Global Relations Unit 7 The United Nations and Human Rights

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How many countries are considered to be original members of the UN?

50 countries are considered to be original members of the UN

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

A declaration, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948, which intends to establish a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations." In this declaration, the UN stated in clear a and simple terms the rights that belong equally to every person.

The UN Security Council: To recommend the __________.

Admission of new Members

Principles of the UN: Members of the UN agree to refrain from using what to settle their differences

All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

United Nations(UN)

An international organization of states designed to promote peace and security and the observance of international law. The UN was formed in 1945.

Structure and Operations of the UN(UN Secretariat)

Carries out day to day work of the UN, Headed by the Secretary General (Currently Ban Ki Moon of South Korea)

The UN Security Council: To apply __________ and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression

Economic Sanctions

World Court (International Court of Justice)

Established by the UN in 1945,this court is intended to hear and rule on disputes between states.

In your opinion, what explains the significant increase in UN membership that occurred during the early 1990s?

In my opinion the collapse of the Soviet Union explains the significant increase in UN membership that occurred in the early 1990's. (Fall of the Soviet Union: December 26, 1991)

The preamble to the UN charter begins by stating that the UN is determined to do what four things?

First, the UN is determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind. Second, to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small. Third, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained. Lastly, to promote social progress and better standards of lie in larger freedom.

The United Nations(UN)

Founded in 1945, replaced the league of nations, charter signed in San Francisco by 51 original members and it is a multilateral organization designed to promote global peace and security

UN Secretariat: Who heads the Secretariat? What is the name of the person who currently holds this position? Where is (s)he from?

Its head by the Secretary General who is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a five year, renewable term. The person who currently holds the position is a man known as Ban Ki Moon. He is from South Korea.

Structure and Operations of the UN(General Assembly)

Main Deliberative organ of the UN(Dilberative means to discuss and debate) Composed of representatives of all member states

Purposes of the UN

Maintain international peace and security, Develop friendly relations among states, To cooperate in solving international problems and to promote respect for human rights and freedoms

Principles of the UN:Members of the UN agree to settle their differences through what means?

Members of the UN shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice are not endangered

The UN Security Council: To determine the existence of a threat to the __________ or act of __________ and to recommend what action should be taken.

Peace and Aggression

The UN Security Council: To maintain international __________ and __________.

Peace and Security

UN Secretariat: Where are the headquarters of the UN—and most of the people who work for the Secretariat—located?

The headquarter for the UN is located in New York City. Most people who work for the Secretariat work here.

When is the General Assembly in session?

The General Assembly is in its 69th session. The opening of the session is September 16 at 3 p.m. High-level meetings September 22nd and November 20th 2014. General debate was held on the following dates September 24th-30th in 2014.

International Court of Justice:Where is the ICJ located?

The ICJ is located in The Hague, Netherlands

International Court of Justice:The International Court of Justice is also known by what name?

The International Court of Justice is also known as the World Court.

UN Charter

The written constitution of the UN. It outlines the UN's organizational structure, principles, functions, and powers. It is an important source not only in the function of the UN, but of international law.

The UN Security Council Members: How many countries are, at any one time, members of the Security Council?

There are 15 members in the council

The UN Security Council Members: How many are permanent members? Identify those permanent members

There are 5 permanent members. They would include China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

How many countries are members of the UN today? Which was the most recent addition?

193 countries are members of the UN today. The most recent addition would be South Sudan

How many of the UN's member states belong to the General Assembly? How many votes does each member of the General Assembly receive?

193 member states belong to the General Assembly. Each country has one vote.

The UN Security Council: To take __________ against an aggressor.

Military Action

From where did most new members of the UN come during the 1950s and 1960s? What might explain the evident growth in UN membership during this time period?

Most new members came during the 1950's and 1960's from the continents of Europe and Africa. The In 1955, Canada negotiated a compromise between the East and West members that lead the addition of 16 new members in 1955. The growth in the UN Membership in the 1960s was a result of decolonization.

The UN Security Council Decisions: How many members of the UN Security Council must vote "yes" for action to be taken?

Nine of the fifteen members must vote yes for the action to be taken place including 5 of the permanent members.

Structure and Operations of the UN: International Court of Justice

Principal judicial organ of the UN Located in the Netherlands

Structure and Operations of the UN(Security Council)

Purpose is to maintain international peace and security, composed of five permanent members and ten non-permament members(each serving a two year term)Permanent members of the security council are the 5 major allies that established the UN after world war 2; because of their permament membership status on the Security Council, they are thought to have more influence or power than other members, whose membership is temporary and limited to a two year term(United States, France, England, Russia and China)

Human rights

Rights that all people are entitled to simply because they are human beings and not citizens of a particular state. Human rights include civil, political, social, economic, and cultural rights.

Principles of the UN: The UN is based on the principle of the __________ of all members.

Sovereign equality

Principles of the UN

Soverign equality(each member in the general assembly has one vote) Members must try to settle their differences through peaceful means, avoid the threat or use of force aganist any other state and commit themselves to world peace through international cooperation and collective security

In what year was the UN charter written?

The UN Charter was written in 1945.

Principles of the UN: The UN does not have the power to intervene in matters that concern what?

The UN does not have the power to intervene from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is taking preventative or enforcement action

What organization did the UN replace?

The UN replaced the League of Nations

Where did the name "United Nations" come from?

The United Nations coined by the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United Nations on January 1st 1942.

UN Secretariat

The administrative organ of the UN. Headed by the UN Secretary General, the Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day work of the UN.

UN Security Council

The body of the UN that is primarily responsible for the maintenance of international security and cooperation. The Security Council consists of fifteen members, including five permanent members with veto power. The five permanent members of the Security Council are the U.S., Russia, the United Kingdom (England), France, and China.

International Court of Justice: Describe the composition of the court (number of judges, length of term for each, how selected).

The court is composed of 15 judges, who are elected for terms of office of 9 years by the UN General Assembly and the Security Council. They are selected by the voting of both the General Assembly and the Security Council.

League of Nations

The international organization formed after World War I for the purpose of preventing another global war.

What are the four main purposes of the UN?

The main purposes of the UN: First, To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace. Secondly, To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace. Thirdly, to achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Lastly, to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

The UN Security Council Decisions: What power is given to the permanent members of the Security Council that allows any one of them to block a Security Council resolution?

The power given to the permanent members of the Security Council that allows any one of them to block a Security Council resolution is called a veto.

UN General Assembly

The principle body of the UN. All member states have a seat and a vote in the General Assembly, which serves as a forum for discussion and deliberation.

What is the purpose of the General Assembly?

The purpose of the General Assembly, comprised of all 193 members of the United Nations, provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the charter. It's the main deliberative policymaking and representative organ of the UN.

International Court of Justice:What is the purpose of the ICJ?

The purpose of the court is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by states and to give advisory opinion on legal question referred to it by authorized UN organ in specialized agencies.

UN Secretatiat:What is the role of the UN Secretariat?

The role of the UN Secretariat is to carry out the diverse day to day work of the organization. It services the other principle organs of the United Nations and administers the programs and policies laid down by them.

The UN Security Council Members:How many are non-permanent members? How are the non-permanent members chosen? How long is the term for each non-permanent member?

There are ten non permanent members. The non permanent members are elected by the General Assembly. (Chosen) The term for each non permanent member is a 2 year term. They have an end term date.

Why is United Nations Day celebrated on October 24th of each year?

United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24th each year because the United Nations officially came into existence that day in 1945.

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