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What units are used for mass?


Why planets become larger?

Larger (more mass) rocks pulled in smaller (less mass) rocks together. Used the rock's gravity not sun's.

What did Newton come up with?

Law of Universal Gravitation

How can weight be different on different planets?

Mass should stay constant unless matter is added or subtracted. Weight changes with gravitational force.

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass- amount of matter Weight- force of gravity pulling down.

Where did materials with less mass go after the sun formed?

Materials with less mass were moved further from the sun in "blast". Newton's First Law of Inertia relates to this.

Why are planets father from the sun larger?

More materials (gas ((less mass=less gravity))) were pushed further from the sun so those planets has more materials to use.

What units are used for weight?


Why did Orion Nebula collapse because of gravity?

The force of pressure was less than the force of gravity.

What role did gravity have in the formation of the sun?

The gravity was so great it produced the sun. Materials that make up the sun were brought together by gravity.

Do larger planets have more gravity than smaller planets?

Yes because larger planets have more mass.

As mass increases, what happens to gravity?

It increases.

As orbital period increases, what happens to distance from sun?

It increases.

How did Jupiter attract its moons?

It was the gravity from the gases and other materials that make the planets.

What is gravity?

A force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. Gravity can change motion, so it is an unbalanced force.

How is Newton's Third Law related to the formation of the planets?

Action/Reaction forces helped smaller pieces of planets get to larger pieces.

What does the Law of Universal Gravitation state?

All objects attract each other through gravitational force.

Why do planets stay in orbit?

Because of the sun and the planet's gravity.

How are planets orbits determined?

By gravity.

How were materials from the collapse of the solar nebula attracted to each other?

By gravity.

Why does Earth have a stronger gravitational force than you?

Earth has much greater mass.

How was gravity responsible for attracting the gas found in gas giants?

Even gases (have low mass) are attracted by gravitational forces and produce gravitational forces.

How did a falling apple help Newton explain gravity?

Falling=change in motion=unbalanced force.

Why don't we see objects being pulled towards each other?

Force is too small (Earth's force is so great).

How is gravity related to mass?

Gravity is a result of mass (all objects have mass). More mass=more gravity. All objects are attracted to each other.

What is gravity's role in a planet's structure?

Gravity pulls everything towards center of planet, which produces sphere shape.

Where does gravity work?

Gravity works on anything that has mass and the universe is made of objects with mass.

What keeps our solar system together?

Gravity. The sun's gravity is the key to keeping our solar system together, though.

How is Isaac Newton related to gravity?

He discovered gravity.

What happens to gravity as distance increases?

It decreases (inverse).

As mass increases, what happens to distance from sun?

It increases.

Why are rocky planets closer to the sun than gas planets?

The rocky material has more mass than the gas, so when the sun was born, the attraction between the sun and rock was greater than the sun and gas.

What happened as planets gained more materials?

Their mass increased, so their gravity increased.

Create an argument FOR or AGAINST the following statement 'Planets have gravitational attractions to other objects in our solar system and these attractions are dependent on the masses of the objects"

This statement is true. According to the Law of Universal Gravitation (applying to all things in the universe, hence "universal"), all objects attract each other through gravitational force. Planets are objects, as are all other solar system things (even gas) and they all have mass, therefore they all have gravitational force and are attracted to each other. Gravity is a result of mass; it is an unbalanced force that causes a change in motion, in this case, an attraction. As mass increases, gravity increases (related linearly) because there is a stronger attraction between objects with more "stuff" (matter). We cannot really see the planets' attraction to each other because the sun's gravitational force is so much greater (greatest mass in solar system).

Where does Earth pull all objects?

Towards center.

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