Government Final Review

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Which of the following is a constraint that federal bureaucrats face to a greater degree than the people working for the bureaucracies of large businesses or corporations?

A much greater degree of public scrutiny

Foreign Policy

A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations


A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs

The Constitution explicitly states that presidents can make treaties with other nations with the _____ of the Senate .

Advice and consent

What demographic characteristics do social scientists see as the strongest predictors of who votes and who does not vote in most American elections?

Age, education, and residential mobility

What is the fastest-growing racial or ethnic group in America today?

Asian Americans

Artificially orchestrating a grassroots campaign to make it appear that constituents care about an issue when in reality they do not is called

Astroturf lobbying

A power held by the states and federal government simultaneously such as the power to levy taxes, is called _____ power


Which of the following is a good description of the general duties of the White House staff?

Providing information and tools of management to the President.

Cases involving the powers of government or rights of citizens are best categorized as

Public law

19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote

Differences in voting behavior and in public opinion between American men and women have come to be described as

Gender Gap

__________ has been a strategy commonly used by states to give the party in power electoral advantage by diluting the voting strength of minority groups.


Example of Commerce Clause

Gibbons v. Ogden

Outsider strategies for interest groups looking to increase their political influence or meet their policy goals could include which of the following?

Going public

McCullough v. Maryland (1819)

In establishing a national bank, Congress was legally exercising its enumerated powers not sepcifically mentioned in the Constitution. Established Implied Powers under the "Necessary and Proper Clause"

Social media has proven to be a boon to small and specialized public interest groups, given that it allows them to

efficiently find and mobilize adherents nationwide.

Political party organizations differ from interest groups, in that their members seek or attempt to maintain their hold on ________, as opposed to benefits.

elected public offices

The presidential electors from each state who meet after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president are collectively called the

electoral college.

The power of public agencies to seize private property is called...

eminent domain.

The congressional and state legislative redistricting process does have certain constraints, among them that districts must have

equal population and be redrawn every 10 years.

Which clause in the Constitution extended civil rights to all persons?

equal protection clause

Outcome of the U.S. Constitution

established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens.

An example of a reserved power is

establishing schools

How often do seats in the House of Representatives come up for reelection?

every two years.

the power of federal judges to interpret the Constitution in cases that involve questions about federal law or the Constitution is referred to as

judicial review

A grant of cash or another commodity, such as land, to an individual or organization that is used to promote an activity or action desired by the government is called


Second Amendment

Right to bear arms

When presidents have claimed the power to take an action not enumerated in the constitution, as President Lincoln did When suspending the writ of habeas corpus during the Civil War or President Truman did in sending American military forces into the Korean conflict, they have been more likely to do so by claiming that these actions are justified by the presidents inherent powers, as stemming from

"The rights, duties and obligations of the presidency, "demanding or allowing extraordinary measures in national defense, war or emergencies.

Social Security Act

(FDR) 1935, guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; set up federal-state system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and public health

14th Amendment

- clarify limits to federal power regarding individual freedoms and Incorporation of the Bill of Rights to the states on case by case basis

Article One: Legislative Branch

-Make laws -Called Congress (House of Representatives, 435, house members serve two years, must be 25 years old, a resident of the state, and a seven year citizen) (Senate, 100, Serve 6 years, must be 30 years old, resident of the state, nine year citizen)

Third Parties and Independents

-difficult to gain power -rarely win elections in TX; still have emerged in TX history -major parties sometimes adopt third party positions

Types of Interest Groups

-economic interests -environmental interests -equality interests -consumer and other public interest lobbies

Composition of electoral college

-president would be elected -# of delegates of house of representative+ # of senators

After being impeached in the House, how many presidents have been removed by the Senate?


How a bill becomes a law

1. written 2. discussed in committee + voted 3. discussed in House of Reps. and Senate + voted on in both 4. President signs it or vetoes it (which brings back to Congress, needs 2/3 vote to override veto)

To ensure that their populations are equal, U.S. House and state legislative districts must be redrawn every

10 years

Legislative branch size, leadership, and terms of office

100 Senators and 435 Representatives in Congress, The chief presiding officer of the House of Representatives. The Speaker is elected at the beginning of every Congress on a straight party vote and is the most important party and House leader. (140), Senators would be limited to no more than two full terms (12 years) and House members limited to serve for no more than six terms (12 years).

How many members are in the Senate?

100 members

Due process clause

14th amendment clause stating that no state may deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

Equal protection clause

14th amendment clause that prohibits states from denying equal protection under the law, and has been used to combat discrimination

Voting Rights Amendments

15th Amendment, 19th Amendment, 26th Amendment

Though there are some exceptions, individuals who are ________have the right to vote in American federal elections.

18 years or older

The US Congress is bicameral legislature. That means it has how many chambers?


Among the qualifications for members of the House of Representatives is a minimum age requirement of __________.


lawmaking, representation, and oversight

3 functions of congress

To become a U.S. senator, one must be at least _____ years old.


Presidential Terms

4 years, 2 term limit

The number of seats in the House of Representatives, although distributed by population, is set by law. What is the number ?


Amendments for the rights of the accused

4th Amendment: exclusionary rule in searches and seizures 5th Amendment: Miranda rule 6th Amendment: Right to counsel 8th Amendment: Prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment

First Amendment

5 freedoms: speech, press, religion, assembly, petition

Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

A 2010 decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that independent expenditures are free speech protected by the 1st Amendment and so cannot be limited by federal law. Leads to creation of SuperPACs & massive rise in amount of third party electioneering (Citizens for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow)

Early in the twentieth century, the United States entered World War I on the side of Great Britain and France when the Wilson administration concluded that

A German victory would adversely affect America's economic and security interests.

Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

A case in which the Supreme Court of the United States upheld federal limits on campaign contributions and ruled that spending money to influence elections is a form of constitutionally protected free speech. The court also stated candidates can give unlimited amounts of money to their own campaigns.

Sixth Amendment

A constitutional amendment designed to protect individuals accused of crimes. It includes the right to counsel, the right to confront witnesses, and the right to a speedy and public trial.

Fifth Amendment

A constitutional amendment designed to protect the rights of persons accused of crimes, including protection against double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and punishment without due process of law.

Suppose a defendant convicted of trespassing and criminal mischief. Throughout the trial, the defendant felt that evidence that would convinced the jury of his innocence was improperly withheld and he wants to challenge decision. Which court would he most likely turn to first?

A court of appeals

A regulatory agency is best described as

A department, bureau, or independent agency whose primary mission is to make rules governing a particular type of activity


A federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older


A form of government in which a small group of landowners, military officers, or wealthy merchants controls most of the governing decisions


A government in which power is in the hands of a single person

Americans with Disabilities Act 1990

A law passed in 1990 that requires employers and public facilities to make "reasonable accommodations" for people with disabilities and prohibits discrimination against these individuals in employment.

What is a common non-military weapon of sorts that the United States uses against with which it has grievances, as it has in recent years with North Korea, Russia, Iran, and overtime with the communist regime in Cuba?

A policy of preemption

Liberal Ideology

A political orientation that favors a more assertive role in the redistribution of economic resources, but emphasizes individual freedom on a range of social issues.


A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment.

The Women's March and the #MeToo movement helpod bring about what changes to Congress?

A record number of women running for the House and Senate in primaries and the general election in 2018 and 2020.

Executive order

A rule issued by the president that has the force of law

World Bank

A specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation. Its formal name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is a large Agency housed within the department of agriculture. Like several other agencies within the USDA, it has multiple subunits, including ones dedicated to public health, investigations enforcement, and public relations. What type of agency would the FSIS most clearly appear to be?

A specialized or bureau level agency of a cabinet department.

The main issue in the 1824 case Gibbons Vs. Ogden what's the question of whether New York State, under the constitution, to grant a monopoly for the operation of

A steamboat service running between New York and New Jersey

Representative Democracy

A system of government in which citizens elect representatives, or leaders, to make decisions about the laws for all the people.


A system of rule that permits citizens to play a significant part in government, usually through the selection of key public officials.

When a regulatory agency charges a person or business suspected of violating a particular rule or regulation and holds a hearing on the matter, it engages in

Administrative adjudication

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Abolished the national-origins quotas and providing for the admission each year of 170,000 immigrants from the Eastern Hemisphere and 120,000 from the Western Hemisphere

Three-Fifths Compromise

Agreement that each slave counted as three-fifths of a person in determining representation in the House for representation and taxation purposes (negated by the 13th amendment)

Executive agreements

Agreements with other countries that do not need senate approval

What provoked the first invocation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Article 5, which provides that an attack on one member country is an attack on all of them?

Al Qaeda's terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001.

In 1921, Congress passed the budget and accounting act, which instituted the practice of having presidents send annual, comprehensive budget proposals to Congress. In so doing, lawmakers changed the presidency, even as they ultimately retained control of the budget, because the practice

Allowed presidents to frame policy deliberations and shape the congressional agenda.

Judicial Review

Allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws


An arrangement in which citizens select individuals to express their views when decisions are made.

Which of the following organizations must a private group—say, a business firm or labor union—establish in order to raise funds and distribute them directly to a candidate's election campaign?

