Health Assessment in Nursing, Chapter 3

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A client asks why gloves are being worn during the physical examination. What should the nurse respond to this client?

"They make sure that any microorganisms on my hands do not touch your skin." One reason to wear gloves is to prevent the transmission of flora from health care workers to patients. Wearing gloves is more than just following a policy. Gloves hinder the ability to discern body parts and positions. Although the client may have a communicable illness, the nurse should not make a statement that could cause the client anxiety about being ill.

Percussion sounds: Resonance (over part air & part solid) loud, low, long, hollow Hyper-Resonance (over mostly air) very loud,low,long, booming Tympany (heard over air) loud, high, moderate, drum-like Dullness (heard over more solid tissue) medium, medium, moderate, thud-like Flatness (heard over very dense tissue) soft, high, short, flat ...[normal lung] ...[lung with emphysema] ...[puffed out cheek/gastric bubble] ...[diaphragm, pleural effusion, liver] ...[muscle, bone, sternum, thigh]

...[normal lung] ...[lung with emphysema] ...[puffed out cheek/gastric bubble] ...[diaphragm, pleural effusion, liver] ...[muscle, bone, sternum, thigh]

A client with scabies visits the health care facility for a follow-up appointment. Which preparation by the nurse is of greatest priority for the physical examination of this client?

Adequate lighting Adequate lighting is most important for the physical examination of the client with scabies. Sunlight (when available) would be preferable; however, even a portable lamp or a good overhead light is sufficient for illuminating the skin and for viewing shadows and contours. A warm and comfortable room, a quiet area free of disturbance, and a firm examination bed or table are subsequent preparations to the physical setting for the examination.

A nurse must assess a client's red reflex. Which piece of equipment will the nurse need for this?

An ophthalmoscope is used to view the red reflex and to examine the retina of the eye. A tuning fork is used to test for bone and air conduction of sound. An otoscope is used to view the ear canal and tympanic membrane. A penlight is used to view the mouth and throat and to transilluminate the sinuses.

After the physical examination of a client, a nurse disposes of the used gloves. The nurse has not come in contact with any body fluids or excretion, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or wound dressings. The nurse's hands do not appear to be visibly soiled. What hand hygiene should the nurse perform?

Application of an antiseptic handrub The nurse could apply an antiseptic handrub if the hands do not appear to be soiled. If during the examination the nurse's hands are soiled due to contact with any body fluids or excretion, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or wound dressings, the nurse would be required to hand wash with nonantimicrobial soap and water, or antiseptic soap.

The client is in a standing position. Which of the following can the nurse most effectively assess with the client in this position?

Balance The standing position is used to assess a client's balance in addition to spine range of motion, and visual acuity. The cervical spine and axillary nodes are assessed with the patient in the seated position. The thorax is assessed in either the sitting or lying position.

A nurse is preparing to evaluate an elderly client's risk for developing pressure sores after a 2-week stay in the hospital. Which of the following pieces of equipment will this nurse need for this purpose?

Braden scale The Braden scale for predicting pressure sore risk would be the appropriate tool for evaluating a client's risk for developing pressure sores. The Snellen E chart is used to test distant vision. The penlight is used to view the mouth and throat and to transilluminate the sinuses. The reflex (percussion) hammer is used to test tendon reflexes.

Which piece of equipment should a nurse use to perform a test for stereognosis?

Coin or key The nurse needs a coin or a key to test the client for stereognosis, which is the ability to recognize objects by touch. A reflex hammer is used to determine deep tendon reflexes. A tuning fork is used to test for vibratory sensation. A tongue depressor is used to test for rise of uvula and gag reflex.

The nurse is preparing client teaching for an adult admitted to the hospital with bilateral pneumonia. What should the nurse know to include in this client teaching?

Dispose of tissues directly into trash cans Clients and other people with symptoms of a respiratory infection are asked to cover their mouths/noses when coughing or sneezing, but not covering the nose and mouth with their hands. Additionally, clients should dispose of tissues directly into trash cans and perform hand hygiene after hands have been in contact with respiratory secretions. The nurse does not teach to use hands to cover the face when sneezing or coughing—the client should instead cough or sneeze into a sleeve. Washing hands before coming into contact with another person is not part of client teaching for a person with pneumonia. Taking medicine when you cannot stop coughing does not answer the question.

