Grammar 3

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After reading Fitzgerald for several weeks, Abigail and ___ went back to reading Hemingway.


Select the pronoun that belongs in the blank. After reading Fitzgerald for several weeks, Abigail and ___ went back to reading Hemingway.


Logical sentence structure: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly, effectively, and correctly.

Saving won't be easy, but I'm going to put aside my summer paychecks for college.

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Over there on the table _____ the drinks and appetizers.


Mark the letter of the sentence that contains a comma splice, a fused/run on sentence, or a fragment. NOTE: you are looking for the error.

Caught in a trap.

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: The jury _____ much longer than expected to return a verdict.

is taking

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: A college that is invested in _____ students' success will also offer workshops on interviewing strategies.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Either the Barbie doll or the toy train had _____ 50% off sticker removed.


Although I like John Updike's books, he is not one of the novelists who _______ me awake late at night, devouring page after page.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Josephine loved dogs so much that her family _____ her three last Christmas.


Word Choice: Complete each sentence by choosing the word or phrase that best conforms to standard written English.When Mrs. Plumbottom saw the mess her dogs had made in the living room, she __________.

lost her temper

São Paulo, along with Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, _______ the list of the thirty largest urban areas.


Is it possible to figure out _____ was the more talented writer—Hemingway or Fitzgerald?


_____ knew Hemingway well knew not only the writer but also the skier, hunter, and deep-sea fisherman.


Besides Hadley, _____ else did Hemingway marry?


Logical sentence structure: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly, effectively, and correctly.

Lisa is ambitious and wants to star on Broadway; therefore, she is always rehearsing.

You can expect _____ literature majors to admire both Fitzgerald and Hemingway.


Mark the letter of the sentence that contains a comma splice, a fused/run on sentence, or a fragment. NOTE: you are looking for the error.

Competence is an important quality in a bookkeeper, Jake does not possess it.

Our instructor told us to pay attention to the endnotes that _______ Diana George's essay "Changing the Face of Poverty."


John told the critic, "A favorable review will make me famous."

no change

The boss became an object of ridicule because of his outrageous behavior.

no change

One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth [have demonstrated] that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.

no revison

Although I like Fitzgerald, I like Hemingway more than _____


One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer [was] unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.


The books Cat's Eye and The Handmaid's Tale, which _______ by Margaret Atwood, contributed to her reputation as a gifted novelist.

were written

A real estate developer wants to build residences and offices on some vacant land in our town. The community objects to this.

A real estate developer wants to build residences and offices on some vacant land in our town. The community objects to this use of the land.

Logical sentence structure: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly, effectively, and correctly.

As soon as the mechanic changed the tire, I drove my car home.

Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with his and her friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. [Him and her] travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute his or her own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused his or her energies on refugees. She has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in their efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.

Both revisions are acceptable.

Everyone at the boys' camp on this side of the lake and at the girls' camp across the lake must demonstrate that he can swim the width of the lake.

Change Everyone to All the campers; change he can swim to they can swim.

The essay test asks each sixth-grader in the school district to explain why he does or does not identify with the hero of an assigned novel.

Change he does or does not to he or she does or does not.

Most of the campers passed his swimming test this summer.

Change his swimming test to their swimming tests.

Martha Graham and George Balanchine had his own ideas about choreography.

Change his to their.

I remember when neither my father nor my mother had her own passport; instead, we all had a family passport.

Change neither my father nor my mother had her own passport to neither my father nor my mother had an individual passport.

Historians have analyzed the reasons for the collapse of sophisticated cultures in the past, and it resonates with readers today.

Historians have analyzed the reasons for the collapse of sophisticated cultures in the past, a topic that resonates with readers today.

Logical sentence structure: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly, effectively, and correctly.

I wanted only one hour to myself so I could contemplate my future.

In many states, they don't require motorcyclists to wear helmets.

Many states don't require motorcyclists to wear helmets.

After the celebration, the team left for their dorm rooms or the library.

Leave as is.

Wendy Wasserstein's play Uncommon Women and Others traces a group of friends who attend a women's college and stay in touch after graduation. Each friend has her own strengths and weaknesses.

Leave as is.

Choose the letter of the punctuation that is used incorrectly. An incorrect item may have punctuation that needs to be added or deleted or changed. Each item has only one correct answer. NOTE: you are looking for the error: Melanie who had lived all her life in Orlando, Florida, had never seen the ocean or the mountains.

