GOVT Chapter 7

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in 2000 just ___% of adult internet users said they looked for news or information about politics or the upcoming campaigns online


who were among the first to charge customers for reading the news online?

Washington post, new york times, and the economist

news aggregator

an application or feed that collects web content such as news headlines, blogs, podcasts, online videos, and more in one location for easy viewing

Which of the following stories would an American news outlet that relies primarily on advertising revenue be LEAST likely to cover?

an economics professor providing testimony to a congressional committee on the effect of tariffs

legacy newspapers face the greatest competition from

digital only news outlets such as politico, bloomberg news, the drudge report, the national review, and a host of others

relentless series of investigations launched by the Washington post, the new york times and the TV networks led to

disclosures of the various crimes which Nixon was guilty, leading to threats of impeachment and his subsequent resignation

conservatives have long charged that the liberal biases of reporters and journalists result in

distorted news coverage

In the United States today, the government

does not own but regulates the content and ownership of broadcast media.

Web sites with personal commentary on news events, links to other Web sites, and short posts of views are called

editorial pages.

american philosopher john dewey believed the media served to

educate the public. a strong democracy was based not only on voting rights, but ensuring that public opinion on current issue is based on communication among citizens, experts, and elected officials

The now defunct requirement that broadcasters provide time for opposing views when they air programs on controversial issues was called what?

equal time rule

Social media usage tends to

exaggerate partisan polarization among the mass public because people pick their own friend networks and can avoid disagreeable ideas.

"Affective intelligence" refers to the

fact that individuals will often quickly form opinions in response to current events by using their emotions as a guide.

In 1985, the federal government stopped enforcing the ________, arguing that it was no longer necessary due to the increasing number of television and radio stations.

fairness doctrine

fake news

false stories circulated to generate ad revenue or to benefit one political candidate or party over another most widely publicized fake news story was in the 2016 election saying the pope had endorsed trump for president

the profit motive of the news industry may have contributed to Donald trump's unexpected victory in the 2016 election

his candidacy received double the media coverage of his democratic opponent, Hillary clinton and his republican challenger in the primaries

When the media focus on a candidate's relative standing in the polls instead of substantive issues, theyare demonstrating __________ coverage.

horse race

conservative radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have

huge audiences and have helped to mobilize support for conservative political causes and candidates

The media can set the political agenda in the United States by

identifying an issue as a problem that must be solved.

growth of radio stations

in 1990 there were 400 radio stations, a number that has grown to over 2000 today

According to political scientist Jonathan Ladd, trust in the mainstream media has declined over the last 50 years as a result of

increased competition in party politics and journalism

The fact that Americans strongly support minimal governmental interference with individuals' lives and property illustrates their commitment to


Most leaks originate with what?

low-level government whistle blowers

without the rigorous investigative and adversarial journalism of the news media on behalf of political leaders, the people would not have the

means (and information) necessary to hold their elected representatives accountable to the people


method used by journalists to report both sides of the story

newspapers are the ___ medium for the dissemination of the news, though most americans read digital versions of print media today


In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy for Governor of California

on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

political news is reported where?

on page one of print newspapers or in news alerts on your cell phone


one of the fundamental changes ushered in by an era of online news in the speed with which local, national, and international events are covered, as well as the scope of the coverage


print and digital forms of communication, including television, newspapers, radio, and the internet, intended to convey information to large audiences

In Red Lion Broadcasting Company vs. FCC (1969) the Supreme Court upheld the

right of rebuttal

The media frenzy over the Monica Lewinsky scandal is evidence that

the media's bias is more oriented toward entertainment than ideology

Low-level officials who hope to publicize what they view as their bosses or the government's improper activities are usually called


Low-level officials who hope to publicize what they view as their bosses' or the government's improper activities are usually called


If public support for same-sex marriage increased significantly after a court decision legalizing marriage between couples of the same sex, it would be an example of

"policy feedback."

because the media are businesses and seek to attract the largest possible audiences they naturally tend to

cover stories with dramatic or entertainment value, giving less attention to important stories that they deem less compelling

national public radio (NPR)

coveted source for in depth political reporting

national reporters are often inclined to

criticize and question

the potential disadvantages about online news include

decline in investigative journalism, uneven quality in news content, fake news, and negative effects on knowledge and tolerance

In recent years, response rates for random digit dial surveys have been

declining steadily and now average less than 15 percent

What did the framers identify as the greatest source of political conflict for the United States?

differences between the rich and poor

what has become the medium choice to consume entertainment, news, and information about politics for all age groups below 50?


