Geog lab test 1

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representative fraction

1:123,000 or 1/123,000 is an example of a _____ map scale

map scale, written, representative fraction and graphic

A ____ ____ tells you the ratio of a distance on the map to the real world distance. They are typically presented in 3 ways: __, __, and ___

planar, azimuthal, gnomonic, great circles

A _____ projection (also known as a/an ____ projection) touches only one point on earth. An important one of these is the _____ projection which shows all ___ ___ as straight lines.

69, 111

A degree of latitude is equal to ____ miles or ____ kilometers.


A segmented line or bar with real world distances is a ___ map scale.

°, ', "

Abbreviations for degrees, minutes, seconds


Basic temperature of the climate is a product of _______.

212, 0

Boiling is ___ °F and ___°C

maritime climates, continental climates

Climates near large bodies of water are called ____ ___. Those far from oceans are ___ ____

geographic coordinate

Combining a latitudinal value with a longitudinal value creates a ____ _____.

map projection, distortion

Converting a three-dimensional sphere into a two-dimensional ____ ____ creates _____.

after. Because the days start to get longer.

Day > night 2 days ___ the March Equinox at the North Pole. Why?

advances, -4 (because -5 + 1 = -4)

Daylight savings time __ 1 hour so that -5 UTC becomes ___ UTC for the Eastern Time Zone

subsolar. Becuse the rays are more spread out at other latitudes.

Due to the curvature of the Earth, rays hitting near the ______ point are more intense than those further north or south of that point. Why?

solstice, hemisphere, insolation, June, December

During a ____, the axis is at maximum inclination and one _______ receives much more ____ than the other. This occurs in ____ and ____.

the equator

During an equinox, the subsolar pint is located at _______

Tropic of Cancer

During the June Solstice the subsolar point is the

December, 23.5°S, Tropic of Capricorn

During the ____ solstice, the subsolar point reaches its southernmost point at ___°, known as the ____ __ ______.

June, 23.5°N, Tropic of Cancer

During the _____ solstice, the subsolar point reaches its northernmost point at ____°, known as the _____ __ ______.


Eastern Standard Time is __ UTC

32, 0

Freezing is __° F and ___°C

decimal degrees, degrees, minutes, seconds, DMS

Geographic coordinates are divided by ___ ___ or by ____, ___ and ____ which is called ___.

less stable

Higher latitudes have more ____ levels of insolation than lower latitudes

It absorbs it (making it cooler)

How does cloud cover affect isolation?

It increases it.

How does proximity to the ocean affect insolation

More vegetation absorbs it and desert reflects (increases) it.

How does vegetation or albedo affect insolation?

45° - 38° = 7°, 7°× (60 min/15°) = 28 min. Therefore it is 11:28 am Local Sun Time

If it is 11 am at 45°W and 12pm at 30°W, what time is it at 38°W?

7 inch map x (24,000 inch actual/1 inch map) = 168,000 actual inches. 168,000 in x (1foot/12 inches) x 1 mile/5280 feet) = 2.65 miles

If the map scale is 1:24,000 and the distance is 7 inches on the map, how many miles is the distance?

35 cm map x (25000 cm actual/1 cm map) = 875,000 cm actual. 875 cm x (1m/100cm) x (1km/1000m) = 8.75 km

If the map scale is 1:25000 and a distance is 7 cm on the map, how many km is it?

7cm map x (1km actual /2.4 cm map) = 2.917 km

If the map scale is 2.4 cm/1km and a distance is 7 cm on the map. How many km is that?

10 behind

If we are at -10 UTC, we are ___ hours ___ the time on the prime meridian.

equator, prime meridian or 180° meridian.

If you are given a problem that asks you to give your new geographic coordinates, be careful if you are crossing the ____ , the ___ ____or the ____ _____ because you may need to adjust the number.

west, Tuesday

If you travel across the International Date line going ___, the day advances 24 hours. For example, 2 pm Monday becomes 2pm _____.

60, 15

It takes ___ minutes for the sun to cover __°

equator, 0

Latitude is measured relative to the _______ with it having a value of _____°

parallel, N, S, -, +, horizontally

Latitude lines are always ________ and are described as either ____ or ____ or _____ or ____. They appear _______ on a typical map.

distance, add, equator, multiply, 69, 111

Latitudinal distance is calculated by measuring the _______ between two locations (which means _____ing them if they are on either side of the ______). Then ____ing them by either ___ miles/° or ___ km/°.


Longitude lines are also known as _____.

vertical, prime meridian

Longitudinal lines are ____ and are measured relatives to the _____ _____.


Meridians hit the equator at a ___° angle

intermediate direction

Northeast is an example of a/an _____ ____.