An association or uni

general election

An election held to choose which candidate will hold office

A government agency set up by Congress to exist outside of a cabinet department is called

An independent agency

interest group vs. political party

An interest group is an organization of people sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence the making of public policy, a political party seeks to elect a certain person in office.

United Nations

An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.

Many regulatory agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission which oversees truth-in-advertising laws, privacy rights, consumer protection laws, and the like-use administrative adjudication to make decisions about specific products or practices and in so doing act like courts in that they

Apply rules and precedents to specific case in order to settle disputes.

Independent agencies such as the United States Postal Service; The rail service (Amtrak); and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which provides banking deposit insurance, are different from other federal agencies in that they

Are "government corporations, "agencies run more like private businesses, performing and charging for market services

After rules for a federal public agency are approved, they

Are published and have the force of law

The electoral format that presents the names of all candidates for any given office on the same ballot, allowing voters to select any candidate of their choice for each office, is called the _______ ballot.


concurrent powers

Authority possessed by both state and national governments, such as the power to levy taxes. (56)

Federal funds given to the state governments to pay for goods, services, or programs with relatively few restrictions on how the funds may be spent are known as


Congress prohibited unlimited party spending, referred to as "soft money," with the ____________ act.

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold)

In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court ruled... justices turned over their decision in...

Bowers v. Hardwick, which the Court ruled... right to engage in sexual activity.

What term refers to the offices, task, and principles that large organizations, including governments, employ to coordinate their work?


Relationship between the Senate and the President in foreign policy

By granting the Senate the sole power to offer advice and consent on nominations and treaties, the Constitution gives senators a major role in American foreign policy. Presidents nominate diplomats and negotiate treaties, but the Senate determines whether those nominees will serve or if those treaties will be ratified.

California has about 40 million citizens. Wyoming has about 580,000. Which statement about their respective representation in Congress is accurate?

California has more members in the House than Wyoming, but the same number in the Senate.

States insure private property rights because they

Can Enforce The right of possession

Precedents are

Cases whose principles are used by judges as the basis for their decisions in present cases.

Funds that are given by Congress two states and localities that may only be spent on narrowly divided purposes are known as

Categorical grants

mechanisms through which each branch of government is able to participate in and influence the activities of the other branches

Checks and balances

The justice on the Supreme Court who presides over the Court's public sessions is the ______ justice.


A regional _______ exercises appellate jurisdiction over cases heard by the district courts within its territory.

Circuit court

The ___________ affected interest groups by raising the limits for direct PAC (political action committee) contributions to campaigns of candidates for federal office, as well as limits to spending for independent campaign expenditures.

Citizens United Ruling

civil rights definition

Citizens' personal liberties guaranteed by law, such as voting rights and equal treatment

Article 1 Commerce Clause

Clause stating that Congress can regulate interstate and international commerce.

A rule allowing a three-fifths majority of U.S. senators to set a time limit on debate over a given billor cut off a filibuster, is called


In Gibbons Vs. Ogden, the Supreme Court held unconstitutional, under _____, New York states granting of a Monopoly for steamboat Service on the Hudson river, which passes through New York and New Jersey

Commerce Clause

Why is commercial speech not entitled... of such have increased in recent times?

Commercial speech is not a political speech, so it can be regulated more heavily.

Two or more states reach a legally binding agreement about how to solve a problem that cross state lines through


The Great Compromise

Compromise made by Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house


Conflict and cooperation over the leadership, structure, and policies of government.

The Constitution grants power to declare war to


The number of justices who sit on the United States Supreme Court is determined by


which government institution has the power to create inferior (lower) courts, change the justification of federal courts, add or subtract federal judges, and even change the size of the supreme court?


Which of the following is true of the institutions responsible for advancing the civil rights of African Americans?

Congress and the courts were mutually responsible for advancing civil rights.

Federal tax policy is primarily determined by

Congressional committees, including the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which focuses on raising revenue.

Presidents have found the regulatory review process useful as a means of gaining power over domestie influence because

Congressional law is often notable more for laying out broad goals than listing details , thus giving administrative agencies leeway in working out how to meet the goals

The National Security Council

Consists of the President, Vice President, and Secretaries of State and defense, as well as other policy experts.

Civil Liberties

Constitutional freedoms guaranteed to all citizens

The contemporary political ideology that is generally supportive of maintaining social and cultural traditions, limiting the role of government in economic life, and ensuring a strong military defense is known as

Contemporary conservative political ideology.

The system of supportive relations among national, state, and local Government since the 1930s is often referred to us

Corporative Federalism

Powers granted to one branch of government by the Constitution but exercised by another branch with permission of the are called

Delegated Powers

Women tend to identify and vote more with ________________ than men do.


A loose ideological association is a part of brand associations with American political parties, with ________ seen as liberal, and _________ seen as conservative.

Democrats, Republicans


Distribution of representatives among the states based on the population of each state

Structure of the Judicial Branch

District courts on the lower level, then the U.S. Court of Appeals and other special courts, and above them the Supreme Court.

System of government in which the federal governmental powers are shared between the federal and state governments in and which the states exercise the most important powers is know as

Dual federalism

Article IV of the U.S. Constitution calls for "full faith and credit" among states, meaning that

Each state is expected to honor the public acts of other states

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Established judicial review; "midnight judges;" John Marshall; power of the Supreme Court.

State legislatures must redraw congressional districts to reflect population changes _____ , after censuses.

Every 10 years.

example of full faith and credit clause

Ex: if a warrant is issued for your arrest in Alabama, if anyone in another state finds you they SHOULD turn you in Ex: same sex marriage in Hawaii should be valued anywhere else as well

Eighth Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Which term describes an understanding between the president and another country that has the force of treaty but does not require a two-thirds vote for approval by the Senate?

Executive agreement

What is the term for the power presidents can and often do wield that can the broader effect of legislation , although it is first and foremost a management tool, the power virtually any CEO has to make " company policy"?

Executive order

After the president signs a piece of legislation into law, why do interest groups not stop working with the executive branch?

Faithful implementation of the law is not guaranteed and requires continued contact.

The most sweeping change in campaign finance regulations in American history came with the passage of the ______ in 1971.

Federal Election Campaign

The institution established by Congress in the early twentieth century to implement monetary policy is the

Federal Reserve System.

The Atlanta-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has appellate jurisdiction for its "circuit," a region including Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. This means it exercises such jurisdiction over appeals from

Federal district courts in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida.

System of government in which a Constitution divides power between a central government and regional government is known as


Under the American framers vision of _____, Government power is limited through a division into two levels, each with enough independence to compete with the other


Which term describes the division of powers and functions between the national and state government?


Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments

Executive Agreements

Formal international agreements entered into by the president that do not require the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate.

Congress can issue detailed rules for executive agencies to follow. Since the new deal era of Franklin D Roosevelt and the ensuing growth of the federal government, however, Congress has been more likely to give the executive branch broad grants of authority to carry out policy goals. Although Congress has usually given these delegated powers to specific agencies, presidents have

Found ways to take quite a few of these powers for themselves

For the Supreme Court to agree to hear a case, agreement must be reached by at least ___________ justices.


According to the _____ clause, if a couple marries in Texas as regulated by state law, Then Missouri must recognize that marriage even though the couple was not married under the Missouri state law

Full Faith and Credit

Each state is normally expected to honor the public arts, records, and judicial proceedings that take place in any other state because of article IV, section 1 of the constitution, which is referred to as the ___ clause

Full faith and credit

Imagine you are resident of California and have a California drivers license. If you decide to take a road trip to Arizona which clause of the Constitution allows Arizona to recognize your California drivers license

Full faith and credit clause

to execute, implement laws

Functions of the executive branch.

entitlement programs

Government benefits that certain qualified individuals are entitled to by law, regardless of need.

fiscal policy

Government policy that attempts to manage the economy by controlling taxing and spending.

monetary policy

Government policy that attempts to manage the economy by controlling the money supply and thus interest rates.

Which term describes federal dollars offered to state and local governments, often as a means of getting compliance or cooperation with national programs?

Grants in aide

In Marbury v. Madison, U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall ruled that he could not force Secretary of State James Madison to carry out a previous president's appointment of a lower-court judge. In so doing, heestablished the legal power of the Supreme Court's power judicial review. This was the case because

He declared an act of Congress unconstitutional; in this case, one that had given the court jurisdiction in the case.

Power delegated by the state to a local unit of government, typically larger city, to manage its own affairs.

Home rule.

The primary task of bureaucracy, whether in government or the private sector, is _______ of the organizations objectives, as determined by bosses.


In addition to expressed powers granted to the federal government, which powers are derived from a broad interpretation of delegated powers

Implied powers

Powers derive from the necessary and proper clause of Article 1, section 8, of the constitution are called

Implied powers

Holding a political office for which one is running is called


Super PACs

Independent expenditure-only PACs are known as Super PACs because they may accept donations of any size and can endorse candidates. Their contributions and expenditures must be periodically reported to the FEC.

Powers claimed by the president that are not directly stated in the constitution but are said to stem from the " The rights, duties, and obligations of the presidency" are known as

Inherent Powers

How do interest groups differ from political action committees (PACs)?

