HDFS 239 Exam 1 PSU

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When levels of androgens and estrogens fall below the set points, the __________ stops inhibiting the pituitary gland, thus permitting it to stimulate the release of sex hormones by the gonads.


Which of the following statements about the personal fable is true?

Both adolescents and adults are susceptible to the personal fable.

Based on research addressing ethnic differences in the timing and rate of pubertal maturation, which American girl would be expected to mature earliest?

Brandy, a middle income black adolescent.

According to research, many youngsters who were "nerds" in middle school...

Had opportunities to shift status in high school.

Which of the following statements about hormonal changes of puberty is true?

Hormonal changes affect the brain in ways that increase adolescents' desire for sensation- seeking activities.

Dan planned a party and invited his whole English class by passing out personal invitations. Dan accidentally forgot to make an invitation for Sam. Sam assumed he intentionally wasn't invited and became angry at Dan for excluding him. This is an example of...

Hostile attributional bias.

Joey enjoys playing the devil's advocate and is always stirring up discussions with his contrary positions. This ability is one aspect of...

Hypothetical thinking.

Changes in the limbic system during adolescence may cause...

Increased risk- taking.

Decha's teacher is concerned about him because he is passive and indifferent to new experiences and shows little intellectual curiosity. He also shows signs of developing low self-esteem. Based on Baumrind's classification of parenting styles, Decha's parents are most likely...


Your parents need to choose a school for your younger sibling. They ask you, "What have you learned in psychology class about the characteristics of good schools?" Which of these responses would be the most accurate answer to this question?

"Good schools have committed teachers who have a high degree of autonomy within their classrooms."

Which of the following statements accurately reflects research on adolescent-sibling relationships?

Adolescent- sibling relationships involve more conflict than adolescent- friend relationships.

Which of the following is one of the results of improvements in social cognition?

Adolescents become better able to interpret the feelings of others.

Which of the following statements about the way in which teenagers relate to mothers and fathers is true?

Adolescents tend to be closer to their mothers.

One explanation for the risk-taking peak that scientists have observed in adolescence is that...

Adolescents tend to be higher in sensation seeking and impulsively than children and adults are.

Dr. Beckerman argues that a separate youth culture has emerged in the United States and that it is harmful. What findings from recent studies counteract her belief?

Adolescents tend to be more prosocial when they are with their peers than when they are alone.

Which of the following is a common finding of recent cyberbullying studies?

Adolescents who engage in traditional bullying often also engage in cyberbullying.

The main reason that reactive aggression is associated with unpopularity and greater problems with peers is that reactive aggression is characterized by a combination of...

Aggression and poor emotion regulation or lack of social skills.

Which of the following environmental factors affect the onset of puberty?

Amount of light exposure.

Adolescents' persistent arguments over rules are most likely a result of...

An increase in relativism.

The potentially fatal disorder in which young women actually starve themselves is called...

Anorexia nervosa.

What have studies shown to be true of antisocial youth?

Antisocial adolescents usually have antisocial friends.

Decisions about whether to implement tracking in non-tracked schools, or whether to "de-track" schools that use ability grouping, are typically quite controversial. Parents of students in the higher tracks ________, whereas parents in the lower tracks ________.

Favor tracking; Oppose it.

Based on what you have read about high-performing charter schools, what qualities from these schools would it make sense to encourage in other schools?

Focus on character development as well as academic performance.

Which of these is a reason peer groups change from childhood to adolescence?

For most adolescents, social settings become larger and more anonymous.

The adolescent growth spurt

Generally begins two years earlier for girls than boys.

Professor Kendall has been researching adolescent maturation around the world. Which of the following is she likely to determine has the smallest role in determining group differences in pubertal maturation?


Current research on the effects of remarriage indicates that...

Girls have more problems than boys.

One type of structural change in the brain has to do with changes in the levels of gray and white matter in the brain. Which of the following statements is true?

Gray matter decreases while white matter increases.

Dr. Brown argues that adolescents can solve problems better than younger children because they can store more information in memory and because they have more effective strategies. Dr. Brown's view is most consistent with which of the following perspectives?

Information- processing perspective.

Osman is a junior high student anticipating puberty. He wants to know when puberty will start and how long it will take until he looks like and is considered an adult. His health teacher tells him that the timing and rate of puberty...

Is highly variable and influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

A(n) _____ is an individual who has few or no links to others in the social network, and a(n) ______ is an individual who interacts with two or more adolescents who are members of cliques but is not part of a clique.

Isolate; Liaison.

Amy, a social reformer in the early twentieth century, would have likely considered which of the following to be a good reason to push for secondary education?

