Great Wall of China

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Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

even at its peak effectiveness its significance often lay more in its status as a symbol of the border than as an actual barricade. pg7 (prologue)

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

here we will take the border walls built by the Yiqu tribes and the state of Qin as our starting point for an alternative view of the gnarled and contradictory nature of the Wall's own historical origins. (different views on the wall) Pg 68

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

"In the mid-sixteenth century, the Ming began shifting from earthen walls to brick and stone constructions Pg105

Daniela. "The Great Wall of China." Monuments Around the World, 15 Apr. 2016,

"It was built more than 2,300 years ago by Qin Shi Huangdi (c.259-210 B.C.) the first emperor of China during the Ch'in dynasty.

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Nomad Tribes -Xiongnu, the Hu, and the Rong and Di Editors. Great Wall of China. 30 May 2012,

Not one, but a system of many walls built over 2000 yrs Editors. Great Wall of China. 30 May 2012,

Original wall (Qin Dynasty) - Ordered by QinShiHuangDi - 5k km/10yrs to build - 1mil+ workers (Soldiers/slaves) - 300k deaths

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

"Ming court became increasingly disinclined to engage the Mongols through either diplomacy or trade, thereby—ironically— motivating the Mongols to acquire through military raids the goods and provisions they had previously obtained through tributary ex- change. Those raids, in turn, drove the Ming court to build even more walls, making it even more disinclined to renew large-scale tributary relations with the Mongols. Pg105

Daniela. "The Great Wall of China." Monuments Around the World, 15 Apr. 2016,

"Qin, Chu, Han, Wei, Zhao, Yan and Qi, were at war and thus walls were built around the borders of the different kingdoms for protection. Once the Qin Kingdom defeated the other kingdoms in the 3rd century B.C

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

"generally speaking wall construction in western regions would push the threat of Mongol raids to areas farther east, creating the need to build additional walls. Pg106

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

"help defend the strategically important town of Yulin. This 1,700-li tamped-earth wall was completed in 1474 Pg105

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

"it was the Mongols' capture of the Zhengtong emperor at Tumu that provided the catalyst for constructing the Wall we see today. Pg104

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

"it would have taken approximately a hundred men to construct the same length of stone wall that a single man could build using the old tamped-earth method. Pg105

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

- Sui built 350 km of wall - warring states built a bunch including the Northern Wei's own immediate successors, the Eastern Wei, together with the Northern Qi and the Northern Zhou) - Liao/jin dynasties added wall Editors. Great Wall of China. 30 May 2012,

1211 Genghis Khan invades 1368 Ming Dynasty Begins

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

1530 (some of the earliest stone walls)

Lindsey, William. National Geographic - The Great Wall of China - Documentary, YouTube, 27 Sept. 2015,

16th cent - Barbarians invade Beijing-> run around wall - Beijing wall (stone Dragon) - transport brick with goat and hiking - Feng shui (consulted so the wall will "flow" so the environment didn't destroy it) Editors. Great Wall of China. 30 May 2012,

3rd cent. BC : Qin unite china Ends feudal the 7 Feudal Kingdoms (8th cent. BC)

Hadrian's Wall

80 mile wall across northern britan to show the barbarian tribes that rome wasn't expanding

Xue, Qiaofeng, et al. "The Historical Process of the Masonry City Walls Construction in China during 1st to 17th Centuries AD." PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214119.

A dramatic change occurred during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) while masonry city walls suddenly began to diffuse in China [13], and since then almost all Chinese cities had built masonry walls. (13) pg2

Lindsey, William. National Geographic - The Great Wall of China - Documentary, YouTube, 27 Sept. 2015,

Building wall - Temp earth in wood casing, layer on layer

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

CH2 These descriptions of early border walls invite us to see the Wall as the product of a complicated symbiotic relationship between the Central States and their northern neighbors, rather than simply as a defense against those same neighbors. Pg68

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Central Plains and the northern neighbors - Wall built to keep captured territory. Pg69

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Ch1 the wall is great (mostly because its so long) - awe inspiring - "inspires a sense of fear precisely because it lies beyond the limits of human understanding" (pg14)

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

Coincidentally, northern nomads, including the Xiongnu, Huns, Turks, or Mongols, seemed to have been especially dangerous during these times of trouble, which contradicts the notion that the wall provided adequate defense

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Emperor Wu - Construct 10k ish km of wall - Wall made of reed and gravel - Xinjiang to Yalu River (North Korea/China border)

Daniela. "The Great Wall of China." Monuments Around the World, 15 Apr. 2016,

Every 15 to 60 meters, depending on where exactly in the different parts of the wall, there are watchtowers and beacons (Garrison Troops). These towers are 10-12 meters tall

Xue, Qiaofeng, et al. "The Historical Process of the Masonry City Walls Construction in China during 1st to 17th Centuries AD." PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214119.

