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Factors that make getting married more challenging

Children from a former relationship (and having to pay child support if the child doesn't live with you), Unresolved issues of mistrust or infidelity in the relationship, Pressure to marry because of an unplanned pregnancy, Limited education and limited job skills, Addictions to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, High levels of conflict in the relationship, A problem with anger or violence (one or both partners), Money issues, Relatives who do not approve of the marriage

10 Characteristics of a Healthy Marriage

Commitment - making sacrifices for the good of the relationship Fidelity - being faithful and honoring commitment Acceptance of one another Trust Intimacy, love, and affection Shared activities and friends Communication Conflict Resolution Lack of violence Satisfaction with the relationship

7 Important Skills to have in a Relationship

Discuss expectations Respect boundaries of boyfriend/girlfriend Be honest Listen for Understanding Repeat what you have heard(paraphrasing) Avoid negative patterns Discuss conflicts in private


Discuss what you expect from one another - how will you communicate; how will you solve problems; what would be a "deal breaker" for both of you; what is your understanding of the commitment you're making; how you will manage household tasks; what are your plans for having children, and so on

Money Management

Discuss your attitudes about money; decide whether to keep your money separate or together; work out a budget; decide how you will keep track of and pay bills; make a plan to save; and make a plan to put your affairs in order (insurance, wills, etc.).

Characteristics of Healthy Dating Relationships

Each person is comfortable with who they are and has a high self esteem,The two people like, admire, and respect each other, Each person is accepted for who they are, Communication is open, clear, and honest, Healthy couples recognize when they have conflict and can manage it without violence, Friendship is the basis of the relationship, Do things to show caring and appreciation for one another, Trust each other, Respect each other, Have people who can support you - people you can talk to (don't ditch your friends!)

Biological Parent

Either of the two people who are the source of the sperm and egg necessary to make a baby.

Mom vs Dad

In Texas, a child who is born out of wedlock has no legal father. The easiest way to establish paternity is for both parents to sign an Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP). The AOP is a form that shows who the legal father is. When this happens, the biological father becomes the legal father when the AOP is filed. If the mother was married to someone other than the baby's father, the husband must also sign the AOP denying paternity. The legal father can be ordered to pay child support, and the court can grant him the right to visit his child or even award him custody of his child. If a man denies that he is a baby's father, he can be ordered to submit to paternity testing

Age shift?

In the U.S., things have shifted in the last 30-50 years. Fewer people are getting married, and the average age of people getting married has been inching up: Women in 1970: 21 years Men in 1970: 23 years Women in 2017: 27.4 years Men in 2017: 29.5 years In Texas, the average age for women is 26, and for men, 28.

WHAT IS p.a.p.a.?

It stands for parenting and paternity awareness. It was developed by the Office of the Texas Attorney General. Its goal is to promote responsible parenthood and encourage the formation of strong, stable families. The Office of the Attorney General's Child Support Division enforces laws that require both a child's parents to help support the child. Their goals include teaching parental responsibility, realities of parenting, and helping you explore your own possible future as parents.

Things to work out before getting married

Next 3 ques answer

Biological Father

The man whose sperm caused the baby to be conceived.

Non - custodial parent

The parent who does not have primary care, custody, or control of the child, and has an obligation to pay child support Also referred to as the obligor. (money legal father or mother must pay to custodial parent)

Custodial parent

The person who has primary care, custody, and control of the child(ren)

Premarital Education or Counseling

There is so much to talk about and work through before getting married. Most couples either don't take the time or don't know how to tackle all of these important topics. Having someone like a counselor or minister guide you through this process is so helpful. Occasionally, couples recognize during counseling that they should not get married! Wouldn't you rather reach that conclusion before rather than after saying, "I do"? In the year before getting married, the State of Texas strongly encourages couples to attend a premarital education class that lasts 8 hours. If you complete the course, the State waives the license fee ($60) and waiting period.

3 Legal Rights Married People Have

They can get covered by their spouse's insurance Their spouse can give consent for medical treatment They have the right to inherit their spouse's property, even without a will

5 key benefits of marriage

Two can live more cheaply Certain legal rights Increased Health and Happiness Long-term friendship Children do better when their parents are married

Nuclear family

a mother, a father, and one or more biological or adopted children living together.

Foster family

a person or couple not related to the children that cares for the children temporarily

Blended family

biological mother or father, a step-parent, and the children of one or both parents.

Extended families

include people outside the nuclear family but related to it (grandparents, aunts, cousins...).

Child Support

money legal father or mother must pay to custodial parent

Single-parent family

single father or single mother and his or her children.

AOP (Acknowledgement of Paternity)

when parents are not married, they can establish paternity by signing the AOP. The AOP is a legal document that is signed by both parents, usually the hospital, if you're agree that the man is the biological father of the child. Parents have 60 days to change their mind, but after 60 days only a court order can change the legal father. A father or mother of any age can sign the AOP.

Bio to Legal??

A biological father can become a legal father by acknowledging paternity or by being found to be the father by a court

Legal Father

A man who has signed an AOP form or whom the court finds responsible for supporting the baby.

Alleged Father

A man who someone claims is the biological father of the baby, but whose paternity has not yet been established.

Presumed Father

A man who was married to the baby's mother at or within 300 days of the time of the baby's birth.


A person who takes care of a child and helps provide for the child's basic needs and safety at any given time

Easiest way to establish paternity?


How to establish paternity?

AOP, Court Order, Being married

Alleged to Legal??

An alleged father can become a legal father by signing an AOP with the mother. He can also be court-ordered to be legal father.

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