Geology Ch 13

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An elongated area of high pressure on an air pressure map is called a(n) ______, and an elongated area of low pressure is called a(n) ______.

ridge; trough

During the daytime, air rises over the relatively warm land and sinks over the cool ocean, creating a(n) ___ breeze


The steep side of a sand dune, down which sand is slipping, is known as the _____ face


Some areas deviate from the expected pattern of SST because of _______ currents carrying cold water away from the poles and warm water away from the equator.


Shallow, wind-driven ocean currents traveling clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere are called ______. Ocean currents that sink as a result of increased density and are part of the thermohaline conveyor are called ______.

surface currents; deep currents

The thermohaline conveyor ______.

takes about 1,000 years for water to complete the trip is a deep-water current transports deep water nearly around the globe is driven by density differences involves cold, saline water sinking

Wind direction is given as the direction ______.

the air is coming from

As the sea-surface temperatures increase with global warming, storms may become more severe because ______.

the rate of evaporation would increase, allowing more heat energy to be carried into the atmosphere

Seasons are caused by the ______ of Earth relative to the Sun.


The seasonal changes in prevailing wind direction are called ______, and often result in torrential rainstorms when the changes bring steady onshore winds.


The Sun warms equatorial regions of Earth ______ than the poles. This causes an area of ______ pressure to develop near the equator. As a result, the northeast and southeast trade winds are created as air at the surface then flows ______ the equator.

more; low; toward

The greenhouse effect ______.

occurs when infrared energy radiating upward from Earth's surface is trapped by the atmosphere

Dunes that are curved and have their tails pointing into the wind are ______ dunes; dunes that appear as more than a singular type are called ______ dunes.

parabolic; composite

Which of the following factors influence the formation of precipitation?

pressure humidity temperature

Which of the following are major factors affecting regional climate?

prevailing winds, latitude, elevation, types of ocean currents nearby

Tree rings, fossils, stalactites, ice cores, and tiny marine organisms are all types of _____ evidence we use to study past climate change


A desert ______.

receives less than 25 cm of precipitation per year has sparse vegetation often lacks permanent streams

True or false: A funnel cloud is exactly the same thing as a tornado.


Air that is heated at the equator moves upward, then either north or south, where it sinks at approximately 30°, in a ______.

flow cell

True or false: The seasons are caused by Earth's proximity to the Sun.


Wind speed increases exponentially with height because rocks and trees create a rough surface that slows down surface winds due to ______


Which one of the following statements best summarizes Earth's climate over its long history?

It has been much warmer and much colder than it is today; climate change is usual for Earth.

Which of the following statements accurately describe the importance of rain forests?

- They are responsible for about 30% of the photosynthetic activity on Earth and take in a lot of carbon dioxide.- They contain at least 5 million species of plants and animals.

The ITCZ is a zone of ___ pressure and high ___

low rainfall

Why do large deserts often form in subtropical regions?

A zone of high pressure results in descending air that warms and becomes even drier.

Match the letter with the sediment size most likely to be associated with the situation

A. Pebbles and large materialB. Smaller sand-sized grainsC. Very small particles (clay and silt)D. Larger sand-sized grains.

When levels of certain aerosols increase or ash from large volcanic eruptions stays in the atmosphere for extended periods of time, some solar energy can be blocked from reaching Earth's surface and can cause average global temperatures to decrease. This is a process called ______.

global cooling

Increasing global atmospheric and oceanic temperatures from some point in the past to the present is indicated by the phrase ______.

global warming

The more collisions there are between gas molecules, the ______ air pressure will be.


Wind speed ______ with height from the ground.


Which of the following are true about the surface currents in the world's oceans?

- Ocean currents transfer amount of energy around the surface of Earth.- Warm and cold currents link up to form oval-shaped circulation patterns called gyres.

Desertification may result from which of the following?

- Overgrazing by livestock- Diversion of surface water- Extended periods of drought- Poor farming techniques

Identify possible consequences of climate change.

- Snow and ice might melt faster, thus reducing the extent of glaciers. - Some regions might get colder. - The distribution of communities of plants and animals may shift in response to changing climate.

What are gyres in the world's oceans?

large oval-shaped circulation patterns of surface currents

Match the region in the image with the appropriate description A B C D

A: Precipitation often falls as snow.B: Most of the continental United States is affected by this cell.C: Tropical jungles are present. Air rises at 0 and sinks at 30 north or south.D: This Kalahari Desert results from sinking air at 30 south.

Condensation nuclei Cloud droplets Typical raindrops

.002 .02 2

Although the percentage does vary by location, the average amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is _ percent


Approximately what percentage of Earth's atmosphere is water vapor?


Which of the following are major threats to the survival of rain forests?

