Geology final

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S wave

"shaking" particle motion at right angles to the direction of wave travel


A _ is formed when magma intrudes between existing sedimentary layers

fault creep

A few sections of the San Andreas Fault exhibit a slow, gradual displacement known as_.


An _ exhibits sedimentary layers that are parallel to each other above and below an erosive surface.

under pressure rises above the aquifer level

An artesian system is present when groundwater_


An atom that has more or fewer neutrons that it should

first, the limestone was laid down, then intruded by the igneous dike, and lastly the sandstone was deposited

An igneous dike cuts through limestone, but not through the overlying sandstone. Which of the following statements is most accurate?


Are records of seismic waves

are able to transmit water great distances from recharge to discharge areas

As shown by the South Dakota example, artesian systems_/

The location on the Earth's surface directly above the point of slippage

Describe the epicenter


Following the deposition of a sequence of sedimentary rocks, which event is the first to occur to produce an angular unconformity?

igneous activity has occured more recently in the area

Geysers are more common in the western United states because_

Surface waves

Have the slowest velocity

The water table elevation decreases

How does the water table change around a pumping water well?

Water table will fall

How will the water table respond when there is a drought?

the limestone is the oldest and the succession is comformable

If a limestone, a shale, and a sandstone are deposited in that order without interruption, which of the following is true?

blocks of rock will slide relative to one another along a fault, causing an earthquake

If the stress applied to the rock is greater than rock strength, what happens?

The water table is lower than the stream surface

In a losing stream,_


In terms of freshwater storage, groundwater is second only to which of the following sources?

a well for industrial purposes is drilled proximal to a smaller, domestic well

In which situation does the cone of depression need to be taken into account?

Moment magnitude scale

Measures the total energy released during an earthquake by determining the average amount of slip on the fault, the area of the fault surface that slipped, and the strength of the faulted rock

zone of saturation

The _ is the point in the subsurface where 100% of the pore spaces are filled with water

increases the hydraulic gradient

The cone of depression _ near a wall

down; normal

The hanging wall moves _ relative to the footwall in a _ fault.

Near subduction zones

The highest magnitude earthquakes typically occur?

the zone of saturation

The majority of groundwater is stored within which of the following zones?

The amount of damage to structures caused by an earthquake

The modified mercalli intensity scale rates earthquake intensity by?


The name of the site where slippage begins and earthquake waves radiate outward is called the _.

wave speed

The names primary and secondary refer to?

at the focus or hypocenter

The slippage of an earthquake starts_

penetrate well below the regional water table surface

To ensure a continuous supply of water, a well must do what?


True or false Groundwater migrates from areas of low pressure to areas of high pressure


True or false: Tsunamis travel as a single wave across the ocean


True or false: the first life on earth developed during the Cambrian Period.

The rate of decay of atoms in container A is greater than the rate of decay of atoms in container B.

Two containers hold the same radioactive isotope. Container A contains 1000 atoms, and container B contains 500 atoms. Which of the following statements about containers A and B is true?


Volume of pore space in a material

limited to a short span of geologic time, but widely distrubuted

What are the characteristics of an index fossil?

a dimple in the water table surface due to water pumped faster than an aquifier can be replenished

What best describes the cone of depression

Reversing the direction of flow in the aquifer subsidence saltwater contamination

What can result from excessive pumping of groundwater?

surface waves

What do we call seismic waves that are transmitted along the outside of earth?


What era are we currently in?


What groundwater feature forms where the water table intersects with the Earth's surface, creating a natural outflow of groundwater?

parent isotopes turn into daughter isotopes

What happens during radioactive decay?

matching up rocks of similar age in different regions

What is correlation?

The shape that the water table takes on near a pumping well

What is the cone of depression?

The amount of time over which the number of parent isotopes decreases by half

What is the scientific definition of a half-life?


What is the term for stored-up energy released by earthquakes?


What percentage of Earths water is in the form of groundwater?


What percentage of earths liquid freshwater is in the form of groundwater?

A dike trunscates layers in a sedimentary succession

What scenario requires a geologist to use the principle of cross cutting relationships?

fault scarp

When a fault is expressed at a surface, it is called a _.

when the cone of depression of a second well intersects the deepest part of Well A

When might a well, Well A go dry?

drawdown decreases with increasing distance from the well

When water is pumped from a well, drawdown occurs. Which of the following is a true statement regarding drawdown?

Circum-Pacific Belt

Where is the zone of the greatest seismic activity on earth?


