Health 101 - Unit 3

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Keyshawn worries that someone at a party might offer him a cigarette. He does not want to smoke, so what should he do?

- He should remind himself of the reasons he does not want to smoke. - He should plan ahead about how he will say no.

What is an effect of nicotine on the body?

- It triggers adrenaline release. - It increases blood pressure.

Leon has used chewing tobacco several times each day for years. How does this influence Leon's cancer risk?

- Leon is at higher risk for tongue cancer. - Leon is at higher risk for cheek cancer. - Leon is at higher risk for pancreatic cancer.

What are the effects of nicotine in tobacco products?

- Nicotine activates the brain's pleasure center. - Nicotine increases dopamine levels.

How can serious drug abuse affect a person's relationships, finances, and family?

- People who abuse drugs may overdose, causing the family great pain. - People who abuse drugs may choose addictive drugs over maintaining healthy relationships.

What are the social and legal implications of exposing people to secondhand smoke?

- Smoking around children increases their risk of developing asthma. - In California, parents who smoke in the car with young children are breaking the law.

Which are prescription drugs?

- adderall - Vicodin

Why is it important to protect teenagers from tobacco ads?

- because chronic smokers often start during their teen years - because tobacco companies have a history of marketing to teenagers

Why does the federal government restrict tobacco advertising near schools and parks?

- because most long-term tobacco users begin using as teenagers - to help keep teenagers from trying and becoming addicted to tobacco products

How can parents make their child less likely to smoke?

- by avoiding cigarettes themselves - by making sure cigarettes are not available in the home

Olivia's friend is tempted to try cigarettes because she thinks that it will make her look cool. How can Olivia help her friend see the immediate costs of smoking?

- by pointing out that it leads to yellow teeth - by pointing out that it leads to bad breath

Which resources can help someone cope with the impact of a loved one's alcohol use?

- counselor - hotline - Al-Anon

Which are symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome disorders (FASDs)

- distinct facial features - learning disabilities

What are some benefits of avoiding tobacco use?

- improved sense of taste - fewer facial wrinkles - better sense of smell

What are the consequences of driving under the influence (DUI)?

- installation of an ignition interlock device - suspension of license

What penalties may underage individuals face if charged with a DUI?

- losing driving privileges - jail time - having car impounded

Nick is trying to quit smoking but finds it very difficult to resist nicotine cravings. What would help him manage his physical addiction to nicotine?

- nicotine patches - nicotine gum

Which drugs are illegal?

- psilocybin - LSD

Which option is best for helping someone with a drug addiction?

- rehab center - 12-step program

What can people expect when they quit smoking?

- save money - smell better

Who is given penalties when alcohol is sold to an underage individual?

- the underage person - the seller - the business owner

Why does the government support tobacco-free campaigns?

- to reduce disease - because smoking damages the environment - save taxpayer money

Which activities regarding Schedule I drugs are illegal?

- use - production - distribution

About what percentage of traffic-related deaths in the United States are related to alcohol-impaired drivers?


According to federal law, how old must people be to buy tobacco products?


Approximately how many smokers first start before the age of 18?

90 percent

How are children affected by drunk driving?

About 16 percent of the traffic deaths of children each year are alcohol-related.

What limits are placed on tobacco advertising?

Advertising on the radio or TV is forbidden by law.

What effect does alcohol have on the brain?

Alcohol is a stimulant in small amounts and a depressant in large amounts.

How can alcohol increase dangerous behavior?

Alcohol lowers inhibitions in a person.


a colorless, flammable liquid made from the fermentation of sugar

fetal alcohol syndrome disorder (FASDs)

a condition in which prenatal alcohol exposure leads to impaired physical and mental development

What is the perceived benefit of states giving severe penalties to teens who drive under the influence of alcohol?

a decrease in the number of teens who drive under the influence


a drug made from the poppy plant and used to slow the body's central nervous system

Rita is struggling with an addiction to alcohol and wants help. However, she wants to remain anonymous and does not want to speak face-to-face with anyone. Which resource would be the most effective to help Rita discuss the effects of alcohol with someone?

a hotline

blood alcohol concentration

a measurement of the level of alcohol in an individual's blood stream

withdrawal symptom

a painful physical or mental effect people experience when they stop using a substance they are physically addicted to

parole officer

a person who is responsible for supervising those who have been released from prison early due to their agreement to certain conditions