=Cattle production =Commercial logging =Mining for natural resources =Construction of dams =Subsistence farming

Which are characteristics of a rain forest?

=May be either tropical or temperate =Has greatest species diversity of any land ecosystem =Has high annual rainfall and no freezing temperatures

Which of the following areas are deserts?

=Sahara and Kalahari =Mojave and Sonoran =Atacama and Gobi =Greenland and Antarctica

Match the location on the map with the most appropriate description of events.

A: Water cools and becomes more saline; water sinks.B: Water upwells to the surface, bringing nutrients with it.C: Cold water travels as a deep current and mixes with water formed near Antarctica.

Match the letter with the correct description of the area depicted in a supercell thunderstorm.

A A rounded upper dome B This is a rotating updraft C Lighting forms from D Microburst

what is a monsoon

A seasonal change in the prevailing wind direction that often results in a major change in the amount of precipitation an area receives


Air rises and cools, vapor condenses and falls as significant amounts of rainfall that help create tropical forests. North-moving air meets south-moving air at the surface, and air rises and cools. Vapor condenses and rain and snow fall. Subtropics; descending masses of air dry out the region and create desert conditions.

A hailstone is a ______.

Ball of ice that forms within a cloud as updrafts and downdrafts keep ice aloft until it grows large enough to fall.

Match the dune type with its description.

Barchan - Crescent-shaped dune Longitudinal - Linear dune formed parallel to winds Star - Various ridges extending from central peak Transverse - Linear dune formed perpendicular to winds

Match the desert feature with its description.

Caliche This is a soil-related accumulation of calcareous material that cement clasts, creating a hard layer. Pediment This is a gently sloping surface, created by the erosion of bedrock Desert wash (arroyo) This is a sand and gravel-rich channel created during intense, high flow rain events. Alluvial fan This is a triangular-shaped deposit of loose sediment where channel drainage changes from steep to gentle. Playa This is a shallow, closed basin.

which may be causes of drought

Change in the direction of an ocean current Changes in wind direction Change in weather pattern

The overall ______ of a region may be directly affected by latitude, elevation, ocean currents, prevailing wind directions, and other factors.


Match the type of desert to the process(es) that cause their formation.

Coastal deserts == Cold upwelling waters cool the air and limit the amount of moisture it can hold. Subtropical deserts == Global atmospheric circulation patterns result in a zone of high pressure which brings in dry descending air Rainshadow deserts == Mountains force air to rise and cool causing precipitation on the upwind side and air to descend, warm, and become less humid on the downwind side. Polar deserts == Cold dry air and often frozen water limit the amount of humidity in the air. Continental deserts == Dry air results when winds blow long distances without encountering sources of moisture.

As a cold air mass advances in on a warm air mass, a ____ front is created and represented on a weather map by a ____ (color) line, whereas a ____ front is represented on a weather map by a ___ (color) line and is developed as a warm air mass advance on a cooler air mass

Cold Blue Warm Red

canopy, understory, forest floor

Contains most of the rain forest's species; captures most of the sunlight Most plants are short and have broad leaves; shaded Contains few nutrients; organic debris

Which of the following explains how and why atmospheric pressure changes with altitude?

Density of molecules in the atmosphere decreases upward, as does the force of Earth's gravity. Atmospheric pressure lowers with increasing altitude.

Which of the following are types of depositional features commonly associated with desert environments?

Dunes Loess

Select all that apply Which of the following are true about maps displaying air pressure?

H and L on the map indicate high- and low-pressure areas, respectively. Lines of equal pressure are called isobars.

When updrafts and downdrafts within a cloud vertically move a particle of ice up and down, which allows a buildup of layers to occur on the ice until it becomes too large to remain aloft, ____ form.


Which are true of supercell thunderstorms?

Have a strong, rotating updraft Have anvil-shaped clouds Rare compared to regular thunderstorms Can generate powerful tornadoes

Which of the following factors directly influence the wind?

Heat released by the condensation of water Heat absorbed by the evaporation of water Unequal solar heating

What is the acronym for the line along the equator where the northeast and southeast trade winds converge, creating a low-pressure zone with a large amount of rainfall that shifts by season?


Match the phase of water with an appropriate description of the events leading to the formation of that phase.

Liquid water: Air rises and cools, causing condensation to occur; air sinks and warms, causing crystals to melt. Ice: Liquid water is solidified at cooler temperatures; air rises and cools to a low enough temperature that crystals form. Vapor: Water molecules escape from liquid water through evaporation; air sinks

Sand is deposited in deserts in piles of sediment called _____. Windblown silt and clay is deposited as ___


Which of the following are true regarding atmospheric pressure?

May be measured by a barometer. Is recorded in bars or millibars. Is lower in the thermosphere than in the stratosphere. Is caused by the weight of gas molecules, creating a force on Earth's surface.