The nurse would use what part of the hand when assessing temperature during palpation?

Dorsal surface

The nurse is conducting a physical examination of a patient who is lying down. Which is the most appropriate for the nurse to assess while the client is in this position?

Dorsiflexion of the foot Assessment of dorsiflexion can offer information about problems with the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Dorsiflexion is best assessed when the client is lying down. Spine range of motion is assessed with the patient in the standing position. Posterior chest excursion and head and neck range of motion are assessed with the patient in the sitting position.

What action by a nurse demonstrates the correct technique when using a stethoscope for auscultation?

Ensure that contact with the skin is maintained While using a stethoscope to listen to air movement through the respiratory tract, the nurse should avoid listening through clothing, as it may obscure or alter the sound. However, too much pressure should not be applied when using the bell, as it would cause it to work like a diaphragm. The diaphragm is used to listen to high-pitched sounds, whereas the bell is used to listen to low-pitched sounds.

A nurse is examining a child who is suspected of having bronchitis and is preparing to auscultate his chest with a stethoscope. Which of the following actions would demonstrate the correct technique for this procedure?

Ensuring that contact with the skin is maintained While using a stethoscope to listen to air movement through the respiratory tract, the nurse should avoid listening through clothing, as it may obscure or alter the sound. However, too much pressure should not be applied when using the bell, as it would cause it to work like a diaphragm. The diaphragm is used to listen to high-pitched sounds, whereas the bell is used to listen to low-pitched sounds.

Which of the following is a general procedural rule when performing a complete physical examination?

Examine the right then the left side of the body. Beginning examination on the right is the standard practice for the physical examination and has several advantages: it is more reliable to assess jugular veins from the right, the palpating hand rests more comfortably on the apical impulse, and the right kidney is more frequently palpable than the left. Draping provides examinee comfort, and symmetrical areas are not always identical. It is not necessary to begin with areas of pain but rather to proceed systematically.

When assessing pulses, the nurse would use which part of the hand for palpation?


While percussing an adult client during a physical examination, the nurse can expect to hear flatness over the client's

Flatness is a sound heard over very dense tissue like bone.

The nurse is preparing for a physical examination of a client. What should the nurse do first?

Hand hygiene The nurse should perform hand hygiene before beginning the physical assessment. This includes prior to gathering equipment. Auscultation and palpitation should not occur until after hand hygiene has been performed.

In which order should a nurse implement the four physical assessment techniques when initiating a health assessment?

Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation

A nurse must examine the rectum of a woman who has complained of bleeding from the anus and pain on defecating. Which of the following positions would be most appropriate for the client?

Knee-chest The knee-chest position is useful for examining the rectum. In this position, the client kneels on the examination table with the weight of the body supported by the chest and knees. In the prone position, the client lies down on the abdomen with the head to the side. The prone position is used primarily to assess the hip joint. In the supine position, the client lies down with the legs together on the examination table. This position allows the abdominal muscles to relax and provides easy access to peripheral pulse sites. Areas assessed with the client in this position may include the head, neck, chest, breasts, axillae, abdomen, heart, lungs, and all extremities. In the dorsal recumbent position, the client lies down on the examination table or bed with the knees bent, the legs separated, and the feet flat on the table or bed. Areas that may be assessed with the client in this position include the head, neck, chest, axillae, lungs, heart, extremities, breasts, and peripheral pulses.

What physical assessment technique should a nurse use to obtain a pulse on a client?

Light palpation The nurse should use the light palpation technique to check the pulse of the client. Moderate and bimanual palpation is used to note the size, consistency, and mobility of the structures that are palpated. Deep palpation enables the nurse to feel very deep organs or structures that are covered by thick muscles.

A nurse is preparing to perform a genital examination of a female client. Which of the following positions should the nurse place the client in?


A nurse recognizes that it is best to begin the objective data collection with which procedure?

