Geography chapter 6

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. Significant human alteration of the natural landscape has occurred only since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. (TRUE OR FALSE)


47. Cultural integration is the term applied to the intermixture of ethnic traits within a pluralistic society. (TRUE OR FALSE)


48. English cities with names ending in "chester" such as Manchester bear witness to Norse invaders. (TRUE OR FALSE)


50. English is the official United States language. (TRUE OR FALSE)


53. Depopulation of the Chaco Canyon settlements was caused by abrupt and disastrous climatic change. (TRUE OR FALSE)


72. The persistence of Chinatowns, Little Havanas, and Little Italys is evidence of cultural assimilation. (TRUE OR FALSE)


All the universalizing religions had their origin hearths in Southwest Asia. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Although they display some important dialect differences, essentially all people of India have Hindi as their native tongue. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Cultural lag is the period between introduction of an innovation in major cities and its adoption at lower levels in the urban hierarchy. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Culture involves social relationships, ideas and beliefs but not material objects (TRUE OR FALSE)


Nearly three-quarters of the world's population adhere to tribal and ethnic religions. (TRUE OR FALSE)


On the gender empowerment measure, all European countries received the highest ranking. (TRUE OR FALSE)


The majority of the Muslims in the world are Shiites. TRUE OR FALSE


Buddhism in China and Japan has completely obliterated the local indigenous traditions. TRUE OR FALSE


. There are almost one billion Hindus in the world and most of them are concentrated in India. (TRUE OR FALSE)


61. Possibilism is the viewpoint that humans are the active agents in shaping culture, selecting from the environment the opportunities and resources their need and technical levels make evident and needed. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Both Christianity and Islam have their origins in Judaism. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Canada is officially a bilingual country. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Ethnocentrism is the feeling of superiority of one's own ethnic group. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Most dialects have a spatial pattern. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Syncretism implies the fusion of old and new culture traits into a new, composite form. (TRUE OR FALSE)


The Japanese love of baseball is an example of acculturation. (TRUE OR FALSE)


The North-South Brandt line divides the world based on degree of industrialization and per capita wealth. (TRUE OR FALSE)


The division of Islam into two major sects is attributed to the issue of the legitimacy of the rightful successor of Mohammed, the most revered prophet of the religion. (TRUE OR FALSE)


The sociological subsystem of a culture expresses accepted patterns of interpersonal and group behavior and agreed-upon institutions. (TRUE OR FALSE)


Today, advanced societies from around the world have experienced cultural convergence and share common technologies and organizational structures. (TRUE OR FALSE)


12. The Indo-European language family A. is made up of separate languages collectively spoken by about one-half of the world's population. B. is spatially confined to the area extending from southeastern Europe eastward to northern India. C. despite dialect differences has retained an essentially common vocabulary shared by all. D. was strongly affected during its formative period by English colonization and the defeat of the Spanish armada.


25. Ethnic communities are composed of populations with distinguishing A. cultural heritages. B. citizenship and political affiliations. C. racial characteristics. D. music and food preferences.


27. The spread of culture traits from one area to other areas is called A. diffusion. B. innovation. C. civilization. D. modernization.


33. Which one of the following languages belongs to the same language subfamily with English? A. German B. Spanish C. French D. Russian


40. Which one of the universalizing religions originated in India and was brought by missionaries into China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, Tibet, and Mongolia, where it became the dominant religion? A. Buddhism B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Shintoism


43. _________ is an amalgam of languages, usually a simplified form of one of them, such as English or French, with borrowing from another, perhaps non-European local language. A. Pidgin B. Creole C. Lingua franca D. Standard language


44. Which religion was spread largely through dispersions and persecutions? A. Judaism B. Christianity C. Confucianism D. Hinduism


46. Shiites and Sunnis are two major religious sects of _______. A. Islam B. Shinto C. Buddhism D. Hinduism


5. The rejected theory that cultures are controlled by the physical geography of their surroundings was A. environmental determinism. B. cultural divergence imitation. C. cultural convergence legislation. D. possibilism elementary school.


1. The one way in which culture is NOT transmitted to younger generations is by A. imitation. B. mutation. C. instruction. D. example.


11. Pidgin and creole languages are distinguished from one another by the fact that pidgin A. may be based on any European language; creole is always a French dialect. B. is always a second language for all its speakers; creole has become a distinctive first language of a society. C. is a simplified European language taught to native populations; creole is a simplified native language. D. is any invented language of Asia and the Pacific; creole is based on French and found in the Caribbean.


18. Examples of the worldwide diffusion of English include all of the following EXCEPT A. over 70 percent of internet pages are in English. B. it is one of two working languages at the United Nations. C. it is the accepted language for international air traffic control. D. it is the official language of 60 countries, including the United States.


20. Of the following major world religions, the newest is A. Buddhism. B. Islam. C. Judaism. D. Hinduism.


21. Which of the following religions has remained dominant in its area of origin? A. Christianity B. Islam C. Buddhism D. Nihilism


23. A primary basis for the partition of the Indian subcontinent following British rule was to A. reduce tension and conflict between speakers of Indo-European Hindi and Dravidian Tamil tongues. B. recognize the existence of distinctive regional religious concentrations and animosities. C. adhere to a demand voiced by Mohandas Gandhi. D. recognize the territorial rights of Buddhist Bangladesh.


31. Most of the people in the Middle East speak A. Hindi. B. Arabic. C. Turkish. D. Persian.


37. The political movement devoted to the creation of a Jewish state is A. Hegira. B. Zionism. C. Nanpur. D. Brahman.


41. Which of the following religions did NOT arise in Southwestern Asia? A. Judaism B. Buddhism C. Christianity D. Islam


42. Which language is the most dominant in terms of number of speakers who use it as their primary or secondary tongue? A. Spanish B. Mandarin (China) C. English D. Arabic


6. Cultural convergence implies that A. distinctive cultures will disappear. B. world populations increasingly share a common technology. C. all cultures can be traced back to a common ancestor group. D. world trade reduces the importance of national borders.


