Gov 35 Final- Multiple Choice

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Democratic peace theory argues that?

Democracies are unlikely to go to war with other democracies.

In order to keep the balance of power in Europe following German unification, the European great powers...?

Divided up Africa, giving Germany a sphere of influence on the continent to appease its great power aspirations.

The radical perspective places emphasis on which of the following?

Economic class conflict.

Marxists and radicals view ________ as the main means of power in the world.

Economic techniques.

An important consequence of the combination of European imperialism in Africa and Asia and a balance of power in Europe in the 1800s was that?

European state rivalries played out in Africa and Asia.

Health is a quintessential functionalist issue because?

Everyone desires good health, and this can be achieved by relying on technical experts' advice about how to stop the spread of disease.

Constructivist theory has?

Focused its attention primarily on social norms, ideas, and practices.

Advocates of unipolarity attribute the stability of such a system to the?

Hegemon's willingness to enforce norms to ensure the continuation of the system.

What lesson do neoliberal institutionalists learn from the prisoner's dilemma?

If states confront each other repeatedly, they find it is in their self-interest to cooperate.

The annexation of distant territory and its inhabitants to an empire is known as?


One of the significant outcomes of World War I was the?

Increased nationalism and new states following the demise of three major European empires.

Many liberals see the international system as a(n) ________ rather than a(n) ________, a view that sets them apart from realists and radicals.

Interdependent and evolving system; structure.

Which of the following do liberals think aids peace?

International institutions.

IGOs often lead to the creation and maintenance of "regimes," which are?

International rules and principles.

Why, following World War II, did the Soviet Union use its newfound superpower status to solidify control over Eastern European states like Poland and Czechoslovakia?

It feared another invasion from the West and wanted a buffer zone of friendly nations to protect it.

What political consequences did industrialization have?

It gave new power to the European middle classes.

Neoliberal institutionalists argue that international actors cooperate with each other not because they are innately good, but rather because?

It is in the self-interest of each to cooperate.

Freshwater is a highly politicized natural resource problem because?

It is unequally distributed and unequally used.

Why is 1648, marked by the creation of the Treaties of Westphalia, a seminal year for scholars of international relations?

It marked a decrease of religious authority in Europe, and the rise of secular authority in the form of sovereign states.

Which non-European power defeated Russia, a European power, in a war in the early 1900s?


Two principles that rose out of the American and French Revolutions and provided the foundation for politics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are...?

Legitimacy from the consent of the governed and nationalism.

The idea that institutions such as the League of Nations and the United Nations will significantly change international politics is a product of ________ thinking.


That human nature is basically good and that people can cooperate to affect social progress are basic tenets of?


The long-standing and widespread belief in the infinite supply of key economic resources was challenged by?


Neorealist scholars argue that bipolar international systems are?

More stable than multipolar systems.

According to realists, peace in the international system will prove elusive because?

Most states prefer independence and some risk of war over a unipolar system.

Which of the following is true of the role of NGOs' role in environmental issues?

NGOs can actually aid in the enforcement of environmental regulations.

________ is a group's identification with their common history, language, customs, and practices.


Which theory argues that the amount of peace and war in the international system depends on the distribution of power in the system?


The League of Nations was an international organization that was?

Not joined by the United States and Russia.

In Europe following the 1648 Treaties of Westphalia, in states in the west, such as England and France, ________, while in states in the east, such as Prussia and Russia, ________.

Private enterprise was encouraged; serfs remained on the land.

Which two theories consider the structure of the system vital to their analyses?

Realists and radicals.

The various theories of international relations have conflicting views of the international system. Which of the following are correct portrayals of the theories' views?

Realists believe that the international system has no authoritative leader.

Neoliberal institutionalists argue IGOs help states by?

Reducing cheating by monitoring states and punishing rule breakers.

During the Cold War, ________ was the strategic idea to push the Soviet Union out of Eastern Europe and back to its own borders, and ________ was the strategic idea to protect the status quo from further Soviet expansion.

Rollback; containment.

Like realists, neoliberal institutionalists see the international system as anarchic. Unlike realists, however, they?

See the product of interactions between actors as a potentially positive one.

Constructivists believe that state behavior is shaped by?

Social norms.

The authority of a state to govern matters within its own borders free from external interference is known as?


What are hypotheses?

Specific statements positing a particular relationship between two or more variables.

Constructivism's major theoretical proposition is that?

State behavior is shaped by elite beliefs, identities, and social norms.

Constructivists argue which of the following about the issue of health?

The ability of states to extract resources to deal with health issues depends on whether threat rhetoric is more effective than cooperation and prevention rhetoric.

According to Marxist thinking, the structure of the global system is largely the byproduct of...?

The expansion of certain economic forms into other areas of the world.

The concept of legitimacy, which emerged in the aftermath of the American and French revolutions, implies that political power ultimately rests with...?

The people.

Among the factors leading to an end to Europe's balance-of-power system was?

The solidification of previously flexible alliances between the European powers.

The idea that the international system is "anarchic," as posited by realists, means that?

There is an absence of an overarching authority in the international system.

How do constructivists view environmental issues?

They are comfortable with environmental issues, arguing that they illustrate the salience of discourse.

Which of the following is true of international treaties on the environment?

They are controversial.

Which of the following characteristics do ozone depletion and global warming have in common?

They are not issues confined to a single state.

What did the "domino effect" concern?

U.S. fears about the spread of communism from country to country in Asia.

Radicals believe that, within the international system, access to resources across states is?


