Help Desk

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10.Someone calls and asks the best way to dispose of a CRT? a. check for a recycling program in your community that accepts CRTs and take it there b. throw it in the garbage c. it's not possible to safely dispose of a CRT d. have it picked up by a hazardous waste company


14.A client calls and indicates her computer starts for a few seconds, then it shuts down, and then it repeats that process. What could be the problem? a. The fan is not working, and the CPU is overheating. b. The wrong CPU was installed on the motherboard. c. There is a bad power supply. d. lt's a bad CPU


15.A customer is interested in buying a computer and asks what "RAM" is. How would you explain the purpose of RAM? a. lt is the place where currently running programs are stored for faster access. b. lt is the place that non-running programs are stored. c. Nothing is stored in RAM. d. Hardware information is stored on it


19. A customer installs a new sound card on his computer, and now there is no sound coming out of the speakers. The computer boots OK. What would you suggest she do to her Windows XP computer to get it working again? a. roll back the drivers and reinstall the old sound card b. reinstall the new drivers c. reload Windows d. get new speaker


2.While staffing a help desk, you get a frantic call from an upset user who says his computer has no display on the monitor. What would be an appropriate question to ask? a. ls the monitor turned on? b. What did you do? c" How old is your monitor? d. When did it last work?


20. lf you encounter a laptop that doesn't seem to recharge and you know it has a new battery, what could be the problem? a. the AC adapter b. the CPU c. the RAM d. the video card


25. A client has a new computer in which accounts have been created for each member of her family. Which type of account should be created for the person who can access anything in Windows? a. administrator b. power user c. super user d. user


26. A client calls your help desk and indicated that his new computer worked fine for 30 days and then nothing happened on day 31. She indicates something about activation, but she is not clear in what she says. What do you think is the problem? a. She didn't complete the Windows XP activation process. b. She doesn't have a floppy drive in her computer. c. Windows is corrupt and she will have to reload windows. d. Microsoft had a problem contacting her regarding registration


27. A customer calls and indicates he wants to set up a network for his four home computers to share his cable modem connection. What kind of network would you suggest? a. A peer to peer network. b. You don't have enough information c. A Windows domain network d. A client/server network


6.One of your co-workers receives a new printer that you must set up and install. What should you do to complete the work request? a. Set up the printer, install any necessary print drives, and then print a test page. b. Walk the co-worker through setting up the printer himself. c. Set up the printer, plug everything in, and let the co-worker know that you are done. d. Let the co-worker set up the print and ask him to let you know when he is done. Then you come over and print a test page


Common ACD feature that sends calls to another agent queue when 1 queue is too long or calls have been queue longer than pre-defined time period a. overflow routing b. call monitoring c. call distribution d. lost call reporting


Continuous operation of computer or component over 48-72 hour period to discover obvious operational problems a. burn-in test b. conflit identification c. module analysis d. proactive diagnostics


Often prepared in form of a side-by-side comparison or balance sheet that lists costs on one side and benefits on the other side a. cost benefit analysis b. survey instrument c. data collection report d. prototype report


Set of tools and databases used to store, manage, and present info sources is: a. KMS-knowledge management system b. KB-knowledge base c. KAA-knowledge action activator d. KEDB-known errors database


Specific, objective, quantifiable data about the user support or help desk operations is called: a. performance statistics b. benchmarks c. industry surveys d. industry averages


This sends calls to another agent queue when one queue is long or calls have been in a queue longer than a pre-defined time period. a. overflow routing b. queue timing c. call accounting d. skill set distribution


Tracking and resolving incidents, such as jammed printer or illegal operation error message is a. incident management b. incident traffic management c. incident queuing d. incident engineering


What item is not a technique for staying in control as held desk agent? a. specify software b. diffuse an angry customer c. stay calm under pressure d. learn to respond, not react


What type of lighting is used to spotlight desk tasks such as writing and reading and also can be used to reduce high contrast of light and dark areas in a workspace? a. task b. ambient c. diffused d. fluorescent


When you introduce the customer and service provider to whom you are transferring the call but you don't stay on the line a. warm transfer b. cold transfer c. hot transfer d. conference transfer


Which one of the following is not a strategy for handling a difficult customer? a. immediately transfer to a supervisor b. listen actively c. let the customer vent d. acknowledge the customer's emotional state



Awareness and understanding one's own thought processes

12.A client calls and asks "what are the best conditions in which to store their comouter comoonents"? What would you say? a. cold and humid b. cool and dry c. hot and humid d. hot and dry


16. A customer calls and indicates the clock on his computer keeps losing time. What would you do to solve the oroblem? a. replace your BIOS b. replace the CMOS battery c. replace your hard drive d. reinstallWindows


