Health assessment Ch 1

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Always remember that everyone is what


what does USPSTF stand for

United states preventitive services task force

what does diagnosis mean in the nursing process

analalizing potiental or actual problems, using subjective and object data, refects health risks and problems

What is critical thinking?

analizing and sythisizing , relecting , problem solving, prioritize patient needs and problems

when assessing a patient we do and use what

collaborate with the patient , use intrepersonal skills, and hollistic care

what is a characteristic of health assessment

collects, vallidates, and clusters data to assess the whole patient

a 34 year old patient is about to deliver her first baby her husband is worried the patient is at hospital contractions are 8 min apart been in labor for 8 hours has high blood pressure patient never took a class and doesnt know what to do what cognitive skill should you do?

critical thinking ( problem solving , reflect process, creative think to solve problems )

what can influence peoples perception of health?


What does health mean?

different for everyone, not just the absence of disease.

what does secondary health prevention mean

early screenings,detections and treatment of disease( colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer)

Health assessment is what?


what does assessing the patient provide

established base line information

What does assessment mean?

figuring out, overview, using tactile senses(smelling, feeling, looking )

what does assessment mean in the nursing process

first step, collection and analization of data.

intutive thinking

gut feeling

what does primary health prevention mean

health promotion stratigies( annual physical exams , immunizations)

what is used to form a care plan

info provided from the assessment of the patient

the nursing process Id what type of info

infor about an persons health and risk factiod

what is clinical reasoning

looking for patient cues, use patient history , signs simptoms and data, forms a diagnosis and plan

a patient presents at the ambulatory care clintic for complaints of a upper respitory infection while assessing the patient the nurse needs to id

normal from abnormal assesment findings( normal and abnormal finding may indicate the patient has an upper respitory infect)

what is the 5 steps in the nursing process

ADPIE( assessment, diganosis, planning, implemnation, evaluation)

What does an health assessment help do?

ID normal and abnormal by cues ( determine if things or geeting better or worse)

what does evaluation mean in the nursing process

ongoing process to see if goals are meet

what must be done to correctly asses a patient

orgined, uses patient rescorces,ID factors that influence the health of a patient, ID normal and abnormal findings

what are the levels of health prevention

primary, secondary, tertiary

Nursing Process is a what type of method

problem solving

what does objective data mean

problems analized by doctor ( x ray showing broken wrist)

what does subjective subjective data mean

problems described by patient (my wrist hurts )

what does the patient protection and affordable care act do

provides high quality, safe and affordable care, healthcare insurcance incresses acess to health care ,

what does tertiary health prevention mean

restoration of health after illness or disease ( rehabilitation programs)

what does the USPSTF do

ruses evidence based medicine to improve health of Americans , recommends things

a patient with Alzheimer's is wondering in and out of other residents rooms and your redirect patient to common area where other patients are watching tv and staff supervision the patient has a wonder guard on ankle and using a walker what qsen competency is being integrated in the scenario


what does hollistic care meant

taking their culture in mind when determining a care plan for a patient

a patient was recently diganosed with type one diabeates and needs teaching about the importance of skin and foot care and is an example of what level of health provention does this patient need


what type of skills is needed to obtain data and develope a person center relationship

theraputic communication

what is clinical judgement

understanding patients needs, finds solution, modifys to patient needs , dision to take action or not

how do you exchange info

verbally , nonverbally, oral and written

what does planning mean in the nursing process

working with patient to meet needs or goals

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