Geography 100 - Final (Chapter 11, 12, & 13)

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About what percentage of people in South Asia live in cities?

About 33%

With what Southeast Asian country were the Khmer Rouge guerrillas associated?


Which environmental hazard is the most serious in Japan?


What language has been suggested as a neutral national language in India?


True or False After the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, the Pakistan government refused to aid the United States in its fight against the Taliban.


True or False In Southeast Asia, hurricanes are known as cyclones.


True or False Pakistan has had a difficult time achieving economic growth because it is burdened by high levels of defense spending.


True or False South Asia's monsoons bring flooding in the winter.


True or False Thailand embraces market economics, while retaining the political forms of a communist state.


True or False The Punjab is considered to be the breadbasket of Sri Lanka.


True or False The Vietnam War started when Great Britain tried to regain control of its Southeast Asian colonies.


What is the chief product of the "Golden Triangle" of Southeast Asia?


What two countries in South Asia have nuclear weapons?

India and Pakistan

What are bustees?

sprawling squatter settlements in South Asia

During what era did the Chinese Empire reach its height?


Despite widespread poverty in the country of India, approximately how many Indians are able to purchase modern consumer goods such as televisions?

300 million

About how many metropolitan areas in India have populations over 1 million inhabitants?


About how many distinct languages are spoken in Indonesia?


Part A. Identify the following cities of East Asia: Beijing; Hiroshima; Hong Kong; Osaka-Kobe; Pyongyang; Seoul; Shanghai; Taipei; Tokyo; Ürümqi. Part B. What is the approximate population of the Beijing metropolitan area? Part C. Which part of China is most densely settled? Part D. Where are the populations of Japan and South Korea concentrated? Part E. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part F. Which place in East Asia has the highest population density? Part G. Which country has the oldest average population in East Asia? Part H. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part I. Using the information in the inset map to guide you, how large is the city of Tokyo? Part J. How many people live in the three regions of Japan's main urban concentrations? Part K. which three of the following statements are probably true?

A. (starting at top left then in a row clockwise) Ürümqi, Beijing, Pyongyang, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka-Kobe, Hiroshima, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong. B. between 10 and 20 million people C. the eastern portion, especially along the East China Sea D. in major cities E. 1. Hong Kong is one of ten cities located in the same general vicinity. 2. The Sichuan Basin is one of the most densely populated parts of the world. 3. Taiwan's west coast is more densely settled than its east coast. F. Hong Kong G. Japan H. 1. Both China and North Korea are experiencing outmigration. 2. The population of East Asia is more than 1.5 billion people. 3. Japan's population is not increasing. I. more than 50 kilometers in diameter J. 63.2 million K. 1. The Tokkaido corridor is to Japan as megalopolis is to the United States. 2. Rail service connects many of Japan's most populated areas. 3. Tokyo expanded more than 40 kilometers in radius from 1914 to 2011.

What religion did the indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia practice before the arrival of religions from elsewhere?


A thousand years ago, what was the major unifying force in South Asia?

Caste system

True or false Almost all of the rice that the Japanese consume comes from South Korea.


True or false China's government is following a path of pure capitalist development.


True or false Powerful typhoons have placed the greatest pressure on the forests of Southeast Asia.


True or false The Han are Chinese-speaking Muslims who are concentrated in the provinces of Gansu, Ningxia, and Yunnan.


True or false The term "China proper" refers to the geographic center of China.


What is the most serious natural hazard in Bangladesh?


What religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh?


According to the domino theory, if Vietnam fell to the communists, the two next countries to fall to communism would be

Laos and Cambodia.

Which country of East Asia has taken recent steps to acquire nuclear weaponry, triggering concern in the U.S.?

North Korea

Which country of East Asia is the most rigidly Marxist?

North Korea

What country of Southeast Asia has the region's lowest total Fertility Rate—a rate so low (below replacement level) that its population may soon begin to decline?


What country of Southeast Asia is the most highly urbanized?


What climate type is found in most of Japan?


Who are the Karen?

a tribal people of upland Burma

What is education like in Southeast Asia?

emphasis on basic education, but inadequate attention given to university and technical education

What is the name of the belief system that deals with designing buildings and placing objects on the landscape in accordance with the spiritual powers that course through the local topography?

feng shui

Of what material is the Khorat Plateau composed?


India's economy is most advanced in what economic activity?

software development

What agricultural system is sometimes referred to as "slash and burn"?