Interest groups are formed to influence policy making, whereas PACs are formed to raise and distribute money for political campaigns.

The most important revenue agency in the United States, which also happens to be one of the nations largest bureaucracies, is the

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

The upper house of Germany's parliament, the Bundersat, has delegate members selected by their state governments, not elected members. how in this manner is the Bundersat similar to the US Senate as originally envisioned by the Constitution's framers

It is much like the original US Senate; prior to direct election under the 17th amendment, senators were appointed by state legislators

When the president takes no action on bill for more than 10 days, and Congress is in happens to the bill?

It passes, only without express presidential approval via a signature.

Many Americans use the term "bureaucracy "when referring to government actions they do not like, but use "administration" when referring to the government actions they do like. Even so, bureaucracy is often essential to go governance because

It provides time tested ways to get people to work in a coordinated fashion and accomplish goals more efficiently and effectively than would otherwise be possible

Although it is often condemned by media commentators and voters alike, Congress's infamous slowness can largely be traced to

It's representative nature

When the Supreme Court ruled in Hamdan v Rumsfeld that the military commissions established to try those designated as enemy combatants and other detainees violated both the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Geneva Conventions, it asserted that some presidential actions were subject to

Judicial scrutiny

What is the area of policy over which a committee is assigned responsibility?


The system of government that prevailed in the US from the writing of the constitution to approximately the Great Depression could be most accurately described as _____ federalism

Marble cake

Compared to the House of Representatives, the Senate serves constituencies that are mostly

Larger and more diverse

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Legalized segregation in publicly owned facilities on the basis of "separate but equal."

When President Trump called on Congress to repeal or replace the affordable care act (Popularly known as Obamacare) during his first year in office, he was exercising _______, despite a lack of success. In so doing, he echoed President Obama, who did the same in setting goals for and working with members of Congress on healthcare reform during his first year.

Legislative initiative

What is the difference between libel and slander?

Libel is written and slander is spoken

Representatives from nearly 200 member states regularly meet as the General Assembly of the United Nations to debate and approve a budget and politics... How was the United States under the Articles of Confederation similar?

Like the general assembly, congress had no power over commerce between states, a problem that directly led to crises such as Shay's rebellion

During the same turn-of-the-century years in which many states began requiring voter registration, what did many states use to keep immigrants and Black people from voting?

Literacy test

26th Amendment (1971)

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

example of necessary and proper clause

Making a law that aids another law

The largest single expansion in contributory programs after 1935 was the establishment in 1965 of ________, which provides medical insurance coverage for elderly persons who are already eligible for Social Security benefits:


Administrative law is a subject of public law because the latter

Nearly always involves a government bureaucracy.

An expansive judicial interpretation of the _____ cause allowed The national government to enlarge the scope of its authority over time substantially

Necessary and proper


Negotiation between nations

States with small populations have an inherent advantage over more populous states in the apportionment of the U.S. Senate because

Only two senators are elected from each state, regardless of population.

Suppose a congressional committee subpoenaed Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and ordered him to appear to answer questions about privacy and free speech issues. As it involved not only a celebrity witness, but a federal agency's duties and actions under the law, the hearing would be a classic case of a House committee engaged in


What is the powerful political weapon that congressional committees and some committees are well-suited to use as a means of controlling bureaucratic agencies, given their focus on areas roughly parallel to one or more executive departments or agencies?

Oversight through committee or sub committee hearings

17th Amendment

Passed in 1913, this amendment to the Constitution calls for the direct election of senators by the voters instead of their election by state legislatures.

In a civil court case, the party that brings charges is the ________, whereas the party that defends itself against charges is called the _______.

Plaintiff; defendant

In 1954, the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education overturned... articulated in which previous case?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Presidential media strategies in public appeals regarding their policy programs have rarely been consistently effective, mainly because

Policies backed by the executive almost inevitably fall short of voter expectations, leading to declines in presidential approval ratings, even if they may bounce back.

______ are legal entities through which interest groups spend money to influence elections.

Political action committees, PACs

Veto Power of the President

Power giving presidents the ability to prevent bills passed by Congress from becoming law. It may be overridden by a 2/3 vote in each congressional chamber.

implied powers

Powers derived from the necessary and proper clause (Article I, Section 8) of the Constitution. Such powers are not specifically expressed in the Constitution but are implied through the interpretation of delegated powers. (55)

reserved powers

Powers that are not specifically delegated to the national government or denied to the states by the Constitution. Under the Tenth Amendment, these powers are reserved to the states. (55)

expressed powers

Powers that the Constitution explicitly grants to the federal government. Compare delegated powers and inherent powers. (34)

The State of the Union address becarne a powerful tool of the presidency to initiate legislative action when

President Franklin D. Roosevelt used the annual address to propose new policies and specific actions in Congress.

Who has the highest military authority in the United States, with control of the entire military establishment ?

President as Commander in Chief

Structure of the Executive Branch

President, Vice President, Cabinet

in 1957, President Dwight Eisenhower federalized Arkansas National Guard troops order to enforce federal court ongers to integrate Central High School in Rock . He did so only after failed negotiations with the state's govemor Orval Faubus , a defiant segregationist . Why was the president able to do this , despite state sovereignty ?

Presidents may deploy without specific request circumstances , including the enforcement federal court orders .

Under the _____ clause of article IV, section 2 of the constitution, States are prohibited from discriminating against the fundamental rights of someone from another state

Privileges and immunities

Grant programs in which state and local governments submit proposals to federal agencies and for which funding is provided on a competitive basis or known as ____ grants


Which term do political scientists use to describe vote choices that focus on expectations of future behavior—ones tied, for example, to promises of economic and policy change?

Prospective voting

Fourth Amendment

Protects against unreasonable search and seizure

Presidents who engage in treaty negotiations with foreign nations tend to keep the Senate's power to ______ in mind during the process.

Ratify or reject treaties.

When the Supreme Court declared that President Nixon had to follow congressional demands to turn over secretly recorded White House tapes about the Watergate scandal, it might have seemed like a significant loss for the White House. After all, the president resigned shortly after the court rejected Nixon's claim of executive privilege as a rationale for refusing to give Congress the tapes. While the decision was a loss for Nixon, the court rulings was favorable over the long term for the presidency as an institution because the court

Recognized a valid idea that president could, in certain circumstances, invoke "executive privilege "and refusing to turn over to Congress conversations with advisers.

Direct democracy includes

Referendum, Initiative and Recalls.

Seventh Amendment

Right to a trial by jury in civil cases

The constitutions commerce clause gives the federal government power to

Regulate interstate commerce and trade with foreign nations

Type of federalism that occurs when the national government threatens to withhold grant money unless state and local governments conform to national standards is known as ____ federalism


The framers of the U.S. constitution decided that all "money" bills — that is, those involving taxation and revenue— should start in the House because

Representatives were to be "close to the people" elected by popular vote every two years.

Since at least the Civil War, the United States has had ______ major parties; including

Republican and Democrats

Prior to the 2016 election of Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress repeatedly voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare. After Donald Trump was elected, Congressional Republicans tried again but failed. Why?

Republican lawmakers could not agree on what, if anything, needed to replace ACA, while powerful interests lobbied to maintain the status quo.

Types of political parties

Republicans, Democrats, Libertarian, Green, etc.

Powers derived from the tenth amendment to the constitution that are not specifically delegated to the national government or denied to the states are known as ______ powers


The 10th amendment to the US Constitution States that the powers the constitution does not delegate to the national government are

Reserved to the states or to the people

A prisoner convicted of murder and facing the death penalty in the State of Texas escapes but is later recaptured by authorities in the state of Vermont. Unlike Texas, Vermont does not have the death penalty. In this case, the state of Vermont is required to

Return the convict to Texas

The term "judicial _______ " best describes the power of the courts to declare actions of the legislative and executive branches invalid or unconstitutional


In the United States, the head of cabinet department is usually called a


Who is the chief presiding officer in the House of Representatives?

Speaker of the House

The ________, created after the stock market crash of 1929, requires companies to disclose information about any stocks and bonds they are selling, as well as inform buyers of investment risks and protect investors against fraud.

Securities and Exchange Commission.

The _____________, created after the stock market crash of 1929, requires companies to disclose information about any stocks and bonds they are selling, as well as inform buyers of investment risks and protect investors against fraud.

Securities and Exchange Commission.

Once the President has formally nominated an individual for the courts, the appointee must be approved by the _________ and then confirmed by the __________.

Senate Judiciary Committee; full Senate

What is Seniority and why does it matter?

Seniority is a ranking of members of Congress based on how long they have been in office; it helps determine committee chairmanships.

The tendency for candidates to win a higher percentage of the vote when running for a second term in office is called the

Sophomore Surge

The legal doctrine holding that states cannot be sued by private persons or groups claiming that the state violated a statue enacted by Congress is known as state

Sovereign immunity

Private property in the US is defined according to

State Law

Most criminal cases arise in

State and municipal courts.