It is effective in reducing crime by keeping youngsters off the streets.

Which of the following is a finding of social scientists regarding the effects of divorce on adolescents?

It is the process of going through a divorce, not the new family structure that results from one, that most affects the mental health of adolescents.

As a result of mentalizing and developing a theory of mind, adolescents become

More skilled at telling lies to parents and peers.

Changes in the "social brain" may help explain why adolescents tend to become...

More susceptible to peer pressure.

One aspect of brain maturation that is associated with increases in the speed of neural impulses and improvements in information transmission is...


Which of the following adolescents best exemplifies the differential susceptibility theory?

Nela's first year of college was very stressful and her grades and her mood were poor. After finding a supportive mentor, however, she became a top student and is now much happier.

Jim and Savannah are the parents of two preteen girls. Throughout the girls' childhood, the family has enjoyed fairly harmonious relationships. The likelihood that they will experience serious problems as the girls go through adolescence is...

Not likely.

Which of the following can delay the onset of puberty?

Nutritional deficiencies.

Which of the following classroom climates is related to increased student achievement?

One that promotes cooperation between students.

Which of the following statements about friendship stability is true?

Only half of all reciprocated best friends that exist at the beginning of the school year exist at the end.

Which of the following statements about parents of adolescents is true?

Parents' mental health is worse when their teenage children are living at home.

The popular notion of a "generation gap" has only been supported in differences between parents and children with regard to

Personal taste.

Which boy is most likely to commit an act of lethal violence?

Researchers have not identified a reliable mechanism for identifying which students will commit a lethal crime.

Spending time with family helps adolescents develop a sense of______, while spending time with peers helps them develop______.

Responsibility; Intimacy.

Felicia is very warm and accepting towards both of her two children, but she also sets firm rules that the children must follow with very few exceptions. According to Baumrind, the characteristics that best describe her are...

Responsive and demanding.

Mary is having trouble understanding how to do a math problem. Her teacher asks her just the right question, and Mary understands the problem. Vygotsky would refer to the structuring process used by the teacher to guide Mary's thinking as...


Which has a greater effect on students' scholastic achievement: school size or class size?

School size.

Ms. Adamson believes that junior high school students are daydreamers at best and disrespectful at worst. Her students notice her attitude and therefore do not work that hard in her class, figuring that there is little chance of pleasing her. Their grades are lower than the grades of comparable students who have other teachers. What would a psychologist call this phenomenon?

Self- fulfilling prophecy.

Although young children may seem unaffected by a divorce at the time, problems may emerge when they are adolescents. This delayed effect is called a...

Sleeper effect.

Interventions designed to help unpopular adolescents improve their social skills have employed which of the following techniques?

Teaching social skills like self- expression and leadership techniques.

Which adolescent has the lowest risk of developing an eating disorder?

Tengfei , a late- maturing boy who has a good relationship with his parents.

In what decade did the Supreme Court rule that school districts could no longer use race as a factor when deciding how to assign students to schools?

The 2000s.

According to scientists, why does the reminiscence bump happen?

The adolescent brain is chemically primed to encode memories deeply.

Which of the following statements about puberty in girls is true?

The development of the areola and nipple are far better indicators of sexual maturation than is breast size.

Which of the following statements about the timing and tempo of sexual maturation is true?

The duration of puberty varies widely, from 1.5 to 6 years in girls and 2 to 5 years in boys.

Which of these is a realistic concern with regard to requiring all high school seniors to pass a graduation test in order to earn a diploma?

The financial costs associated with failing students would create a huge incentive for states to develop exams with very low requirements for passing.

Only one-sixth of students at large, inner-city schools are judged proficient in science. What is the significance of this statistic?

The jobs that are available for the workforce of tomorrow will most likely have at least some focus on science or technology.

The Anytown town council developed a program to curb delinquent behavior among the town's adolescents. The program had an iatrogenic effect, meaning...

The program backfired and delinquent behavior increased.

Mitch attends a high school where 95 percent of the students are involved in extracurricular activities. This probably also means that at Mitch's school,

The size of the student body is relatively small.

As Alex enters adolescence, he and his parents are experiencing severe relationship problems. The most likely explanation is that...

Their problematic relationship has existed since Alex's childhood.

Which of the following statements about the production of hormones at puberty is true?

There is an increase in the production of certain hormones.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was a policy designed to ensure that all students, regardless of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic background, received a high-quality public education. Which of the following statements is true?

To avoid losing larger sums of money, some schools helped students cheat on standardized tests.

What is the most effective way to respond to a bully, according to research findings?