Which Southeast Asian country is primarily Roman Catholic?

the Philippines

What single factor is most responsible for the severity of environmental problems in East Asia?

the large population in the region

What is the major difference between the two types of tropical climates found in Southeast Asia?

the total amount of rainfall

What was the Chinese government's short-term objective in creating Special Economic Zones (SEZs)?

to attract foreign investment to support export production

What geological feature is associated with the islands of Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser Sunda Islands?

volcanic activity

As of 2012, what was the approximate population of Japan?

127 million

Currently, the Three Gorges Dam provides what percentage of China's electricity need?


Part A. On the following map, identify the following countries and autonomous regions of China: countries—China; Japan; North Korea; South Korea; Taiwan; autonomous regions—Guangxi; Inner Mongolia; Ningxia; Tibet; Xinjiang. Part B. Ownership of the four southernmost Kuril Islands is disputed. From which country is Japan seeking the return of these four islands? Part C. Why do so many countries claim the Spratly Islands? Part D. What city lies at the center of the ancient core of Chinese civilization? Part E. During which era did China control the most territory? Part F. What anthropogenic feature is shown on the map? Part G. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part H. Which Europeans had the greatest colonial presence in East Asia? Part I. Which East Asian country expanded to include at least part of every other country in the region by the middle of World War II? Part J. Which of these places was once under Russian influence, but eventually became independent of both Russia and China? Part K. which three of the following statements are probably true?

A. (starting at top middle and then clockwise) Inner Mongolia, North Korea, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Guangxi, Tibet, Xinjiang, China, Ningxia. B. Russia C. Petroleum reserves may be present there. D. Kaifeng E. during the Manchu (Ch'ing) Dynasty F. The Great Wall G. 1. China was smaller during the Ming Dynasty than it was during other dynasties. 2. China once included land that is now part of Russia. 3. Japan and South Korea have never been part of China. H. the British I. Japan J. Mongolia K. 1. The map covers a period of time before Korea was divided. 2. Russia's territorial gains in East Asia were all in adjacent areas. 3. As China lost territory, Japan expanded its empire.

Part A. On the following map, identify these countries of Southeast Asia: Burma (Myanmar); Brunei; Cambodia; East Timor; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; the Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam. Part B. Which of these countries has a peninsula? Part C. Which of these countries is part of insular Southeast Asia? Part D. Which of these countries is a city-state? Part E. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part F. Which country has mostly a tropical wet climate? Part G. Which way does the monsoon wind blow in January? Part H. Which city of Southeast Asia has a fall rainy season? Part I. Which city has the least seasonal variation in its climate? Part J. which three of the following statements are probably true?

A. (starting in top right then clockwise) the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, East Timor, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Burma B. Thailand C. Indonesia and the Phillipines D. Singapore E. 1. Of all the countries of Southeast Asia, Indonesia has the most islands. 2. Water is a dominant feature in Southeast Asia. 3. Southeast Asia is located on four tectonic plates. F. Indonesia G. From northeast to southwest H. DaNang, Vietnam I. Singapore J. 1. Tropical and humid climates dominate in the region. 2. Southeast Asia has two distinct monsoon seasons. 3. Peak hurricane season in the Caribbean is August to October, the same months as typhoon season in Southeast Asia.

Part A. On the following map, identify these capital cities: Bandar Seri Begawan; Bangkok; Dili; Hanoi; Jakarta; Kuala Lampur; Manila; Nay Pyi Taw; Phnom Penh; Viantiane. Part B. Where is population density the highest in Southeast Asia? Part C. Which of these cities has the lowest population density? Part D. Which country of Southeast Asia has the highest population density? Part E. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part F. Which island of Indonesia is the most common destination of government-sponsored migration from Java? Part G. Which island of Indonesia is the most common destination of unassisted migration from Java? Part H. Most of Java has a population density above 520 people per square mile. Which of these other islands of Indonesia have an equally high population density? Part I. Which part of Indonesia is largely uninhabited? Part J. which three of the following statements are probably true?

A. (starting on top left then clockwise) Hanoi, Viantiane, Manila, Bandar Seri Begawan, Dili, Jakarta, Kuala Lampur, Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Nay Pyi Taw. B. On Java, one of the islands of Indonesia C. Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei D. Singapore E. 1. Push factors appear to be strong in Laos. 2. The largest families in Southeast Asia are found in East Timor. 3. In spite of having the highest population density in Southeast Asia, Singapore continues to attract immigrants. F. Sumatra G. Sumatra H. Bali and Lombok I. Papua J. 1. Government-sponsored migrants from Java to Sumatra outnumbered unassisted migrants. 2. Indonesia is made up of many islands. 3. Most of the migrants leaving Java migrated to Sumatra, Kalimantan, or Sulawesi (Celebes).

