Gramm -leach Bailey Act

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Safeguards Rule is what?

A written security plan to protect consumer information

What is the GBLA also known as?

Financial modernization act of 1999

Financial privacy rules..

Given non public information and how it is shared

What is the GLBA stand for?

Gramm - Leach Bailey Act

If somebody hacks into your facebook and begins to post things under your name, that you wouldn't normally post this is an example of?

Pre texting, this is why security questions are put into place

The GLBA requires institutions to give customers what?

Privacy policies that explain the collection and sharing of information

GLBA created what to protect peoples information?

Safeguard rules Pre texting rules Financial privacy rules

Under GLBA , a customer is what ?

Someone who has an ongoing significant relationship

Under GLBA, a consumer is what?

Someone why obtains a specific product or service for personal use

When Charlie goes to chili's for dinner with his family and he uses his American Express card, what rule is in place to allow Charlie to trust his credit information with chillis?

The safeguard rule under the GLBA

Pre texting rules prohibit what?

The use of false pretenses, fraudulent statements and impersonation

When must a customer receive a financial institution privacy notice?

They must receive it every year

what is the purpose of the GLBA?

To protect people's personal financial information

Pretexting rules are the reason why..

We have security questions

What regulation is GLBA?

regulation P

If Ryan post about how much he loves the falcons on Twitter, and facebook, then he begins to see ads on his time line from stub hub about tickets to the game, Ryan realizes facebook and Twitter shares his information with the company Stub hub and that's why he sees the ads, he gets worried and thinks about all of his online purchases from amazon and facebook marketplace, what will was his mind?

The GLBA has a financial privacy rule that only allows PUBLIC information to be shared between companies, not private delicate financial information. So his post will get shared, not his payment or card information

The opt- out right gives customers what?

The opportunity for customers to face the right to limit their shared information

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