Govt 2306 - Chapter 8 Mind tap

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How many legislators are there in the Texas Legislature?


Which type of resolution involves action by one legislative chamber only and is NOT sent to the governor?

A simple resolution

When a vacancy arises during a term in the Texas House or Senate, how is that vacancy filled?

A special election called by the governor

Roberto is concerned that the recent redrawing of legislative districts around Houston will diminish the vote of Latino citizens and was done to favor the Republican party. Roberto is concerned with what practice?


The matters available for discussion during special sessions are set by which government official?


Political science research has shown what relationship between descriptive representation and substantive representation?

Increasing descriptive representation for a group leads to improved substantive representation for that group.

While the legislature is in session, what happens to a bill if it remains unsigned by the governor for 10 days?

It becomes law.

Which statement is true regarding term length in the Texas legislature?

Representatives are elected for two years, and Senators are elected for four years.

What is true regarding the annual salary of Texas legislators?

Senators and representatives receive low pay but a generous retirement pension.

Which research group has been accused of acting as the "in-house think tank of the state's current Republican leadership"?

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Texas has a bicameral legislature. What is the larger chamber called?

The House of Representatives

Where must all bills that produce revenue originate?

The House of Representatives

When does legislative redistricting occur for both the Texas House and the Senate?

The first odd-numbered year in a decade

What is one of the legal restrictions that members of the Texas legislature must meet?

They may not hold another government office.

In Texas, when does the president pro tempore preside over the Senate?

When the lieutenant governor is absent or disabled

Who is the most powerful legislative officer in Texas because of the powers granted to them by Senate rules?

Lieutenant governor

What are the three categories of bills?

Special, general, and local

Traditionally, which occupation has been typical of a Texas legislator?


Thomas is a Texas representative. When he supports a bill that is introduced into the House, he sometimes debates the bill excessively with his fellow representatives for the purpose of using time and preventing floor action on another bill that he opposes. Which tactic is Thomas using in this example?


Which independent Texas research organization is accused by critics of having a liberal bias?

Every Texan

How does a Texas House member introduce a bill?

Filing electronically with the chief clerk

What outcome has been shown by a comparison of election results from single-member and multi-member districts?

More Black and Latino candidates are elected in single-member districts.

The Legislative Black Caucus is an example of what category of caucus?


Who controls all proceedings in the Texas House?

Speaker of the House

What type of committee considers bills and resolutions relating to the subject identified by a committee's name, such as agriculture or public health?

Substantive committees

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