gilgamesh vocab

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(adj.) [of a person] famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession. - syn. noteworthy, great, significant - ant. unimportant, unknown - - The audience was excited to watch the movie because of the _______ director.


(adj.) abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food. - syn. thin, skeletal, bony, wasted - ant. fat - - The _________ women couldn't get up because of her deprivation of food.


(adj.) having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn - syn: skinny, exhausted, fatigued - ant: colorful, plump, healthy - - Jamie looked _______ after practicing for three hours in a hot gym.


(adj.) having had all moisture removed; dried out; lacking vitality or interest. - syn. dried, dry, powdered - ant. moist - - The child couldn't play with the __________ play doh because it became hard.


(adj.) possessing or showing courage or determination. - syn. brave, fearless, courageous, bold - ant. cowardly, irresolute - - The _______ pilot landed the plane safely in the middle of a river after the plane malfunctioned.


(n.) a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation, used for road surfacing and roofing - syn: asphalt - - The basketball bounced up and down the _______.


(n.) a dish or delicacy made with sweet ingredients; the action of mixing or compounding something - syn. cake, candy, pastry, dainty, treat, concoction - ant. tactlessness, inelegance - - The bakery was full of ___________ from cakes all the way to canolis.


(n.) a swamp; a situation characterized by lack of progress or activity - Syn: channel or inlet (v.) to shed or remove - syn: drop off, remove - ant: gather - - They had a hard time walking through the ______. - - A snake ______s his old skin.


(n.) any point of entering or beginning - syn: brink, verge, edge, start - ant: middle, completion, conclusion, death - - The _________ was blocked by rocks that prevented us from leaving the cave.


(n.) long and careful consideration or discussion; slow and careful movement or thought - syn. thought, reflection, consideration - ant. haste - - The ____________ between the couple about adopting a child took over a year.


(n.) spoken word, statement, or vocal sound; the action of saying or expressing something aloud; an uninterrupted chain of spoken or written language - syn: remark, comment, saying, speaking - ant: listening, quiet, silence - - The teacher did not want to hear one more _________ about the field trip.


(n.) the act of a person or thing that churns; the butter made at any one time - syn: mix up, beat, agitate - ant: freeze - - The ________ of butter was a common way colonials made the famous dairy product.


(n.) the quality of a substance that affects the sense of taste or of smell; a particular taste or smell - syn: odor, scent, spice - ant: blandness, dullness - - The _____ of pumpkin spice is very distinct to most teens and adults in their early twenties today. (v.) [with object] to have savor, taste, or odor; to exhibit the peculiar characteristics - syn: feature (v.) [without object] to give a savor to, season, flavor; to perceive by taste or smell, especially with relish - syn: appreciate, experience - - It is good to _____ in life's great opportunities.


(v.) [used with object] to form or make, especially by concentrated effort - syn: build, construct - ant: break, demolish - - All houses are _____ed on a great foundation. (v.) [used without object] to commit forgery - syn: falsify, copy - ant: be original, tell truth - - I have never _____ed my parents' signature in my life. (n.) a special fireplace, hearth, or furnace in which metal is heated before shaping - - The blacksmith put the silver in the _____ so it could warm up to make it easier to mold.


(v.) [with object] to be an omen of - portend; Archaic. to announce beforehand; predict; [without object] to portend - syn: indicate, predict, signify - - A psychic _____ what your future could potentially be.


(v.) allocate (a job or duty); appoint someone to a particular job, task, or organization - syn: appoint, promote, delegate - ant: begrudge, deny, deprive - - She was ________ to sweep the classroom. (v.) designate or set something aside for a specific purpose; attribute something as belonging to - syn: ascribe, attribute, set aside - ant: dispose, dethrone - - This ball is ________ to the youth boys soccer program. (v.) transfer legal rights or liabilities - syn: hand over, give, pass - ant: expropriate - - You are going to ______ your rights to the government.


(v.) cause [something unpleasant or painful] to be suffered by someone or something; impose something unwelcome on. - syn. impose, force, administer to - ant. hold, keep, take - - The man _______ed pain on to the child because they weren't listening to directions.


(v.) live in or at a specified place. - syn. reside, live, stay, lodge - ant. bail, leave, move - - The rabbits _____ in the hillside where their homes are. (v.) think, speak, or write at length about (a particular subject, especially one that is a source of unhappiness, anxiety, or dissatisfaction). - syn. linger over, mull over, muse over - - It was obvious the author was passionate about riding bikes because he _____ed on that topic forever. (n.) a slight regular pause in the motion of a machine. - The _____ of the machine always makes the worker nervous everytime it happens, but they realize nothing is wrong.


(v.) seal [a gap or seam] with a waterproof filler and sealant; stop up [the seams of a boat] with oakum and waterproofing material, or by driving plate-junctions together; make [a boat] watertight by this method. - syn. sealer, sealant - ant. open, unseal, unfasten - - The hole in the boat was _____ed, so no water would be able to get in.


(v.) work extremely hard or incessantly - syn: hard work, labor, work like a dog - ant: rest, relax - - They ____ed away at their homework. (n.) exhausting physical labor - syn: hard work, effort, exertion - ant: rest, relax, haze - - She lived a long life of ____.

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