GLG 101 Final Exam

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On average, lithospheric plates are _____ thick.

100 km

Most dry lands lie between _________ degrees north and south of the equator.

20 and 30

A minimum of ____ seismic stations is necessary to locate the source of an earthquake.


On the Richter Scale, a magnitude 6 earthquake has ____ times more energy than a magnitude 5.


A lens of fresh groundwater in an unconfined aquifer overlies deeper, salty groundwater. If the water table drops by one foot, how far will the interface between the freshwater and salty water rise?

40 feet

If the Antarctic Ice Sheet completely melted, sea level would rise _____.

60-70 meters

Which one of the following statements regarding rock deformation and strength is correct?

Brittle and ductile deformation occur when stresses exceed the elastic limit of a material.

The ________ is not the name of a Pleistocene glacial episode in North America.


___________ are not associated with a mid-ocean ridge.

Deep ocean trenches

Which of the following is the dominant activity when a stream's gradient is steep and the channel is well above base level?


In waves, the water particles move _____.

In relatively stationary circular paths

Which of the following is not forming at a divergent boundary?


Why was the Marina District, San Francisco, heavily damaged in the 1906 and 1989 quakes?

Liquefaction and foundation failures were common.

The _______ Intensity Scale is a measure of the damage and effects caused by an earthquake.


The _______ is the seismic discontinuity that forms the boundary between the crust and the mantle.


_________ are depositional features produced by valley or alpine glaciers.


The San Andreas fault in California marks the boundary between which two lithospheric plates?

North American and Pacific

Which of the following is correct?

P waves travel through liquids, but S waves do not.

The late Paleozoic super continent that began to break up about 180 million years ago is called _____.


Which of the following were not formed by continental-continental convergence?

Rocky Mountains

Which of the following can logically be concluded by speleothems/dripstone hanging from a cave roof?

The cave roof was above the water table when the speleothems formed.

Which of the following statements is true about apparent polar wandering?

The continents have changed position relative to the poles.

Which of the following statements is not true of Darcy's law?

The hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer does not influence its discharge.

How are material transported in bed load stream?

These particles are transported through the bed load by rolling, sliding, and saltation

Which of the following is not evidence that the seafloors are spreading?

Thick ocean sediments at the rifts, thinning away from the rifts.

Which of the following is not true of an anticline?

When eroded, the youngest rocks are exposed in the center.

When pumping at a well exceeds recharge

a cone of depression forms and a well may go dry.

When accumulation equals ablation,

a glacier remains stationary, and an end moraine forms.

The future of the Mississippi River channel is _____.

a shift to the course of the current Atchafalaya River

A chaotic accumulation of ocean floor sediment and chunks of oceanic crust that forms at convergent boundaries is called a/an _____.

accretionary wedge

Ground shaking resulting from crust adjusting to the displacement caused by the main shock of an earthquake is called


Which of the following describes deep-sea hydrothermal vents?

all of the above

Which of the following processes is associated with the formation of glaciers?

all of the above

An oxbow lake is _____.

an abandoned meander still holding water

The Black Hills of South Dakota are formed on _____.

an eroded structural dome with a core of crystalline rocks

Volcanism along a continental arc is dominated by the eruption of _____.

andesitic lavas and pyroclastic materials

A rock unit that transmits groundwater is called a/an _____.


The most damaging earthquakes _____.

are shallow focus

Topographically high-standing, mountainous areas generally _____.

are underlain by greater then average thicknesses of lower density, crustal rocks

A well in which the water rises naturally above the aquifer is a/an _________ well.


Coalescing alluvial fans form a _____.


The lowest level to which a stream may erode is called _____.

base level

When a groin is built _____.

beaches upcurrent from the structure are replenished

Stream load consists of _____.

bed load, suspended load, dissolved load

Transform fault boundaries are _____.

boundaries where plates are sliding horizontally past one another

Which common, rock-forming mineral or mineral group is most readily dissolved by groundwater?


Spreading rates of 1 to 5 _____per year are common along the Mid-Atlantic and the Mid-Indian ridges.


Correction of potential saltwater contamination of groundwater can be accomplished by

collecting surface runoff into basins which allow seeping into the groundwater

The maximum particle size that a stream is capable of transporting is _____.


Geologically, ________ are actually submerged parts of the continents.

continental shelves

Mount St. Helens is a part of a _____.

continental volcanic arc

Which of the following is thought to drive the motions of the Earth's crustal plates?

convection cells within the mantle

What do streams do?

create landforms by transporting weathered rock material and sorting solid sediment by carrying finer, lighter, materials through the water

Movement over irregular terrain will result in the formation of ______ in the uppermost zone of a glacier.


In poorly sorted sediments, porosity


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a continental-continental convergent boundary?

deep ocean trench

A stream pattern on granitic terrain is _____.


The maximum angle of inclination of the surface of a rock unit or fault is known as


3 types of stream load

dissolved, suspended, bedload

dissolved load process

finds it way into the stream when water filters through the ground collecting soluble soil compounds that eventually seep through cracks in bedrock before it ends up in a stream.

What materials are carried in a suspended load?

fine sand, silt, and clay particles

A granular phase between snow and glacial ice is called _____.


In suspended load you can see larger particles during ____?

flood season

What 2 factors affect the type of material and the amount of that material in suspended load?

flow velocity and settling velocity of each sediment grain

The point at which an earthquake originates is called the _____.