From the Tang to the Yuan Dynasty (618-1367), the con- struction of masonry city walls gradually increased and concentrated in the south of China [11- 12] pg2

Lindsey, William. National Geographic - The Great Wall of China - Documentary, YouTube, 27 Sept. 2015,

Gobi Desert walls (Han Wall) (Part of Silk Roads) - Protect road from northern nomad - Secure trade with the west - Han Wall used 100k +/- people - Han Wall no one knows how long(not much left standing)

Lindsey, William. National Geographic - The Great Wall of China - Documentary, YouTube, 27 Sept. 2015,

Great Wall (Stone Dragon) Near Beijing=most popular site(not all)

Lindsey, William. National Geographic - The Great Wall of China - Documentary, YouTube, 27 Sept. 2015,

Great Wall became useless - financial collapse of Ming - Rebels took Beijing and then headed for Shan Hai Guan - Manchu attacked at the same time - General Wu San Gui joined Manchu (80k) in the North and attacked Rebels.-> Manchu began Qing dynasty

Lindsey, William. National Geographic - The Great Wall of China - Documentary, YouTube, 27 Sept. 2015,

Guards (in garrison) fed by family (farmers in valley) - many families still living there today

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Han dynasty formed treaty with Xiongnu - No one passed beyond the wall - exist harmoniously - Han army surrounded/surrendered - treaty end with emperor Wu (began with Wen)

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

Historican Julia Lovell - 3.3 mil ounces of silver spent on wall (Ming Dynasty) - 3/4 annual spending on walls - regular complaints about too much being spent on walls. Pg 12

Hadrian's Wall

In present day Scotland, built to keep barbarian invaders from Roman Britain. Punctuated with forts, customs stops, signal posts and on either side, a 30 foot moat for added protection. Soldiers were posted on its top which functioned as a road.

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

It is in the Wall's status as a product of narratives that we find the secret of its historical resilience and power. Although the strength of the structure might appear to lie in its singularity, in reality its survival is a result of its ability to mean radically different things in different contexts. Able to symbolize everything from the nation itself to its remote frontier, the Wall's significance and function are constantly evolving to meet the needs of each new era, and it is this plasticity that has helped it remain relevant even when the world around it is continually evolving. (40)

Tsao, Ruby. "The Great Wall of China." Chinese American Forum, vol. 32, no. 3, Jan. 2017, pp. 34-37. EBSCOhost,

It stretches from provinces and special regions of Liaoning***, Hebei*'*,Tianjin***, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi***, Shaanxi***, Ningxia*** and Gansu*'* alongside the southern edge of Inner Mongolia for 8,850 km

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Jing Ai, an archaeologist from the Chinese Academy of Cultural Relics -he comes up with a total of 34,107.53 kilometers of Wall. He then slashes off 12,959.60 kilometers to avoid double-counting overlapping sections of the Wall from different periods, arriving at a total of 21,147.93 kilometers. pg 20

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Mutual border-Kept Han out of Xiongnu territory too. - Border became more symbolic of peace and harmony (coexistence)

Xue, Qiaofeng, et al. "The Historical Process of the Masonry City Walls Construction in China during 1st to 17th Centuries AD." PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214119.

Masonry City Walls practically not used in china till Ming Dynasty (abstract) pg1

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Ming Dynasty built wall (mostly by emperor Yongle) Editors. Great Wall of China. 30 May 2012,

Ming Wall - Stronger walls (Granite Limestone Brick) - 8850 km more wall

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Ming dynasty's brick-and-stone construction and the tamped-earth structures erected by earlier regimes, such as the Qin dynasty (pg3)

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Ming stuck in defensive against mongols (offensive too expensive)

Lindsey, William. National Geographic - The Great Wall of China - Documentary, YouTube, 27 Sept. 2015,

Ming wall Beijing 8850 km (mountain sea pass/ Shanhaiguan)

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Pg 44-47-> Entire origins of Qin Dynasty/life of Qin shihuang


Pg52 Meng Tian's campaign, therefore, would have been primarily concerned with the area within this loop, known as the Ordos region—a combination of desert and arid grassland that was a natural fit for pastoral peoples like the Xiongnu, but which has presented a perennial defensive challenge for the Chinese societies of the Central Plains.

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Qin Shihuang ordered his general Meng Tian to take more than a hundred thousand troops and drive the foreign tribes out of the northern regions of his newly unified empire. To preserve the territorial gains from the resulting expedition, the First Emperor further instructed Meng Tian to construct a line of defensive fortifications along the northern frontier of his new empire, starting from the Gulf of Bohai across from the Korean Peninsula and extending deep into the Gobi Desert in Central Asia. (pg 43)

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

Qin Sui and Qing were once northern nomads

Tsao, Ruby. "The Great Wall of China." Chinese American Forum, vol. 32, no. 3, Jan. 2017, pp. 34-37. EBSCOhost,

Qin unified China -weights -language -currency -etc

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Sima Qian's Records of the Historian -Barely any evidence of the first Great Wall. Described more as a series of barricades (44) 259 BC

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

Since then, the wall has been rebuilt, renovated, and extended, most notably from 120 to 80 BCE when the Han Emperor Wu commissioned thousands of miles of new wall upon extending the empire all the way to the Taklamakan Desert in

Xue, Qiaofeng, et al. "The Historical Process of the Masonry City Walls Construction in China during 1st to 17th Centuries AD." PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214119.