Measure the client's vital signs, height, and weight It is important to begin the assessment with less intrusive procedures such as vital signs and height & weight. These nonthreatening/nonintrusive procedures allow the client to feel more comfortable with the nurse and ease anxiety. Once a trusting relationship is established, the nurse can proceed in a systematic approach to ensure that all body systems are fully examined. Auscultation of all body systems is not an acceptable approach to a comprehensive assessment. The initial assessment data can be collected while the client is still dressed.

Which of the following should the nurse do before conducting a physical examination of a client? (Select all that apply.)

Obtain and check needed equipment. Identify ways to ensure patient privacy. Wash hands. Prior to conducting a physical examination of a patient, the nurse should obtain and check needed equipment, identify how to maintain patient privacy during the examination, and wash hands before beginning the examination. Having any additional noise in the background will make it difficult to obtain an accurate assessment. All environmental noise should be removed as much as possible. Good lighting is needed to ensure an accurate assessment. Dim lights can prevent getting a good visual of the area being assessed.

During a physical examination of a client, the nurse assesses the size of the liver. Which of the following techniques should the nurse use for this assessment?

Palpation Palpation is the use of tactile pressure from the fingers to assess contours and sizes of organs. Inspection is close observation of the details of a client's appearance, behavior, and movement. Percussion is the use of a finger of one hand to strike a finger of another hand for the purpose of eliciting a tone or sound wave. Auscultation is the use of a stethoscope to heart sounds within the body organs.

The admitting nurse has just met a new patient. As the nurse introduces himself, he begins the process of inspection on this patient. What does the admitting nurse know it is important to do while observing during the process of inspection?

Pay attention to the details while observing It is essential to pay attention to the details in observation. Vague, general statements are not a substitute for specific descriptions based on careful observation. Option A is incorrect because it is specific information, not general information, that is being gathered; option C is incorrect because writing while observing can be a conflict for the nurse; option D is incorrect because it is not important to keep the patient from knowing he is being observed.

The nurse is conducting a physical examination of the abdomen. What is the nurse's best action to ensure she can hear bowel sounds?

Reduce all environmental noise. Auscultating bowel sounds can be difficult because of environmental noise. The nurse should reduce all environmental noise and auscultate the bowel sounds again. The steps used to assess the abdomen are inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. The techniques of percussion and palpation will cause the patient to experience bowel sounds and, therefore, should be performed after bowel sounds are auscultated. Assessment of the abdomen is best performed with the patient in the lying position.

What would be the expected tone elicited by percussion of a normal lung?

Resonance is noted with a normal lung. Hyper-resonance is noted in a lung with emphysema. Tympany is heard over air. Dullness is noted over solid tissue.

A nurse, new to the hospital, is attending orientation with the nurse educator. The educator is discussing the use of deep palpation when assessing a patient. The nurse should be aware of what risk when using this assessment technique?

Risk for injury With deep palpation, you might say, "I'm going to touch you and push down more deeply than before. Let me know if you feel pain or want me to stop." As palpation proceeds, continue conversation, asking the patient about pain, presenting symptoms, or contributing factors while observing for nonverbal signs of tenderness or discomfort.

For which assessment would the nurse plan to use direct percussion?

Sinuses The nurse performs direct percussion by tapping the fingers directly on the patient's skin, such as for assessment of the sinuses. The nurse performs indirect percussion by using the non-dominant hand as a barrier between the nurse's dominant hand and the patient to assess organs, such as the gallbladder, kidneys, and liver.

A nurse is preparing perform a physical examination of an obese client who is beginning a diet and exercise program. The physician would like to establish a baseline percent body fat measurement for the client so that the client's progress in reducing body fat can be tracked over time. Which piece of equipment should the nurse anticipate needing for this purpose?

Skinfold calipers Skinfold calipers measure skinfold thickness of subcutaneous tissue to aid in establishing a client's percent body fat. A platform scale with height attachment measures height and weight. A metric ruler is used to measure the size of skin lesions. A sphygmomanometer, in conjunction with a stethoscope, is used to measure diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

A client with an inability to read billboards while driving arrives at the health care facility for an eye examination. Which piece of equipment should the nurse use to check the client's distant vision?

Snellen chart To check the client's distant vision the nurse should use the Snellen chart. An ophthalmoscope is used to view the red reflex and examine the retina of the eye. An opaque card is used to test for strabismus. A penlight is used to test pupillary constriction.