Individuals with home high-speed internet access and the technology and literacy skills to use it are called

digital citizens


disclosure of confidential information to he news media -may emanate for a variety of sources, including whistle blowers (lower level officials who hope to publicize what they view as their bosses or the governments improper activities )

Political scientists sometimes describe social media as "the new dinner table" because

discussions of politics and current events on social media occur within a network of friends and family

The traditional news media aim to provide objective reporting on current events by

excluding the personal use of reporters or editors from their coverage

A widely circulated story that the pope endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2016 was a good example of

fake news

The _____ regulates broadcast media

Federal Communications Commission

The __________ regulates broadcast media.

Federal Communications Commission

right of rebuttal

federal communications commission regulation giving individuals the right to have the opportunity ti respond to personal attacks made on radio or TV broadcast

freedom of the press, along with freedom of speech and religion is protected under the

first amendment of the constitution

both the intercept and Washington post have a reputation for

forceful investigative journalism and original reporting

the media are sometimes referred to as the ___

fourth branch of government -because they provide a check on power of government and political leaders

The __________ describes how a person's interpretation of an incident can be influenced by the mannerand context in which an event is portrayed in the media.


The fact that Democrats referred to the Obama administration's health care initiative as "reform" instead of as "rationing" is an example of


The media's power to influence the interpretation of events and issues is called


The question of which party was to blame for the shutdown of governmental services in 1995-96 revealsthe important media power of


television news

generally covers relatively few topics and provides little depth of coverage. it serves the important function of altering viewers to issues and events (headline news) via brief quotes and short characterizations of the days events

The greatest challenge for journalism organizations today is

generating enough revenue to finance traditional investigative journalism.

Which of the following is not a significant factor in determining the particular interpretation of a newsstory?

government regulation

Jonathan Ladd maintains that as competition increased to party politics and journalism the public's distrust of the mass media

grew, leading the public to reject the mainstream press's reporting and turn to alternative partisan media sources

online radio and podcasting expansion

has expanded rapidly in the past decade, steadily growing to 64% of americans who reported tuning in during the last month in 2018, up from 12 in 2017

Reporters have the ability to significantly influence news stories since they

have been trained to think critically and write well.

Besides their ideological biases, journalists also exhibit selection biases in favor of news stories themedia view as

having a great deal of dramatic or entertainment value.

What does digital citizenship require?

high-speed internet access and the skills to use and evaluate online information

president Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the radio most notably in

his famous fireside chats to reach out to voters throughout the nation and to make himself the center of american political life

pew surveys have shown that comedy talk shows are important sources of political news

important especially for young people & liberals followers of comedic talk shows are well informed about politics

The ability to find and effectively evaluate information online is referred to as

information literacy


information online is convenient and always available for those with access to the internet on a computer or through mobile devices

what are critical components of democracy?

informing the public, creating a forum for debate, and keeping a watchful eye on government action

sensational stories of scandals or candidate attacks often generate more



investigating and highlighting alleged and actual wrong doing by public officials

pew reports that combined average viewership for the ABC, CBS, and the NBC evening newscasts remained stable in 2016 at about

24 million

in 2017 there where how many unique downloads of NPR podcasts every week

5.4 million, a number that continues to grow

Which of the following statements concerning Internet news is correct?

The Internet has failed to expand its number of news sources since it reliesheavily on electronic versions of printed media.

What percentage of daily newspapers are owned by large media conglomerates?

75 percent

Large media conglomerates such as the Hearst, McClatchy, and Gannett Corporation own approximately ____of daily newspapers


in 2018 what percent of americans were digital citizens?


what percent of people under the age of 50 get their news from social media?


what percent of americans use youtube

78 (it is the most commonly used social media platform followed by facebook (68%)

Why is the media important for promoting political equality?