Melanie who

Most economists agree that building a nest egg for retirement is possible if we set aside some money every week.

Most economists agree that building a nest egg for retirement is possible for people who set aside some money every week.

Logical sentence structure: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly, effectively, and correctly.

Mr. Walsh told Sheila that he might be transferred to another state.

No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. It requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, it looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, which can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. They include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but they also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and they required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena [that] once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see it.

No revision is necessary.

No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. It requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, it looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, which can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. They include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but they also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and they required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena that once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see [it.]

No revision is necessary.

One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe [is] the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.

No revision is necessary.

One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which [have yielded] useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.

No revision is necessary.

Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with his and her friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. Him and her travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute his or her own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused his or her energies on refugees. She has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in [their] efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.

No revision is necessary.

A nurse must demonstrate her competence and her compassion.

Remove both instances of her.

Neither the clowns nor the animal trainer showed their fear of the lions.

Reverse the compound subject, putting the animal trainer first and the clowns second.

Someone who was on the bus left behind their books and lunch.

Someone who was on the bus left behind his or her books and lunch.

Logical sentence structure: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly, effectively, and correctly.

Strategizing to get a date to the prom with Joe, Sue laughed enthusiastically at every joke he made.

They say that the governor rescinded his job offer to a local politician.

The news summary reports that the governor rescinded his job offer to a local politician.

The newspaper's editors should feel guilty about their stance on pollution, but it is probably not going to happen.

The newspaper's editors should feel guilty about their stance on pollution, but they probably won't do anything about the polluted area.

The radio announcer said, "Because of last night's storm, the high school's classes will start at 11:00 AM, but you will be dismissed at the normal time."

The radio announcer said, "Because of last night's storm, the high school's classes will start at 11:00 AM, but students will be dismissed at the normal time."

No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. It requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, it looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, which can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. [They] include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but they also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and they required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena that once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see it.

These details

No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. It requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, it looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, [which] can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. They include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but they also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and they required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena that once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see it.

a task that

After China and India, the next three most populated countries, in descending order, _______ the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil.


Stephen L. Carter is one of the authors who _______ a position in The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Out of the three colors I picked for the living room, which do you like _____?


Denise Noe's piece "Parallel Worlds" first appeared in the magazine Humanist, which _______ such topics as politics, popular culture, science, and religion.


One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures [dates] back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.


Mike Rose has published numerous essays and books that _______ with literacy and education.


The populations of the polar bear and the penguin _______ every year while human population increases.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Make sure you brush your teeth after you have _____ that pound of candy.


Amy Tan is best known for The Joy Luck Club, a novel that _______ the relationships of four Chinese American daughters and their mothers.


The current population of only two countries, China and India, _______ one billion each.


Which one of the following cities _______ the largest population: Dhaka, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta, or Osaka?


China's population in recent years _______ India's by about 33 percent, but India's population is projected to outnumber China's by 2050.

has outnumbered

One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge [have revealed] evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.

has revealed

Anyone who _______ a book titled Are You Really Going to Eat That? should expect to be teased by friends who like to cook.

has written

Horrific living conditions in places like Darfur _______ local populations in Africa.

have decimated

One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years [has determined] the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.

have determined

Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with his and her friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. Him and her travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute his or her own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused [his or her] energies on refugees. She has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in their efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.


Do you think the succinct style Hemingway made famous resulted from _____ never going to college?


Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with his and her friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. Him and her travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute [his or her] own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused his or her energies on refugees. She has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in their efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: In the past, neither an employer nor an employee let _____ be known.

his or her

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Since so many families now include two wage earners, a job candidate should expect _____future employer to offer free or subsidized child-care facilities.

his or her

One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far has intrigued those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Les Miserables_____ one of my favorite novels that has been adapted for the screen.


In Japan, Osaka as well as Tokyo _______ home to many people.


Mexico City, along with Tokyo, _______ near the top of the list of largest urban areas.


One of the world's least populous countries _______ Monaco.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: A corporation with a good reputation offers many such benefits to _____ employees.


Abigail likes Fitzgerald's novels better than Hemingway's, but both authors challenge her and ____


Select the pronoun that belongs in the blank. Abigail likes Fitzgerald's novels better than Hemingway's, but both authors challenge her and ____


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Which holiday do you like _____, Thanksgiving or Christmas?