0, 90, 180, 270, clockwise

On the azimuth system North has a value of __°, East is __°, South is __°, West is ___° and ___° is a complete revolution and is equivalent to 0°. In other words, they are based on a 360° circle going ____wise.


One inch equals 20 miles is an example of a ____ map scale.

180° meridian (which is roughly followed by the International Date Line)

Opposite the prime meridian is the _____ ____ .


Planar projections best represent the earth at ____ .


Polar night occurs in the Southern Hemisphere during the _____ Solstice.

average kinetic energy, molecules.

Temperature is the _____ _____ ___ of the _____ of whatever you are measuring


The Antarctic Circle is located at ____°


The Arctic Circle is located at ____°

Where tangent rays intersect the earth

The Circle of Illumination can be shown by drawing a vertical line between which two points?

Winter, Summer, Tropic of Capricorn

The December Solstice is the First Day of ___ in the Northern Hemisphere and the First Day of ___ in the Southern Hemisphere and the subsolar point is the ______.

azimuth, direction, compass points

The ___ system is more precise at indicating _____ than ___ ____

Lambert Projection, conic

The _____ ____ is an example of a cylindrical projection and an equal area map. It is _____ in shape.

standard point or standard line

The ______ ____ or ____ ____ of a map is the point on a map that is most accurate and distortion increases from there. Typically the equator or poles are commonly used as this point.

relative approach

The _________ _______ to identifying where something is, is when you describe its location relative to something else.

1. The tilt of the Earth's axis and 2. The Earth revolving in its orbit around the sun.

The changing position of the sun is the result of 2 factors, what are they?


The closer isolines are to one another the ___ the change temperature

1 (duh - that is what a year is)

The earth revolves around the sun __ times a year.


The earth's axis is tilted at an angle of ___°

towards, radiation, insolation

The hemisphere pointed _____ the sun will receive more of the sun's ______ or ______ .


The latitude of each pole is ____°


The north and south hemispheres have ___ insolation patterns

subsolar point

The point where the rays of the earth directly hit the Earth at a perpendicular angle.

24, 15

There are ___ time zones which are each __° wide longitudinally for each time zone.

irregular, they follow natural or political boundaries.

Time zones follow ____ boundaries because _____

Coordinated Universal Time

UTC stands for ___ ___ ___

The Earth's annual orbit

What does this show?

6.5°/1000 m or 3.5°/1000 feet

What is the normal lapse rate

higher elevations, proximity to water

What moderates temperatures?

equinox, March, September

When both hemispheres of the earth receive the same amount of insolation it is known as the _____ and this occurs in _____ and _____.

The equator

Which latitude has the least variability of insolation levels?

Because the axis is not inclined toward or away from the sun.

Why does an equinox occur

Humidity makes it more difficult for sweat to evaporate which is what cools your body temperature down

Why does humidity make you seem hotter?

The wind takes heat away from the body

Why does wind chill make you feel colder?

insolation at the poles is more spread out because of the tangent angles of insolation, albedo, glaciers and currents affect the amount of energy absorbed or reflected at the poles and during winter they build up more ice during total darkness.

Why doesn't ice melt at the poles during their Summers?

So that countries on the 180° meridian aren't divided by different dates.

Why doesn't the International Date Line follow the 180° meridian?

Because the distance between meridians varies and the distance between latitudinal lines is always the same.

Why is it harder to calculate longitudinal distance than latitudinal distance.

N, S, E, W

__ and __ are labeled + and _ and __ are labeled -

Compass points, cardinal directions, 90

____ ____ are the simplest form of direction. There are four ____ ____ located __° apart.

true shape, distortion of the relative size of each landmass. Mercator Projection, distorted and stretched toward the poles making land masses near the poles look larger than they really are.

____ ____ maps show landmasses having shapes that are real world accurate however, this results in ________________. An example of this type of map is the ______ _____ which is usually _______.

Local Sun Time

____ _____ ___ is not the clock time but is based on when the sun is directly overhead.

Equal area, relative size, shape

_____ ____ accurately show the ___ _____ of landmasses but the _____ is distorted.

Longitude, angular

_____ describes the east-west _____ position of a location on Earth.

Direct, Tangent, Oblique

_____ rays hit the earth on a 90° angle, _____ rays hit it at a 180° angle, and ____ rays hit it at an angle <90°

Longitudinal, parallel, E, W, - , +

_______ lines are not _____ and are described as either __ or __ or __ or ___


________ describes the north south angular position of location on earth.

absolute location latitude and longitude

_________ _______ is commonly described using _____ and ___________.


_________ can be both absolute and relative. It is the spatial component of geography.

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