Without the media, information would be monopolized by a small number ofpolitical insiders.

declines in journalists and daily newspaper print circulation

journalists: -in 2018 there were roughly 39,210 working journalists, down from a high of 60,000 a decade before daily newspaper print circulation: -declined by over 30% over the past 20 years

If a national survey finds candidate A leads candidate B by 5 percent in the upcoming election and the margin of error in the survey is 3 percent, it means candidate A

leads candidate B be anywhere between 2 and 8 percentage points

Most newspaper reporters identify themselves as

liberal to moderate.

the specialization of information online and on cable TV means that

liberals and conservatives alike can self select media that are consistent with their underlying assumptions and avoid exposure to information that might challenge their preconceived beliefs

A vast majority of Americans describe themselves as

liberals, conservatives, or moderates.

Which of the following sets of terms best describes America's fundamental political values?

liberty, equality of opportunity, and democracy

The tendency for black Americans to perceive other blacks as members of a group with a common identity and a shared political interest is called

linked fate

commuity based nonprofit newspapers are supported by who?

local foundations seeking to fill the void in local news as local papers close their doors

Communications Decency Act

made it illegal to make indecent sexual material on the internet accessible to those under age of 18 -act was immediately denounced by civil libertarians and in 1997 the supreme court ruled that the communication decency act was an unconstitutional infringement of the right to freedom of speech and guaranteed by the first amendment

twenty four hour cable news stations such as MSNBC, CNN, and Fox news offer

more detail and commentary than the half hour evening news shows found on the three broadcast news stations ABC, NBC, and CBS (but even those 3 channels offer more headlines and sound bites than newspapers)

how much of the daily print newspapers in the US are owned by large media conglomerates such as Hearst, McClatchy and Gannett corporations

more than 3/4

how much of the nations television stations are affiliated with one of just four networks and carry that networks evening news programs?

more than 500

what is unique about the media in the united states?

most are entirely privately owned and operated

in 1996 congress passed the telecommunications act as an effort to end

most broadcast media regulations. -the legislation loosened restrictions on media ownership and allowed telephone companies, cable TV providers, and broadcasters to compete with one another to provide telecommunication services

variation in the quality of news

multiple perspectives create a stronger marketplace of ideas, but the freewheeling nature of the internet also means that hate speech, unsubstantiated rumors, and factual errors can overwhelm thoughtful, original, and civic oriented voices

examples of public broadcasting in US

national public radio and PBS

the leading newspapers in the US are

new york times, wall street journal, and Washington post

think tanks such as the Brookings institution, the cato institution and the the pew research center provide

news and analysis on current events to influence public debate

one of the costs of the transformation of the media to digital and citizen journalism is

news produced by individuals and organizations beyond professional journalists has been less rigorous with fact checking and editorial standards for some online news websites

citizen journalism

news reported and distributed by citizens, rather than professional journalists and for profit news organizations

What plays an important role in American politics because they are influential among the political elite?


Which of the following is most free of government regulation?


All of the following are reasons why newspaper reportage is critical except that

newspapers are the cheapest source of news

News reporting that is targeted in its content toward a narrow segment of the population is called what?

niche journalism

Which group is LEAST likely to have high-speed internet access at home?

non-English-speaking Hispanics

During the nineteenth century, newspapers were controlled by

political parties.

public broadcasting

refers to television, radio, and digital media that receive funding from the public through license fees, subsidies, or tax dollars

digital citizenship

refers to the ability to participate in culture and politics online

without the news medias investigations citizens would be forced to

rely entirely on information provided by politicians and the government, and would be deprived of information necessary to evaluate issues carefully and form reasoned opinions

why would the founders care so much about the rights of the media to report the news without interference from government?

the news media is how individuals learn about politics and current events, government policy, candidates, and political parties the mass media help level the playing fields between political elites and the people giving citizens a more potent voice in society the media serves as a watchdog for the public, scrutinizing the actions of elected officials on behalf of citizens - most of whom do not have the opportunity to closely follow the actions of politicians and government

media monopoly

the ownership and control of the media by a few large corporations

agenda setting

the power of the media to bring public attention to particular issues and problems


the power of the media to influence how events and issues are interpreted

The trends in concentration of traditional media ownership occurred in large part due to

the relaxation of government regulations in the 1980s and 1990s

The Supreme Court case Red Lion Broadcasting Company v. FCC upheld

the right of rebuttal.

freedom of the press

the right to circulate opinions in print and digital media without censorship by the government

selection bias (news)

the tendency to focus news coverage on only one aspect of an event or issue, avoiding coverage of other aspects

the greatest concern about politics in the digital age is

the very diversity of online news may actually lower tolerance for social, religious, and political diversity, leading to more partisan polarization and societal conflict

Pollsters use random digit dialing to gather national samples for surveys because

there is not a complete list of all Americans that can be used to identify the population

the daily show, the late show, and saturday night live attract millions of television viewers because

these shows use humor and sarcasm and social criticism to discuss serious topics, generally covering almost every major political event

What best describes the media's role in the Watergate affair?

they played a central role in Nixon's decision to resign from the presidency by revealing his abuses of power to the public.

