomerate is that conglomerate ________. a. is finer grained than breccia b. is coarser grained than breccia c. possesses more angular grains than breccia d. possesses more rounded grains than breccia

d. possesses more rounded grains than breccia

79. Limestone is related to marble in the same way that ___________. a. basalt is related to granite. b. conglomerate is related to breccia c. shale is related to gabbro d. sandstone is related to quartzite

d. sandstone is related to quartzite

76. Two common metamorphic rocks that typically have foliation are ________ and ________. a. slate; obsidian b. gneiss; metaconglomerate c. quartzite; marble d. schist; gneiss

d. schist; gneiss

31. The geotherm is the rate of change of_________________. a. pressure with depth in the Earth's interior. b. temperature with altitude in the Earth's atmosphere. c. temperature with latitude on the Earth's surface. d. temperature with depth in the Earth's interior.

d. temperature with depth in the Earth's interior.

65.What is cement to a geologist? a. the material used to make buildings and sidewalks b. a natural form of glass c. a collection of interlocking grains d. the mineral materials that bond grains together

d. the mineral materials that bond grains together

85. The igneous rock in the attached image can be classified as ___________ and __________. a. plutonic, mafic b. volcanic, felsic c. plutonic, felsic d. volcanic, mafic

d. volcanic, mafic

Three types of unconformities

disconformity, angular unconformity, nonconformity

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