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Interaction design is a process for designing interactive _______ to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives. Select one: a. softwares b. systems c. products d. machines


List the academic disciplines contributing to Interaction Design Select one: a. Psychology b. All of the others c. Ergonomics d. Social Sciences e. Computing Sciences


One of design implication for memory load is: Design interface that promote ______ rather than ________ by using menus, icons... Select one: a. recognition - recall b. recognition - refuse c. recall - refuse d. recall - recognition


Requirement gathering describes Select one: a. How system should do it b. What the proposed system should do c. What system should look like


A ____________ is a high-level description of how a system is organized and operates. Select one: a. prototype b. interface metaphor c. concept d. conceptual model


A computer expert produces an solution with HCI which is very efficient in computer resources, based on command-lines. Which one of the following is most likely to be the result when the system is implemented? Select one or more: a. Most staff will want to become computer experts to use it. b. Most staff will feel demoralised and will not want to use the system. c. It will be welcomed by all staff. d. All staff will enjoy using it after mastering the skills of command lines.


A conceptual model is a detail description of a product. Select one: True False


According to Eason, how many categories of users are divided to? What are they? Select one: a. 3 categories: primary ,secondary and tertiary b. 2 categories: main users, stakeholders c. 2 categories: primary ,secondary d. 2 categories: primary ,tertiary


According to Liddle, the most important thing to design is the user's conceptual model. Select one: True False


According to Strauss and Corbin (1998), how many aspects of "coding" in grounded theory? Select one: a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1


Activity theory is a product of Soviet psychology that explain ____________ in terms of out practical activity in the world. Select one: a. human behavior b. operation c. activity d. thinking


After understanding of the problem space, the next step in design process is __________ Select one: a. None of the others. b. Implement the product. c. Developing a conceptual model d. Design user interface


All of the following are principles of Natural Computing except? Select one: a. Meaning as a basic for practical action b. What can system do c. Understanding human learning d. Understanding the domain


All of the following are the weaknesses of Waterfall Model except Select one: a. Has "system" or "technology" focus b. The visibility of the process is not good c. Poor reflection of how designer work d. Poor model of interactive system design


All of the following statements about attention are true except Select one: a. It means that we select things to concentrate on at a point in time from the mass of stimuli around us b. It allows us to focus on information that is relevant to what we are doing c. Information at the interface should be structured to avoid users' attention d. It involves audio and/or visual senses


All of the followings are benefit of using interface metaphors except? Select one: a. Forces users to only understand the system in terms of the metaphor b. Helps users understand the underlying conceptual model c. Makes learning new systems easier d. Can be innovative and enable the realm of computers and their applications to be made more accessible to a greater diversity of users


All of the followings are the good design implications except Select one: a. None of the others b. Don't overload users' memories with complicated procedures for carrying out tasks c. Design interfaces that promote recall rather than recognition d. Provide users with a variety of ways of encoding digital information to help them remember where they have stored them


Attention, perception and recognition, learning, .... are the specific kinds of processes of __________. Select one: a. information processing b. understanding c. problem-solving d. cognition


Central to the UCSD approach, are three key themes: Select one or more: a. Analyse developers and their skills b. Evaluate ideas, ideally with potential users c. Test to be sure the design works well with users, and iterate d. Analyse users and their world


Choose the incorrect statements Select one: a. Identifying and specifying relevant usability and user experiences goal can help lead to the design of good interactive product. b. Design principles are useful heuristics for analyzing and evaluating aspects of interactive product. c. Interaction design is concerned with design interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives d. Central to Interaction design is determining to design the user experience


Conceptual models can help the design team to Select one or more: a. increase the chance of misunderstandings and confusion arising later on b. become narrowly focused early on c. orient themselves towards asking questions about how the conceptual model will be understood by users d. establish a set of common terms they all understand and agree upon


Design principles are used by interaction designers to aid their thinking when designing for the user experience. Select one: True False Incorrect


Easy to use is one of user experience goals. Select one: True False


HCI is acronym of _________. Select one: a. Host Computer Interactive b. Human Computer Interaction c. Human Computer Interesting d. Human Computer Interface


How many fundamental types of interaction? Select one: a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 2


Select correct answer Select one: a. HCI and Interaction Design are the same. b. HCI is wider than Interaction Design c. HCI and Interaction Design haven't any relationship. d. Interaction Design is wider than HCI


Select correct order of activities in Interaction Design: 1. Identifying needs and requirements 2. Building interaction versions of design 3. Developing alternative designs 4. Evaluating designs Select one: a. 1-4-2-3 b. 1-3-2-4 c. 1-2-3-4 d. 2-1-4-3


Select correct order of activities in process of interaction design: 1.Developing alternative designs that meet uses' requirements. 2. Identifying needs and establishing requirements for the user experience. 3. Building interactive versions of the designs. 4. Evaluating what is being built Select one: a. 1-2-4-3 b. 4-3-2-1 c. 1-2-3-4 d. 2-1-3-4


Select correct statement Select one: a. People are much better at recognizing things than recall things. b. GUI interfaces are used for supporting recall. c. In design we should promote recall rather than recognizing. d. All of the others.