The federal system created under the constitution was designed to limit governmental power by creating a second layer of sovereignty

State governments

Legislative Branch Structure

Structure: Bicameral legislature: Congress: House of Representatives and Senate

When is Supreme Court ruled that the state could not tax the bank of the US in McCulloch vs. Maryland, it said that when a state law conflict with a federal law The state law should be deemed invalid. This exemplifies the application of the

Supremacy clause

Article Three: Judicial Branch

Supreme Court

Appointments of Judges and Justices

Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate, as stated in the Constitution.

European nations that responded to the ___________ by admitting more than a million refugees to their countries charged that the United States was not doing enough to end it.

Syrian refugee crisis of the mid-2010's.


Taxes on imported goods

Throughout much of the nineteenth century, the Supreme Court continued to strike down laws that it thought exceeded national power by referencing constitutional language contained in the

Tenth Amendment

The ultimate bosses of executive branch agencies and their employees, the ones who not only determine policy but who have power to oversee it, include

The President and Congress

In the United States, the basis for the jurisdiction of federal courts is derived from

The Constitution and federal laws.

The Fifth Amendment's proscription against depriving... until the same language made its way into...

The Fourteenth Amendment, which concerns the rights of citizenship, and was passed in the wake of the Civil War.

Article IV: immunities and privileges clause

The Privileges and Immunities Clause prevents a state from treating citizens of other states in a discriminatory manner.

Which of the following was true of the line item veto power, as approved by Congress in the mid-1990s while Bill Clinton was president?

The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution did not authorize the line-item veto.

The presidents constitutional power to reject acts of Congress is known as

The Veto

Voter turnout in the United States is usually higher in presidential election years than at other times because

The accessibility to vote, and how it is provided to the public, during presidential election that is blasted all over the news everywhere, which is not the same with other elections. Most Americans were taught the presidential election is most important.

lawmaking function

The authority (of a legislature) to make the laws necessary to carry out the government's powers.

midterm election

The congressional election that occurs midway through the president's term of office

Under which condition would a criminal case enter the realm of public law?

The defendant claims that constitutional rights were violated.

Home rule allows for

The delegation of certain power from the state level to local units of government, usually larger cities

Nineth Amendment

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

If someone convicted on federal drug charges in a U.S. district court wanted to file an appeal, what court would hear the appeal?

The federal circuit court of appeals for the district

When observers describe the Senate as more "deliberative," they mean that it is

The forum in which issues can receive a thorough public airing.

Third Amendment

The government may not house soldiers in private homes without consent of the owner

The federal government measures the performance of the American economy, excluding income from foreign investments at any given time through the measure of

The gross domestic product (GDP), which includes the market value of all goods and services produced in the United States.

A state's Supreme Court is typically

The highest court in a particular state


The institutions through which a land and its people are ruled.

What leaders hold most of the real power within the U.S. Senate and control the Senate's calendar or agenda for legislation?

The majority and minority leaders.

Although the veto is one of the president's most formidable powers, recent presidents have rarely used it. This is likely because

The mere threat of a veto is often enough to make legislators alter a bill's content.

When the Supreme Court ruled that the state Maryland did not have the authority to tax a national bank, it do so by invoking ____ of the federal constitution

The necessary and proper clause

executive privilege

The power to keep executive communications confidential, especially if they relate to national security.

Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In 1937,President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked Congress to add several new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Legislators ultimately rejected the request, after a divided reaction from the public, major lobbying campaigns against the plan, and bipartisan objections. Why might Roosevelt's plan have been controversial?

The president developed the proposal in reaction to the Court's striking down of many of his New Deal proposals, something critics saw as threatening judicial independence.

The New Jersey Plan

The proposal at the Constitutional Convention that called for equal representation of each state in Congress regardless of the state's population.


The redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines following the census, to accommodate population shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population.

representation function

The responsibility of a legislature to represent various interests in society.

Pell Grants, which help pay for the highest education tuition costs of low-to-moderate-income families, cover about 30 percent of the cost of a typical university education today, compared to about 80 percent in the 1970's. What is behind the decrease?

The size of the federal grants has not kept up with the rising tuition prices.

National Debt

The sum of government deficits over time.


The system of government in which a constitution divides power between a central government and regional governments. (5)

Jurisdiction is best described as...

The types of cases over which a court has authority.

Articles of the Constitution

These are the main areas of the US Constitution which lay out the establishment of all three branches of the Government -- the legislative, the executive and the judicial as well as the establishment of states and their relationship to the federal government and how the Constitution can be amended, how National law is supreme and how the Constitution will be ratified.

If the populace has some direct role in political decision making, the government is most likely:


The Virginia Plan

This called for 3 branches of government: legislature, executive and judicial. This plan was favored by the larger states because the representation in Congress was proportioned based on each state's population.

The Constitution's framers decided to have senators appointed for six-year terms because

This would insulate the lawmakers from what they called "excessive democracy."


Those who favored a strong national government and supported the constitution proposed at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Compare Antifederalists. (41)


Those who favored strong state governments and a weak national government and who were opponents of the constitution proposed at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. (41)

at the Constitutional Convention, the issue of counting enslaved persons for purposes of representation was settled by the

Three-Fifths Compromise

The largest unit of the newest federal cabinet department, the Department of Homeland Security, is the ________ , which is best known to the public for security Screening operations at airports

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

The Department of Justice's Criminal division oversees the work of _______, who are presidential appointees tasked with handling criminal investigations in federal judicial districts

U.S. attorneys

15th Amendment (1870)

U.S. cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed

What is the supreme body of the United Nations (UN)?

UN General Assembly

Obligations imposed on state governments, by congress, without reimbursement i've come to be known as

Unfunded mandates

The Senate is unique among the world's legislative bodies for its commitment to:

Unlimited debate.

A _______ occurs when the President rejects a piece of legislation. A _______ occurs when the President fails to sign a bill within 10 days of Congress adjourning.

Veto; Pocket Veto.

Presidential line of succession

Vice president, Speaker of the House, President pro tempore, and Secretary of State

The proposal to alter the Articles of Confederation by providing for a system of representation in the national legislature based on the population of each state, the proportion of each state's revenue contribution, or both was known as the

Virginia Plan

The Virginia Plan & The New Jersey Plan

Virginia Plan—Presented by Edmund Randolph and written by James Madison Virginia Plan—Called for bicameral legislature based on population and both the chief executive and judiciary to be chosen by legislature New Jersey Plan—Presented by William Patterson New Jersey Plan—Called for unicameral legislature with equal representation Plans were united in the Great Compromise; the plans form the basis of the modern American legislative structure

Which landmark 1965 law led to a change in the racial and ethnic composition of Congress over time, increasing descriptive representation?

Voting Rights Act.

The passed in the early 1970s in the wake of the Vietnam conflict declared that the president can send troops into action abroad only by authorization of Congress , or U.S. troops are already under attack or seriously threatened.

War Powers Resolution Act

Examples of Isolationism

Washington's Farewell Address, Republican successors to Wilson in 1920s

Which House committee is responsible for tax legislation?

Ways and Means

Examples of diplomacy

When a president sits down to talk to the president of another foreign country in order to try to resolve a tense situation, this is an example of a time when diplomacy is necessary.

What appears to be behind differences in the way women and men vote in the United States?

Women tend to identify and vote more with the Democratic Party than men do.

The most important international organization for promoting free trade is the

World Trade Organization

Could an American president decide, unilaterally, to recognize a breakaway or secessionist country's legitimacy by receiving its emissaries, even if the country it broke off from objected?

Yes, since as head of state, presidents may receive foreign ambassadors and ministers

An issue voter is most concerned with

a candidates position on a specific issue.

The Fourth Amendment rights to be protected... searches and seizures is an example of...

a civil liberty.

in the 1990s the north African country Somalia was effective without a variable central gov as it was in the middle of a civil war. Most people there were forced to turn to traditional religious authorities or "warlord" controllers of certain fiefdoms for public goods such as defense, sanitation, and education. At the time Somalia was considered

a failed state

Australian ballot

a government-printed ballot of uniform dimensions to be cast in secret that many states adopted around 1890 to reduce voting fraud associated with party-printed ballots cast in public

Voting Rights Act of 1965

a law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African-American suffrage


a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate

political ideology

a more or less consistent set of beliefs about what policies government ought to pursue

social policy

a national government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens

What is a common nonmilitary weapon of sorts that the United States uses against countries with which it has grievances, as it has in recent years with North Korea, Russia, and Iran, and over time with the communist regime in Cuba?

a policy of preemption

In contrast to civil liberties... strictly constitutional matter over time, and more...

a political one, with civil rights developed... after the country was founded.

What is the establishment clause?

a portion of the First Amendment that prohibits the federal government from establishing an official religion.

closed election

a primary election in which voting is limited to already registered party members

the first Continental Congress was created in response to which of the following

a series of provocations and retaliations between the British government and colonists in the wake of the Tea Act and Boston Tea Party

Budget Deficit

a shortfall of tax revenue from government spending


a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.

Consumption taxes

a tax on the purchase of a good or service. Consumption taxes can take the form of sales taxes, tariffs, excise, and other taxes on consumed goods and services.

The Federal Reserve has the power to change the interest rate at which banks lend money to each other through a process called

adjustment of the federal funds rate.