What best describes the media's use of press releases?

thousands of press releases are incorporated into daily news reports every year because press releases allow news organizations to fill their pages at little cost.

Political information is increasingly emanating from universities, think tanks, nonprofit organizations, and private foundations because

traditional news organizations have cut their budgets and investigative journalism efforts in recent years.

distrust in the mainstream media has increased with the

trump presidency

what role of media is the most important for the study of politics?

watchdog role

independent media are needed as the ___ of american politics


besides digital only news outlets, other digital news sources include

websites, citizen journalism (blogs), social media (twitter % youtube), podcasts, and nonprofit journalism

media attention plays a central role in

whether or not officials act on a policy issue

what percent of americans over the age of 65 go online for news?


what percent of american adults get news on social media?


Privately owned media companies in the United States earn most of their revenue from


The power of the media to draw public attention to particular issues and problems is called ___

Agenda setting

Which of the following statements about adversarial journalism is false?

It became an established practice during World War II.

What is the main benefit of news coverage on the Internet?

It combines the depth of newspapers with the timeliness of television and radio.

Attitudes toward political figures, events, and ideals

Public opinions

Which of the following statements is not an argument regularly made in favor of limiting the marketpower of major media corporations?

Regulating the media market creates more job opportunities in the field ofjournalism.

The Pentagon Papers were released as a result of

a leak by a minor Defense Department staffer.

n 1898, the newspaper stories of publisher William Randolph Hearst led to

a war between the United States and Spain.

local and state reporters are more likely to

accept the pronouncements of national leaders at face value

Reporting in which the media adopt a skeptical or even hostile posture toward the government and public officials is referred to as

adversarial journalism

US media companies earn most of their revenue from

advertising rather than subscriptions, although revenue from subscriptions have been increasing

The media's powers to determine what becomes part of political discussion and to shape how political events are interpreted are known as what?

agenda setting and framing

The power of the media to draw public attention to particular issues and problems is called

agenda setting.

The fact that a smaller and smaller number of companies owns a larger and larger share of the American media is concerning primarily because it

increases the risk that politicians and citizens who express less popular or minority viewpoints will have difficulty finding a public forum.

digital citizens

individuals with home high speed access and the technology and literacy skills to use it


online news provides more information than the 60 second sound bites found in television and radio news


online sources are much more diverse than those found in the traditional media, and this diversity may lead to an increase in political knowledge and interest

the enactment of the 1996 telecommunications act did what?

opened up the way for additional consolidation in the media industry, and a wave of mergers and consolidations but further reduced the field of independent media across the country

In general, FCC regulations apply only to what?

over-the-air broadcast media

Priming refers to the

process of preparing the public to bring specific criteria to mind when evaluating a politician or issue


process of preparing the public to bring specific criteria to mind when evaluating a politician or issue

Digital subscription models in which people pay to access news content have proven to be a

profitable approach for many elite, national newspapers but not for smaller or mid-sized local newspapers.

"Policy feedback" occurs when

public opinion shifts in response to changes in government policy.

Public broadcasting refers to any television, radio, and digital media that

receives funding from the public through license fees, subsidies, or tax dollars

The most important selection bias in news is

the audience appeal of a story.

Why do radio stations repeat the news so often throughout the day?

the audience is constantly changing since most people listen to the radio in theircars.

Which of the following has made politicians more dependent on favorable media coverage?

the decline in political party organizations

citizen journalism is enhanced by

the ease of starting a blog

Which governmental regulation provides candidates in the same political office equal opportunities tocommunicate their messages?

the equal time rule

If a television station sold commercial time to a Republican candidate for governor, but refused to selltime to the Democratic candidate for governor, this station would be violating the

the equal time rule.

