GEOG 2050 All Quizzes

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The temperature at the top of the mesosphere is about ____ degrees C.

-90 C

At the South Pole, meridians are __ kilometers apart.


Prime meridian

0 degrees longitude

Map distance = 4.65 inches and real distance is 4650 miles

1 inch = 1000 miles

At the equator, Earth's rotation speed is _____ km per hour.


Dew point temperature

10 degrees C

The dew point temperature is

10 degrees C

Air parcel's adiabatic cooling rate

10 degrees C per 1000 meters

Relative humidity at 2000 meters


Lifting condensation level

1000 meters

On the equator, meridians are ____ kilometers apart.


A category 1 hurricane has wind speeds over __________ kilometers per hour.


On average, the top of the troposphere occurs at about ____km.


The Little Ice Age occurred from approximately __________.

1350 to 1850 CE

Which location cannot exist?

140 degrees south, 10 degrees west

In the exercise, we had 1 gram of ice at -100ºC and added heat to convert the ice to liquid and then to water vapor at 200ºC. You determined the total amount of heat needed in calories. Based on what you learned, how many total calories would you have to remove to cool 2 grams of water vapor at 200ºC to ice at -100ºC?

1740 calories

Longitudes run as high as ___ degrees.


Opposite the Prime Meridian

180 degrees longitude

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels began to dramatically increase around the year __________.


At 35 degrees C, the relative humidity is


What percentage of solar radiation is reflected by clouds and the atmosphere?

23 percent

At 20 degrees C, the saturation vapor pressure is

23.4 mb

Imagine you are driving from the beach (at sea level, 0 m altitude) in Hawaii to the top of a nearby volcano at 4000 m. Calculate the temperature change when you reach the top of the volcano using the normal or average lapse rate (6.5 degrees C/1000 m). Give the numerical value only since the units are degrees C.


See Figure. If 1 kilogram of air has 12 g of water vapor and the temperature is 40 degrees C, what is the relative humidity?


For hurricanes to form, seawater generally must be about __________ degrees Celsius at the surface.


What is the distance between the Equator and Tropic of Cancer?

2608.5 km

See figure: According to these graphs, carbon dioxide concentrations were about how many parts per million (ppm) 400,000 years ago?


What is the latitude and longitude of LSU?

30 degrees and 25 minutes North, 91 degrees and 10 minutes West

Overall, what percentage of solar radiation is reflected by Earth?

30 percent

Ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit is equal to __________ degrees Celsius.


At which latitude does the amount of absorbed solar radiation equal the amount of energy emitted by Earth?

37 degrees

Specific humidity of air parcel at 2000 m


A derecho is formed when a gust front has 93 kilometers per hour winds or greater and is __________ kilometers in length.


The axial tilt component of a Milankovitch forcing takes about __________ years to complete one full cycle.


What is the distance between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle?

4773 km

At 20 degrees C, the relative humidity is


At 35 degrees C, the saturation vapor pressure is

56.2 mb

Normal/average lapse rate

6.5 degrees C/ 1000m (3.6 F/1000ft)

The Antarctic Circle is located at

66.5 degrees South.

What is the monthly mean temperature for April 2017? Pick the closest value to the one you calculated in the activity using the data in the Excel file (April 1st to April 30).

71.05 degrees F


78% of gas in atmosphere

In the exercise, we had 1 gram of ice at -100°C and added heat to convert the ice to liquid and then to water vapor at 200°C. Based on what you learned from the activity, how many total calories were needed to heat 1 gram of ice at -100°C to 1 gram of water vapor at 200°C?

870 calories

Specific humidity of air parcel at Earth's surface

8g/kg of air

How many degrees of latitude separate the equator from the North Pole?


What kind of teacher is Dr. Delong?

A paleoclimatologist

A primary pollutant is defined as _____.

A pollutant that enters the air or water directly from the source

A Doppler radar hook echo indicates the presence of what?

A tornado

A tornado warning is issued for a region when __________.

A tornado has been seen

A GIS is what?

A way to display spatial data

A __________ measures both wind speed and wind direction.


The tropical rainforest corresponds with Köppen climate type __________.