Part A. On the following map, identify these physical features of South Asia: Aravalli Range; Central Makran Range; Deccan Plateau; Eastern Ghats; Ganges Plain; Godwin Austen Peak (K2); Mt. Everest; Satpura Range; Thar Desert; Western Ghats. Part B. Which country of South Asia is at the lowest elevation shown on the map? Part C. Where are the highest elevations in South Asia? Part D. Where do the Indus and Ganges Rivers originate? Part E. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part F. During which month does Cherrapunji, India, receive the highest amount of rainfall? Part G. Which city on the map is located in a desert region? Part H. Which city receives a significant amount of rainfall each month? Part I. Which city shows the least seasonality in its temperature? Part J. which three of the following statements are probably true?

A. (starting top right and then clockwise in order) Godwin Austen Peak (K2), Mt. Everest, Ganges Plain, Satpura Range, Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats, Deccan Plateau, Aravalli Range, Thar Desert, Central Makran Range B. Bangladesh C. in the north, along the northern plate boundary D. in the northern highland areas, along the northern plate boundary E. 1. The northern plate boundary in South Asia has been the site of about a dozen earthquakes since 1885. 2. The presence of mountains in South Asia means that orographic precipitation is a distinct possibility. 3. Bangladesh experiences a severe flooding risk. F. June G. Karachi, Pakistan H. Colombo, Sri Lanka I. Colombo, Sri Lanka J. 1. If Cherrapunji's rainfall were spread out equally throughout the year, the monthly average rainfall would be just over 35 inches. 2. Orographic precipitation explains the "tropical monsoon" climate in the southwest part of India. 3. In Mumbai, India, most of the rainfall comes from June through September.

Part A. On the following map, identify these cities: Bengaluru (Bangalore); Bhopal; Chennai (Madras); Colombo; Delhi; Dhaka; Karachi; Kathmandu; Kolkata; and Mumbai (Bombay). Part B. Where is the population of Sri Lanka concentrated? Part C. Where is the population of Pakistan concentrated? Part D. What is the population density in northern Bhutan? Part E. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part F. Which country of South Asia has experienced the greatest net emigration? Part G. In which of these places do push factors seem to be strongest? Part H. In which of these places do pull factors appear to be strongest? Part I. Which of these world regions has a major population of South Asian descent? Part J. which three of the following statements are probably true?

A. (starting top right and then going clockwise) Delhi, Kathmandu, Dhaka, Kolkata, Chennai (Madras), Colombo, Bengaluru (Bangalore), Mumbai (Bombay), Bhopal, Karachi B. In the southwest portion of the country C. In the Indus River Valley and the Punjab D. Between 6 and 25 people per square kilometer E. 1. Five cities in South Asia have a population that is higher than 10 million people. 2. Many tribal peoples live in the Eastern Ghats in India. 3. Bangladesh has the highest population density shown on the map. F. Nepal G. Andhra Pradesh H. Delhi I. The Caribbean J. 1. Two countries of Sub-Saharan Africa have major populations of South Asian descent. 2. British colonialism played a key role in the spread of the South Asian diaspora. 3. Cities in the United States and the United Kingdom are centers of recent settlement of South Asians.

Part A. On the following map, identify these islands: Borneo (Kalimantan); Java (Jawa); Luzon; Mindanao; Papua; Sulawesi (Celebes); Sumatra; Timor. Part B. Which European country was the colonial power in Indonesia? Part C. Which is the only country to have had colonies both in mainland and insular Southeast Asia? Part D. Which country of Southeast Asia was colonized by countries from two different continents? Part E. How many countries of Southeast Asia were colonies of France? Part F. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part G. Which of these countries is experiencing religious tensions? Part H. Which countries have autonomous areas? Part I. Which of these countries was an original member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) when it was founded in 1967? Part J. which two of the following statements are probably true?

