Heat Unit

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measures the temperature

The kinetic energy of a substance is the ____ kinetic energy of its particles.

The kinetic energy of a substance is the average kinetic energy of its particles.

Heat of vaporization

(amount of) energy needed to change a material from liquid to gas (3 words)

Heat of fusion

(amount of) energy needed to change a material from solid to liquid (3 words)


Change of a liquid to gas below the boiling point

Solar Energy

Energy from the sun

Heat Mover

A device that transfers thermal energy from one place to another


A device with a large surface area that transfers heat to surrounding air by conduction

Heat (Flows from ___ to ___)

Flows from hot to cold


Gaseous water


Has a definite volume and shape


Has definite volume but no definite shape

The official SI temperature scale?


Liquids have a definite volume and ____.

Liquids have a definite volume and mass.


Material that resists the flow of heat


Process that occurs during boiling

Q=mc∆t (each represents...)

Q= change in thermal energy m= mass (kg) c= specific heat capacity ( __ joules/kg°C or __ joules/kg per K) MEASURED IN DEGREES CELSIUS ∆t= change in temperature (Final - Starting)


Rapid burning

Kinetic Theory of Matter

The idea that all matter is made up of constantly moving, tiny particles. Theory used to explain changes of state

Work and heat both involve ___ of energy.

Work and heat both involve transfer of energy.


a unit of heat


the measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance. expressed by a degree mark on a thermometer scale.


determined by motion and spacing of particles


Change of a solid directly to a gas

Potential Energy

position or forces that act within or between molecules

Celsius (Freezing and Boiling point)

0 degrees=freezing 100 degrees=boiling

Fahrenheit (Freezing and Boiling point)

32 degrees=water freezes 212 degress=water boils

Kelvin (Absolute Zero)

Absolute zero (coldest point)= -273 degrees bottom to cold-no particle vibration

Temperature Decrease (Alcohol)

Alcohol contraction

Temperature Increase (Alcohol)

Alcohol expansion

∆ (what does it represent?)

Delta Means "change in"

Solar Collector

Device that absorbs the sun's radiant energy

Heat Engine

Device that converts thermal energy into mechanical energy


Energy transfer by direct contact of particles


Energy transfer by electromagnetic waves


Energy transfer by movement of particles from place to place

Boil process

Equalizing of Pressure: pressure of water in beaker = pressure of atmosphere leads to boiling

Matter (what does it contain/not contain?)

Matter does not contain heat. Matter contains molecular kinetic energy (not heat). Heat flows and is the energy transferred. All matter contains thermal energy (except at absolute zero).


Remember that each letter has its own unit. They must be converted. Also remember to read the problem carefully to determine what you need to look for. PLUG INTO THE FORMULA!

Specific heat can be used to measure changes in _____.

Specific heat can be used to measure changes in thermal energy.

Heat (definition)

The energy transferred from one substance to another resulting from a temperature difference (equilibrium). Flow of thermal energy.

Specific Heat Capacity

The specific heat capacity of any substance is defined as the quantity of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of material 1 degree Kelvin (or Celsius). It is measured in joules per kilogram Kelvin or j/kgK.

Specific Heat of Water (Calorie, too)

The specific heat of water is 4180 joules/kg per Kelvin (or celsius). biological calorie- the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1000 grams of water 1 degree Celsius chemist calorie- the amount of energy needed to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius 4.186 joules/gram°C = 1 calorie/gram °C


The state of a material depends on this

Thermal Energy

The total energy of the particles in a material which include both kinetic energy and potential energy.


To change from a liquid to a gas at temperatures above those normal to the liquid state


To change from solid to liquid

Kinetic energy

Vibrartion and movement within and between particles


When ice melts, the particles of solid water ____ energy.


no definite shape, no definite volume


occurs when a gas cools and changes to a liquid

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