When an air parcels encounters a mountain range, the parcel is lifted and moves over the mountain range. Which of the following sequences is correct?

Air parcel cools adiabatically, reaches dew point temperature, air parcel is saturated (RH=100%), condensation occurs, clouds form, and ultimately precipitation occurs.

During the last 800,000 years, carbon dioxide and __________ have increased and decreased synchronously.

Air temperature

In this week's activity, you visited the National Hurricane Center website and found the tropical cyclone names for the Atlantic 2018 hurricane season. What was the name of the first tropical cyclone for the 2018 season?


Coldest surface ocean temperatures on Earth

Arctic Ocean

Select the gas below that is not the direct result of biological or man-made processes.

Argon (Noble gas from formation of earth and radioactive decay) Chlorofluorocarbons, oxygen gas, carbon dioxide gas, and methane gas are naturally occuring

See figure: Look at the isobar map, which states would you expect to see clear skies and no rain?


Where does the length of day remain the same throughout the year?

At the equator

The main source of anthropogenic carbon monoxide in urban areas is ___.


Which instrument measures atmospheric pressure?


The Fujita scale developed by Dr. T. Theodore Fujita of the University of Chicago is based on the ___________scale.

Beaufort Scale

See figure: Why is the ITCZ, shown in this figure, restricted almost entirely to the tropics?

Because it follows the latitude of the subpolar point

Why do tropical cyclones (hurricanes) not form near South America?

Because the water is too cool

The longest-lived tree species is the __________.

Bristlecone pine

The gas that causes ozonosphere thinning is ____.


Which molecule does not occur naturally?

CFCs and HFCs


Causes winds to spin inwards in low pressure centers

Which is an example of a climate feedback?

Changes in snow coverage

Which is not found in a cyclone?

Clockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere

The ice crystal process occurs in __________ clouds.


A __________ occurs when a cold air mass advances on a relatively warm air mass.

Cold front

The state with the more hailstorms


Close to the ocean or a large lake

Cooler summers

What apparent force is responsible for causing surface currents to move to right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere?

Coriolis force


Dangerous to landing airplanes

Hottest location in USA

Death Valley

What day of the year is shown in the figure* below?

December 21

Coriolis force

Deflects wind to the right (left) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere

An EF4 tornado is associated with __________ to structures and trees.

Devastating damage

Many energy pathways occur in the Earth system. Which of the following does not change shortwave radiation to longwave radiation (i.e., energy remains shortwave).

Diffusion, reflection, and scattering

Dangerous to landing airplanes


Referring to the map, what causes particulate matter to be high in the Sahara in northern Africa?

Dust storms

Which one has the greatest wind speed?

EF-5 Tornado

Climatologists use __________ to develop predictions about how climate might respond to greenhouse gas forcing.

Earth system models

Coriolis force is caused by __________.

Earth's rotation

On what side of the eye of Hurricane Katrina was the storm tide the highest and how high was the surge?

East of the eye, ~24 ft

Who uses geography in their jobs or daily lives?

Emergency managers, real estate developers, explorers, military

The ____ divides Earth into two equal halves.


See figure Imagine that you are a drop of water in the ocean, what path would you take in the water cycle. Please select the correct sequence .

Evaporation, advection of water vapor, encounter a mountain, increase in elevation, colder temperature, condensation, precipitation, surface water, runoff, flow into ocean.

When an air parcel rises it __________

Expands and cools

The greatest number of deaths per year, on average.


The state with the most thunderstorms


What direction do ocean currents flow along the equator and why?

Flows from east to west because the Coriolis force is zero.

Which is an anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide?

Fossil fuels

Scientists suspect that the ocean conveyor system was slowed during the Younger Dryas due to __________.

Fresh water from the laurentide ice sheet

Which is likely to occur when the dew-point temperature is below freezing?


The _____ is a coordinate system used to identify locations on Earth's surface.

Geographic grid

To write about the Earth


The _____ uses satellites to identify the locations on Earth.

Global Positioning System

Telescope peak

Good chance of clear skies at a high elevation

Spherical representation of the Earth

Google Earth or a Globe

To save on aviation fuel, airlines schedule flight routes along the shortest distance between two points. The shortest distance between two international cities is along a _____________.

