George Washington

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Opponent(s) from the second term

John Adams and minor opponents were George Clinton, Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson. None of the electees had a party affiliation because no political parties had yet been formed

Vice President of the first and second term

John Adams was the first elected Vice President, and remained for both terms

Major Economic Issue(s)

1. After the ratification of the Constitution, the United States had severe financial troubles. There were both foreign and domestic debts from the war, and how to raise revenue was debated frequently 2. Tariffs, taxes on imported or exported goods, were a major economic issue because Southern states did not like them because they hurt slavery while the Northern states did like them because it helped with their business. This created tension between the Northern and Southern States.

Foreign Policy Decisions

1. French attempt to persuade Washington to aid in French Revolutionary Wars 2. Britain issues secret decree that allows them to seize any vessels headed to French ports; 200 American ships are confiscated 3. The United States signs the Treaty of San Lorenzo with Spain, granting Americans the right to ship goods through the port of New Orleans without having to pay duties to the Spanish Government

Major Supreme Court Cases

1. Supreme Court was set up with the Judiciary Act and George Washington appointed John Jay as the first chief justice 2. he first court case docketed with the Supreme Court of the United States was Van Staphorst v. Maryland. Van Staphorst brothers gave money to the State of Maryland as a loan during the Revolutionary War eras. Afterwards, the State of Maryland refused to pay back the loans. But the Supreme Court did not decide anything because it was worked out. 3. the first case for the Supreme Court to make a decision was the West v. Barnes case. 4. Hayburn's case in which the court ruled on whether non-judicial duties can be assigned to Congress. But the court didn't make a final decision 5. Chisolm v. Georgia. In 1792 in South Carolina, Alexander Chisholm, attempted to sue the state of Georgia over payments due him for goods that he had supplied Georgia during the American Revolutionary War. The state of Georgia said the federal government doesn't have sovereignty over state governments.The court ruled in favor of Chisholm and also noted that the states had subject of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court 6. Talbot vs. Janson case came. The Court held that the jurisdiction of the court extended to the seas and that a citizen of the United States could also hold the citizenship of another nation 7. Hylton vs. the United States was in action. The Court held that a tax on carriages was not in violation of the apportionment clause of the Constitution. This case was the first time Judicial Review came up in the United States Supreme Court. The Court heard the case about upholding the federal carriage tax, and found it constitutional

Major Economic Decision(s)

1. Washington did not want to join a political party, his two closest advisors split into two groups which had plans to establish a national credit and build a financially powerful nation 2. In 1794 Washington ordered Revolutionary War veteran General Anthony Wayne to defeat a band of Indians in the Northwest Territory (present day Ohio). Three years prior the group of Natives had killed 600 American soldiers. General Wayne and his troops marched into the territory and defeated the Natives. The Indians retreated West and surrendered the land to the United States. 3. Washington and Alexander Hamilton used tariffs on liquor to help pay for the debts of the war. ha had to order some militia from other states to go to the root of the problem because of the Whiskey Rebellion.

Major inventions and/or technological changes

1. fake teeth, invented by Nicholas Dubois de Chemant. These teeth were mainly made for the upper class at first so they would be able to hide the fact that their teeth fell out. Eventually all classes began to use them. 2. cotton gin: invented by Eli Whitney. This was a major invention because cotton was popular and this technological advancement greatly sped up the process of producing it. The cotton gin was able to remove the seed from the cotton fiber at speeds that many people of that time did not think were possible.

Dates of the term or terms of office

1789 until 1797

birth and death dates

February 22, 1732 - December14, 1799

full name

George Washington

Opponent(s) from first term

John Adams. Some minor opponents included John Jay, Robert H. Harrison, John Rutledge, John Hancock, George Clinton, Samuel Huntington, John Milton, James Armstrong, Benjamin Lincoln and Edward Telfair. But, when Washington ran he was virtually unopposed for the election, having had the majority of the votes.

Major domestic/political happenings

Judiciary Act (1789), George Washington became president (1789), Bill of rights added to the constitution (1791), First Bank of the United States (1791), Washington's Farewell Address (1796)

First Bank of the United States (1791)

The national bank was the idea of Alexander Hamilton. It was given a twenty year charter by George Washington, despite being opposed by people such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The charter was not renewed when it expired in 1811

Judiciary Act (1789)

This act was one of the first laws passed by Congress under the new Constitution. It organized the U.S. Supreme Court and established lower federal courts throughout the country. It began the organization of the federal court system as outlined in Article III of the United States Constitution.

Washington's Farewell Address (1796)

This was a letter written by George Washington stating that he will not be seeking a third term as president. He also spoke against breaking into different political parties, and cautioned them against long term alliances with foreign nations

George Washington became president (1789)

Washington acquired presidency by being unanimously chosen as a president.

State in which President was born/State from which he ran for President

Washington was born in Pope's Creek, Virginia

social events, social happenings, or social movements

Whiskey Rebellion:a protest beginning in 1791 and ending in 1794 for the taxation of distilled spirits. large rebellion broke out and over 500 men attacked the home of a tax inspector. 1300 militia were sent to subdue the rebellion capital: George Washington signs bill to permanently place capital along potomac river in an area called district of columbia

Educational and Occupational background

basic education, and learned how to read and write.began as a farmer, then soldier, then military officer, then politician, and then went on to become the first president of the United States

Issues prominent in the 1789 election

did not want to be President. He wanted to go back to his home and live a simple life after the Revolutionary War, however the American people wanted him to lead. Due to the fact that no one else was being seriously considered, he was chosen

Major Conflict

major disagreement between Alexander Hamilton, Washington's Secretary of Treasury, and Thomas Jefferson, Washington's Secretary of State. Hamilton led the Federalists, or those who represented urban, mercantile interests of the seaports, and Jefferson led the Anti-Federalists, or those who represented more rural, southern interests. Hamilton wanted the government to be central, and have more control over industry and organization, while Jefferson wanted a decentralized republic where there was more freedom for the people. These were both powerful and influential men and their opinions had sway on many peoples' beliefs. Their clashing led to new interpretations of the Constitution, and led to the foundation of a national bank. The new country needed both sides of their arguments in order to grow as a nation.

Political party

political parties had not yet been made because the country was so new to it's independence

Bill of rights added to the constitution (1791)

the first 10 amendments being added to the constitution these amendments included the freedom of religion/speech

Issues prominent in the 1792 election

wanted to retire, however the more he thought about his past term, the more problems he realized were left unresolved. Washington's advisors warned him that giving the presidency to someone inexperienced was dangerous

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