At the end of the Gulf War, given the power and position of the United States, many states became worried that the international system had become?


Liberals believe that the international system is defined by?

Varying issues depending on circumstance.

The basic proposition of idealism is that?

War is preventable through collective action of states.

As part of the nineteenth-century balance-of-power system in Europe,...?

Alliances were formed to counteract potentially more powerful factions.

In order to stop the rise of fascism in Germany, Italy, and Japan, which alliance formed prior to and during World War II?

An alliance between communists and liberal democracies.

What is the Montreal Protocol?

An international agreement designed to limit the emission of ozone-depleting substances.

For realists, the basic ordering principle of the international system is?


Which of the following is a norm of the balance-of-power (multipolar) system?

Any actor or coalition trying to assume dominance must be constrained.

Which theory of international relations predicted the most significant change in the twentieth century, the fall of the Soviet Union?

No major theory accurately predicted the events.

Following the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, Libya's choice to abandon its efforts to acquire nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in order to hedge against potential aggression from the United States is an example of?

Offensive realists' argument that periodically fighting a war can intimidate potential rivals into bandwagoning with it.

For realists, a key feature of the international system is that?

States are all sovereign.

Liberal theorists like Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye argue that in an interdependent system?

States are sensitive and vulnerable to the actions of others.

Which of the following is an essential assumption of realism?

States are unitary actors; there are no subnational actors trying to overturn the decision of the government.

Which of the following is always true when states must share collective goods?

States can suffer negative consequences as a result of the actions of other states.

How are states constrained by IGOs?

States must align their policies to norms and rules of behavior created by IGOs if they are to benefit from membership in these organizations.

Realists see which threat emerging from current demographic trends?

States with growing populations and insufficient food might seek to expand their territory and acquire food by means of war.

Who do realists believe are the primary actors in international relations?


In examining the international system, radicals are concerned primarily with?


Scholars began to conceptualize international politics as a system with the behavioral revolution and the idea?

That there are patterns to international interactions.

The ultimate failure of the League of Nations to accomplish its mandate can be attributed to which of the following factors?

The League lacked the needed political weight, legal instruments, and legitimacy.

What happened to the colonial system after World War II?

The colonial system met its demise due to Germany's and Japan's defeat, the weak economic position of other former colonizers, and the United Nations' endorsement of national self-determination.

To what does the term "polarity" refer?

The distribution of capabilities among states in the international system.

Which of the following factors could be an explanation for state behavior that uses the international system level of analysis?

The distribution of power between states in the United Nations.

The most important outcome of World War II was?

The emergence of two superpowers and the decline of Europe as the epicenter of world politics.

Which of the following statements is true of U.S. and Soviet involvement in the Middle East during the Cold War?

The region was a scene of proxy confrontations between U.S.-supported Israel and Soviet-backed Arab states.

Which of the following is true of the Treaties of Westphalia?

They codified the rights of states to determine their own domestic policies after the Thirty Years' War.

How have the issues of health, the environment, and crime changed over time?

They have assumed global dimensions.

Which of the following is true of general theories like liberalism, realism, and radicalism?

They incorporate all the different levels of analysis.

After the Treaties of Westphalia, why did European monarchs begin to collect more taxes?

They needed money to build armies that they could use to strengthen their power and capture more territory.

Which of the following is true of liberals' and radicals' view of the development gap?

They think closing the gap will lead to a self-reinforcing spiral of economic improvement and demographic balance.

What are epistemic communities?

Transnational communities of experts sharing expertise and a set of beliefs.

The idea of the "invisible hand" discussed by Scottish economist Adam Smith is that?

When individuals pursue their rational self-interest, the market operates effortlessly and efficiently.

Realists argue that states act in a unitary way in pursuit of their national interest, which is defined in terms of?

A desire to gain power.

The case of ozone depletion is?

A success story of international cooperation.

A set of propositions and concepts that combine to explain phenomena by specifying the relationships among the propositions is?

A theory.

The "precautionary principle" specifies that?

Action should be taken on the basis of scientific warning before there is irreversible harm.

Conceptualizing international relations as a "system" suggests that?

Actors involved in international relations interact with each other in regularized ways.

According to neorealists, which two factors make cooperation among states difficult?

A concern over relative gains and the potential for cheating.

One major motive for colonialism was?

A desire for economic gains.

What differentiates liberalism and neoliberal institutionalism?

Beliefs about what causes states to cooperate.

Contemporary radicals include dependency theorists, who?

Believe that MNCs and international banks exert control over the economic development of developing states.

During the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact were?

Blocs of states that represented U.S. and Soviet interests, respectively.

In the balance of power in Europe following the Napoleonic Wars, Russia played the role of ________ while Britain played the role of ________.

Builder of alliances; balancer.

According to Marxists and most other radicals, the international system is characterized by crippling stratification caused by?


Realists attribute changes in the international system to?

Changes in the power relationship among the main actors in the system.

Goods that are jointly provided for, but that no one owns or is individually responsible for, are called ________ goods.


Neoliberal institutionalists argue that ________ leads to greater possibilities for cooperation between states.

Continuous interaction.

Among the benefits to state interests provided by IGOs is the?

Contribution they make to habits of cooperation and their role socializing states through regular interactions.

The functionalist view of cooperation between states argues that?

Cooperation to solve problems on technical, non-political issues will spill over into political and military cooperation between states.

Realists like Gilpin argue that states may respond differently to political, economic, and technological developments. How do they believe this can influence the international system?

Countries can change their relative positions in terms of power.

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