Geographic Diversity | Chapter One | ACS 11

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Madagascar is an example of an island off of Africa.

Africa is also home to a couple islands. Name one.

The Sahara desert created a barrier that allowed unique forms of animal life to emerge from sub-Saharan Africa. There are at least 100 various types of species that roam through all the geographic regions of Africa, and consist of herbivores, bovids, primates, carnivores, fish/marines, birds and reptiles. Some examples of wildlife you can find in Africa are: zebras, hippos, monkeys, and lizards

Africa has a lot of wildlife. Give details about this.

Africa's geographic landscape is composed of six various regions that include, but are not limited to: mountainous highlands, the Equatorial Rainforest, the Savannah Grasslands, the Desert, the Rivers, and the wildlife.

Africa is a huge continent and makes up 20 percent of the world's total land mass. There are many distinct regions in Africa, and the climate of each is greatly influenced by its distance from the sea, wind direction, ocean temperature, and elevation. As a result, the African environment has become diverse. List six different kinds of regions you could find in Africa.

Savannahs are dotted with trees and cover about one quarter of the continent's surface. Rain is unreliable through these areas, though there is usually enough for farming/herding. Livestock and crop farming are important industries in Savannahs, though, sometimes, drought or flooding can cause harm these two industries. The important livestock are cattle and sheep, and wheat and peanuts are among the important crops.

Describe Savannah's and include details about how/if Savannahs are significant.

The elevation of most of these mountains is about 1500m, of which creates a cooler climate than is found in other parts of Africa. The highest parts of these mountains, such as Mount Kilimanjaro, are oftentimes snow capped.

Describe a couple features of Africa's mountainous highlands.

Africa's rainforests are located along the Western African coast, close to the Equator and Congo Basin. This is where the heaviest rainfall occurs. The ample rainfall and warm temperatures of the rainforests can generate ideal conditions for vegetation and crops. Additionally, some of the trees found in these rainforests can have valuable resources.

Describe a couple features of Africa's rainforests, and include two ways upon which the rainforests are beneficial.

Examples of mountains in Africa are as follows: the Atlas Mountains, the Ahagger Mountains, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Mount Cameroon and the Great Rift Valley.

Each region of Africa can be considered diverse, and special. With that being said, each region can have examples. For mountainous ranges, provide three examples.

Africa's rivers are among some of the world's largest and longest, and have linked regions of Africa for thousands of years. River that originate in the interior descend through a series of waterfalls and rapids that are used both for protection and transportation. Silt from flooding nourishes the soil and turns some river valleys into fertile farmland. African river shores have been the sites for many African civilizations.

Explain a bit about the rivers of Africa.

The Serengeti is an example of a Savannah Grassland.

Give an example of a Savannah Grassland.

An area with rainforests in Africa is the Congo Basin.

Give an example of an Equatorial Rainforests you may find in Africa.

Four rivers that can be found in Africa are: the Nile, the Niger, the Congo, and the Zambezi.

Give an example of four rivers to be found in Africa.

Africa is home to some of the world's largest and hottest deserts. Some of these deserts are as follows: Sahara, Kalahari, and the Naimb.

Give an example of two/three deserts you could find in Africa.

Africa is the second-largest continent in the world and is home to 54 countries.

Give two fun facts about Africa's geography.

The Sahara is the world's largest desert, and extends over much of the Northern part of Africa's continent. The vastness of the desert seems impenetrable to tourists by African traders have been crossing it for years, and are accustomed to it. Likewise, the Kalahari is in the south and is the drier desert of the two. Only the most skilled hunters and gatherers have adapted to the life there.

Talk a little bit about the desert regions in Africa and what makes them significant.

At lower elevations of these mountainous ranges, commercial crops and mineral deposits are available.

What makes Africa's mountainous highlands significant and useful?

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