Hebrew Wisdom literature Final

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What Hebrew word is used to designate the content of the book of Proverbs?

"Mashal" translated as Proverb

To what might Hebrew wisdom be likened?

"divine flow or order" that runs through all of existence.

How did Bullock say define the Hebrew word for proverb, mashal?

"to be like, or to compare"

What passage in the book of Proverbs is the only instruction made to a king? (31: 1-9) Who is the king?

(31: 1-9),King Lemuel

What three stages of sapiential activity or progression have been suggested?

- The family or clan setting - The court setting - A House of Learning

How did Bullock identify the author of Proverbs 30, especially in regard to the meaning of massa?


What was the earliest form for the transmission of wisdom literature?

Oral Transmission

What did Lowth call "the primary feature of Hebrew poetry"?


What was Bullock's opinion of the authorship of Proverbs 1-9?

Post exilic and post-Solomonic dating struck down by archeological research.


Preacher, wisdom teacher who addressed his students

Notes on "God and Man" in Proverbs

Proverbs gives insight into God's character by pointing out human actions and attitudes which please God and those which are offensive to him. Our problem lies between two choices: to "fear God" or to ignore him or as provers says to pursue wisdom or folly Our dilemma lies in our human nature which is inclined toward sin. We must make a deliberate choice to follow wisdom.

What is the Hebrew title of Ecclesiastes?


Upon what is the parallelism of Hebrew poetry based?

Rhythm of thought

What five "sayings" were listed in class?

Saying is a sentence normally expressed in the indicative mood and usually based on experience. a. Proverb (mashal) "to be like" or to compare. A short succinct way of expressing a conclusion drawn from experience. (Also referred to as comparison) b. Experiential Saying- presents some aspect of reality (tells it like it is) and leaves the practical conclusion for the hearer to determine. c. Didactic Saying- "Characterized a certain act or attitude in such a way as to influence human conduct" d. Numerical Saying- lists and collects things that are not normally considered similar. The Riddle is closely related; it disguises the idea to confuse or challenge the readers. e. Autobiographical Saying- Perceptions appear as personal discoveries

List and describe 2 of the 7 divisions of the Book of Proverbs.

Section III - Sayings of the wise men Section V - The words of Agur

Briefly explain (in your own words) how Bullock presented the doctrine of Sheol in the OT and what was his conclusion to the idea of an afterlife in ancient Israel.

Sheol was a term that described a place of shadows and darkness where the dead go and from which they do not return. Sometimes it simply refered to death. Hebrew religion seemed to demand more on the side of afterlife rather than extinction. Even death was possible for redemption.

Notes on "The Seduction of Sir Simple" - 7:1-27. What is the point in this story?

Sir simple in proverbs Is a stage of development in becoming mature.

What is the literal meaning for the Hebrew word for wisdom (Hokmah)?

Skill, ability, or talent.

To whom did Jewish tradition attribute Ecclesiastes


According to the third speech of Eliphaz, what is the proof of sin (22:1-5)? In 23:1-7 what does Job say about God in his reply to Eliphaz?

Suffering is the proof of sin. If he knew where to find God, he would be able to convince him of his innocence

According to Bullock from what sources does our knowledge of hymnody derive in the cognate literature?

Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian writings.

How might one describe Hebrew wisdom relative to life?

Tells us how to live

What was the seal of vindication of his faith?

The Lord doubled all that Job had before the test, except his children.

To what did Bullock liken the concept of the Satan in the OT?

The Messiah, not fully disclosed in pre-Christian era any more than the incarnate God in Christ was fully disclosed before his advent in the first century.

What was Bullock's conclusion about the literary genre of the book of Job?

The book has its own literary genre and is didactic.

What did Bullock say was "a function of" the purpose of the book of Proverbs?

The didactic nature of the book

According to Bullock, what is a "key issue" in wisdom literature?

The doctrine of God

To compensate for the transience of human life, what did the speaker in Ecclesiastes urge?

