GLG Exam 2

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What percent of Sub-Saharan Africans live on less than U.S. $2 a day?


India is approximately ________ percent rural.


Despite U.N. sanctions, Iran's nuclear plant at Bushehr operates at ________ of its full capacity.


How much of the region experiences average annual rainfall of less than 250 millimeters (10 inches)?


Between 1600 and 1870, it is estimated that more than ________ million slaves were shipped to the Americans from Africa.

9 million

What creates cool, dry conditions on the coast of Angola and intensifies desert conditions in the Kalahari?

Benguela Current

Buddhism is the main religious practice in:


What country originated the concept of "gross national happiness"?


The Raj meant the rule of the ________ in India.


The "Great Game" describes conflict over what disputed region?

British and Russian over Afghanistan

Although animal life has been greatly affected by human occupation in the Middle East/North Africa region, this domesticated animal is still evident.


________ is a modification of shifting cultivation where crops are rotated around a village, fallow periods are shorter and soil may be enriched through household waste.

Bush fallow

Which of the following cities had the largest urban population in 2014?


Which of the following is defined as a loose fitting garment worn by Muslim women which shows the face?


Which of the following religions was born in the Middle East and North Africa region?

Christianity Judaism Islam Correct all of the above

Which South Asian Empire produced the decimal system, Sanskrit and Hindu art?


________ is a pilgrimage to Mecca.


Which of these South Asian cultures is the oldest?


The concept of karma is associated with which world religion?


________ is the process by which domestic producers provide goods or services that were formerly bought from foreign producers.

Import Substitution

This country has the second fastest growing economy in the world.


The veterinary drug diclofenac is responsible for the death of this endangered species in South Asia.

Indian Vulture

From which countries are many female labor migrants to North Africa and the Middle East?

Indonesia and the Philippines

In the early 1900s, oil became a valuable global resource. In which country did the U.S. and the U.K. first drill?


The Mughals originated in what is today:


Which one of the following countries is "approaching" water scarcity?


Where do the Tigris and Euphrates rivers join together?


Which of the following is the dominant religion in the Middle East and North Africa?


The African Arab militia responsible for one of the most brutal campaigns of ethnic cleansing that Africa has ever seen is called:


Which of the following is the oldest monotheistic religion?


When does the wet monsoon season begin in South Asia?


Which country gained independence after the Mau-Mau rebellion?


Where in India is there zero population growth?


What volcanic peak is the highest mountain on the African continent?


What African city was built as a colonial rail terminus and is home to the West African film industry?


Pakistan was established as a:

Muslim country

Where is Mount Everest located?


This is the major river system in West Africa.


The world's longest river is found in the Middle East/North Africa region. It is the ________ River.


What type of climate do the Savanna Grasslands of Africa experience?

a long dry season

What is driving Chinese trade efforts in Africa?

access to oil reserves

When did the British set about withdrawing from South Asia altogether?

after WWII

What is the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)?

an economic and political cooperation group

The well water drawn from Indian tube wells was found to have been contaminated with:


What do two-thirds of Indians use as fuel for cooking?


Who are the "Born Frees"?

black youth born after the end of apartheid in South Africa

What animal disappeared from the wild of India more than 50 years ago?


The following are examples of export crops and corresponding country of production, except:

coca, Ethiopia

What is the strongest influence on fertility rates?

conditions for women

What was the purpose of the South African "Pass Law"?

control public movements of non-whites

In most of South Asia, the winter is characterized as a ________ climate.

cool and mainly dry

Sherpa lifestyles in the Himalayas includes:

deforestation and pollution economy based on foreign trekkers high death counts began in the colonial era Correct all of the above

What is the process called by which arid and semiarid lands become degraded and less productive?


What factor(s) fueled the civil conflicts in the late 1990s in Liberia and Sierra Leone?

diamond sales for arms

What was the purpose of the "Berlin Conference"?

divide Africa between the major European colonial powers

Which of the following Millennium Development Goals (MDG) have shown progress in Sub-Saharan Africa to their 2015 Goals?

education enrollment

What factors led to starvation in the mid-1970s across Africa?

export crops drought in the Sahel colonial legacy Correct all of the above

Which of the following was not true about British in India in the 1700s?

export finished textiles to Europe

By the 1950s, African geography reflected:

export orientation

Why did the number of women decline from 1951-2011 in the region?

female feticide preference for male children infant mortality Correct all of the above

In West Africa, oral traditions are associated with singers and storytellers, some of whom receive the respected name of:


What are pastoralists?


Large-scale segregation was established in the Republic of South Africa through the creation of:


What is the geologic origin of the Deccan Plateau?

immense lava flows

What are gecekondu?

informal housing in Turkish cities

What is the planting of several crops together?