To do nothing or to walk away.

Scientists now believe that the transition from concrete operational thought to formal operational thought occurs...

Very gradually and continuously through adolescence into adulthood.

For which of the following decisions would Nozomi, an older adolescent, be most likely to accept her parents' rules?

What time of night she needs to be home by.

Professor Ngo is studying family transitions. According to family systems theory, he is most likely to see dramatic changes in family relationships during which of the following events?

When individual family members are changing, such as during adolescence.

Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is true?

Younger children have an easier time adjusting to stepfamilies that adolescents.

A group of individuals who are born during a particular time period (for instance, the baby boomers) is known as what?

A cohort.

Dave knows that kids who drink and drive sometimes get killed, but he believes that he is somehow immune to having such a terrible thing happen to him. Dave's belief is an example of...

A personal fable.

Marixa is an 11-year-old Latina. She is moving from elementary school into middle school. Her current school has 60% Latino and Latina students, while her new school is only 10% Latino and Latina. What should the school psychologist at Marixa's new school watch out for when he talks with her?

A sense of disengagement.

Piaget theorists believe that the use of _________ is the chief feature of adolescent thinking that differentiates it from the type of thinking employed by children.

Abstract logical reasoning.

Which of the following is an accurate example of familism, an orientation in which the needs of one's family take precedence over the needs of the individual...

Because tennis practice would conflict with Friday night dinners with Nyala's grandparents, she chooses to join the track team instead.

By the end of high school, crowds...

Become less important to adolescents.

The delayed phase preference suggests that school should...

Begin later in the morning.

What would Stephanie, a high school student, most likely say is the best part about going to school?

Being with friends.

You are a psychologist treating Martina, a middle school student who is popular among classmates despite being a bully. What types of behavior would you expect to see in her?

Calculated, pre-planned aggression.

According to many well-designed studies that have looked at the psychological consequences of growing up with lesbian or gay parents...

Children and adolescents with lesbian and gay parents are not psychologically different fro those with straight parents.

Which aspect of the school climate is the least important in influencing psychosocial development during adolescence?

Class size.

Lupe, a 15-year-old, is most likely to learn social skills in a ______ and develop her sense of identity in a ______.

Clique; Crowd.

The local library offers "write your first resume" classes for teens, which are taught by an adult volunteer, and "understand how your phone's camera works" classes for adults, which are taught by teen volunteers. What word would Margaret Mead use to describe this society?


Tam is good at drawing conclusions from given information. Thus, Tam is good at ______ reasoning.


The main reason for sex differences in the impact of early and late maturation is...

Different cultural expectations of boys and girls.

The children who are most likely to think of themselves as being "off schedule" with respect to their physical development are girls who mature ________ and boys who mature ________.

Early; Late.

Senator Perkins is interested in making laws that will reduce the number of car crashes involving teens. Based on the scientific research in this chapter, which advice should he follow as he drafts a bill?

Encourage adults to ride along with teen drivers.

Among adolescents, placement into a foster care group home is associated with...

Greater delinquency.

Studies in many countries have found a link between higher rates of bullying and...

Greater income inequality.

Changes in the structure of secondary schools have been linked to broader societal revolutions. Which of the following factors has contributed to these changes?


Principal McGonagall has been watching his students for several years as they move through adolescence. According to research, which groups are most likely to exhibit favorable patterns of psychological adjustment over time?

Jocks and brains.

According to Baumrind, children of indulgent parents tend to be...

Less mature and more conforming to their peers.

Which of the following brain systems is responsible for processing emotions, social information, and rewards?

Limbic system.

Which of the following statements about prenatal development is true?

Puberty is part of a gradual process that begins at conception.

Although Chris is significantly delayed developmentally, he goes to a regular school. He takes classes in social studies, music, and physical education with the non-handicapped students, and he goes to special classes to learn about reading and arithmetic. This situation is an example of...


One reason that the adolescent years may constitute a difficult period of adjustment is that parents...

May also be experiencing identity crises of their own.

Placing students in tracks that match their abilities is called...


Jane, an adolescent, can attribute her improved skills in planning and decision making to her...

Prefrontal cortex.

During puberty, individuals who mature early are likely to exhibit which of the following?

Problem behavior, such as drug use.

Which of the following statements about puberty's impact on family relationships is true?

Puberty appears to increase distance between parents and children.

Which of the following students is most at risk of developing depression?

Sofia, a teenage girl who stays up until 12 a.m. using her smartphone and begins school at 8 a.m.

Which of these is the most accurate statement about teachers' expectations of students?

teacher expectations have a long term effect on student acheivement.

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