Concerns that lobbyists have too much influence have, over time, led to

adoption of legal guidelines regulating their activities.

A voluntary agreement between two or more private persons that facilitates the exchange of property or services, and which is given weight when it can be legally enforced, is called a


Brianna, a liberal feminist, does not completely disagree with friends in her district who say that it might be better to have a woman serving as their congressional representative. All the same, she finds a bit of rare common political ground with her conservative partner, Zach, in thinking that it is ultimately more important for a representative to do what a district's majority wants. Brianna could, consequently, be said to see more potential in _____________ representation.


Requirements to amend the constitution

amendment can be proposed either by a ⅔'s votes in each house of congress or National convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures; has to be ratified by ¾'s of the states

Interest groups can attempt to sway Supreme Court decisions through the use of a companion brief to a course case, known as

amicus curiae

The framers of the Constitution believed that powerful leaders and institutions must be held accountable by other powerful leaders and institutions, which led them to adopt

an elaborate system of checks and balances, as well as a division and sharing of powers among the three branches of government.

primary election

an election held to choose candidates for office

open election

an election that lacks an incumbent

Congress gives the power to what type of agency to make rules governing the conduct of people and businesses in certain economic sectors or types of commercial activity?

an independent regulatory commission

what was the main tool the framers used of the Constitution used to insulate the president from excessive democratic pressures?

an indirect election through the electoral college

Voting in the United States is a right, but not

an obligation, that is required or compulsory.

In a future United states, a group of technology companies are handed control of some key federal government surveillance projects as part of a congressional plan to modernize and privatize services. They regularly snoop on the conversations of public officials.Within a few years, video and audio evidence of public corruption, leaked by the tech companies, leaves the government vulnerable to collapse or takeout....The above would be an example of ____ gov system

an oligarchic

Despite Americans' ability to vote for many top officials, some critics assert that monied interests in campaign finance have come to outweigh the voice of the people in the country's governance and policymaking. In so doing, they suggest that the United States is:

an oligarchy

The federal Social Security Act of 1935 created ____________, jointly administered by the federal and state governments, designed to help workers whose jobs have been terminated through no fault of their own. It does so by providing payments to these workers for a short time.

an unemployment insurance program.

During the Constitutional Convention, the motion to include a bill of rights was

approved almost unanimously, on the day the convention concluded

Article VI: Supremacy clause

as all treaties and federal laws, "shall be the supreme Law of the Land"

Presidential and vice-presidential candidates are formally nominated by state party delegates

at national party conventions

An interest group is defined as an organized group of individuals or organizations that

attempt to influence government policies.

in an american future the president decides when facing military predictions of a coming conflict with china that it is time to take power for herself. expressing contempt for congress, the courts, and the media, the president justifies the action on national security guards.... This president could be said to leading a type of government known as


Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

banned soft money contributions to national political parties from corporations and unions; independent expenditures by corporations, labor unions, trade associations, and nonprofit organizations are sharply restricted

In modern day Germany, the national government... a practice that in the United States would...

be considered a clear violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause.

Why, in the twentieth century, did isolationist foreign policy stances become less tenable or realistic in the United States?

because technological progress left the country the country less isolated from foreign threats, while global economic interdependence increased.

Despite the commonly held belief... between church and state, the Supreme Court

been strict in some areas of church and state and interaction (...) and more accommodating in other (...).

a legislative assembly, such as Congress, that has been divided into two chambers (or houses) is best described as


Prior restraint is an effort by the government to...

block publication of material by a newspaper or magazine.

for congress to send an amendment to the Constitution to state legislatures or to ratifying conventions for approval, it must pass in

both the House and Senate with two-thirds majority

Limitations on the actions of monarchs in European countries first came into being with the advent of a social class, the ______ (French for "free people of the city") whose name later came to be synonymous with "middle class"


Political parties effectively lower the information costs of voter participation because they provide

brand-name recognition

The amount by which government spending exceeds revenues in a fiscal year is called the

budget deficit.

The traditional but informal designation for the heads of all the major departments of the federal government in the United States is the


beginning in the seventeenth century, people associated with commerce or industry began trying to gain power in Europe through

changing the rules of parliaments or legislative assemblies

the presidential veto power over legislation, the power of the senate to approve presidential appointments, and judicial review over acts of congress and presidential actions are examples of the American political system's principle of

checks and balances

example of immunities and privileges clause

citizenship that cannot be unreasonably abridged by state laws include the right to travel from state to state;

Cases involving disputes among individuals (or between individuals and the government) in which the losers may be required to pay monetary damages for their actions but are not fined or sent to prison are classified as ______ law.


The many constraints seen in the Bill of Rights, such as the Third Amendment's prohibition of quartering troops in private homes, protect...

civil liberties.

The government's obligation to allow African Americans to exercise their opportunity to vote is an example of a...

civil right.

A lawsuit in which a large number of persons with common interests join together under a representative party to bring or defend a lawsuit is called a __________ lawsuit.

class action

"take care" clause (Art. II, Sect. 3)

clause in the constitution that says the executive should enforce laws

Political party platforms serve as

clear political stances which supports, helps voters get an outlook on candidates and what they stand for.

The purpose of the ten amendments that make up the Bill of Rights was basically to give each of the three branches of government

clearer and more restricted boundaries

Some bureaucracies are intended to promote, serve, or represent a particular interest. What is the term used to describe this type of department or bureau?

clientele agency

A primary election is described as ____ if is only open to voters who have registered their affiliation with a party by a certain number of days before the vote.



contract is a voluntary agreement between two or more people that governs future conduct.

The two most common types of civil cases involve

contracts and torts

Powers of the Senate

confirm presidential appointments by a majority vote, ratify (approve) treaties made by the president by a 2/3rds vote (67 senators), hold impeachment trial to remove a president

Social media sites, including Twitter and Facebook, have been notable in American politics not only for providing politicians and interest groups a more direct means of communication but in giving like-minded individuals a means of

connecting and communicating with one another.

National Security Council

consists of the president vice president and secretarles of state and defense, as well as other policy experts.

The district making up the area from which an official is elected is known as his or her:


Article 1: Necessary and Proper Clause

constitutional authorization for Congress to make any law required to carry out its powers

The security strategy that dominated United States foreign relations in the aftermath of World War II, and largely designed as a way to limit the growing power of the communist Soviet Union, was known as


Someone who generally supports extensive government intervention in the economy, along with greater protections for consumers and the environment, is known as a

contemporary liberal political ideology.

Medicare and Social Security, which are social programs that people pay for through what are legally referred to as tax "contributions" (even though those contributions are mandatory), are known as ______ programs.


An example of implied powers

creation of a national bank

Cases in which the government charges an individual with violating a law that has been enacted to protect the public health, safety, morals, or welfare are classified as ________ law.


A representative or senator referred to as "incumbent" is one who

currently holds the seat or public office.

the eighteenth amendment, which prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, and the Twenty-First amendment, which repealed that prohibition, were unusual among constitutional amendments in that they

dealt with social policy issues

Intent of Declaration of Independence

declare independence, to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain.

in american democracy most citizens rarely dwell- or ever have to dwell you could say- on the minor details of domestic public policy proposals or analysis of international concerns because they

delegate decisions to representatives, who worry about such matters instead

Electoral College System

delegates assign to each state a number of electors equal to the total of that state's representatives and senators; instituted because the delegates at Philadelphia feared that too much democracy might lead to mob rule

.Representatives who believe that they have been elected to do the bidding of those who sent them to Congress are said to be serving as


A system of rule that allows citizens to play a significant part in the governmental process, usually through the selection of key public officials, is called


Preamble of the US Constitution

describes the purpose of government: 1) form a more perfect union; 2) establish justice 3) domestic tranquility; 4) provide for the common defense; 5) promote the general welfare; and 6) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

The term "foreign policy" refers to programs and policies that

determine a country's relations with other countries and foreign entities.

A nation pursuing a policy of ______ signals peaceful intentions, but also indicates a willingness and ability to use a strong military if attacked.


what does a foreign policy of deterrence against the threat posed by another country require?

developing and maintaining large military forces.

If the president or a duty appointed executive branch official (e.g., the secretary of state) meets with dignitaries of a foreign government with the purpose of promoting national values or interests by peaceful means, he or she can be said to be engaging in


By allowing voters to bypass lawmakers and make law on their own, a ballot initiative can be called an institution of

direct democracy

The process that allows citizens to vote directly on proposed laws or other governmental actions is called a

direct democracy

The lowest tier of the federal court system consists of ____________, which are located in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and several territories. These take in civil and criminal trial courts of general jurisdiction.

district courts

Impact of Consumption taxes

does not affect families' choices between current and future consumption, since savings are not taxed. Taxing interest, dividends, and capital gains, as under income tax, results in less investment and savings.

As forbidden by the U.S. Constitution, trying a person more than once for the same crime is known as

double jeopardy.

The notion that each American is a citizen of the national government and separately a citizen of one of the states is known as...

dual citizenship.

The requirement that the judicial system must... for individual rights is known as the...

due process of law.

