Health Assessment - Male Genitalia and rectum

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constipation ineffective health maintenance risk of impaired skin integrity

A 55 year old client presents to the health care clinic with reports of decreased bowel movements with the passing of hard, dry stool for the past 2 weeks. The client states that he has noticed a small amount of bleeding from the rectum and on the stool. He states he has trouble with his bowels all his adult life. He admits to drinking a lot of coffee and works in a high stress job. The nurse observes a large external hemorrhoid upon exam of the anus. Which nursing diagnoses can be confirmed with this data? Select all that apply

distrubed sleep pattern

A 55 year old male presents to the health care clinic with reports of difficulty starting the urine stream, dribbling frequently, and getting up several times a night to urinate. He has decreased his fluid intake to try to control the nighttime urination. The nurse assesses a temperature of 105.5 F oral, dry skin and mucous membranes and suprapubic tenderness. Which nursing diagnosis can the nurse confirm from this data?

"A flexible sigmoidoscopy should be done every five years starting at age 50"

A client asks the nurse when a colonoscopy is recommended. Which advise by the nurse provides the most appropriate advice?


A client is concerned about his risk for developing testicular cancer. Which of the following should the nurse mention as a risk factor for this type of cancer?

gastrointestinal bleeding

A client presents to the health care clinic with reports of black stool. The client denies the ingestion of iron supplements or taking Pepto-Bismol. The nurse recognizes that the black stools could be an indication of what disease process?


A client reports the new onset of mucous in the stool. How should the nurse document this in the client's history?


A foreskin that once retracted and can not be returned to cover the glans


A male client presents to the health care clinic with reports of pain with ejaculation. The nurse should be prepared to inspect which part of the anatomy to determine the likely cause of the client's pain?

Feelings of heaviness and pain in the scrotum

A male in college presents to the health clinic with complaints of fever, malaise, and swelling of the sides of the neck. A blood test confirms the presence of mumps. The nurse should educate the client to report which changes of his genitalia to the health care provider?

Sharing IV needles Indulge in anal intercourse with men Mixing of sex and alcohol or drugs

A nurse educates a young male client on HIV and AIDS. Which of the following should the nurse identify as potential risk factors? Select all that apply

External hemorrhoids

A nurse examines the anal area of a client and observes the presence of a varicose vein. How should the nurse document this finding?


A nurse examines the external genitalia of a client and observes that the scrotum is underdeveloped and the testis cannot be palpated. How should the nurse document this condition?

cremasteric reflex

A nurse examining a client's external genitalia notices that his scrotum and testes draw up and he shivers. This phenomenon is known as which of the following?

Cancer of the glans penis HIV/AIDS

A nurse is assessing a client who is uncircumcised. The nurse understands that this client is at greater risk for which of the following conditions? Select all that apply

perform the TSE once a month Stand in front of a mirror and check for scrotal swelling Roll the testis gently in a horizontal plane between thumb and fingers

A nurse is instructing a client on how to perform testicular self-exam )TSE). Which of the following should the nurse mention? Select all that apply

Turn the hand fully counterclockwise so that the pad of the index finger faces the client's umbilicus

A nurse is performing palpation of a client's prostate gland. Which of the following indicates proper procedure?


A nurse observes that the mucosa of the rectum and the rectal wall of a female client protrudes out through the anal opening. It appears as a red, doughnut-like mass with radiating folds. How should the nurse document this condition of the rectum?

Reassure him that it is not unusual to have an erection during the exam

A nurse prepares a male client for a physical assessment of the external genitalia. Which instruction is appropriate for the nurse to give the client before the exam?

nontender and rubbery

A nurse recognizes that which finding is normal upon palpation of the prostate?

testicular torsion

A very painful condition that is caused by twisting of the spermatic cord and a medical emergency

testicular tumor

After discovering an abnormal mass in the scrotum, a nurse performs transillumination of the client's testicles and observes no red glow within the scrotal sac. The nurse recognizes that this client may be experiencing what type of condition?

Get regular exercise for at least 30 minutes every day Consume foods with adequate folic acid Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) should be done yearly

During a health assessment interview, a nurse learns that the client has a family history of colorectal cancer. What information should the nurse give the client about reducing the risk of colorectal cancer? Select all that apply

strenuous activity

During the assessment of a client, the nurse recognizes that which of the client's lifestyle practices may predispose to the development of an inguinal hernia?


During the physical assessment of a client's genitalia, the nurse notes an abnormal mass or swelling. The nurse performs transillumination by shining a light from the back of the scrotum through the mass. In which condition should the nurse see a red glow?

Anorectal fistula

During the physical assessment of the anus for a client, the nurse observes a small opening in the skin that surrounds the anal opening. How should the nurse document this finding?


During the physical exam of the genitalia for an uncircumcised client, the nurse asks the client to retract the foreskin of the penis. The nurse observes that the foreskin is tight and cannot be retracted. How should the nurse document this condition?

stand with the weight shifted to the right leg

How should a nurse ask a client to position himself to best facilitate palpation of the left inguinal hernia and inguinal nodes?

Ask the client to bear down and place the lubricated finger on the anal opening

How should a nurse proceed with palpation of the anus to best facilitate the exam without causing the client undo discomfort?

Smooth Firm Rubbery

How should the testis feel to the nurse's fingers when performing palpation of the scrotal contents? Select all that apply


Logical for the female client who is already in that position for the vaginal exam.


On inspecting a client's external genitalia, a nurse notes that he is uncircumcised. This means that which of the following covers the glans of the penis?

syphilitic chancre

On inspection of a client's penis, the nurse observes a small, silvery-white papule. Which of the following conditions should the nurse suspect in this client?

4.5 cm

On palpating of client's scrotum and testes, the nurse notes that the testes appear to be of normal shape and size. Which of the following would indicate a normal length for testes?


The displacement of the urinary meatus to the dorsal surface of the penis


Upon inspection and palpation of the scrotum, the nurse discovers a mass. The nurse asks the client to lie down and the bulge remains. On auscultation, the nurse finds bowel sounds. The nurse should document this finding as which type of hernia?


Upon inspection of the glans, a nurse observes the urethral opening present on the dorsal side of the penis. How should the nurse document this finding?

Listen and watch for signs of discomfort and tensing muscles Use gentle movements with the finger and ensure adequate lubrication Explain each step of the exam and encourage the client to relax

What care should a nurse take when performing the hands on assessment of the anus, rectum and prostate? Select all that apply

heart-shaped, smooth, with two distinct lobes

What documentation in a client's history should a nurse recognize as an indication that the client has a normal prostate?

offers permanent birth control

What info should nurse include in the teaching plan for a client considering a vasectomy?

palpable and tortuous veins

When assessing a client during the physical exam of the genitalia, the nurse palpates the scrotal contents. Which finding should the nurse recognize as an indication that a varicocele is present?

pilonidal cyst

When performing the physical assessment of a client, the nurse notes the presence of a small cyst that contains hair, which is located midline in the sacrococcygeal area and has a palpable sinus tract. How should the nurse document this finding?

65 year old Caucasian male whose father had prostate cancer at age 55

Which client should a nurse recognize has the highest risk to develop prostate cancer?

left lateral

Which position should a nurse assist a client to assume to ensure comfort during the exam of the anus, rectum and prostate of a male client?

scrotum cyst

a beaded or thickened cord

Femoral hernia

a bulge or mass on the front of the thigh in the femoral canal area

rectal polyps

soft structures like nodules that may be present in the muscular anal ring


strangulated if the blood supply is cut off.


the displacement of the urinary meatus to the ventral surface of the penis

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