17.You are staffing a help desk. A new employee is assisting a customer and is upgrading the customer's RAM. Once he does that and restarts the computer, it won't boot at all. The fans and drives spring, but the computer screen stays black. The PC beeps over and over. What's the most likely problem? a. There is a problem with the video card; the new employee must have loosed it. b. The RAM was installed properly; it may be seated incorrectly. c. The CPU was installed incorrectly. d. Nothing is wrong. This happens from time to time


28. A customer calls and indicates that she can receive e-mail from her lSP, but she cannot send e-mail. What might be her problem? a. a POP3 oroblem b. an SMTP oroblem c. an IMAP problem d. an UART problem


9.You are giving a seminar to senior citizens on how to care for their computers. Which of the following would you say they should not use to clean their LCD display? a. distilled water b. commercial glass cleaner c. mildly soapy water d. vinegar and water solution


A ____ is a replacement for one or a few modules of software package to fix known bugs. a. version b. patch c. replacement d. upgrade


Diversified demand of tech support lends itself to the following because the demands are too great for single analyst a. individuation b. team setting c. role playing d. goal setting


Email response management systems a. manage the queuing of incoming telephone calls b. manage high-volume chat, email, and web messages c. manage feasibility studies d. manage needs assessments


Field that studies how to design workplace that promotes worker health, safety, and productivity a. biometrics b. ergonomics c. economics d. biologics


Personal computer software that is developed and distributed commercially is known as a. proprietary software b. off-the-shelf software c. integrated software d. open source software


Process that involves several paths or approaches to problem solving a. didactic b. iterative c. inductive d. sequential


Tech that transmits voice communications over Internet rather than telephone lines is a. digiphone b. voice over IP (VOIP) c. Wi-fi d. digital communications


What is a telephone technology that answers and routes calls? a. voice mail router b. automatic call distributor c. traffic management system d. telephone response system


13.While staffing a help desk, a customer brings in his computer and explains that he installed an additional drive into the computer. Prior to installing the drive, the computer worked; now it won't even power up-no lights, nothing. When he takes out the drive, everything works. What is the most likely problem? a. dead hard drive b. dead power supply c. insufficient wattage provided by the power supply d. insufficient wattage provided by the electrical outlet


21. A customer asks for the maximum range of current Bluetooth devices. How would you respond? a. 1 meter b. 3 feet c. 10 meters d. 300 feet


22. A customer wants to create a wireless network with the maximum throughput speed? How will you respond when the customer asks for the maximum speed? a. 2 mbps b. 11 mbps c. 54 mbps d. 4 mbps


23. An employee calls the help desk and reports that he deleted a critical file from his USB flash drive and that he cannot find it in the recycle bin. What can you do to help him? a. Tell the employee to go to My Documents and look for it there. b. Tell the employee to open My Computer and then choose Tools-Folder Options and then to view hidden files. c. Nothing. You can't recover the file from the recycle bin when deleted from a USB flash drive. d. Right click the recycle bin and select properties from the menu.


24. What would you do to move a client's essential files and folders to his new computer? a. disk cleanup b. migrate wizard c. file and settings transfer wizard d. put it on a flash drive and move it to the new computer


29. A customer calls your help desk and asks what she can do to protect her computer from malicious users. She will be connecting to a cable modem. What would you suggest that she have? a. a Windows defender b. a network domain c. a firewall d. a router


30.A customer calls and gives you several different options of passwords that he would like to use on his bank accounts. What one would you say is the most secure? a. Robert b. RobertB c. RoBert!8* d. robert8*


4.A staff member in another department calls and said his computer "doesn't work." What would be a good first question to ask? a. Did the computer ever work? b. When did the computer work last? c. When you say "doesn't work," what do you mean? What happens when you press the power button? d. What are you trying to do?


8.A customer calls and indicates his mouse is not functioning properly. When he moves the moves, sometimes the mouse will jump across the screen and sometimes it won't move at all. lt seems to click as the customer moves it. You learn it is not an optical mouse. You assume that the mouse ball is dirty and needs to be cleaned. How would you suggest the client clean the mouse ball? a. Take out the mouse ball and wash it in the sink. Use a wet rag to clean off the top of the mouse. b. Spray window cleaner on it and wipe it off with paper towel. c. Use rubbing alcohol with a cotton swab to clean it off. d. Use a pencil eraser to clean it.