Presidents have, in recent decades, reduced the importance of the Senate in foreign policy through the use of

executive agreements that can, without Senate approval , create a politically binding understanding between the United States and another country.

Presidential powers that the Constitution explicitly grants are called

expressed powers

the idea that the federal government can exercise only the powers specifically articulated in the Constitution is known as the doctrine of

expressed powers

social benefits

external benefits + private benefits (ext benefits: gains to rest of society other than the business; private benefits: money made from the business's sales)

Beginning in 1971, the federal government tried to ________ by implementing strict controls over what wages people could be paid for their work, what rent their real estate could bring, and what interest they could get on their money .

fight inflation.

In the 2010 case Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002's restrictions on corporations' independent expenditures violated their

first right freedom of speech

Policies having to do with taxing and spending are generally referred to as:


Congressional attempts to plan for the economic effects of taxing and spending are known as

fiscal policy planning

American news media may have an agenda-setting effect through

focusing attention on a certain issue.

Senators, in contrast to House members, are better equipped to consider new ideas and bring together new political coalitions, because they serve:

for six-year terms, which gives them a longer-term view.

International Institutions

formal international organizations and informal regimes that establish common rules to regularize international contacts and communications

The family-owned Hobby Lobby chain... have required it to offer _________ to female employees, something the owners saw as a violation of their religious liberty.

free contraception

The clause in the Bill of Rights that protects a citizen's right to believe and practice whatever religion he or she choose is known as the ________ clause.

free exercise

Since World War II, the fact that American presidents have often committed the United States to overseas missions and conflicts with little to no consultation with Congress is at odds with the intentions of the Constitution's framers because they

gave Congress the power to declare war and made the president commander in chief only when Congress chose to exercise that power.

Major congressional legislation passed during Franklin D. Roosevelt's early New Deal years, along with the Supreme Court's eventual turn away from limiting the federal role in economic regulation , increased presidential power because such actions

gave the president or new executive agencies broad discretion in exercising control over the economy by not specifying how this control would be carried out

Which term best describes the apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party?


Which term describes the act of redrawing congressional districts in such a way as to give an unfair advantage to the political party in power?


Strategies utilized by political parties and interest groups to influence government

gerrymandering, party activism, lobbying.

A strategy that launches a media campaign to build popular support is called

going public

no organized prevention of violence and disorder exists under anarchy In recent years, American politics have names government as the nations top problems in surveys, edging out policy issues related to the economy and national security. Many have suggested that their more specific complaint with American Gov is its perceived inability to get things done. This suggests that many people in the U.S see a prob with its


social welfare programs

government programs that provide the minimum living standards necessary for all citizens

An elected school board and a superintendent who together create, vote upon, and administer district-wide policies for a large public school system, and the combined branches of the federal government are similar in that they constitute ____________.


The American president exercises a measure of judicial authority through his or her power to

grant reprieves, pardons, and amnesties

to give federal judges some isolation from political pressure, the Constitution's framers

granted federal judges lifetime appointments to their offices

A tariff

is a tax on imported goods.

Mobilizing ordinary citizens to write to their representatives in support of a group's position is a specific example of

grassroots lobbying

compared to the confederation principle of the Articles of Confederation, federalism was a step toward

greater centralization of power

The government can force a large business to dissolve into smaller companies if it can show that the business __________, as it did the telephone company AT&T and its affiliated regional Bell System companies in the 1980's, through antitrust regulation.

has established a monopoly over certain goods or services.

In many countries, legislatures may only confirm decisions that are made by executive departments or councils, ones including a prime minister or cabinet Congress, by contrast

has formidable governance powers, although it shares power and competes with the president

The federal government put millions of people back to work during the Great Depression by

having them work with newly created agencies to construct bridges, walkways, and buildings that can still be seen across the country today.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Extension Services , with their local "extension agents" who consult with farmers to promote farm productivity are a familiar example of

how many of the personnel in clientele agencies' field offices or operations deal directly with clientele

example of supremacy clause

if president Trump wants to harshly enforce that the use of marijuana is illegal, then people in states like california and oregon can be arrested because federal law overrides state law.

although civil rights originally referred to government... come to refer to how people are treated in private sphere, including...

in employment in the workplace.

the majority of young voters in the United States today describe themselves as


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are both

independent agencies, ones that do not fall under the control of any cabinet department.

About half of the American states allow for a process known as ____________, one where citizens can bring issues before voters that state legislatures cannot, or do not want to resolve or confront.


the rules and procedures established by political ____ or organized systems with rules and formal procedures, influence the forms that political activity may take


Most state ballot initiatives are now sponsored by

interest groups

A form of implementation in which bureaucrats try to discern and carry out the intention of their political superiors is known as:


When a witness in trial asserts that he or she is pleading the Fifth Amendment, it means that the person...

is invoking the guarantee that no citizen shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against oneself.

In what has become known as his "farewell address" President George Washington laid one of the cornerstones of American foreign policy --- _________, a security stance the country would maintain for decades to come--- when he warned the nation to "steer clear of permanent alliances" and have little political connection to foreign countries.


Although the International Monetary Fund has billions of dollars, collected from all its members, with which to make loans to developing or economically unstable countries, it generally does so in ways that are consistent with the interests of

its leading shareholders, including the United States, Europe, and Japan.

The clear intent of the framers of the constitution was for Congress to have

legislative supremacy

Historically, the party that controls the White House has usually lost seats in congressional midterm elections when the president is not on the ballot. Why is this the case?

less voting, and not implementing agenda

In American politics, persons who seek to expand liberty above all other principles, as well as to minimize government intervention in the economy and society, are called


Constitutional democracy

like U.S., the powers of the government are limited (by a constitution) many perspectives are taken into account (through democratic institutions).

Obtaining political influence by gaining access to key decision-makers in government and using the courts to exercise influence are considered _________ used by interest groups.


Turnout in congressional midterm elections has, in recent times, tended to be ________ the turnout for presidential elections.

lower than

Conservative Ideology

maintain peace through strength (military spending), supports troops, right to life, support prayer in schools, oppose affirmative action, favor free-market solutions, low taxes, low spending, go after the criminals, free gun control, less criminal rights

The House of Representatives, what leaders are responsible for lining up party members on important votes and relaying voter information to the leaders?

majority and minority whips

The party that holds the majority of seats in a legislative chamber, such as the U.S. House or Senate, is called the

majority leader

A type of electoral process in which a candidate must receive more than 50 percent of all votes cast in a jurisdiction to win a seat in a legislative body is a

majority rule system.

Monetary policy, of the sort typically handled by a country's central bank or banking system, involves

managing a country's economy through the supply of money and credit.

The greatest achievement of the disability rights movement was...

passage of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act.

Although presidents cannot introduce legislation, they can usually rely on ________ in Congress to introduce legislation that they favor and help shepherd the legislation through.

members of their own party

What is the exact visible instrument of foreign policy that any country has ?

military force.

Political parties can help overcome a free-rider problem inherent in voting, which in the United States can be inconvenient for many, through

mobilizing voters and, more specifically, getting them to support party candidates.

the declaration of independence's assertion that governments cannot deprive citizens of the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was dramatic because this was an era when

most monarchs considered themselves to be rulers by divine right

In response to Americans' heavy and increasing use of the Internet, traditional media such as newspapers, television, and radio have

moved much of their content online, often providing it for free.

Fair Election Campaign Act (1971)

n 1971, Congress consolidated the earlier campaign finance laws as the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), and instituting more stringent disclosure requirements for federal candidates, political parties and political action committees (PACs).

what was the primary concern of the Continental Congress of 1777?

naming the powers of the central government and leaving power in the hands of states

Each year the federal government spends more money than it takes in from revenue, as it has since the late 1990s. The difference is added to the ___________, or the total amount of money owed by the U.S. government, which sat at $20 trillion in the late 2017.

national debt.

During the winter of 1786-1787, John Adams of Massachusetts was sent to negotiate a new treaty with the British to cover disputes left over from the war. The British government responded that it would

negotiate with each of the 13 colones independently

English philosopher Thomas Hobbes suggested that life outside of society with government would be "nasty, brutish, and short" and filled with continual fear because

no organized prevention of violence and disorder exists under anarchy

Terrorist groups--- including Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, usually referred to as ISIS or ISIL-- that undertake operations without any government ties or sponsorship are examples of the hostile brand of

non-state actors.

Public-assistance programs, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Medicaid, which provide benefits to people based on their need rather than taxes paid by them, are often popularly referred to as "welfare" programs. To federal government analysts, however, they are referred to as ________ social programs.


The fate of most House and Senate bills is to die in committee. This means that they will:

not be sent to the full House or Senate for consideration

Despite developing an increasing number of social programs over time, since the advent of Social Security in 1935, the United States still has a much less robust welfare state than many other developed democracies. This means, comparatively, that it has ____________.

not developed as extensive a set of social programs or benefits.

The U.S. Constitution Intent

o create a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power that fundamental rights would be at risk. One way that this was accomplished was to separate the power of government into three branches, and then to include checks and balances on those powers to assure that no one branch of government gained supremacy. This concern arose largely out of the experience that the delegates had with the King of England and his powerful Parliament. The powers of each branch are enumerated in the Constitution, with powers not assigned to them reserved to the States

Interest-group politics in the United States has a pronounced upper-class bias because

of the characteristics of interest-group members.