One of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe is the mysterious site known as Stonehenge. It is located in southwestern England on Salisbury Plain, and its earliest structures dates back approximately 4,500 years to the Neolithic Age. A variety of researchers over the years has determined the evolutionary sequence of the various structures from geological and archaeological evidence. In addition, more recent research in the areas surrounding Stonehenge have revealed evidence of a Neolithic village and several gravesites, which have yielded useful information. In 2002, the tomb and remains of a man dubbed the Amesbury Archer was unearthed. Chemical analyses of his teeth have demonstrated that he grew up somewhere in the Alps and migrated to southwestern Britain. The Archer was buried with artifacts, including gold hair ornaments and various tools that indicates he was wealthy. The idea of his migrating so far [has intrigued] those who are exploring in areas around Stonehenge.

no revison

Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with his and her friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. Him and her travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute his or her own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused his or her energies on refugees. [She] has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in their efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.

no revison

Choose the letter of the punctuation that is used incorrectly. An incorrect item may have punctuation that needs to be added or deleted or changed. Each item has only one correct answer. NOTE: you are looking for the error: After competing for highest honors in her high school class, Susan was burned out and wanted nothing more than to take a year off; believing the break would recharge her desire to learn.

off; believing

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: I'm sorry I missed your party last night. I had a _____ bad day at work and fell asleep as soon as I got home.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Neither the store owner nor the firefighters _____ the arsonist.


Hemingway's first wife was Elizabeth Hadley Richardson. Hemingway and _____ divorced in 1927.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Each of the dogs _____ terribly all over the new carpet


The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings contains an anthology that _______ how writers write.


No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. It requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, [it] looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, which can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. They include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but they also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and they required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena that once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see it.

the Parthenon

No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. It requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, it looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, which can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. They include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but they also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and [they] required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena that once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see it.

the nicks

No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. [It] requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, it looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, which can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. They include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but they also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and they required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena that once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see it.

the project

No travels to Greece are complete without a visit to the Parthenon, the ancient temple and architectural wonder that sits atop the Acropolis in Athens. The site has been undergoing major restoration, a project funded by the Greek government and the European Union, for over thirty years. It requires a massive collaboration among archaeologists, architects, and engineers to repair the ravages of time and natural disasters, as well as previous efforts at restoration. At this time, it looks like a massive construction site, with scaffolding in many places. Craftsmen trained in the ancient methods of marble cutting are carefully repairing and replacing some blocks, which can take three months to complete. The ancient builders carefully finished the marble with precise details. They include exacting work on the long vertical grooves on the columns and careful, almost seamless fitting of blocks. The builders smoothed and polished all exposed surfaces, but [they] also have a pattern of stippling to dull the shine. Rows of little chisel nicks cover all the exposed areas, and they required hours of labor to complete. Subtle curves and bulges, rather than straight edges, predominate to create the illusion of perfect straightness. Although the massive statue of Athena that once rested in the temple is no longer there, and the Elgin marbles still reside in the British Museum, the miraculous Parthenon continues to awe all who see it.

the surfaces

Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with [his and her] friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. Him and her travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute his or her own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused his or her energies on refugees. She has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in their efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.


Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. [There] recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with his and her friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. Him and her travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute his or her own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused his or her energies on refugees. She has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in their efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Because the job market continues to be competitive, most schools counsel _____ graduates, helping _____ prepare resumes and letters of application.


Speaking of Hemingway and Fitzgerald, if two writers deserved the Nobel Prize in literature, it was _____


Two actors who have made a tremendous commitment to fighting the injustices of the world are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There recent efforts include bringing aid to Pakistan after the devastating earthquake of 2005, providing aid and assistance to the poor and sick of Africa, working with his and her friend George Clooney on global awareness of the crisis in Darfur, and moving to New Orleans to support home building in the stricken Ninth Ward. Him and her travel the world in support of victims of various crises. Pitt's special project has been to contribute his or her own funds to build 150 new homes in the Ninth Ward. Jolie has focused his or her energies on refugees. She has worked with the United Nations, touring border camps in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She also lobbies on Capitol Hill. Both Pitt and Jolie serve as goodwill ambassadors worldwide in their efforts to aid victims and end injustice. In addition, he and she have six children, including three adopted children: one from Cambodia, one from Ethiopia, and one from Vietnam.


Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: After job candidates attract offers, _____ are faced with tough decisions about which company offers _____ the best package.


Peggy is the only one of my students who _______ research papers ahead of the deadline.

turns in

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each sentence: Lisa and Tina _____ to compete on The Amazing Race.


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