A. (starting top right then clockwise) Luzon, Mindanao, Papua, Timor, Sulawesi, Borneo, Java, Sumatra B. The Netherlands C. Britain D. The Philippines E. Three F. 1. Six countries held colonies in Southeast Asia. 2. Portugal was the first European country to establish a colony in Southeast Asia. 3. Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that avoided colonization. G. Indonesia H. Indonesia and the Philippines I. The Philippines J. 1. Separatist rebellions have been present in Southeast Asia since 1990. 2. Conflicts in the southern Philippines reflect both ethnic and religious elements.

Part A. Which Europeans controlled the most territory in South Asia in 1700? Part B. In which part of South Asia were European possessions and territory concentrated in 1700? Part C. Who controlled the vast majority of South Asia in 1700? Part D. which three of the following statements are probably true? Part E. By what name was the modern state of Sri Lanka known in 1900? Part F. Which colonial power held possessions in South Asia in 1700, but had none in 1900? Part G. What was the status of Nepal and Bhutan in 1900? Part H. On the following map, identify these countries of South Asia: Bangladesh; Bhutan; India; the Maldives; Nepal; Pakistan; Sri Lanka. Part I. Which of these countries is experiencing serious Maoist revolutionary movements? Part J. which three of the following statements are probably true?

A. the Dutch B. along the coast C. the Mughal Empire D. 1. Eastern portions of Afghanistan and Iran appear to have been part of the Mughal Empire in 1700. 2. The modern state of Bhutan was independent in 1700. 3. The southern tip of the subcontinent was mostly independent in 1700. E. Ceylon F. the Dutch G. They were British protectorates. H. (starting top right then clockwise) Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, India, Pakistan I. Nepal J. 1. In Pakistan, regions adjacent to Afghanistan and Iran are experiencing the greatest political issues within the country. 2. Bangladesh and Bhutan are relatively peaceful. 3. Sri Lanka's civil war ended in 2009.

What are the causes of deforestation in South Asia?

All of the above

What is the most isolated country in South Asia?


In 2011, this country was ranked along with Afghanistan as the third most corrupt country in the world.


Which country of East Asia has the greatest linguistic diversity?


What is transmigration?

It is the relocation of a nation's population from one location to another within its national territory.

The Shinto religion is most closely associated with which country of East Asia?


What country in East Asia has resorted to "pollution exporting" as a way to improve its environment?


Which country of East Asia has the strongest forest preservation efforts in the region?


Where is China's "rust belt" located?


Using the figure, which of the following languages covers the most in area?


What is the major reason for animosity toward Chinese immigrants in the countries of Southeast Asia?

Many of Chinese immigrants are rather prosperous compared to the locals.

What is the longest river in Southeast Asia?


Who is the father-figure of Indian independence?

Mohandas Gandhi

Who were the first Europeans to arrive in Southeast Asia to colonize the region?


Currently, some 35,000 U.S. troops are stationed in Japan, and another 28,000 are stationed in

South Korea

True or False South Asia could soon surpass East Asia to become the world's most populous region.


True or false China's economic expansion has created tensions with the United States.


True or false Confucianism held that people should be judged on the basis of their behavior and education, rather than family backgrounds.


True or false Under the terms of China's "Great Leap Forward" policy, peasants were forced to contribute a large percentage of their crops to the state.


Who brought Islam to South Asia?

Turkic-speaking Muslims from Central Asia

Japan remained largely closed to foreign commerce and influence until ________ gunboats sailed into Tokyo Bay in 1853 to demand trade access.

United States

The populations of Japan and South Korea

are concentrated mainly in cities.

Why do some of the poorest regions of India have relatively high literacy rates despite their poverty?

because of the educational efforts of Christian missionaries

What work are Sikh men noted for?


How were the Himalayas formed?

by the collision of peninsular India with the Asian landmass

What are "hutments"?

crude shelters built on formerly busy sidewalks in India

Which of the following phrases best describes the agriculture in East Asia?

highly productive, but does not produce enough to feed all the people in the region

Which of the following is NOT one of the major external cultural influences on Southeast Asia?

indentured workers from Japan

Which of the following factors helps to explain the historical lack of settlement in Southeast Asia?

infertile soil

All of the following statements about Mahayana Buddhism are true, EXCEPT

it is strongest in Southeast Asia.

Religious tradition, dowries, and the introduction of technologies such as ultrasound machines are all identified as possible explanations for what trend in South Asia's human geography?

male-biased sex ratios

Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to recent air pollution in Southeast Asia?

release of toxic gases from a fertilizer factory

The Green Revolution in South Asia

relied in part on newly developed varieties of crops.

What are the sources of ethnic violence in Sri Lanka?

religious and linguistic differences

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