______ primaries are ones in which any voter can choose to participate, regardless of any party affiliation or a lack thereof.


Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

In what way did the Supreme Court decision apply most of the civil liberties guaranteed under the Bill of Rights to the states?

over time, mostly in the twentieth century... from the Bill of Rights into the Fourteenth Amendment.

The key to securing the sort of representation that one wants in government, as a citizen, is __________.


The idea that interest group competition helps produce the best policies through balance and compromise is called


A type of electoral process in which a candidate must receive the most votes cast in a jurisdiction to win a seat in a legislative body is

plurality rule system

Which form of speech is the most consistently protected?


The single strongest predictor of how a person will vote is that individual's

political party

party identification is

political party with which an individual identifies.

The process through which underlying beliefs and values are formed is collectively called political

political socialization

Efforts to gain power, influence power, or bring new players into politics are examples of


in modern democracies, the conflict and cooperation over the leadership, structure, and policies of government is called


Legislation that captures federal projects and funds for a congressional representatives own district is described as a ____ legislation

pork barrel

Noncontributory programs, such as Medicaid, are implemented in part through means testing, meaning that

potential benefit recipients have their eligibility determined through a process involving proof of income and need.

An example of a concurrent power is

power to tax

Prior judicial decisions that are applied to a given case, whether in a federal or state court, are known as


In 2003, when the United States launched an attack on Iraq on the grounds that the country was warehousing weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons banned under international law, it opted for a policy of _____________ against any threat to American interests that was posed by Iraq and its autocratic leader, Saddam Hussein.


A ______________ championed by President George W. Bush and passed by Congress in 2003 accounts for much of the dramatically increased cost of the Medicare program.

prescription drug benefit plan

A _______ championed by President George W. Bush and passed by Congress in 2003 accounts for much of the dramatically increased cost of the Medicare program.

prescription drug benefit plan.

Today, the most important party business carried out at national conventions includes

presidential candidates and treaties " of a sort, in which various party factions can state their terms for supporting their nominees.

When legal scholars or constitutional law specialists... they mean the Court..

ruled that provisions of the Bill of Rights apply to the states.

revolutionary war veteran Daniel Shays led a mob in a rebellion against the Massachusetts government, with the goal of

preventing foreclosures on farmers' land during an economic downturn.

In modern American politics, most party nominees for elected public offices are chosen through

primary elections

the relationship between a representative and his or her constituents, in which constituents essentially the "hire" the representative to act on their behalf is known as a

principal-agent relationship

Before the introduction of the Australian ballot to the American system, ballots were often

printed by political parties or slates of candidates.

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees are examples of

private interest group labor organizations or unions

Groups such as the American Bar Association (ABA), with a membership of lawyers and law students, and the American Medical Association (AMA), an association of physicians, are known as

private interest groups, professional lobbies.

A country that allows political parties to receive legislative seats in accordance with the percentage of the vote they respectively win in elections is said to have a _______ election system.

proportional representation

The oldest form of going public, which can be effectively used by interest groups who lack money, contacts, and expertise, is

protest, which can include taking part in marches, rallies, and sit-ins.

The federal government became involved in subsidizing the education of college and university students as a result of the 1944 GI Bill, which

provided veterans returning from World War II with college and university tuition vouchers.

In today's Washington, D.C., lobbyists are most likely to win influence or find success in Congress for groups they work for or represent by

providing information about policies to busy members of Congress

In organizing the Boston Tea Party of 1773, radical colonial interests succeeded in their hope of __________, a hope not shared by newfound allies from the New England merchant class.

provoking the British into taking actions that would pave the way for the colonial rebellion

The chief vehicle through which liberals have advanced their policy ideas in recent times has been

public interest groups

Groups that lobby for influence and policy change in issue areas not covered by traditional business, industrial, or labor groups, such as consumer protection and environmental policy, are known as _______ groups.

public interest groups.

The term used to denote citizen attitudes and views of political issues, personalities (including public officials), institutions, and events is

public opinion

Amendments to the 1965 Voting Rights Act have increased the number of congressional districts in which

racial minorities hold decisive voting majorities, leading to more racial diversity in Congress.

When President George W. Bush relied too heavily on his staff for information about weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) In Iraq, which led him to erroneous conclusions, his reliance exemplified the trade-off between

reliance on the in-house expertise of White House staff and the need to access independent outside opinion.

A single-member district is an electoral district

represented by a single officeholder.

Affordable Care Act of 2010

requires an organization with 50 or more employees to make health insurance available to employees or pay an assessment and gives employees the right to buy health insurance from another provider if an organization's health insurance is too expensive

According to modern interpretation of the principle of eminent domain, the U.S. Constitution...

requires public agencies to compensate for property taken from private citizens justly.

Article IV: Full faith and credit clause

requires states to honor each other's official records

Although its role in foreign policy is not as important as it was for much of American history, the Senate still plays an important constitutional role in this area through:

reviewing and appealing treaties made by the president.

Individuals' preferences about politics and public policy are usually most rooted in

self interest

In presidential elections, states are allocated Electoral College votes that equal their number of

senators and representatives in its U.S. Congressional delegation.

the Court considered only the consequences of segregation and used them to suggest that ultimately...

separate was inherently unequal in public education, under racial segregation.

National Voter Registration Act or Motor Voter Law of 1993

sets forth certain voter registration requirements with respect to elections for federal office. Section 5 of the NVRA requires that States offer voter registration opportunities at State motor vehicle agencies

Executive privilege

shields presidents from revealing their confidential communications with close advisers .

Americans who do not take the time to learn about government, or about policy issues, in any depth are more likely to lean on ______________ than anything else to help them make political decisions.

shortcuts, party labels and stereotypes

Members of Congress and many state officials, such as state representatives, are elected in

single member districts

discussions among the Constitution's framers over __________ pitted the elite groups of northern merchants and southern planters against each other providing an early warning of national conflict to come.


In recent years, much of the content of the news, especially local news, has shifted away from politics and public affairs and toward entertainment and lifestyle reports known as

soft news

Partisan manipulation of congressional and state legislative redistricting has become much easier in recent years due to

sophisticated mapping software and more data on local voting patterns and demographics

Speech accompanied by activities such as picketing, distributing leaflets, or other forms of peaceful discrimination is referred to as...

speech plus.

In 2014, the Supreme Court struck down aggregate... on the grounds that...

spending money on behalf of candidates... as held in Buckley v. Valeo.

The adoption of the Australian ballot by U.S. states from 1885 to 1893 facilitated voting for candidates of different parties on the same ballot, a practice known as ________ voting.


Powers of the House

start all appropriation/revenue bills, impeaches government officials, choose president if tie in electoral college

With the Electoral College, the Constitution's framers wanted to create a presidency that would be more responsible to _____________________ than the people.

state and local legislators

The responsibility for congressional redistricting lies, in most states, with

state legislatures

before a constitutional amendment led to direct election of US Senators, they were selected by

state legislatures

The Supreme Court has been _____________ in enforcing... such as graduations and football games.

strict, or consistent

More than any other single news source, Americans get their news from


Most Americans say that their primary source of information about public affairs is


Popularly known as "Obamacare," _________ was created and designed to ensure that tens of millions of Americans who could not afford health insurance would have access to at least basic coverage. It also expanded Medicaid.

the Affordable Care Act.

Why did New England merchants seek support from the radical factions in the American colonies?

the British government's granting of monopoly on tea exports to the East India Company ended a formerly profitable business for the merchants

In which amendment does the equal protection clause appear?

the Fourteenth Amendment

The transparency of the federal bureaucracy has been increased over time by ________________, which granted ordinary citizens the right of access to agency files.

the Freedom of Information Act, adopted in 1966

the agreement reached during the constitutional convention to adopt the proposal that gave each state an equal number of senators regardless of the population but linked representation in the House of Representatives to population became known as the

the Great Compromise

except for one, all of the amendments that have been added to the Constitution have passed in

the House and Senate by a two-thirds vote and then ratified by a majority vote of the legislatures of three-fourths of the states.

which proposal, offered by smaller states during the Constitutional Convention, argued each state should be equally represented regardless of its population?

the New Jersey Plan

At the federal level, the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal are the courts of last resort for most cases, whether civil or criminal, because

the U.S. Supreme Court can choose what cases it wants to hear, among those appealed from lower courts.