The Harmattan is a hot, dry wind that blows out of the:

interior of Africa

The integration of Middle East and North African states into the global economy generated all of the following results, except:

internal migration to rural areas

What is the system of social distinction in Indian reinforced by language, region and occupation?


Which of the following undermines African food security?

land grabs

What is microfinance?

loans for poor borrowers

Areas of the Middle East and North Africa that were administered by a European power, with a promise and preparation for self-government and future independence were called:


What is the fastest growing part of the tourism industry in South Asia?


What is the Green Belt Movement?

model for other sustainability movements a tree planting movement in Nairobi led by Wangari Maathai a response to women's economic issues Correct all of the above

All of the following is true about HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, except:

more men than women have HIV/AIDS

The best estimate of the number of living languages spoken in Sub-Saharan Africa is:

more than 1,000

How many enclaves are in the border region between India and Bangladesh?

more than 250

Where are dowry deaths concentrated in India?


These areas are created when land erosion and a high water table have allowed some of the water to percolate to the surface.


All of the following is true about the "Cedars of Lebanon", except:

overexploitation led to extinction

When the British began their conquest of India in the early 18th century, South Asia was still ________ forested


In 2002, debt in 12 African counties was ________ of the GNI.


The holy book of Islam is the:


Victoria Falls is located on the:

Zambezi River

How many films does Bollywood release annually


The population of India is approximately:

1.25 billion

The total population of Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to reach at least ________ by 2050.

1.5 billion

Which of the following is true about the Syrian Civil War and conflict refugees?

1.6 million refugees are children.

Peak-oil scientists estimate we have depleted ________ of the world's oil reserves.


When did the domestication of plants occur?

12,000 years ago

Approximately ________ Kurds live in the mountainous areas along the borders of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and a small area in Armenia.

20 million

About ________ percent of Africa is still forested.


What percentage of the sub-Saharan African population is urban?


What percent of the Sub-Saharan Africa population is under the age of 15 years?


The approximate population of the Middle East/North Africa is:

500 million

What is the overall life expectancy in Sub-Saharan Africa, as of 2013?


This country is believed to be the largest illicit opium producer in the world.


The idea of ujamaa, promoted by Julius Nyerere, meant:

African socialism based on traditional values of communal ownership

All of the following are dominant indigenous languages in Africa, except:


What city is the first slated to be a "solar city" with 10% renewable energy?


These two countries ended the colonial period with civil wars between Soviet-supported Marxist forces and U.S.-supported pro-Western forces

Angola and Mozambique

Tree cover created or retained by human beings is called a(n) ________ forest.


The ________ was a British mandate that required the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

Balfour Declaration

Which of the following cities is the premier science and technology center of India?


Which city has the highest number of cars relative to people, according to the 2015 world average?


In what region of Africa is the Great Rift Valley located?

Eastern Africa

What is a characteristic of the "brain drain"?

physicians to Great Britain and computer and software engineers to the U.S.

Which of the following is true about the Dutch colonization of South Africa?

practiced Calvinism

African historian Ali Mazrui suggests that application of this tradition in political spheres can create cultural confusion:


All of the following are true about African wildlife, except:

Conservation drones monitor rhino herds. Poaching leads to extinction. Protected areas displace local people. Large quantities of ivory went to England and Asia. Correct all of the above

Which language has been preserved for religious use by a regional community?


What are two "hidden" contributions to economic development in Africa?

remittances, street vendors

The geology of South Asia yields large quantities of:

sandstone and marble

All of the following are possible effects of climate change in South Asia, except:

sea level rise and land loss in Bangladesh receding glaciers in Himalayas escalation in malaria drought in northern Indian Correct all of the above

Ethnic cleansing in Sudan has displaced millions of people and about 2.19 million of these people are internally displaced persons (IDPs) in what areas?

Darfur, Abyei, Blue Nile and South/West Kordofan

About two-thirds of the global diamond trade is controlled by this South African conglomerate:

De Beers

Which of the following is India's lingua franca?


The highlands in this modern country were one of the centers of domestication of plants and animals in Sub-Saharan Africa.


The Himalayas were formed by geological uplift from the Indian Plate moving into the:

Eurasian Plate

What religion has been growing in Africa and attracts more than 10% of the population?

Evangelical Christianity

In North Africa, this is a tunnel well, dug into the base of a mountain.


After being part of the Ottoman Empire, Algeria became a possession of this country.


The "Occupied Territories" in Israel include:

Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights

Africa formed from ________ 200 million years ago, after breaking from the last super continent.


What is the largest and highly biodiverse island near Africa?


Which of the following disease causes the most deaths in Africa?


Which of the following countries remain in the Intertropical Convergence Zone year round and experience constant tropical conditions?

Maldives Sri Lanka Nicobar Islands Correct all of above

What did Aziz Royesh create?

Marefat School in Kabul

Which South Asian empire embraced Buddhism after conquest?