The enjoyment of the present moment, recognizing it as a gift from God.

What Setting was most likely the earliest setting for the wisdom tradition?

The family or clan

What did Bullock call the "motto" of the book of Proverbs?

The fear of the Lord is the foundation of knowledge

According to Bullock in what life setting was proverbial wisdom born and nurtured?

The home

What is the "heart of the matter" from Ecclesiastes 2:24-26?

The inward condition that produces joy is the character of a person that is approved by God. Since God gives all things, nothing should be taken for granted.

What was God's mode of revelation in wisdom literature?

The medium of human reason and nature

Notes on the "Two Women: Madam Folly and Dame Wisdom" - 7 - 9.

The most prominent theme of Prov 1-9 is the contrast between Dame wisdom and Madame Folly, Dame wisdom and Madame folly are literary tools to teach the young man a lesson on two levels, the literal and the metaphorical. Some of the tools of Madame folly are flattery and excitement. She focuses attention on immediate gratification and minimizes any concern for what might happen in the future.

The sages compared the order of wisdom to the order of what?

The order found in nature

How did Bullock define acrostic?

The repetition of the same Hebrew letter at the beginning of verses, half-verses, or stanzas in the order of the letters of the alphabet

What popular theory of suffering is presented by Eliphaz (4:1-11)?

The righteous do not suffer, only the wicked

What was Job's response to God in 42:1-6? What was the main lesson he learned?

There is a divine "thought" or "counsel" at work in him even though it is beyond his understanding.

According to Bullock in what way do the poetic books of the OT relate to history?

They are alive with the spirit of history although they lack historical allusions.

What was the reason that Job's "friends" were rebuked?

They had not spoken what was right in regard to God's ways

Where did the English title, Ecclesiastes, come from?

Through the medium of the Septuagint

What was the purpose of Job's suffering, according to Bullock?

To bring out his sterling character

With what purpose were Hezekiah's scribes working in 25:1-29:27, according to Bullock?

To copy our present collection

What was the principle purpose of Job?

To destroy the theory that suffering was always the sign of Divine displeasure

What is the purpose of the Divine speeches (40:1-5)?

To induce Job's heart to submit.

What was the aim of Proverbs?

To shape men and women into socially and religiously useful members of society.

What was the purpose of Ecclesiastes?

To teach or pass on to his pupils his reflections on the many thoughts and experiences of his life.

Know the purposes of Job's suffering (1:8-12).

To vindicate God's confidence in Job

What is the implied foundation of Israel's wisdom literature?


With what phrase does the book Ecclesiastes begin and end?

Vanity of Vanities

Summarize what Bullock said about the contents of the "first discourse" (1:8-19)?

Warns against greed and ill-gotten gain and peer pressure.

What did Bullock say about intercultural influences upon Hebrew faith and literature?

We must acknowledge them

What "two lines of proof" did Qoheleth follow in the "tests" of chapters 1-2?

Wisdom and pleasure

Summarize what Bullock said about the contents of the "second discourse" (1:20-33)?

Wisdom is personified; wisdom pronounces the principle by which the world operates.

What distinguished Hebrew wisdom from other wisdom traditions?

Yahwistic Orientation

Define the term "theodicy."

a defense of God's goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil—why do bad things happen to good people?

What six literary styles (genres) were listed in class?

a. Disputation Speeches- "A mixture of genres and genre elements from at least three different areas: law (litigation), wisdom, and the Psalms" A dispute is presented with an idea of conclusion, decision, judgement, or action in mind. b. The Acrostic Poem- {the repetition of the same Hebrew letter at the beginning of verses, half-verses, or stanzas in the order of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet" c. Hypostasis - to construe a conceptual entity as a real existent. The Hebrew means of assigning concrete form to abstract thinking. d. Commands and Prohibitions- A more compelling form used to impose the speakers will on the listener. e. Prayers, Wisdom Psalms, and Reflection Poems- Expressions of personal devotion.