What is the primary cause of greater air pressure?

More molecular collisions

Temperature, pressure, and humidity are all factors that influence the type of ______ that forms and whether any forms at all.


Rank the sediment transport process in terms of grain size, with the finest on top and the coarsest on the bottom.

Sediment is carried in suspension Sediment is transported through Sediment rolls Sediment is not

Which are associated with low-pressure systems?

Stormy weather Rising air masses Counterclockwise flow (Northern Hemisphere)

The most easily observed, general pattern of SST is that ______.

Temperatures decrease with increased latitude

When warm surface currents flow past a landmass, and winds blow toward the land from the water, what happens to the climate of the land?

The climate of the land becomes warmer and wetter, as the wind takes heat and moisture from the warm current toward the landmass.

Which of the following accurately explain a sea breeze (the wind is blowing onshore)?

The land has warmed faster than the sea; it is likely daytime

Which of the following are true regarding hurricanes?

They are driven by energy from warm ocean water. Dry air flows down the center of a hurricane. They spiral counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. They form in zones of low atmospheric pressure.

Which of the following are true regarding hurricanes?

They spiral counterclockwise in the Northern Hemsisphere They are driven by energy from warm ocean water Dry air flows down the center of a hurricane They form in zones of low atmospheric pressure

A rotating, funnel-shaped column of air that extends down to the ground is called a(n) _______ if it does not reach the ground it is called a ______ ______

Tornado Funnel Cloud

Place the storm events in relative order from shortest lasting (on top) to longest lasting (minutes to hours to days).

Tornado Supercell Thunderstorm Hurricane

True or false: Antarctica is a desert.


True or false: Earth has been much warmer and much colder than it is today.


What are the primary causes of wind

Uneven heating of Earth's surface Movement of air from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure

Match the rain forest action with its importance to ecology.

Uptake of carbon dioxide: About 30%Provide lush envrionments At least 5 million species of plants and animals live Local climateRain forest take in solar energy

Which of these would be considered weather, rather than climate, events?

Vancouver, British Columbia, experiences a very warm winter and doesn't receive enough snowfall for Winter Olympic events. A high amount of rainfall over the course of a weekend causes flooding in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. A heat wave strikes Atlanta, Georgia, causing many people to experience heat exhaustion.

Match the feature of wind erosion with its description

Vegetation holds sediment in place while surrounding materials are eroded Sand is blown against rocks in an area and those rocks become sandblasted

Match the type of storm with its appropriate description Tornado Hurricane Super Cell

Violently rotating, funnel-shaped column of air that extends down to the ground; winds typically hundreds of kilometers per hour Tropical circulating mass of warm, moist air located over water; winds in excess of 117 kph A column of turbulent, moist air with lightning, rain, hail, and strong wind; a violent thunderstorm

Which of the following are dangers associated with hurricanes?

Which of the following are dangers associated with hurricanes?

What best describes how the feature in the image was created?

Windblown sediment has "sandblasted" the rock to erode it into strange shapes.

When air masses rise, a ___-pressure system develops. Rain is often associated with these systems


Most sand dunes are characteristically ______, with a steep slip face on one side and a leeward side.


Air that rises at the equator flows north and south aloft and then sinks at approximately 30° north and south, respectively, in a _____ cell


A calcareous-rich accumulation in an arid environment creates a hard layer called


A large volcanic eruption that spews tremendous amounts of ash high into the atmosphere can lead to global


An arid region that receives less than 25 cm (10 in) rainfall per year is a(n) ________


Converting other lands into desert is called ______.


Differences in the thermal responses of land and the sea influence the ______.

direction the wind blows

An extended period of below-average precipitation caused by changes in wind directions, weather patterns, or ocean currents is called ______.


What lies behind nearly all destruction of rain forests, whether for subsidence farming or access to natural resources, are _____ pressures


What lies behind nearly all destruction of rain forests, whether for subsidence farming or access to natural resources, are ______ pressures


The vertical movements of air are called ______.

updrafts and downdrafts

As a warm air mass advances on a cooler air mass, a ______ front is developed. If the opposite occurs, then a(n) ______ front is created instead.

warm; cold

We currently refer to the measured 40-year trend of increasing temperatures in the atmosphere and oceans as global


The temperature, pressure, and precipitation conditions of the atmosphere for a specific place on a given day is called ______, whereas a longer term view of these same factors, typically taken over a period of many years, is called _______

weather Climate

The climate of eastern Australia is ______ due to the flow of winds across the ______ Current. In Europe, winds blow across the ______ to make the climate ______.

wetter; East Australian; Gulf Stream; more moderate

Surface ocean currents are mostly driven by ______, whereas deep-ocean currents are driven by ______.

wind; temperature and salinity

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