LGBT rights are complex in the Middle East and North Africa. In which one of the following states, can a person be jailed for having a sexual same-sex relationship?


The Berbers are mostly found in:

Morocco and Algeria

Kashmir has a predominately ________ population.


The Taj Mahal is an example of ________ architecture.


This river system in southern Africa drains into an inland delta.


Which one of the following is not a founding member of the Arab League?


Which South Asian country experienced intensified flooding in 2010 due to the engineering of the floodplain through levees and embankments?


Who armed and trained the mujahideen?


What nation-states control territory in Kashmir?

Pakistan India China India and Pakistan Correct all of the above

Which colonial power's policy was based on authoritarian rule and armed control of land?


What region was described as the "breadbasket of India"?

Punjab and Haryana

Sikhs are concentrated in the:

Punjab region

In 2011, which country had the best Human Development Index (HDI) score in the region?


In 2011, women's participation in the labor face ranked the highest in which of the following countries?


Which country gets approximately 97% of its drinking water through the process of desalinization?


Transhumance is the practice of:

seasonal movement with herds

Which of the following is not one of the five pillars of Islam?

seclusion of women

Which one of the following diseases is caused by the tsetse fly?

sleeping sickness

The ethnic conflict between the Hutus and the Tutsis in the early 1990s was mostly in the countries of:

Rwanda and Burundi

Which desert possessed a large lake system 50,000 years ago and now has oases?


What region borders the Sahara Desert, has highly variable rainfall and a human population dependent on pastoralism?


In 2014, which of the following countries produced the most barrels of oil?

Saudi Arabia

What term is used to describe "Islamic law"?


Most Muslims in Iran are:


What country in Africa is most vulnerable to climate change?


Refugees and internally displaced persons (IDP) originate from what countries?

Somalia, Mali, Sudan

What African nation has one of the world's most comprehensive bills of rights and anti-discrimination constitutions?

South Africa

Which nation-state(s) produce the most diamonds in Sub-Saharan Africa?

South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia

The highest rates of AIDS infection are in:

Southern Africa

From 1979 to 1989, what foreign power had troops on the ground in Afghanistan?

Soviet Union

All of these are mostly Muslim countries, except:

Sri Lanka

During the "Arab Spring," what country experienced the "Jasmine Revolution," held democratic elections but also remains in economic unrest?


The Ottoman Empire was based on the Anatolian Plateau in modern:


Which of the following countries was never colonized by Europe?


All of the following is true about drone warfare in the Afghan-Pakistan frontier, except:

U.S. conducts operations against Taliban, and civilian causalities create local outrage

In colonial Iraq, what group did the British elevate which led to a legacy of regional conflict?


Which Middle Eastern state is a major economic partner with India?

United Arab Emirates

What sport is loved by children and played by their heroes Yaya Toure and Didier Drogba?


Kenyans are moving from kerosene energy to what source?

solar geothermal wind Correct all of the above

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) adheres to an extreme interpretation of Sunni Islam called:


What was one of the major centers of trade and culture in East Africa around 1000 C.E.?


OPEC is:

a group of oil-exporting nations

The ________ and Fold were formed as a result of contact between the African, Arabian, and Eurasian plates at the center of the region.

Zagros Mountains

What is Hindutva?

sparked anti-Muslim riots inspired the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) political movement to unite India conservative interpretation of Hinduism Correct all of the above

What is meze?

spicy, small plates

Which of the following was not one of the effects of the U.S. occupation of Iraq?

stable governance

Secondary urbanization in the Nile Valley included the following characteristics:

sub-Saharan trade, monumental tombs, mathematics

Which of the following is true about women in rural Africa?

supplement income with crafts, work as subsistence and commercial farmers, experience desertification effects

Most of the guest workers employed in the Middle East and North Africa are working in:

the Arabian Peninsula

Most of the speakers of Tibeto-Burmese languages in South Asia live in

the Himalayans

Zionism represents the world political movement for:

the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel

The violent uprising of Palestinians against the Israeli occupation is called:

the intifada

Where are the Atlas Mountains located?

the northwest of Africa

Which of the following is true about tectonic activity in the Middle East?

the region near Turkey is prone to earthquakes the Red Sea was created from a rift valley in the Arabian plate the Zagros fold is located between the Arabian and Eurasian plates Correct all of the above

This industry is the largest in Nepal, employing approximately 20 percent of the population.


What happened in Bhopal, India in 1984?

toxic gas release at chemical plant

Dalits of India are also referred to as:


What is naxalite?

violent uprising by the poor and adivasi

What incited the 1990s hanging of Ogoni leader Ken Saro-Wiwa?

white settlers owning the majority of the country's farmland

Which of the following is true about child labor in South Asia?

work days are 6-12 hours laborers are under age 10 children work through subcontracting Correct all of the above

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