Select correct statements about conceptual models Select one: a. It is a description of the user interface b. None of the others c. It is a structure outlining the concepts and the relationships between them


Select correct statements: Select one or more: a. Qualitative data is data that is difficult to measure, count or express in numerical terms. b. Quantitative data is data that is difficult to measure, count or express in numerical terms. c. Qualitative data is data that in the form of numbers or can easily be translated into numbers. d. Quantitative data is data that in the form of numbers or can easily be translated into numbers.


Select the components of conceptual models 1. The relationships between concepts and mapping the concepts with user experience 2. The concepts 3. The problem space 4. The major metaphors and analogies Select one: a. 1,2,3 b. 2,3,4 c. 1,2,4 d. 1,2,3,4


Select the correct statement for reading, speaking, and listening: Select one: a. The cognitive effort for listening or reading or listening is the same b. Speaking requires less cognitive effort than reading or listening c. Reading requires less cognitive effort than listening or speaking d. Listening requires less cognitive effort than reading or speaking


Select the correct statements about memory Select one: a. Context is not important in affecting our memory b. It involves first encoding and then retrieving knowledge c. All of the others d. We can remember everything e. Well known fact that we recall things much better than being able to recognize things


Select the correct statements about shared external representations Select one: a. All of the others b. Shared externalizations allow people to make various inferences about the changes or delays with respect to their effect on their current activities. c. Shared external representations are commonly used to coordinate people


Select the good implications Select one or more: a. Clutter the interface with more information. b. Use techniques that make things stand out like colour, ordering, spacing, underlining, sequencing and animation c. Icons and other graphical representations should enable users to readily distinguish their meaning d. Make information salient when it needs attending to e. Try to use many techniques as many as possible f. Speech output should enable users to distinguish between the set of spoken words


Select the good recommendations for good error messages Select one: a. Messages should be precise rather than vague. b. All of the others c. Messages should be courteous, indicating what users need to do to set things right d. Avoid long code numbers and upper case letter.


Select the incorrect statements Select one: a. A key question for interaction design is: how do you optimize the users' interactions with a system, environment or product, so that they match the users' activities that are being supported and extended? b. User-centered methods are straight and their phases are separate c. Designing usable interactive products requires considering who is going to be using them and where they are going to be used. d. A central concern of interaction design is to develop interactive products that are usable.


The Star lifecycle model has not been used widely and successfully for large projects in industry. Select one: True False


The context is one of the most important things for ____ Select one: a. Thinking b. Attention c. Learning d. Memory


The ticket machine is badly designed because : 1. The designers are idiots 2. The designers have not designed the ticket machine for normal members of the public 3. The designers designed the ticket machine for themselves 4. The designers are not computer experts Select one: a. 1, 3 b. 4 c. 2, 3 d. 2, 3, 4


To understand the problem space we need to ask the following questions Select one: a. What are your assumptions? b. What are your claims? c. All of the others d. Will it achieve what you hope it will? e. What do you want to create?


User-centered approach is based on: Select one: a. Early focus on users and tasks b. Iterative design c. Empirical measurement d. All of the others


We can ___________ Select one: a. develope a user experience b. design a user experience c. develope for a user experience d. design for a user experience Correct


We must use software tools for analyzing large data sets. Select one: True False


We usually analyze all of data which collected in data gathering sessions. Select one: True False


What are NOT types of interaction? Select one: a. Conversing b. Discussing c. Manipulating d. Instructing


What are advantages of paper prototypes over computer generated pixel prototypes? Select one or more: a. Paper prototypes are often less expensive, faster, and easier to create and modify compared to computer-generated prototypes. b. Paper prototypes separate issues of design from issues of implementation. c. Paper prototypes usually allow designers to explore a broader range of ideas than pixel-prototypes. d. Paper prototypes keep the focus on high-level design while it's easy to shift focus to details with pixel-prototypes.