Which of the following is an organization founded in 1945 and created with the goal of increasing and maintaining international order, as well as providing a channel for international cooperation?

the United Nations

besides the United States under the Articles of Confederation, what is another example of a confederate system of government in which the subunits of government retain sovereignty and virtually all government powers>

the United Nations and its member states

Which international institution, created toward the end of World War II by the United States and its allies (excluding the Soviet Union), provides development aid to poor countries through financing of long-term projects?

the World Bank

Under the Constitution, the president can appoint ambassadors, federal judges, and top executive officers, but only with

the advise and consent of the Senate.

individual freedoms, including freedom of speech were advanced by this European social class which emerged in the seventeenth century, with members taking their way to the american colonies and having enormous influence there

the bourgeoisie

the united states was the first country in the world founded mainly by

the bourgeoisie class, or people involved in commerce or industry

Executive Branch

the branch of government that carries out laws

Judicial Branch

the branch of government that interprets laws

Legislative Branch

the branch of government that makes the laws

In the wake of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, a super PAC may raise _______ and spend the monies on candidate or issue advocacy.

unlimited funds

Federal Reserve

the central bank of the United States

The seemingly eternal problem of "revolving-door politics," which refers to the frequent rotation of elected officials and agency administrators and staff into lobbying jobs, is driven by

the continual turnover of staff, lobbyists, and even political parties in Washington.

Until the twentieth century and World War II at least, American national security was mostly based on

the country's geographic isolation

Yasmin has recorded a pop song that's sure to be a hit. Her backers agree and think individuals in her country—largely impoverished, and still recovering from a brutal civil war—will play her song for years to come. She dreams of having her song become an international hit. To this end, Yasmin and her backers apply for a copyright with the country's government. She and her producers soon learn, however, that performers in nearby cities have directly copied her song and sold it as their own work. She responds by calling upon authorities to enforce her copyright, but they do nothing, and her dream of success quickly slips out of reach. What is the problem here?

the country's government has failed to enforce Yasmin's claim of ownership over her work

why might the delegates to the Constitutional Convention have rejected a motion to include a bill of rights in the Constitution

the delegates thought rights should be guaranteed to the states, no to individual citizens

Separate but equal doctrine

the doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that African Americans could constitutionally be kept in separate but equal facilities

Most spending on social welfare programs in the United States goes to programs for

the elderly

The most severe restraint imposed by the Constitution and the courts... are almost certainly guilty to go free, is...

the exclusionary rule, which prohibits evidence obtained during an illegal search from being introduced in a trial.

for well over a decade, U.S. senator marques has publicly supported immigration reform. In so doing she has reflected majority views in her state as shown in many surveys. Now it appears, a big push is coming from congressional leaders to pass a reform bill. The senator finds what she is hearing from her constituents bewildering, however.....Marquess wants to do what majorities in her states want, but faces a basic dilemma of representative democracy in doing so. That dilemma is best describes as

the fact that sometimes, representatives cannot find a course of action that is clearly consistent with majority rule

The Bill of Rights is a series of amendments on what

the federal government and... states must not do.

The American political system away from congressional-centered government and toward presidential -centered government with

the first 100 days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's President and the adoption of the New Deal programs, created in response to the Great Depression.

Although symbolic speech is entitled to a measure of... a crime to burn draft cards (a form of symbolic speech) because...

the government had a compelling interest in preserving its ability to conduct the draft.

Sales taxes, other "consumption" taxes on items including liquor and gasoline, and federal Social Security contributions are called regressive taxes because:

the less you make, the higher percentage of your income that goes toward paying these taxes.

In civil as well as criminal cases, the ruling of a state court of last resort can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court when:

the losing party raises a federal issue; that is, one involving a federal statute or a constitutional question.

In the 1830s, which practice was seen by its supporters as a victory for democracy against congressional elites and a way to strengthen the presidency?

the national convention system for nominating presidential candidates.

Campaigns in the United States, particularly those for president and congressional seats, are known for being unusually long due mainly to

the need to reach voters and the associated need to raise funds, along with lengthy election calendars.


the official count of a population

An example of expressed powers

the power to declare war, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, conduct foreign relations, coin money, and raise and maintain a military

before he left office as the first American president, George Washington pardoned two men convicted of treason and sentenced to death in connection to the Whiskey Rebellion, a Pennsylvania tax protest. Although he had been involved in a well-received mission to quell the rebellion, Washington thought the men had seen. the error of their ways. Deciding this was in keeping with

the president's right to grant unconditional reprieves and pardons of federally convicted persons

only ___________ can appoint supreme court justices, with ______________ approval.

the president; senate

The Constitution gives ________ the power to negotiate treaties with other countries, but only _________can approve them

the president; the Senate

political socialization

the process by which people gain their political attitudes and opinions

The basis for the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade was an evolving understanding of ______ in a case involving state restrictions on abortion services.

the right to privacy

Civil rights

the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.

the Constitution's Article VI asserts that the national government's laws and all treaties between the United States and foreign countries, come before those adopted by any state. This has come to be known as

the supremacy clause

Gross Domestic Product

the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year.

Although Alexander Hamilton developed policies to promote industry in the early years of the American republic, it was not until _________, that the federal government began playing a central role in promoting economic growth.

the twentieth century, especially with the Great Depression and the New Deal programs created to battle it.

If the president vetoes a bill:

the veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate

political identity

the ways that individuals categorize themselves and others, and how they understand the power relationships of domination and oppression that exist between groups

Interest groups tend to primarily concern themselves with

their interests and policies of government that affect those interests.

Article Two: Executive Branch

they are the part of the government that enforces the laws passed by the congress with a president who can be elected now a days to 1-2 terms

Programs like Social Security are referred to as "entitlement programs" because

they guarantee---- that is, entitle----benefits to certain groups of people, based on categories established by federal law.

Upper-income Americans tend to affiliate with the Republican Party because

they have an economic self-interest in lower taxes.

Rules made by regulatory agencies and commissions are referred to as administrative legislation because

they have the force of law.

Market standards that are often provided by governments, such as weights and measures, are important to the functioning of a market economy because

they help people understand what they are bargaining for

Third parties rarely win elective office in the United States because

they lack sufficient membership concentration in any one district to win a plurality of votes.

The Antifederalists, a group of respected early American statesmen, argued in writings against the new Constitution that it was step toward monarchy and a betrayal of the American Revolution because

they thought a stronger central government would use its power to oppress ordinary citizens

Primary function of the Judicial Branch

to interpret the law

Had the Constitution's framers voted in favor of the Virginia Plan, which provided for a bicameral legislature with representation based on state populations or the size of their contributions to national tax revenues, or both, where might most of the power have likely flowed?

to large states, such as Virginia, the home of the plan's author, James Madison

Articles of Confederation: intent and problems

to preserve the independence and sovereignty of the states. The weak central government established by the Articles received only those powers which the former colonies had recognized as belonging to king and parliament. The problem is Congress did not have the power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce. There was no executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress. There was no national court system. Amendments to the Articles of Confederation required a unanimous vote.

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforces extensive labeling requirements for pharmaceutical drugs, ones that drugs makers, physicians, and pharmacies are legally obligated to follow. Consequently, any prescription you receive will include a list of side effects and highlight any possible dangers of the medication. Regulations such as these are enacted and enforced by the federal government in order to..

to protect consumers from unsafe products.

In the future united states, advanced drone technology, along with a high definition video and audio are deployed presidential administration to reduce violent crime and public corruption and fight terrorism at home.....Opposition groups have learned that this administration being____ In nature, will use advanced technology to not just fight crime but eliminate any rivals to power.


the terms of appointments for senators are staggered so that the terms of one-third of the senators expire every

two years

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

unanimously held that the racial segregation of children in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. Brown claimed that Topeka's racial segregation violated the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause because the city's black and white schools were not equal to each other and never could be. Overruled Plessy v. Ferguson's "separate but equal" doctrine and would eventually led to the desegregation of schools across the South

In treating the states like independent countries, the Articles of Confederation allowed states to

undermine each other in the competition for foreign commerce

Whenever you deposit money into a checking or savings account at a traditional retail bank or other financial institution that advertises the fact that it is a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) member-and most banks are, in order to remain competitive- you can be certain that:

up to 250,000 of any of your deposited money will be insured against bank failure by the FDIC.

Which of the following would best provide an example of deterrence behavior by the United States, or any other country?

updating and increasing the power of its nuclear arsenal and air power in the hope of discouraging an attack.

In 1993, Congress passed and President Clinton signed into law the National Voter Registration Act, popularly known as the "motor voter" law, which allowed

voter registration at state driver licensing agencies, as well public- assistance and military-recruitment offices.

Recalls (politics)

voters can remove an elected official from office through a referendum before that official's term of office has ended.

Americans participate in government in many ways, including lobbying, volunteering for campaigns, and protesting, but most do so primarily through:

voting for representation

Public opinion

what the public thinks about a particular issue or set of issues at any point in time

Although sometimes a seeming adversary of business and industry when acting in a regulatory role, and often disliked by the private sector for its taxes and regulations, government is nonetheless essential to the functioning of a market economy because

when it works, government provides the law and order, predictability, and accountability that market economies need to survive and thrive.

At the beginning of the Republic, most states restricted voting rights to

white men over the age of 21, with other states requiring property ownership.

A political party is an organized group seeking to

win elections to influence activities in government

Presidents appoint all federal judges—from the federal district level to the appeals courts to the Supreme Court:

with the advice and consent of the Senate

Differences in opinion based on gender, race and geography

women more democratic, African Americans and Hispanic voters tend to vote more democratic.

In recent years, after decades in which presidents took the lead in setting policy agendas, congressional leaders have been setting their own, especially during:

years when facing a White House controlled by the opposition party.

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