Device filters out noise from service desk that the customer may hear (e.g., phone ringing, people talking) a. audio cancellation monitor b. audio defibrillator c. noise-canceling microphone d. noise-canceling headset


Filtering process that helps agents identify problems and quickly respond to requests for info, often w/o initiating formal incident a. verifying b. qualifying c. pre-screening d. authenticating


Name when you try to troubleshoot a help desk problem, analyze one's thought processes, and say,"Where did I go wrong solving this problem?" a. hypothesis testing b. deductive reasoning c. metacognition d. Creative processing


Refers to hardware or software that appears in ads or press releases but not yet available for sale a. patches b. versions c. vaporware d. shareware


Standard set of text, questions, behaviors particularly useful when providing technical support a. priorities b. target resolutions c. script d. directives


The act of using words to influence your thinking in positive way a. self-recrimination b. self-monitoring c. positive self-talk d. self-assessment


What is it called when a user interacts with a database of info by pressing keys on a telephone or speaking simple works into telephone? a. TPR-teleprompting b. RAC-response administration control c. IVR-interactive voice response d. VQ-voice queuing


What is the end result of a needs analysis project? a. I-P-O chart b. terminal procedure c. deliverable d. Gantt chart


Which of the following is not an electronic threat to security of computer systems? a. proliferation of malware b. lack of encrypted data transmission c. keypad entry locks permitting unauthorized access d. OS software bugs permitting access by unauthorized users


Which one of the following asks customers to provide feedback on recently obtained support services? a. customer profile survey b. customer change form c. customer satisfaction survey d. customer service order form


1. A request that is beyond capabilities of service desk are: A. terminal service request B. global service request C. intermediary service request D. out-of-scope service request


1.A customer calls your help desk and begins to explain in detail what happened when he tried to use his Internet browser and how he attempted to fix the problem. At what point should you interrupt him? a. after he describes the first issue b. after you have an answer to his problem c. as soon as you understand what happened d. never


11.A customer calls and asks a guaranteed way to protect your PC during a lightning storm. What would you suggest? a. make sure it is on a UPS b. make sure it is on a surge suppressor c. turn off the comouter d. unplug the computer and all of its components


18. A customer has a digital camera that uses SD cards. She wants to be able to view the contents of the card on her computer. What would you suggest she install on her computer? a. a 3.5" floppy drive b. a zio drive c. a scanner d. a card reader


3.You are staffing a help desk. You receive a call from a client who indicates she lost a spreadsheet file that she is certain she saved to her hard drive. Which of the following statements would you use to direct the client to open My Document in the most efficient manner possible? a. How can you not remember where you saved a file? They save automatically to My Documents so look there. b. Click the start and move your mouse until it moves over My Documents. Left click, and open My Documents. c. Open your spreadsheet program, choose file menu and open, and then navigate to My Documents. d. Most programs automatically save to a folder called My Documents. There is usually an icon on your desktop for My Documents. Double click and open it and let's talk about what you see in that folder


5.You are troubleshooting a problem for a client at her desk, and your client is explaining the problem to you. Your cell phone rings, and you see it is your supervisor. What would be an acceptable action for you to take? a. Politely interrupt her, excuse yourself, and answer the phone. b. Call your boss from your client's phone as soon as she finishes what she is saying. c. Immediately answer your cell phone. d. Wait until your client finishes her description and run through any simple things you could try to solve the problem. Then explain that you need to call your boss on your cell phone.


7.A staff member calls and indicates that her mouse is not working. The pointer on the screen will not move. What can you suggest to the staff member by phone to do to solve the problem? What would be the last thing you would try to solve the problem? a. restart the computer. b. check to see if the mouse is plugged in. c. move the mouse to another USB port. d. replace the mouse with another mouse


Healthy form of stress that keeps you motivated and enables a sense of accomplishment a. ministries b. resistance c. environmental stress d. eustress


Learning method on higher continuum of retention/performance a. listening b. observing c. reading d. problem solving


Name of when a person performs corrective action that repairs, replaces, or modifies source of help desk incident/problem a. decision b. ticketing c. modification d. resolution


Periodically checks a vendor's website for recommended updates a. update diagnosis b. software downloads c. software monitoring d. automatic updates


Sequence of tasks that must be completed on time to meet a project's deadline a. task assignments b. project scenario c. task trafficking d. critical path


Term refers to incident that is causing significant business impact? a. service request incident b. trouble ticket incident c. malfunction incident d. major incident


To raise an incident from one level to another is known as: a. triumvirate b. deliberate c. negotiate d. escalate


To recognize learning as the labor of the Information Age refers to: a. synthesizing work and outcome b. remaining stagnant in the Information Age c. affording a hybrid approach to technology d. taking the time and energy to continually update and improve knowledge and skills


Verify that corrective action was successful and that all incident and problem details are recorded accurately and completed a. incident management b. traffic monitoring c. problem analysis d. closure


Which one is not common remote support tech? a. remote control system b. remote monitoring system c. self-healing system d. process management system



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Intended to instruct or moralize excessively


Repetition Form, adaptation of something

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