What are design rules? Select one: a. Design rules are high level and widely applicable guidelines b. Design rules are principles that have been interpreted for a particular design


What are explicit cues of conversations? Select one: a. looking at watch b. fidgeting with coat and bags c. saying "Oh dear, must go, look at the time, I'm late" d. none of the others


What are the advantages of working in multidisciplinary teams? Select one: a. more ideas and designs generated b. all of the others c. easy to communicate and progress forward the designs being create


What are the correct statements about icons? Select one: a. It can be designed to be compact and variably positioned on a screen b. Now they populate every application and operating system c. All of the others d. Icons are assumed to be easier to learn and remember than commands


What are the correct statements about users' needs? Select one or more: a. Need to take into account what people are good and bad at b. Listen to what we want and get users involved c. Consider what might help people in the way they currently do things d. Never use tried and tested user-centered methods


What are the main problems when using task analysis on real problems? Select one or more: a. Task analysis is limited in the kinds of task it can model. b. For complex real problem, the notation soon become unwieldy, making it difficult to follow. c. Task analysis only focuses on physical and observable actions, and includes looking at actions not related to software or an interaction device. d. Task analysis cannot model tasks that are overlapping or in parallel


What do we need to take into account in order to have a good design? Select one or more: a. Where the interaction is taking place b. Who the users are c. What activities are being carried out d. None of the others e. Whether interactions users have with a product match the users' activities and needs


What does "accessible" mean? Select one: a. "Accessible" means that it can be used by the full range of intended users b. "Accessible" means that it supports these objectives in easy-to-use ways c. "Accessible" means that the system supports user objectives


What does "useful" mean? Select one: a. 'Useful' means that the users can actually achieve the task they want to. b. 'Useful' means that the users can not actually achieve the task they want to. c. 'Useful' means that the system must allow the users to achieve the task they want to easily and enjoyably.


What does HIC stands for? Select one: a. Human-computer interface b. Human-computer integration c. Human-computer interaction d. Human Interaction Component


What does HTA involve? Select one: a. Repeat the decomposition until you reach the level of actions b. Break down (decomposing) goals into tasks, further decomposing into sub-tasks c. All of the others d. Identify the goals that users want to achieve


What does MHP stand for? Select one: a. Model human processing b. Model human processor c. Master of Historic Preservation d. Message Handling Processor


What is NOT benefit of using interface metaphors? Select one: a. Forces users to only understand the system in terms of the metaphor b. Helps users understand the underlying conceptual model c. Makes learning new systems easier d. Can be innovative and enable the realm of computers and their applications to be made more accessible to a greater diversity of users


What is NOT component of conceptual model? Select one: a. The problem space b. The major metaphors and analogies c. The concepts d. The relationships between concepts e. The mapping between concepts and user experience


What is a usable system? Select one: a. It supports user tasks in easy-to-use ways b. It support user objectives c. It can be used by the full range of intended users d. Its functions are consistency


What is interface designed for more than one person to use? Select one: a. Wearable interface b. Graphic User Interface c. Shareable interface d. Tangible interface


What is the first stage of UCSD process? Select one: a. Design and story boarding b. Requirements gathering c. Task analysis


What is the kind of the conversations that are supported in real-time through voice or typing? Select one: a. Informal communication b. Asynchronous computer-mediated communication c. Synchronous computer-mediated communication d. Formal communication


What is the output of Requirement Gathering? Select one: a. Functional requirements b. The requirements statement c. The requirement document


What kind of model do the eXtreme Programming, Crystal, Scrum belong to? Select one: a. Waterfall model b. Agile programming c. None of the others d. Spiral model


What matters should be considered when designing usable interactive products? Select one: a. How they are going to be used. b. Where they are going to be used. c. All of the others d. Who is going to be using them.


What should we do to understand users' needs? Select one or more: a. Need to take into account what people are good and bad at b. Listen to what we want and get users involved c. Consider what might help people in the way they currently do things d. Never use tried and tested user-centered methods


When design implications for attention, we should Select one: a. Make information motionless when it needs attending to b. Always clutter the interface c. All of the others d. Use techniques that make things stand out like color, ordering, spacing, underlining, sequencing and animation


Which type of external cognition is used in case of using calculator for computation? Select one: a. Computational offloading b. All of the others c. Externalizing to reduce memory load d. Annotating and cognitive tracing


Which type of external cognition is used in case of using pen and paper to solve a math problem ? Select one: a. annotating and cognitive tracing b. None of the others c. externalizing to reduce memory load. d. computational offloading


Which type of interaction describes how users carry out their tasks by telling the system what to do? Select one: a. Instructing b. Manipulating c. Conversing d. Exploring


Who have responsibility in the design of all the interactive aspects of a product? Select one: a. Usability engineers b. Interactive designers c. UI Designers d. Web desugners


Who is involved in interaction design? Select one: a. None of the others. b. Designers c. Artist d. Developers e. Multidisciplinary teams, where the skill sets of engineers, desigers, programmners, psychologists, anthropologists...