The term "nationalization of the news" refers to

the fact that more Americans throughout the country are receiving the same newsstories.

when did the united nations declare that access to the internet is a human right?


internet pros

-helps provide the information and skills needed for democratic engagement and economic opportunity -individuals without the access or skills to use the internet may be increasingly uninformed and excluded from the world of politics online

political effects on knowledge

-individuals who frequently consume political news are more likely to be interested in politics, to have political knowledge, and to vote in elections -exposure to highly partisan news (Fox, MSNBC) or news on social media and blogs may lower political knowledge

the high rate of exposure to political news via social media is notable since young americans overall are less engaged in politics

-just 46% of peopler age 18-29 voted in the 2016 elections compared to 59% for the 30-44 age group

what percent of Republicans have a lot of trust in the national news media compared to Democrats according to a 2017 pew survey?

11% republicans and 34% democrats

where do americans get their news from?

1: newspapers and magazines 2: broadcast media (radio and TV) 3: digital media each of these three sources have distinctive characteristics

why do americans appear to prefer online news?

1: the convenience of getting news online 2: the up to the minute currency of the information available online 3: the depth of the information available online 4: the diversity of view points 5: the low cost

Facebook has more than _____ users worldwide

2.2 billion

The typical margin of error in a sample survey of 1,500 respondents is ________ percent.


Approximately __________ percent of news coverage in American newspapers is devoted tointernational events.


The number of radio stations in the United States has grown from ________ in 1990 to more than ________ today.

400; 2,000

___% of americans primarily get news online, compared to __% who rely on TV


today what percent of adults read the news online?


today what percent of young people get news online from mobile devices?


Which of the following statements best characterizes media ownership in the United States?

A small number of giant, privately owned corporations control most of the country's television networks, movie studios, record companies, cable channels, book publishers, magazines, newspapers, and digital media sites.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 did all of the following except

All of the above were parts of the act

The nationalization of news in the United States has had an important political consequence due to

Americans tending to view the world with a similar approach since they areexposed to the same concerns and perspectives.

The fairness doctrine requires that

Broadcasters who air controversial issues provide time for opposing viewpoints

Large cities have predominantly ______ populations, while ______ are more numerous in rural and suburban areas.

Democratic; Repulicans

Which of the following is a good example of a media monopoly?


If a television station sold commercial time to a Republican candidate for governor, but refused to sell time to the Democratic candidate for governor, this station would be violating the ___

Equal time rule

Which of the following is a conservative news broadcasting service?

Fox News

Advertising revenue at print newspapers is currently ________ what it was in 2005.


The press release was created

In the early twentieth century by a public relations firm working for a railroad.

Nationalization of the news began

In the first decades of the twentieth century with the development of newscorporations and radios.

Which of the following is not a national newspaper?


Which U.S. president ushered in the tax revolt and the deregulation of many government policies in the 1980s?

Ronald Reagan

Why are staged protests and conflicts usually a successful method in getting one's views publicized?

Such events will be reported because audiences enjoy the news for itsentertainment value.

broadcast media

TV, radio, or other media that transmit audio and/or video content to the public

Which media source is most critical in setting news agendas?


Which of the following is regulated by the federal government?


Which statement about the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is false?

The FCC was established in 1965 under President Lyndon Johnson.

Which of the following is not a conservative news source?

The Washington Post

Which government regulation provides candidates for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate their messages?

The equal time rule

What is the "social desirability effect"?

The fact that respondents report what they think the interviewer wishes to hear or whatever they think is socially acceptable rather than what they actually believe

Which of the following best describes the relationship between thegovernment and the media in the United States today?

The government does not own but regulates the content and ownership ofbroadcast media.

What is the main benefit of news coverage on the internet?

The internet combines the depth of newspaper with the timeliness of television and radio

Adversarial journalism refers to what?

a form of reporting in which the media adopt a skeptical or even hostile posture toward the government and public officials

adversarial journalism

a form of reporting in which the media adopt a skeptical or even hostile posture toward the government and public officials

one negative consequence of media concentration combines with party polarization may be

a growing distrust of mainstream media

Who are most daily newspapers and local television stations owned by?

a small number of giant corporations

who controls a wide swath of media holdings, including television networks, movie studios, record companies, cable channels and local cable providers, book publishers, magazines, newspapers, and increasingly online and digital media outlets?

a small number of giant corporations

A free media is necessary for a popular government for all the following reasons, except

all of the above.