Which concept could be used to relatively age date an igneous intrusion?

nature of surface material steepness of the slope intensity of rainfall

Which of the following are factors that will influence infiltration of groundwater?

organisms with overlapping ranges and geologically short lifespans

Which of the following characteristics is the most desirable for constraining the relative age of rocks?

aquitards must be present both above and below the aquifer

Which of the following is a requirement for an artesian system to exist?

the distance between two wells that penetrate the zone of saturation

Which of the following is necessary to calculate hydraulic gradient?

offset fences

Which of the following might be seen where strike-slip movement has occured?

shaking particles at right angles to the direction of travel

Which of the following motions best describes the movement of S waves as they travel through rocks following the release of energy during an earthquake

S waves

Which of the following types of seismic body waves travel only through solids?

Unconsolidated sediments

Which of the following would be the most unstable during an earthquake?

The zone of soil moisture

Which of the following zones is the location of the most biological activity?

P waves

Which of the three types of seismic waves travels through rock with the greatest velocity


Which tectonic boundary is responsible for the most powerful and destructive earthquakes recorded?


Which type of earthquake destruction can cause houses to sink into the ground?

Surface waves

Which type of seismic waves generally cause the most structural damage as they travel through Earth?

Pore spaces between rocks and sediments

Worldwide, the largest percentage of fresshwater readily available to humans is stored in?


_ are smaller earthquakes of lesser magnitude that follow a major earthquake

Megathrust; convergent

_ faults are associated with _ plate boundaries

nonflowing artesian well

a _ is located where the pressure surface is above the aquifer, but below the ground.


a perched aquifer is located directly above an_

seismic gap

a region without seismic activity for one or more centuries

igneous dike, sandstone, metamorphic rock

a sandstone contains inclusions of metamorphic rock. An igneous dike cuts both the sandstone and inclusions. List the rocks from youngest to oldest


a term used to define 88% of earth's history prior to the start of the paleozoic era

trace fossil

a worm burrow is an example of which type of fossilization?


ability to transmit water

the fault is the youngest because it cuts through all the sedimentary layers and basalt

an igneaous dike cuts across existing sedimentary layers and erupts at the surface, creating a layer of basalt. the basalt, as well as all the layers below, are then cut by a fault. Which statement is tue?

principles of superposition and later continuity

an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rocks is exposed in a large river canyon. Which two principles would be demonstrated by the rock


are instruments that sense earthquake waves and transmit them to a recording device

P waves

compression and expansion

high to low pressure areas

groundwater flows from _

the periods of the time scale were constructed based on ranges of fossil organisms

how is the geologic time scale related to the fossil record?

all of the organisms had to be alive when the rock was deposited

if a rock contains ten different kinds of fossils, which of the following must be true

all of the sedimentary units must have been deposited and lithified before being cut by the fault

if a sequence of sedimentary units is cut by a fault, what does the principle of cruss cutting relationships tell a geologist.

flowing artesian well

if a well is drilled into an aquifer where the pressure surface is both above the aquifer and the ground, a _ is formed.


if one half-life has lapsed, what is the radioactive parent to stable daughter isotope ratio?


petrified wood is an example of what type of fossil preservation?

fossil range

the period of time when an organism first and last appears in the sedimentary record

fossil succession

the principle of _ states that organisms succeed one another in a definite, determinable order that can be used to recognize a specific time.


the sedimentary layers above an erosive surface are _ relative to all rocks present below the surface


true or false: The fossil record is biased toward preserving organisms with hard parts.

the organism is burried quickly

what conditions favor fossil preservation?

putting events in order from first to last

what is the definition of relative dating?

when the amount of water flowing toward the well equals the amount of water being pumped out of the well

when will a cone of depression stop enlarging?

folded sedimentary layers were originally laid down flat and later deformed

which of the following describes the principle of original horizontality?

alpha particle emission, beta particle emission, electron capture

which of the following includes all common types of radioactive decay?

erosive surface

which of the following is a common feature that all unconformities exhibit?

younger sedimentary strata overlie uplifted and weathered igneous or metamorphic rocks

which of the following is an accurate description of a nonconformity?

a stream running across an irregular surface

which of the following is associated with an erosive surface

groundwater moves over large distances, over longer timescales

which of the following is true regarding groundwater as you move deeper below the surface?

more daughter products accumulate over time

which of the following statements regarding radioactive decay is true?


which organism from the video is the least useful for relative dating


which rock is best suited for radiometric dating?

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