7. Which of the following statements about purchasing power parity is NOT true? A. It takes into account price levels in different countries. B. By this measure, the difference between rich and poor countries is less pronounced. C. By this measure, the difference between rich and poor countries is more pronounced. D. It is an alternative measure to per capita gross national income.


8. The chief centers for plant and animal domestication include all of the following EXCEPT A. West Africa. B. North America. C. Meso-America. D. Southern and Southeast Asia.


16. It is believed that the Indo-European protolanguage originated about 5,000 years ago in A. the Ganges Valley of northern India. B. the ancient hearth region of Mesopotamia. C. Eastern Europe or central Turkey. D. southern France or northern Iberia.


19. The study of place-names as evidence of past cultural presence and change is called A. topography. B. topology. C. toponymy. D. toposcopy


2. The smallest distinctive item of culture is called a A. culture norm. B. culture complex. C. culture trait. D. cultural landscape.


22. Which of the following is NOT considered a "universalizing" religion? A. Islam B. Buddhism C. Judaism D. Christianity


26. Which one of the following items is an example of a cultural trait? A. race B. eye color C. technology D. climate


30. A group of languages thought to have shared the same origin is A. Hindi, Ukrainian, and Chinese. B. Chinese, Japanese, and Australian. C. Hindi, Russian, and Spanish. D. Arabic, Hindi, and Tibetan.


34. Acculturation is the term applied to A. the rise of a social group from savagery to civilization. B. the curriculum objective of U.S. public schools. C. the process by which one culture group adopts the characteristics of another dominant group. D. the process of melding traits or traditions of two different cultures into a composite acceptable to both originating groups.


38. What is the Koran? A. the geography and history of the Middle East in ancient times B. the Hindu book of holy scriptures C. the sayings of Allah revealed to Mohammed D. the life and teachings of prophets who followed Mohammed


45. Racial classifications A. are based on detailed genetic analyses. B. group people into categories such as Irish, Hispanic, and Asian. C. have been dismissed by most anthropologists and geneticists. D. are based on ethnicity and/or nationality.


10. It is estimated that about 10% of the cultural items in a society are attributable to _____ by its members and 90% to __________. A. creativity; cultural spontaneity B. spatial diffusion; diffraction C. innovation; implementation D. innovation; spatial diffusion


13. The spread of English as a worldwide language was the result of A. the success of England and the United States in World Wars I and II. B. international agreements upon a common language to avoid the confusion of multiple European tongues. C. the connection between use of English and receipt of foreign aid by developing countries. D. the establishment of overseas colonies and former English dominance in world trade.


15. Religions are important keys to human geographic understanding because A. with their emphasis upon charity and the afterlife, religions play a universal pacifying role. B. they are one of the very few aspects of human culture totally divorced from the environments they occupy. C. each major world religion is identified with a specific parent language. D. religious beliefs intimately affect all facets of a culture.


17. A language may be defined as A. a literary tradition developed in a specific geographic area. B. a cultural constant of the sociological subsystem. C. the necessary basis of national identity. D. an organized system of speech communication.


24. The most distinctive contrast between folk and popular culture is that A. folk culture is, in general, authoritarian and repressive; popular culture reflects progressive, democratic influences. B. folk culture is limited in geographical range and only spreads through hierarchical diffusion. C. folk cultures are restricted to primitive, pre-literate territories of developing countries; popular cultures are universal in developed, industrialized states. D. folk culture reflects the traditional way of life of groups isolated from and resistant to outside influences; popular culture simply implies the general mass of people conforming to ever-changing fads and common modes of behavior.


28. Which one of the following groups of areas was among the world's earliest centers of plant and animal domestication? A. British Isles, Scandinavia, United States B. Northeast Asia, Eastern Europe, South Africa C. Australia, New Zealand, Greenland D. Southwest Asia, West Africa, Andean South America


29. The term referring to socially created distinctions between masculine and feminine roles in society is A. sexuality. B. bimorphism. C. dualism. D. gender.


3. The cultural landscape A. summarizes the nonmaterial aspects of a society. B. is equivalent to a culture realm or a single-trait social region. C. represents the real extent of a hearth region. D. includes house types, cities, agricultural fields, transportation networks, parks, and cemeteries.


32. Which of the following languages belongs in the Romance language subfamily with French? A. English B. German C. Welsh D. Spanish


35. A religion that teaches that a person's status in this life is determined by his/her existence in previous lives is A. Shintoism. B. Islam. C. Confucianism. D. Hinduism.


36. Which one of the following religions is not monotheistic? A. Judaism B. Christianity C. Islam D. Hinduism


39. Which one of the following is an example of an ethnic group? A. the Association of American Geographers B. Southerners C. Christians D. Mexican-Americans


4. The three subsystems of a culture are A. ideas, beliefs, and knowledge. B. religious, political, and educational. C. culture trait, culture complex, and cultural landscape. D. technological, sociological, and ideological.


9. When a social group does not adopt a useful innovation, it is said to display A. contradiction. B. dissonant resistance. C. social retardation. D. cultural lag.


The top four languages spoken by the greatest number of people worldwide are A. Mandarin, Hindi/Urdu, Spanish, and Russian. B. English, French, German, and Spanish. C. Mandarin, Japanese, English, and Spanish. D. Mandarin, English, Hindi/Urdu, and Spanish.


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