What kind of resource would be most effective for a student who is dealing with someone else's alcohol use at home?

a safe place to express concerns and develop coping strategies


a state caused by drugs or other substances in which a person is unable to think or behave in a normal way


a substance or environmental factor that is known to cause cancer


a toxic, addictive drug extracted from tobacco, which acts as a stimulant in small doses

What percentage of high school students have a daily smoking habit?

about 5 percent


addiction to alcohol

illicit drug

an illegal drug used for nonmedical purposes, such as heroin, marijuana, and meth


an intervention that is meant to help a person return to being a productive member of society

How do communities manage the risks of secondhand smoke?

by limiting smoking in public spaces

How can a tobacco user avoid the risk of oral cancer?by stopping all tobacco use

by stopping all tobacco use

oral cancer

cancer related to the mouth


causing a person to be unable to think or behave in a normal way




describes a substance that causes activity or provides more energy


doing something without identifying oneself or giving one's name

Which law would teenagers receive legal consequences for breaking, no matter which state they lived in?

drinking alcohol before the age of 21

Which is an example of how violent behavior is associated with illicit drug use?

gang activity due to illegal drug sales


illegal or forbidden

Which is a result of drinking alcohol in excess at a party?

impaired judgment in social situations


inflammation of the pancreas

coping strategies

methods of dealing with a situation by taking positive action to eliminate problems

Which option is a validation for limited liability with the 911 Good Samaritan Law?

reducing overdose deaths

What is the most significant risk to a teenager or young adult who consumes alcohol?

risk of harming brain development


self-imposed restraint that keeps someone from acting in a certain way

Which is an effect of opioid drug use?

slowed heartbeat

secondhand smoke

smoke from someone's burning tobacco that is inhaled by another person who is not smoking


spoken in an unclear way, usually by someone who is tired or drunk


substance that causes the body to be less active and slows down body processes


tending to act in sudden, unpremeditated ways


tending to avoid or interrupt interactions with other people


the ability to control two or more movements at the same time


the act of an institution or group sending away one of its members


the act of ending something


the body's own ending of a pregnancy before a fetus is full-term


the condition of being physically or psychologically dependent on a particular substance


the doubled percentage of how much alcohol is present in an alcoholic beverage


the nicotine-rich leaves of a plant indigenous to the Americas, cured by a process of drying and fermentation

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

the unexplained death of a child under one year old

birth weight

the weight of an infant at birth


to lessen or to diminish in strength or quantity

What is the main reason for prohibiting smoking in public places?

to prevent secondhand smoke exposure


to refrain or desist from acting

What does it mean to misuse a prescription drug?

using a prescription drug in a way that is not intended

How can underage drinkers at a party avoid the consequences of the zero-tolerance policy?

Call a responsible person for a ride.

Why is counseling a better option than jail time for people caught using illegal drugs?

Counseling helps to solve the issue of addiction.

Why is it particularly important for someone to avoid alcohol while pregnant?

Drinking while pregnant can cause a miscarriage.

What is the difference between drug misuse and drug abuse?

Drug misuse is the use of legal prescription drugs against instructions. Drug abuse is the use of illegal or addictive drugs.

Schedule II

Drugs with a high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence

Schedule IV

Drugs with a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence

Schedule III

Drugs with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence

Schedule V

Drugs with lower potential for abuse than Schedule IV and consist[ing] of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics

Schedule I

Drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse

Which government agency regulates tobacco products?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

John uses a variety of tobacco products. Some days he chews tobacco; other days he smokes a pipe or cigarettes. Based on this information, what is John's risk for oral cancer?

His risk is high, because all of these products can cause oral cancers.

Which is a correct summary of the random drug testing policy in schools?

It is allowed for middle and high school students who are involved in competitive extracurricular activities.

What is the purpose of the zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking and driving?

It requires strict consequences to discourage youth from doing those things.

Which statement about drug use is a myth?

It takes a long time to become addicted to illicit drugs.

What is a common myth about illegal drugs?

It takes a long time to develop addictions to them.

How can abstaining from alcohol benefit people?

They can have improved liver and heart functions.

Which is a true statement regarding over-the-counter drugs?

They have a significantly lower potential for abuse.

How do opiate drugs affect brain function?

They slow neural responses, slowing the central nervous system.

Which statement correctly describes tobacco regulations?

Tobacco companies cannot advertise on television.

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