The Chinese began to burn bricks as early as on the Warring States period (453 BC-221 BC), but the primary use was in building tombs and rarely for ground buildings. pg2

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

The Wall, as every schoolchild knows, represents the nation's power, unity, and longevity. A defensive barricade spanning China's northern frontier and linking contemporary China back to its first unified dynasty, the Wall symbolizes the nation's geographic integrity and historical continuity. (pg 2)

Xue, Qiaofeng, et al. "The Historical Process of the Masonry City Walls Construction in China during 1st to 17th Centuries AD." PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214119.

The central government plan, the complex interactions between local governments and community, and the stimulation of external factors contributed to wall making. abstract pg1

Xue, Qiaofeng, et al. "The Historical Process of the Masonry City Walls Construction in China during 1st to 17th Centuries AD." PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214119.

mainly appeared (Masonry city walls in Ming Dynasty) in the high-grade administrative cities and garrisons, as a result of the planned implementation of the central government. Abstract pg1

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

The first combined long wall dates to the year 214 BCE, when Emperor Qin Shihuangdi had his engineers connect pre-existing fortifications with new wall construction Pg 11

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

The question of the Wall's length is ultimately unanswerable because it is an ontological issue masquerading as an epistemological one

Daniela. "The Great Wall of China." Monuments Around the World, 15 Apr. 2016,

They used fire/ smoke signals and lanterns to warn the other towers and send messages between the soldiers. Editors. Great Wall of China. 30 May 2012,

Time Pass - Most deteriorated/dismantled/destroyed - BaDaLing best preserved - 2009 satellite uncovered 300 km more wall - Total length still technically unknown

Tsao, Ruby. "The Great Wall of China." Chinese American Forum, vol. 32, no. 3, Jan. 2017, pp. 34-37. EBSCOhost,

Total length o f 21,196 km

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Unified dynasties after Han didn't really care about the wall Pg95

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Wall Chinese culture - Those within wall adopt culture - Fight cultural influence - Chinese isolationism Pg 128

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

Wall helped control trade/culture - religion and ideas were "stopped" at wall to preserve china culture Editors. Great Wall of China. 30 May 2012,

World's longest defensive fortification"

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

Xiongnu unification because Qin dynasty

Tsao, Ruby. "The Great Wall of China." Chinese American Forum, vol. 32, no. 3, Jan. 2017, pp. 34-37. EBSCOhost,

Yongle (Ming Emperor) - Great wall - Forbidden City - Old Summer Palace (Destroyed) - Yongle Grand Encyclopedia— the first comprehensive encyclopedia m the world

all dynasties fell to rebellion and invasion

Hadrian's Wall

built as a defense in Britain

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

maintenance of wall bankrupt government

mandate of heaven - divine right to rule (fallen dynasties because of immoral behavior of rulers)

BBC documentary

measurements 74 miles ling 15 tall 10 wide 300 yers Ramon empire wall 2k yrs old

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

motivated the initial Ming dynasty Wall construction was centered along the southern edge of the Ordos re- gion. By the mid-fifteenth century, the Oirat Mongols controlled much of the territory inside the northern loop of the Yellow River, and one of the Ming court's central concerns was how to contain the threat they posed to the Chinese communities to the south.

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

permanent military compounds in the frontier region - Farmer families support soldiers - children grow up to replace fathers - land to rough to live off of - Plans abandoned quickly - court wouldn't need to supply food

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

qinshihuang di - Pursued immortality - caused his death - mausoleum (terra-cotta soldiers)

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

seeing it, for instance, through the lens of the First Emperor's legendary tyranny, the Ming dynasty's defensive priorities, or the West's Orientalist fascination with China. Pg 5

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

technically speaking the term chang cheng initially functioned not as a proper name referring to a singu- lar Wall, but rather as a descriptive phrase describing a general category of territorial border walls (31)

Rojas, Carlos. The Great Wall : A Cultural History. Harvard University Press, 2010. Accessed 4 Oct. 2020

the Wall is generally conceived as the sum total of its individual parts Pg123

Langerbein, Helmut. "Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence." The History Teacher, vol. 43, no. 1, 2009, pp. 9-29. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Oct. 2020.

villagers pilfered the wall's bricks to build their homes

Xue, Qiaofeng, et al. "The Historical Process of the Masonry City Walls Construction in China during 1st to 17th Centuries AD." PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0214119.

wall construction was stimulated by external factors such as wars and disasters. abstract pg1

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