Horizontally directed, compressive stress will result in ________ within a sequence of flat-lying sedimentary rocks.


Internal drainage results in the _____.

formation of thick salt deposits

Tensional stresses at shallow depths cause rocks to

fracture and pull apart.

The profile of Earth's temperature with depth is the _____.

geothermal gradient

Striations are the result of

glacial abrasion.

Which of the following paleoclimatic evidence supports the idea of the late Paleozoic super continent in the Southern Hemisphere?

glacial deposits in South Africa and South America

Partial melting of a subducting oceanic plate produces batholiths with the composition of _____.


In dissolved load transportation the velocity of the stream _____?

has no effect on its ability to transport sediments and materials in its load

Stream lengthening upslope at the valley head is called _____.

headward erosion

A _______ results from mantle plumes created by a long-lived magma source located deep in the mantle.

hot spot

Both settling and flow velocity can determine __________?

how long a particle stays in suspension and how far it is carried downstream before deposition occurs

Which of the following is not a possible effect of an earthquake?


The continental drift hypothesis was initially rejected primarily because Alfred Wegener could not _____.

identify a mechanism capable of moving continents

During the last Ice Age, pluvial lakes formed abundantly _____.

in intermountain basins of the American Southwest

As stream discharge increases, velocity _____.



increases the likelihood of flash flooding

Late stage Basin and Range landscapes are characterized by all the following except _____.

individual alluvial fans

The _______ of the Earth did not exist early in Earth's history.

inner core

Velocity of a stream is greatest _____.

just below the surface in the middle of the channel

The hot spring deposits at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, are travertine. What rock probably lies somewhere beneath the hot springs?


An emergent coastline is characterized by _____.

marine terraces

Appearance of suspended load?


Oceanic ridges are elevated primarily because _____.

new oceanic crust is hot and less dense than cooler adjacent rocks

Water is involved in wave motion to a depth of approximately _____.

one half wave length

Loess deposits in the central United States _____.

originated as rock flour in Pleistocene glacial streams and rivers

The processes that produce mountains is called _____.


The _______ of the Earth does not transmit S waves.

outer core

Dunes that develop where vegetation partially covers the sand and that are shaped like crescents are called


Magma at the mid-ocean ridge is the result of _____.

partial melting of the mantle as a result of decompression due to cracking at the ridge

The upper mantle is probably the rock _________.


Groundwater flows _____.

perpendicular to the contours of the water table

Permanent streams in arid deserts _____.

result from streams originating outside the desert in areas of high water supply

Runoff from precipitation initially flows in tiny channels called


Of all the repositories of fresh water in the hydrosphere, the smallest is _____.

river water

Seismic waves will ___________ when they encounter plastic material.

slow down

The inner core is ______; while the outer core is _______.

solid; liquid

How is dissolve load transported and what materials are found in this load?

solution and the materials found are from ground water

Speleothems that hang from the ceiling of caverns are called


Which of the following would not be a characteristic of the San Andreas fault zone?

steep, near vertical, dip-slip fault scarps

A stable shoreline will tend to become _____.


Stream valleys through which a glacier has moved are _____.

straighter and U-shaped

An earthquake occurs when _____.

strain builds up and is released in elastic rebound

Which of the following is not an example of an Isostatic movement?

stream downcutting following a drop in sea level

Water gaps in the Appalachian Mountains are caused by _____.

stream erosion through folded terrain by superposed streams

Gaining streams are best defined as

streams that gain water from the inflow of groundwater.

A circular outcrop pattern with the youngest rocks in the center is a _____.

structural basin

The turbulent water created by breaking waves is called


Streams carry a majority of their load in ____?


In bed load larger particles roll along ________?

the bottom of the stream

A reverse fault is one in which _____.

the hanging wall has moved up relative to the footwall.

Emergent coastlines of Scandinavia and the Hudson Bay region of Canada result from which of the following?

the rate of glacial rebound exceeds the rate of sea level rise

What is settling velocity?

the speed at which a particle falls through a still liquid

The complete picture of the composition and layers of the Earth's interior has been determined by _____.

the study of the behavior of seismic waves

The level below which the soil and rock are saturated with water is called _____.

the water table

Cross-bedding forms when

the wind shifts and blows sand in different directions.

The most common type of faulting associated with convergent boundaries is _____.

thrust faulting

An island may be connected to the mainland by a sandy _____.


The process of evapotranspiration involves

transpiration and evaporation.

What materials are transported in bed load?

transports coarse materials such as coarse sands, gravels, and boulders

All of the following are layers that comprise oceanic crust except _____.


The source of sediments making up the continental rise is/are _____.

turbidity currents depositing deep-sea fans

wavelength is the distance between

two adjacent crest and two adjacent troughs

The thickest continental crust is found

under mountain ranges

In bed load smaller particles are pushed

upward by the current or collisions during transportation

A _________ forms by abrasion by windblown sand.


In an ocean-continent convergent boundary _____.

volcanic mountains form 100-300 kilometers from the trench

A _________ is an intermittent stream channel in the dry land areas of the western United States.


The characteristics of offshore waves depend on all the following except _____.

water depth

The Earth's magnetic field originates by __________.

weak electrical currents associated with fluid motions in the outer core

Flooding occurs _____.

when discharge exceeds the channel capacity

The Hawaiian Islands are _____.

youngest in the east and progressively older to the west

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