What are the five ways wisdom can be discovered?

a. Instruction/training b.Understanding/insight c. Wise dealing/right, just, and fair d. Discretion/prudence e. knowledge/learning the truth about God

What was the adversary's two accusations concerning Job (Ch 1 and 2)?

a. Job's faith was invalid because it had not been tested b. If his health is threatened he will rebel against God

Know the definitions of the five examples of parallelism given in class.

a. Synonymous Parallelism- The same thought is expressed in two parallel lines, the second line expanding or echoing the first. b. Antithetic or Contrasting Parallelism - the second line is in direct contrast or opposition to the first. Usually a "but" c. Synthetic Parallelism - What is implied in the first line is drawn out and made explicit in the second. d. Repetitive Parallelism - The same, or almost the same words are repeated in both lines. e. Constructive parallelism - The two lines are similar in construction, but the second adds a supplement or variation in thought

Know the five ways wisdom is described in Prov. 8:1-36.

a. available to everybody b. Wisdom and Morality are Partners c. Wisdom is the key to all success d. Wisdom is the principle of creation e. Wisdom is a basic ingredient of life

List and briefly describe (in your own words) the five characteristics of biblical humanism bullock presents on pages 65-66.

a. focuses on human life, morality, and the natural order b. Biblical humanism recognizes the worth of man and contemplates the formidable problems of his existence. c. Biblical humanism speaks for man d. is theistic in its foundation e. has a telos

What are the three points made about wisdom

a. wisdom cannot be mined like silver b. wisdom cannot be purchased c. God is the source of wisdom

How did Bullock define a proverb "in its basic form"?

an ancient saying that takes wisdom and endows it with youthful vigor

dramatic impersonation

an author speaks to recapture a certain spirit represented by a historical person and then speaks through his spirit

How did Bullock explain the word "vanity"?

both individuals and their experiences are fleeting and transient

What are some of the benefits from a study of Proverbs?

f. teaches us to be concerned with the process of right thinking as well as the product of it

What did Bullock call "the cohesive force in biblical humanism"?

fear of the Lord

For what did the speaker search in Ecclesiastes, according to Bullock?

happiness and the enduring quality rather than for personal vindication

According to Bullock, what is "fundamental to the proverbial form"?

it bears a time tested truth.

What is the central message of wisdom teaching?




Name the time Bullock favors for the date of the composition of the book of Job and briefly explain

pre-exilic date, wisdom literature compositions are as one as the second millennial BC and treat the suffering of individuals which demonstrates this period was concerned for individuals. The afterlife thought was common. It's too risky to date by citing other biblical materials.

According to Qoheleth, what "validated human existence"?

quality of life


regarding humankind as the central or most important element of existence, especially as opposed to God or animals.

How did Bullock define "impersonation" as a literary form?

seeks to recapture a certain spirit represented by a historical person and to speak through his spirit.

Explain the tension described by Job in 16:18-17:9

the God of the past who blessed him and the God of the present tormenting him without cause.

How is the operation of wisdom mainly emphasized?

the law of cause and effect, right and wrong, reward and punishment.

What is the theme of Ecclesiastes?

the vanity or futility of human effort in achieving happiness

What is the source of authority that Eliphaz claims in his second speech (15:17-35)?

the wisdom of those even older than himself, the accumulated wisdom of the ancients.

What is the basis of Job's reproach to his "friends" (6:14-30)?

they have no sympathy

In the "fourth discourse" (3:1-18), how is wisdom depicted?

tree of life, recalling the tree in the Garden of Eden.

Know the possible answers to the question, "Why do the righteous suffer?"

1. A time of testing 2. God's discipline 3. For the sake of God's kingdom 4. To vindicate God's confidence in him/her 5. Afflicted of the devil 6. May remain a mystery

Know the three sources of inspiration for the sage.

1. Human experience interpreted in light of its moral nature 2. revelation of God 3. The Torah

In what five ways did Qoheleth seek happiness?

1. Wisdom 2. Pleasure 3. Riches 4. Study of Human Nature 5. his labors

How many cycles of speeches with the friends were there?