Great Circle

The __________ is the temperature that it feels like to a person when the air is hot and there is a high humidity

Heat-index temperature

Mt. Whitney

Highest elevation, possibly snow covered


Holds air molecules within the atmosphere


Hook shape on radar

Which desert is dominated by the subtropical high-pressure system?

Hot deserts

Interior of continents, far from water

Hot summers, very cold winters

Water molecules attach to each other through __________

Hydrogen bonding

The __________ is/are the most important climatic factor that determines the presence of the tropical rainforest.


Scientists study ancient atmospheric carbon dioxide levels preserved in __________.

Ice cores

Most atmospheric warming is occurring __________.

In the arctic

Where in the United States are dew-point temperatures typically highest?

In the southeast

The continental effect __________ the annual temperature range.


When isobars are close together, the wind speed __________.


The __________ began the era of fossil fuel burning.

Industrial revolution

Which generates sea breezes?

Inland heating of the land

See figure: In which map is the pressure difference between the Bermuda/Azores High and Icelandic Low the greatest?


The North Pole experiences the Midnight Sun during the

June Solstice.

See figure: In this week's activity, you looked about the characteristics of deep ocean currents. Where do these cold salty waters descend from the surface to the deepest ocean?

Labrador sea and Greenland sea

Lone Pine

Leeward side, rain shadow influenced, lower elevation

Mild winters and cool summers

Los Angeles

Death Valley

Lowest elevation and lowest humidity

There is an air parcel at the Earth's surface and the temperature is 25 degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 100%. As the air parcel rises in the atmosphere, what is the lapse rate for this air parcel?

Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate (MAR)

A __________ is a seasonal reversal of winds.


On a climate diagram, the horizontal axis is always __________.

Months of the year

At high latitudes, Earth radiates __________ energy than it absorbs.


A thunderstorm type that forms clusters with numerous cells in various stages of development merging together

Multi-cell Cluster

A thunderstorm type that forms in a line which can extend laterally for hundreds of miles

Multi-cell Line (Squall Line)

Which of the following statements describe the normal atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the tropical Pacific (i.e., not El Niño or La Niña)?

NE and SE trade winds blow towards the equator, warm surface water moves westward, convection center over western Pacific warm pool, deep thermocline in western Pacific, shallow thermocline in eastern Pacific and upwelling.

Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the New Jersey coast on October 29, 2012. In the activity you look at some damage photos taken by the United States Geological Survey. Which location had the least amount damage of the 6 locations you looked at in the activity (5 in New York and 1 in New Jersey)

NJ directly where landfall was made

The ____ is located at 90 degrees north latitude.

North pole

Between 0 and 30 degrees north latitude the __________ occur.

Northeasterly trade winds

Warm summers and very cold winters

Northern Canada

What month has the highest range of temperatures? The lowest range?

November and July

Which order is a logical sequence of the scientific Method?

Observations, questions, hypothesis development, hypothesis testing, further inquiry

Geostrophic winds

Occur over large distances in the upper troposphere

Which of the following is not true about upwelling?

Occurs along eastern coast of continents

Which state has more tornadoes?


A thunderstorm type that consist of one cell (one updraft and one downdraft)

Ordinary Cell

Where are stratospheric ozone concentrations lowest?

Over the south pole

Which is not a greenhouse gas?


According to the figure*, chlorine atoms change ozone molecules to what?

Oxygen molecules and oxygen atoms

According to the graph*, which air pollutant has dropped least?


The direction of the pressure gradient runs __________ to isobars.


Which is unlikely to be produced by a cold front?

Precipitation from nimbostratus

The 0 degree meridian is also called the ______.

Prime meridian

The sky is blue because of __________.

Rayleigh scattering

In the Northern Hemisphere, Coriolis force deflects objects __________.


What are some features of Google Earth?

Ruler, grid of latitude and longitude, historical imagery, and compass

See figure. Which of the following parts of the hydrological cycle occur exclusively on land

Runoff, groundwater, and transpiration

If the Sun stopped shining, the global heat engine would __________.