What is used to gauge central and peripheral nervous system disorders?

Strength of a reflex The strength of a reflex is used to gauge central and peripheral nervous system disorders.

Which describes the nurse using the technique of auscultation?

The nurse detects gurgling throughout the abdomen. Auscultation is used by the nurse to assess bowel sounds, such as gurgling throughout the abdomen. Inspection involves conscious observation of the patient's physical characteristics and behaviors and smelling for odors, such as foul smelling urine. The nurse uses palpation to detect nodules in the breast by the use of touch. The nurse uses the technique of percussion to produce sounds over various parts of the body, such as dullness over the liver.

While performing the physical examination of a client, a nurse lightly taps certain parts of the body to produce sound waves. What is the purpose of this method of assessment?

To determine whether a structure is filled with air or fluid or is a solid structure The nurse uses the percussion technique while performing a physical examination to determine whether the underlying structure is filled with air or fluid or is a solid structure. Palpation technique is used to feel deep organs or structures covered by thick muscles and to determine tenderness, moisture, and surface skin texture. The nurse uses the inspection technique to look for abnormalities on the skin's surface.

A nurse is preparing to physically examine a client. Which action is most important to take before beginning the examination?

Wash hands before examination in the examination room. The nurse should wash hands before examination in the examination room in front of the client to assure the client that his or her safety is first priority. To avoid injury, the nurse should not recap used needles, and all disposable needles and blades should be placed in puncture-resistant containers. The nurse should always approach the client from the right-hand side of the examination table, not the left-hand side, because most examination techniques are performed with the examiner's right hand. The nurse should change gloves if they become soiled at any time during the examination and apply a new pair of clean or sterile gloves.

A nurse is examining a client suspected of having a fungal infection of the skin. Which piece of equipment should the nurse use to confirm the presence of fungus?

Wood's light Wood's light is a special piece of examination equipment that is used to test for fungus. A penlight is used for more general assessments, such as of the mouth and throat and to transilluminate the sinuses. A magnifying glass is used to enlarge the visibility of a lesion. An examination light is used to better illuminate the client's body as a whole to facilitate physical examination.

The nurse is conducting a physical examination of a client who is in the lying position. Place in order the areas the nurse will assess when completing this examination.

a. Shins and ankles b. Groin, hips, and knees c. Breasts d. Chest and thorax e. Cardiovascular You Selected: c, d, e, b, a When conducting a head-to-toe assessment for a client in the lying position, the nurse should begin with the structures closest to the head and progress downward. The nurse will assess the breasts, the chest and thorax, the cardiovascular system, the groin, hips, and knees, and then the shins and ankles.

The nurse is conducting a physical examination on a client with a history of heart problems. Which technique would most likely provide the most information about the client's current cardiac status?

auscultation Auscultation is used to listen to sounds. Because the client has a history of heart problems, the heart sounds will provide the most information. Palpation is the use of touch to assess texture, temperature, moisture, size, shape, location, position, vibration, crepitus, tenderness, pain, and edema. Inspection is used to conduct the general survey, observing for body positioning, appearance, and behavior. Percussion is used to illicit sound or determine tenderness.

During palpation of a client's organs, the nurse palpates the spleen by applying pressure between 2.5 and 5 cm. The nurse is performing

deep palpation. Deep palpation depresses the surface between 2.5 and 5 cm (1 and 2 inches). This allows you to feel very deep organs or structures that are covered by thick muscle.

During a comprehensive assessment of the lungs of an adult client with a diagnosis of emphysema, the nurse anticipates that during percussion the client will exhibit


Light palpation is most appropriate to assess the

inflamed areas of skin Light palpation is appropriate for the assessment of surface characteristics, such as texture, surface lesions or lumps, or inflamed areas of skin (e.g., over an intravenous site).

A client has an enlarged area on the lower leg. Which technique should the nurse expect to use to assess this body area?


The nurse is preparing the examination room before assessing a client. What is the purpose for a clean folded sheet on the examination table?

use as a drape During the examination, one body part should be exposed at a time. The sheet serves as a drape to keep the other body parts covered. The sheet is not used to pad the table, collect body fluids, or to be a head support.

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