A definition of the "good life" must include what concept?

A balance between too much materialism and too little

How can ethics in wisdom literature be described?

A concept which is behavior oriented

What doctrine is foundational to the theology of the wisdom literature?

A strong doctrine of God (Wisdom is God's word written in nature and in human experience)

What is the structure of Proverbs 31:10-31?

Acrostic Poem

What is the predominant type of parallelism in 10:1-22:16?


Who were Job's three friends?

Bildad, Eliphaz and Zophar

Three features that many proverbs have in common are their __________ , their_________ and their _____________

Breivity, Humor, graphic nature

Notes on the "Two Ways" - 1:7-33

Children can have a natural tendency toward cruelty: Note today's focus on bullying Older teems seem to be attracted to violence, including "mob" action. American culture is filled with violence that is perceived as acceptable. It has become a way of life for us.

Among the books of the Apocrypha which two have the content and style of canonical wisdom?

Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom of Solomon

What setting does Bullock favor for the book of Job, and why?

Edom- the proper names in job are drawn from the genealogy of Esau in Gen 36

Notes on The "Sluggard"

Even a fool seems wise when he holds his tongue. The sluggard is so lazy, that he does not even lift the spoon to his mouth.

According to Bullock, what was "the divine imperative" of Ecclesiastes?

Fear God and keep his commandments

What "fundamental premise became the mediating element in Qoheleth's philosophy"?

Fear of God

Notes on "The Fool" - 26:1-11.

Fools must be dealt with differently than the wise. Characteristics: unrighteous, unwise, unrealistic, undisciplined, unreliable, unteachable, unpleasant. Advice in relating to foolish: avoid them, send them away, don't allow a fool to bring you to his level, beware of correcting a fool, don't try to help/save them, needs to learn and needs discipline.

According to Bullock, what did wisdom accentuate?

God's creative role in relation to the universe

What did Bullock say was Job's "ultimate concession"?

Gods ways are incomprehensible and no one can understand them

Although Bullock admits that "who the author of Ecclesiastes is impossible to determine," what does he say about the author?

He was a Jew who was sure to be a wisdom teacher

What is the foundation of the structure of Hebrew poetry?

Hebrew poetry was built on the foundation of Parallelism

According to Bullock, what existential question did the wisdom literature seek to answer?

How did the world and human life come about in the first place?

Hebrew wisdom is so practical that is can be referred to as a study of what?

Human experience

Notes on "The Words of the Wise"

In order to hear what the other person is trying to say In order to allow any anger or strong emotions to pass It gives the wise time to consider what to say and how to say it.

According to Bullock, why was the book of Job written?

In order to probe the vast regions and recesses of the justice of God in the world.

As far as humanity is concerned, what type of responsibility did wisdom literature emphasize?

Individual Prophets emphasized national, The sage and wisdom lit emphasized Individual or personal responsibility and change. The prophets goal was to call the nation to strive for change or in other words, corporate change.

Bullock showed how OT wisdom was in some way similar to that found in other places, especially Egypt. What Egyptian literature was similar to Proverbs 22:17 - 24:22 and how was it similar?

Instructions were the most similar to Proverbs. They are filled with proverbs and moral insights.

What was Job's response to Eliphaz (6:1-13)?

Job implies that Eliphaz has ignored his agony and wants his impatience weighed against his suffering

What advice did Eliphaz give to Job in this speech

Job should humble himself and earnestly seek God -Eliphaz is gentle, focuses on God's moral perfection (4:17), and views suffering as chastisement for correction (5:17)

What did Bullock say about justice in the epilogue?

Justice is sometimes a mystery but it is also real and capable of translation in terms of this world

To whom did Bullock attribute Proverbs 31:10-31?

King Lemuel

What is the focus of the poetic books?

Man's reflections on God and his response rather than on God's search for man.

According to Bullock, what was Qoheleth's motto?


What is the form of address in Proverbs that characterizes the early wisdom traditions?

My son

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