Shut down

Which has the greatest annual temp. Range? (see figure)

Siberia, Russia (67 degrees N, 133 degrees E)

GIS (Geographical Information Systems)

Software to generate maps on a computer

Which causes acid rain?

Sulfur dioxide

A thunderstorm type that is responsible for producing significant tornadoes


Hook shape on radar


Which two variables influences the flow of deep ocean currents?

Temperature and salinity


Temperature can increase at night, decrease during the day

Increase in altitude and elevation

Temperature decreases

warmer winters, Decrease in latitude

Temperature increases

When there is __________ it gets warmer as altitude increases.

Temperature inversion

The state with the most tornadoes


See figure: Now, carefully locate the "Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)" in the image below.

The ITCZ occurs in low pressure areas

Glacial cycles develop as ice sheets grow in __________.

The Northern Hemisphere

Which location has the strongest Coriolis deflection?

The Yukon Territory

Which is an example of climate?

The average july temperature


The greatest number of deaths per year, on average.


The hottest temperatures

Which is an example of a spatial phenomenon?

The size of a thunderstorm

Where contour lines are close together on a map ______.

The slope is steep


The state with more hailstorms


The state with the most thunderstorms


The state with the most tornadoes

Clouds in the troposphere end at the tropopause because ____.

The stratosphere is too warm

Biomes are identified by __________.

The structure of vegetation

What happens after an object absorbs a photon of energy?

The temp. of the object increases

The tropopause is the division between what?

The troposphere and the stratosphere

El Niño events are associated with abnormal weather conditions. Which of the following is not associated with El Niño events.

The western coast of North and South America experience no change.

On the surface of this glass of water __________.

There is net condensation

A contour line is used to show ______.


The fastest wind officially recorded was measured in a __________.


The _____ are found between 23.5 degrees north and south.


Which biome is found where it is cold and dry?


Which city has the lowest air pressure on average?

Ulan Bator, Mongolia -1,350 meters

What happens if there are more than 21 storms is the tropical Atlantic hurricane season? Has this happened before?

Use the greek alphabet, this occurred in 2005 when the season ended with Tropical storm Zeta

Which is not one of the three main factors that concentrate or disperse pollution?


Coldest location on Earth

Vostok, Antarctica

From the exercise, you determined the difference in saturation vapor pressure between -30ºC and -10ºC and between 10ºC and 30ºC? Based on what you learned, why are these different even though the temperature difference is 20ºC in both cases?

Warm air contains much more water vapor than cold air

Which wind systems are most prevalent in the United States?


The Southeastern United States is likely to experience ___________ from El Niño.

Wet and cool

Pressure gradient force

Wind flows from high pressure to low pressure perpendicular to isobars


Windward side, no precipitation

King's Canyon

Windward side, precipitation possible

With global warming, do scientist expect the frequency and intensity of hurricanes to increase by the end of the 21st century?


Remote sensing

aircraft, satellites, and towers taking measurements or observations of the Earth

The subsolar point on the September Equinox is located

at the equator.


aurora occur here

Photochemical smog

car exhaust

Montreal protocol


Earth's biomes are determined mostly by __________.



closest to Earth's surface

Which sequence presents the process of collision and coalescence in the right order

condensation nuclei—cloud droplets—collision and coalescence—raindrops


directly below the exosphere

Smart phones and devices that collect geospatial data

enabled the geospatial revolution


exists in 3 phases in the Earth's atmosphere

Acid rain

from nitrogen dioxide from car exhaust reacting with water

Carbon Dioxide

greenhouse gas

Temperature inversions

keeps pollution trap near Earth's surface

Clean air act

limits pollution released into atmosphere

Tropic of Capricorn

located at 23.5 degrees South

Which air mass will form over a warm ocean?



meteors heat up and vaporize


most abundant noble gas

Subpolar point

no shadow at noon


ozone layer

CFCs and HFCs

pollutant that destroys ozone


produced by photosynthesis


soot, dust, salt, and pollen

On the summer solstice the subsolar point is at

the Tropic of Cancer at 23.5 degrees North.

Which sequence is the correct order of hurricane development?

tropical disturbance—tropical depression—tropical storm—hurricane

Global Positioning Satellites

used for navigation


used to measure distance between locations

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