HDFS 3710 Exam 2

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In the disease known as ______, the heart cannot distribute enough blood throughout the body to reach the major organs, causing the tissues to swell with fluid.

Congestive heart failure

Depressive symptoms can place the older adult at risk for developing which ither disease or conditions?

Cytokines and cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, arthiritis, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

The adrenopause observed in older adults reflects age related changes in which hormone?


The text reccommends that the best advice for an old adult trying to maintain his or her digestive functioning is to:

Eat a diet that includes a relative balance among nutrients

The "stroke" belt recieved its name because people living in this region ten to:

Eat a lot of friend and unhealthy food. Food that is high in fat.

People living in the "cancer belt" are at particular risk for which form of cancer?


What is hispanic paradox?

Favorable overall mortality for hispanic older adults compared to white

An 80 year old woman is suffering from limited range of motion due to degenerative changes in her knees, shoulders, and wrists. If you were her physical therapist, you mugh suggest that she offest these changes by engaging primarily in:

Flexibility training

A build up of pressure within the eyeball is involved in which form of blindness affects older adults?


The somatopause of aging involves changes in which hormones?


In the disorder known as _______________, individuals continually collect objects that they don't need, are unable to throw out those objects, and may clutter up their homes to the point of being almost unlivable


Health professionals treating older adults with osteoarthritis are most likely to recommend which of the following approaches as long-term stategy, particlarly for individuals with mild symptoms?

Mild exercise

A true Mediterranean diet would include relatively little of which type of food?

saturated fats

You're the health care professional a 72 year old woman who you determine suffers from arteriosclerosis. In explainig this condition to her, you inform her that this condition specifically is defined as involving:

thickening and hardening of arteries

What was the goal of the loneliness study done by Dr. Emerson?

to see if it impacts mortality rates

In Alzheimer's disease, neurofibrillary tangles cause what change to occur within the brain?

twisting of microtubles in the neurons within the brain.

A 72-year-old woman has been told by her physician that, because she is obese, she is putting increased weight on her joints, thus increasing her risk of developing the musculoskeletal disease known as:


Heterogeneity is greater in late life than earlier in the life course as a result of the accumulation of assets or liabilities over time. resonates with success breeds success and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

cumulative disadvantage theory

in the US, older African Americans are significantly more likely to have experienced at least a year of poverty compared to whites. this is an example of what theory?

cumulative disadvantage theory

research has linked lonliness in older adults to all fo the follwing except: a. cardiovascular disease b. depression c. disability d. increased visits to the emergency room e. death

d. increased visits to the emergency room

hypothesis that aging person of color are in jeopardy in our society de to both growing old and being part of an ethnic minority

double jeopardy hypothesis

Melatonin supplemements occasionally used by older adults to offset changes with age, may have unwanted effects such as:


Within Dr. Emerson's study on physical activity and cardiovascular disease risk, which group of people were at highest risk for cardiovascular disease?

ethical/racial minorities

The symptoms of social anxiety disorder involve, specifically, which type of thoughts and feelings?

extreme anxiety about being watched by others and fear of public embarrassment

Exposure to the asbestos increases an individual's risk for developing _____ cancer.


The condition known as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is used in cases involving:

memory training

The concept of plasticity in the nervous system refers to the fact that:

mental physical exercise can offset afere related changes

Clinicians seek to distinguish Alzheimer's disease from other neurocognitive disorders as soon as possible in their patients primarily because:

other disorders that look similar can be reversible if treated

Experts worry that future generations of older adults will experience more age-related hearing loss due to which preventable behavior?

overuse of earphones and listening devices

A BMI in the range of 25-29.9 places the individual in the category or:


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disesase (COPD) is almost always caused by:

- cause is not officially known, most agree toxins from cigarette smoking - cigarette smoking triggers the over production of enzyme elastase - obstruction of airflow

Metabolic syndrome, a condition that places an individual at risk for heart disease and diabetes, involves which of the following criteria for women?

-Abdominal obesity over 35 inches -More than 150 mg/dl of Trigycerides -HDL cholesterol less than 50 mg/dl -High blood pressure -Fasting glucose

A middle aged man is worried that his 83 year old mother may develop osteoporosis, a reasonable concern because she:

-takes in very little vitamin D. -women have a lower bone mass than men.

The lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder is estimated to be ____%


Based on prevalence data, older adults with bipolar disorder were most likely to have developed it by the time they reached the age of about:


Around what percentage of the oldest old (those aged 80 years and older) report being lonely?


Within Dr. Emerson's study on loneliness, who in the sample was moer lily to report being lonely?

71 year old females

What is the approximate percent of adults 50 to 54 who use illicit drugs?

9.3% (22.5 million)

Which neurotransmitters is thought to be involved in the memory loss of Alzheimer's disease?


Normal changes in the cardiovascular system with age in adulthood are reflected in a lowering if which measure:

Aerobic Capacity

Destruction of the ______ is a consequence of emphysema.


One of the primary causes of aging of the respiratory system involves changes in air sacs known as the:


Which disorder is thought to be caused in part by malfunction of the APP gene?

Alzheimer Dementia

A mental health clinician is evaluating an older adult patient reffered for neuropsychological testing. The clinician recognizes that small changes in cognitive functioning, occuring in stepwise manner, may mist likely be due to which hormone?


The HAROLD model of plasticity and brain aging proposes that older adults show which pattern when completing cognitive tasks compared to younger adults?

Area of the brain has defects, the oppostie hemisphere becomes activted.

The plaques found in the brain of people with Alzheimer's disease are made up of which substance?

