Hamlet Act 4 Qoutes

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What are two possible ways to interpret qoute 1?

1) The dead body is with the king 2) Claudius is in the castle but the real king is dead

In what way is qoute 9 adress to be a foil for Hamlet?

Hamlet isn't doing anything but using words one thing to sya it another to do it

Qoute about man in own words?

I will do anything to avenge my father's death even by violent means, If God makes many with reason... am I a man

Ohpelia qoute in own words?

She does feel guilt and is Ophelia's madness my fault, the fear/guilt/paranoia is getting to her

We go to gain a little patch of ground That hath in it no profit but the name

Speaker: Captain To: Hamlet Plot: Fortinbras is preparing to take back land his father had that was taken away from him for honor Theme: Action vs. Inaction

"He's loved of the distracted multitude Who like not in their judgement, but their eyes; And where tis so, the offender's scourge is weigh'd, But never the offence"

Speaker: Claudius To: Himself Sig. To Plot: The people would not support the punsihing of Hamlet despite the crime because they love him so much, Claudius is afraid to punish him Theme: Appearance vs. Reality

What would you undertake to show yourslef your father's son in dee more than words?

Speaker: Claudius To: Laertes Plot: Hamlet sent a letter home Theme: Inaction vs. Inaction

And where the offence is let the great axe fall

Speaker: Claudius To: Laertes Plot: Laertes wants to kill the man who killed his father, Claudius didn't say it was Hamlet Theme: Revenge and Justice

"So full of artless jealousy is guilt, it spills itself in fearing to be spilt"

Speaker: Gertrude To: Herself Plot: Ophelia is having a tough time with her father's death (not making sense) Theme: Guilt

"One woe doth tread upon another's heel, so fast they follow. Your sister's drown'd, Laertes"

Speaker: Gertrude To: Laertes Plot: Ophelia just killed her self (not officially declared as suicide) Theme: Mortality and Man

"The body is the with the king, but the king is with the body"

Speaker: Hamlet Spoken To: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Sig. To Plot: Hamlet is messing with R and G about Polonius' body, trying to get Hamlet to say where the body is Theme: Appearance

Nothing but to show how a king may go a progress through the guts of a beggar

Speaker: Hamlet To: Claudius, R and G Sig. to Plot: Telling Claudius Polonius is with the worms, refusing to reveal where he is Theme: Justice and Revenge, Man and Mortality

"What is a man if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed? A beast no more. Sure he that hath made us with such large discourse, looking before and after, gave us not that capability and godlike reason to fust un us unused"

Speaker: Hamlet To: Himself Plot: Hamlet is headed to England Theme: Action vs. Inaction

Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.

Speaker: Ophelia To: Claudius and Gertrude Sig. to Plot: Last time she saw Hamlet, he rejected her, she's lost her lover and her father, A coach has just come for her Theme: Mortality and Man, Madness

Qoute 2 in your own words?

The people love Hamlet so much they would be sympathetic to Hamlet and would be mad at me if I were to punish him instead of being mad at the crime he comitted

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