Which of the following stores would an American News outlet that were lies primarily on Advertising Revenue be least likely to cover?

an economics professor providing testimony to a congressional committee on the effect of tariffs

A liberal would MOST likely support

an expansion in governmental social services.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

an independent agency established in 1934 -through regulations, prohibiting obscenity, indecency, and profanity the FCC has sought to prohibit radio and TV stations from airing explicit sexual nd excretory references between 6 AM and 10 PM


an international organization dedicated to publishing classified information, posts leaked government documents to its website and uses an anonymous system so that leakers cant be identified -has released thousands of secret government documents involving instances of government corruption, war crimes in Afganistan and Iraq, torture at US military detention camps, and stolen emails from the democratic national committee in the 2016 election

the owners of large newspaper companies are determined that the best way to make a profit was to

appeal to as broad an audience as possible, which meant not alienating potential readers who held liberal or conservative political views

because of the need to reach wide audiences to sell advertisements, the US media does what vs. European news?

are more focused on soft news, such as entertainment, sports, and celebrity news. European media provides more hard news coverage of politics and civil events

why does the US tend to focus on highly conflictual events like the presidential debates and less on the subtle details of changes in the public policy?

because of the US media's profit motive

News leaks are useful for all of the following reasons except

being the only legal means of avoiding rules of confidentiality and privacyestablished by the government.

The term public opinion is used to describe

beliefs and attitudes toward different issues, events, and people.

regulation of media

broadcast media -subject to federal regulation -regulated by the federal communications commission (FCC) -must have FCC lisence (renewed every 5 years)

The news source that eighteen- to twenty-nine-year-olds most commonly turn to is

broadcast television.

Fairness Doctrine

broadcasters that aired programs on controversial issues were required to provide time for opposing views. and included a requirement that Tv and radio stations cover controversial issues of public and social importance in their communities -FCC revoked in 1987

The fairness doctrine required that

broadcasters who aired controversial issues provide time for opposing viewpoints.

political candidates need the medias agenda setting role to win elections.

candidates who receive positive news coverage gain momentum, pick up political endorsements, attract campaign contributions, and win support from voters

penny press

cheap, tabloid style newspaper produced in the 19th century when mass production of inexpensive newspapers first became possible due to the steam powered printing press; a penny press newspaper costs one cent compared with other papers which cost more than 5 cents

News produced by individuals and organizations who are not employed as professional journalists is called

citizen journalism.

what has undermined the traditional business model of newspapers?

competition from broadcast media and free content online, combined with simultaneous declines in advertising revenue and circulation levels

equal time rule

requirement that broadcasters provide candidates for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate their messages to the public

The small group selected by pollsters to represent the entire population is called a


filter bubble or self selection bias

screens our exposure to information that might challenge or broaden our worldview

digital divide

significant inequalities in access to digital media

public broadcasting in the US plays a very ___ role in the media system

small -only 2% of market share in US -35% in France -40% in Germany -65% in Denmark

Robert Entman on framing

social construction of phenomena by the mass media, political or social movements,political leaders, or other political actors and organizations

A short, attention-grabbing phrase that summarizes a position is called a

sound bite.

a study found that individuals who are more active politically online and read the news using social media hold

stronger partisan opinions -meaning using social media for reading the news can exaggerate party polarization among the mass public

In international affairs, conservatism has come to mean

support for military intervention and the maintenance of American military power

Which of the following news sources reaches most Americans?


Which of the following news sources typically provides the least depth while covering topics?


political scientists amber boydstun has shown

that the media have two modes 1: alarm mode (breaking stories) 2: patrol mode (covering stories in greater depth )

Much of the national news published in local newspapers is provided by

the Associated Press.

In 2002, Congress passed which of the following laws related to the invasion of Iraq?

the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq

Which event shattered the amicable relationship between the press and the presidency?

the Vietnam War

who has emerged as a leader in investigative reporting, data analytics, and marketing?

the Washington post

What is NOT a reason that Americans might prefer online news?

the accuracy and objectivity (compared to traditional media outlets). They DO prefer it because of the convenience, up-to-the-moment currency, depth, and diversity.

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