Beta-Amyloid plaques are made up of proteins

A 65 year old man smoked all his life and now has _____, a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema


The increased release of elastase stimulated by cigarette smoking is thought to be a cause of which disease?

Chronic Emphysema

Results from Dr. Emerson suggested that loneliness that was reported ______ was significantly associated with increased number of doctor visits.

Chronic illness

Older adults may be more alert in the morning, and younger adults in the evening, reflecting age differences in:

Circadian rythem shifts

The World Health Organization defines health as having which qualities?

Complete physical, mental and social well being

Which of the following is a documented risk factir for developing cataracts?

Increasing age, diabetes, no sunglasses

Researchers studying borderline personality disorder tendencies in older adults found those high in neuroticism to be more likely to show ______________ in which they create more problems in their lives.

Irritability with self and others

Psychologists may fail to recognize the symptoms of major depressive disorder in an older adult because they mistakenly assume that:

It's a cognitive impairment or physical symptoms

The nephron is the cell responsible for the efficency of which organ in the body?


Normal changes in the _____ of the heart seem to play a central role in teh aging of the cardiovascualr system:

Left ventricle

Unlike the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), the international classification of diseases makes possible diagnosis of which condition?

Mental illnesses including psychological distortions

Because neurons do no replace themselves when they die, proponents of the _____ model believe that aging inevitably involves declines in brain structres and functions.

Neuronal Fallout

A 67-year-old woman is constantly organizing and re-organizing her kitchen cabinets, wanting every cup, plate, glass, and utensil to be in exactly the "right" place. Her behavior causes her distress, and although she would like to stop, she can't help herself. This behavior would be:

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Diabetes can be traced to abnormal functioning of which bodily organ?


In ________ disease, the individuals primarily suffer from disturbances in motor functioning, including having tremors, shuffling gait, and difficulties maintaing balance.

Parkinson's Disease

When mental health parity for Medicare was passed in 2008 by the U.S. Congress, this is meant that older adults could receive which benefit?

People on Medicare can now pay the same out of pocket expense for mental health that they would for medical care.

Symptoms of depression in persons over the age of 65 are more likely to take which form compared to symptoms shown in younger adults?


Found to contribute to major depressive disorder in older adults, which condition might be overlooked by psychologists conducting an assessment?

Physical impairment

Middle-aged and older adults wear bifocals to correct for which age related change in the eyes?


Normal age related cahnges in the lens of the eye results in which condition that afflicts all older adults?


A 67-year-old former embezzler out on parole sees a court-ordered therapist each week. The therapist observes in her notes that he seems to be a good example of the maturation hypothesis. This means that the former convict shows which behavior?

Prevalence of immature and higher prevalence of mature personality disorder

What is one proposed strategy for increasing physical activity levels among older adults?

Providing social support and beginning an activity program at a low intensity and gradually working up to a moderate intensity.

In general guidelines for recieving cancer screening recommend that patients undergo systematic tests:

Screening is the first line of treatment, Undergo systematic tests that indicated by research guidelines. Once cancer has been detected alternatives are surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

The family of an 83-year-old woman is distressed to learn that her recent development of the inability to get herself dressed, along with other memory problems, suggests that she is in which stage of Alzheimer's disease?

Stage 5: Moderately Severe decline

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is controlled by which set of hormones in the endocrine system?


What may be a reason to why older adults who report loneliness are more likely to seek out medical assistance?

To satisfy their need for interaction and interpersonal stimulation.

Of all forms of specific phobia, which of the follwing is most prevalent in the adult population?

animal phobias and heights

A 45 year old man is concerned because his 70 year old mother seems unusally restless, tense, irritable, and prone to worrying. It is possible that his mother has developed which psychological disorder?

anxiety disorder

Of the following which category of disorders has the highest lifetime prevalence?

anxiety disorder

People who have the anxiety disorder known as agoraphobia fear what type of situation?

being trapped or stranded during a panic attack.

The training of health professionals to work with the older population should, based on trends in chronic disease prevalence, involve knowledge about coping with which type of illness?

cardiovascular disease

Changes with age in the dermis layer of the skin are associated with age-related alterations in which protein, also found in connective tissue throughout the body?


lower death rates among African Americans, asian americans​, and america​n indian​s between 75 and 85

crossover effect

Psychologists diagnosing Alzheimer's disease looks for which key symptom in its early stage?

forgetting names of good family and friends

Because it focuses on the degree of interdepedence an older adults is able to maintain, it is important to healthcare practitioners to measure instrumental activites of dailt living. This measure includes which type of criteria?

going shopping, preparing meals, doing household chores, using private or public transportation.

A 55 year old man has a common age-related condition known as androgenic alopecia. This means that he is experiencing:

hair loss, hair stops growing and short hair begins taking place

The behavioral risk factors for chronic diseases in later adulthood include tobacco smoking, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and:

harmful use of alcohol and obesity

A natural shrinking with age of the thymus gland contributes to the process known as:

immune senescene

The results of Dr. Emerson's study propose what physical activity recommendations for older adults?

moderate to vigorous

Sarcopenia is associated with age-realted changes in the loss of:

muscle mass

What did the results of Dr. Emerson's study report on physical activity levels and ethnicity?

no correlation

Unlike memory loss caused by Alzheimer's disease, the symptoms of vascualr dementia may be:

symptoms may occur suddenly following strokes or slow as a result of cumulative damage

One of the reasons that gerontologist are concerned about falls in older adults causing serious fractures is that bone loss is typically most likely to occur in:

upper part of the thigh bone, below the hip, most people aren't affected by bone loss until 50's & 60's

Which group in the population is a particularly high risk for developing osteoporosis?


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