Who were developed grounded theory? Select one: a. Corbin,Glaser and Strauss b. Glaser and Strauss c. Strauss and Corbin d. Glaser and Corbin


________ interaction describes how users carry out their tasks by telling the system what to do. Select one: a. Exploring b. Conversing c. Instructing d. Manipulating


________ involves recalling various kind of knowledge that allow us to act appropriately. Select one: a. Learning b. All of the others c. Memory d. Perception


_________ is a high-level description of how a system is organized and operates. Select one: a. Abstract model b. Conceptual model c. Design model d. Interactive model


_________ refers to how information is accquired from the environment via the different sense organs, e.g eyes, fingers and transformed into experiences of objects, events, sounds and tastes. Select one: a. Memory b. Visibility c. Feeback d. Perception


Which design concept refers to determining ways of restricting the kinds of user interaction that can take place at a given moment? Select one: a. Consistency b. Visibility c. Feedback d. Constraints


Which goal in interaction design is generally regarded as ensuring that interactive products are easy to learn, effective to use and enjoyable from the user's perspective. Select one: a. Functionality goal b. Effective goal c. User experience goal d. Usability goal


Which is not an input to task analysis? Select one: a. Storyboard b. Observations of existing systems c. Problem statement d. Analysis of user population


Which is not an input to the evaluation process? Select one: a. A working prototype b. The complete system c. The statement of requirements


Which is the correct statements about HCI? Select one: a. Interaction Design is wider than HCI b. HCI and Interaction Design haven't any relationship. c. HCI and Interaction Design are the same. d. HCI is wider than Interaction Design


Which is the first model generally known in software engineering and forms the basic of many lifecycles in use today? Select one: a. Waterfall lifecycle model b. Spiral lifecycle model c. Rapid Applications Development d. Agile development


Which is the process of selecting things to concentrate on at a point time, from the range of possibilities available? Select one: a. Memory b. Learning c. Attention d. Perception


Which kind of interaction can support simple voice recognition ? Select one: a. Conversing b. Exploring c. Manipulating d. Instructing


Which mode of interaction involves users moving through virtual or physical environments? Select one: a. Conversing b. Manipulating c. Exploring d. Instructing


Which mode of interaction involves users moving through virtual or physical environments? Select one: a. Instructing b. None of the others c. Conversing d. Manipulating


Which of the following belong to criticisms of anthropomorphism? Select one: a. Deceptive, make people feel anxious, inferior or stupid b. All of the others c. People tend not to like screen characters that wave their fingers at the user


Which of the following is not a goal of HCI? Select one: a. It's goal is to reduce development cost b. It's goal is to be able to design easier systems c. It's goal is to understand why computer systems are easy, difficult to use d. None of the others


Which of the following statements are true? Select one: a. One of the reasons why interactive systems are not as easy to use as they might be is that there is not an engineering process which ensures usability b. The main idea of natural computing is that information processing is a natural process for users c. Information processing is just one of the capabilities of the human brain d. All of the others


Which of the following statements belong to 'Consistency and standards' rule developed by Nielsen? Select one: a. Always keep the user informed about what is going on through providing appropriate feedback in a reasonable time b. Provide ways of allowing users to easily escape from places they unexpectedly find themselves, by using clearly marked 'emergency exits' c. Speak the user's language, using words, phrases and concepts, rather than system-oriented terms. d. Avoid making users wonder if different words, situations or actions mean the same thing


Which of the following statements belong to 'Visibility of system status' rule developed by Nielsen? Select one: a. Avoid making users wonder if different words, situations or actions mean the same thing b. Provide ways of allowing users to easily escape from places they unexpectedly find themselves, by using clearly marked 'emergency exits' c. Speak the user's language, using words, phrases and concepts, rather than system-oriented terms. d. Always keep the user informed about what is going on through providing appropriate feedback in a reasonable time


Which of the following statements does not belong to "Universal Access"? Select one: a. 'Universal Access' is the objective of making systems that are accessible anytime, anywhere and to anyone of the intended user population b. It promotes the notion of careful design and design standards, so that users with special needs are not excluded from the use of a system c. It does not insist on one design , but provides different pathways for different users d. None of the others


Which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. Prototypes elicit information about the general 'look and feel' of a system b. The psychology of the user is irrelevant to the UCSD process c. The best prototype is a high fidelity prototype d. None of the others


Which one are asynchronous computer-mediate technologies? Select one or more: a. Instant message b. Telephone c. Email d. Video conference e. Voice IP f. Chat room


Which one of these is a good reason to include sounds in an HCI? Select one: a. Users react more slowly to sounds than to visual signals b. Users react more quickly to sounds than to visual signals c. There is no preference. People just like sounds d. The computer reacts to sounds in the same way as a human

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